The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36 [UPDATE: Post 1]

Re: Fans have been at the 02 all day to honor Michael

hey ive also been blasting his music

when i came home from playing my flute with some awesome people, i blasted whatever happens out the car

i think people like it too :D

'Signature are dancing right now. IMO so disrespectful. Taking the spotlight away from Michael, and trying to increase their fame. MUGS!'
im in love with this twitter comment hahahaha
i have nothing against signature, its just the comment itself i found amusing

i think i just have an odd sense of humor :p
Re: Fans have been at the 02 all day to honor Michael

Thanks thanks thanks for this guys!
Im happy because these ballons have done smile our beloved Michael.
Re: Fans have been at the 02 all day to honor Michael

I hate being 15.

It's the one and only reason why I never saw Michael. I couldn't travel alone and I was supposed to see him concert for the first time on the 24th...

his this is it concerts would also of been my first time
i only turned 16 nearly a week ago
i was so looking foward to it
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

the post about being lynched...okay you can laugh at me, feel free too...i had to look up what that word meant

i wish there'd be another post already!
its been 2 hours :p
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I've been at work all day while following what's going on via Twitter. Saw the pics. Loved the balloons, that was a great idea. Janena and Jenny are there. Got a pm from them earlier. Going to text them now and see whats going on. Hope everyone has a great time. Can't wait to see more pics and some video would be great. Michael is smiling down on you all for sure. :)
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Re: Fans have been at the 02 all day to honor Michael

We should all be glad we were around to at least live during the MJ era
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

For those who went, I was the guy in the red shirt and black v-neck sleeveless top. I'm a damn newbie so I dared not to speak. :p
Re: Fans have been at the 02 all day to honor Michael

I TRULY WISH I COULD BE THERE SO BAD! But I live in America and my passport still wasn't in, AND I wouldn't have been able to go to London anyway.... Thank you guys for making this happen!!!!
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

omg how was it ?
you gotta give us the details ! :D
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

yeah! details please!!!! :)
Re: Fans have been at the 02 all day to honor Michael

I hate being 15.

It's the one and only reason why I never saw Michael. I couldn't travel alone and I was supposed to see him concert for the first time on the 24th...

i hate being 17!
would have loved to have been there today but couldn't afford/ wasn't allowed to get the train alone. I'm also very jealous of all the people who were around for his other tours.
Re: Fans have been at the 02 all day to honor Michael

i hate being 17!
would have loved to have been there today but couldn't afford/ wasn't allowed to get the train alone. I'm also very jealous of all the people who were around for his other tours.

i'm 17 too this was going to be my first time seeiing him its just unfair
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

For those who went, I was the guy in the red shirt and black v-neck sleeveless top. I'm a damn newbie so I dared not to speak. :p

and i was the girl with a white grey waistcoat thing on with him..

we watche dyou guys blow up your balloons but we were to scared!

Anyways details..

i got there around 6:45pm just found out a silence was held that i missed at 6:30pm!
Anyways got there atmosphare was really good holding hands singing then everyone went round like like a big conga line type thing.

Then everyone just in hurdles randomly dancing and singing
then went to go sign our messages on the boards..

then there was a lot of chanting for Michael and then like signature did an awesome performance which was good...
then i saw the guys from MJJC being attacked by people tryn get balloons of them even though they were to realise

then them lot went behind the wall thing.. i went and watched them blow up the balloons they held hands walked back into the crowd and let it go.. amazing moment..

i was just to shy to say hi i'm cheek cuz no1 wudnt have known who i was!

It was great but one thing was missing..
Michael himself :(
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

aw it sounds like it was an awesome event, and something you'll probably remember for the rest of your life.

do you know how long, if they are going to be, the boards will be kept up ?

Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

Just got back to my hotel from the 02. Enjoyed tonight but it could have been a lot better.
The fans tried their best and for the best part everyone had a good time but unfortunately the O2 did as little as possible to assist. Come on guys would it have been too much trouble to give us some sound!!!
Apart from 5 or 6 stillls they kept repeating on the screens that was their contribution.
But fair play to everyone who tried to make themselves heard you all did a great job and it was a fun night.
Surprised by signature being there and some of the dancers who performed have got the moves off to a tee and as for the michael jackson lookalike thought he was amazin the sight outside starbucks when he was inside and all the crowds outisde talkng pictures through the windows lol. Imagine the scene if it really was him!!
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

aw it sounds like it was an awesome event, and something you'll probably remember for the rest of your life.

do you know how long, if they are going to be, the boards will be kept up ?


from what i read there removing after 16th july i think that sucks

and oh my gosh i missed this lookalike!!
i have to see pics!
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

Just got back from the o2...
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Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I went to the vigil, just got back... it was sooo good!! Amazing tribute to the King of Pop! I love that man who wore an authentic white & gold MJ jacket , I asked how much it was and he said it was £300!! A few of the dancers were good too... when we lit candles it was so special.

(I was the girl in a shirt and tie with a waistcoat, black jacket etc. and the signature MJ white sock/black shoe... I was possibly the only woman wearing a tie!)

R.I.P MJ, I love you soooo much
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Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

For those who went, I was the guy in the red shirt and black v-neck sleeveless top. I'm a damn newbie so I dared not to speak. :p

you should have gone up and met some of the staff, they dont bite, often! hehehe :) hope you guys had a great time my party is continuing with HIStory Tour Live in Brunei! :)
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

and i was the girl with a white grey waistcoat thing on with him..

we watche dyou guys blow up your balloons but we were to scared!

I was helping blow up the balloons (I was wearing a black and white dress) and I was helping a girl who I'd only just met. You should have said hi. Loads of the people I met today were on their own and were lovely!
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I was helping blow up the balloons (I was wearing a black and white dress) and I was helping a girl who I'd only just met. You should have said hi. Loads of the people I met today were on their own and were lovely!

Yeah i watched you guys for a while behind the wall thing but i dunno someone kinda scared me a bit when someone said " a lot of these people are hear just cuz they had booked flights and tickets there not hear to pay tribute really" ( sorry to whoever said that but maybe i only catched part of the convo but i didn't like it..
people were there cuz they wanted to be i didn't wanna start an argument and cuz i'm not as hardcore fans as you guys i guess i didn't feel worthy to join in lol
silly i no!

I've got a few pics of the balloon stuff though..shall i upload?
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

Just got back from there now. Wow what a fantastic night.

Too bad I don't live in the area, or the trains run 24-hours. Would have stayed there all night dancing away!
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

Yeah i watched you guys for a while behind the wall thing but i dunno someone kinda scared me a bit when someone said " a lot of these people are hear just cuz they had booked flights and tickets there not hear to pay tribute really" ( sorry to whoever said that but maybe i only catched part of the convo but i didn't like it..
people were there cuz they wanted to be i didn't wanna start an argument and cuz i'm not as hardcore fans as you guys i guess i didn't feel worthy to join in lol
silly i no!

I've got a few pics of the balloon stuff though..shall i upload?

oooo, we didn't have no arguments, we was all happy in that room. You must have got the wrong end of the stick. Sorry if we scared you off!
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

oooo, we didn't have no arguments, we was all happy in that room. You must have got the wrong end of the stick. Sorry if we scared you off!

aww its Ok..

I said hi to andy though i didn't say who i was cuz i doubt he would know who cheeko was but it was great seeing what you guys did.. next time like on MJs bday or something i will defo approach you guys with ease :) or even meet up before hand at the clubhouse at least that way you no exactly who is who!
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

Just got back now. Thanks for an amazing day - was good to finally meet you.
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

hey i just got back from the vigil...just wanted to register my disgust...i'm sure NOTHING to do with the respectful people from here, just to make that clear. I was one of the people with the balloons (white tank, braces, fedora..and sore fingers as i was knotting the balloons lol).

I got to the o2 bout 6.30. Cudnt make the clubhouse cos i hadnt slept all night due to being so upset bout the whole situation. I came down to say my last goodbye to michael, and to mourn with fans just like i had in LA and at the o2 the day after his passing. But I arrived to see not a vigil but a fan party. People on the "stage" (which was actually to be to put flowers and stuff down on!) singing and IMO trying to get the attention of the press, and people standing round in circles seeing who cud do the moves the best! With smaller groups actually sitting round holding their own little vigils. I understand that people had different points of views on what today should have been...a celebration / a vigil / a mourning / a party etc, and thats fine! What annoys me is when SOME people / groups prevent others from paying their last respects!!!

At first some balloons were blown up to be handed out to later be released, but as soon as this poor girl walked out she was mobbed by people snatching them like they were a party gift not understanding what they were for or even asking! they were just rude!!! So we gave up and decided to go round the corner and blow them up where we cudnt be seen and then walk out and release them. 50 balloons for 50 dates and 50 years of life. (btw it wasnt me saying those things bout train tickets but i know who it was...and it was at the disgust of the people who had just mobbed us, you should have come over, cos we wanted people from mjjc involved!) So we walked out hand in hand and released them. Lovely moment, and best part of it all. We then decided to all go have a break and come back and do the rest of the balloons to be released after a minutes silence for MJs TOD...this is where it all went wrong!!!

So we blew up the balloons and decided to go to the "stage" which currently had performers on to ask them if we cud have 2 minute without music to go up, and get everyone to have a minute silence and release the balloons. First we were ignored, then we were told to wait till the performer was done, we said that we wanted to do it on his time of death, we were told to do it 11 (clearly had no respect for the time he actually passed). We were not allowed to go on the "stage". When we spoke to the security he said "shes said she don't want anyone on stage apart from performers" i said "who's she?!" he said "the organiser...the woman in charge"...ERM EXCUSE ME!? THE ORGANISER WAS WITH US!!! AND NO ONE WAS IN CHARGE! grrrrrr. we'd been hijacked! If it wasn't for people here they wudn't have the wipe boards and stuff!! after some debate we gave up, separated with one person standing next the individual candle light vigils and let the ballloons go (the guys on stage and stuff cheered even tho they wudnt let us do it in the first place!!).

After that we had enough. It was clear that this was nothing to do with michael or people mourning for him. This was about the impersonaters trying to get in the spotlight and get some fame off of MJs fame. There was a horrible atmosphere and it was so segregated. So many people were so disrespectful, and were there for the wrong reasons. I feel sorry for the people who had come such a long way to say goodbye, and didn't get the chance.

OH and they had a minute silence after 11...cos they weren't allowed to have music anymore due to noise pollution regulations so they cud no longer make it about them!!!!

I would like to say thank you to the MJJC member who was on the "stage" who tried to stick up for us, saying that no one was in charge...shame they didn't listen, but at least you tried so thank you!

Im glad to hear some people enjoyed it and got to say goodbye how they liked. I was quite happy to sit in our own little group, swap stories, light candles, sing songs. We didn't want to be part of the "party" and thats was our choice, thats fine, but to stop us from showing our respects because they wanted to perform, was just plain wrong!

Sorry for the rant, but im so devastated at this situation. Gonna light some candles, watch my MJ dvds, and say goodbye in peace :(
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Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

i will upload some pics of the balloon moment tomorrow, but im sure andy has got loads but probably not home yet