The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36 [UPDATE: Post 1]

Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

At first some balloons were blown up to be handed out to later be released, but as soon as this poor girl walked out she was mobbed by people snatching them like they were a party gift not understanding what they were for or even asking! they were just rude!!! So we gave up and decided to go round the corner and blow them up where we cudnt be seen and then walk out and release them. 50 balloons for 50 dates and 50 years of life. (btw it wasnt me saying those things bout train tickets but i know who it was...and it was at the disgust of the people who had just mobbed us, you should have come over, cos we wanted people from mjjc involved!) So we walked out hand in hand and released them. Lovely moment, and best part of it all. We then decided to all go have a break and come back and do the rest of the balloons to be released after a minutes silence for MJs TOD...this is where it all went wrong!!!

I guess i should have but oh well i did see you though and your in one of my pics lol
and yeah like i said i did only catch a bit of the convo so i shouldn't really make a judgment on it...
i left at 9 after the first set of balloons... such a shame how it turned out after..
I feel really sorry for you guys..
cuz your right there was no official person in charge just lots of different people..
such a shame..
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

i will upload some pics of the balloon moment tomorrow, but im sure andy has got loads but probably not home yet

that would be fantastic, we are very excited to see them! cant wait :)
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I guess i should have but oh well i did see you though and your in one of my pics lol
and yeah like i said i did only catch a bit of the convo so i shouldn't really make a judgment on it...
i left at 9 after the first set of balloons... such a shame how it turned out after..
I feel really sorry for you guys..
cuz your right there was no official person in charge just lots of different people..
such a shame..

yea i can see how it would have sounded..but we was just angry and venting lol We should be doing something for his bday, come join us then! We are going to do it properly without the circus!
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

i've got some pictures of the balloon moment!! i was so proud of you guys i knew it was you but at first i couldnt find you... and then i got all shy because i didnt think you'd know who i was, but at the second balloon thing i was helping light the RIP MJ candles which looked amazing! I have to agree that the people on the stage were taking charge and acting as if they owned the place... who the hell were they?! does anyone know? But well done to all of you who took part with the balloon stuff, very touching.. i enjoyed my night overall, but things could have been better... :)
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

that would be fantastic, we are very excited to see them! cant wait :)

my mum took some...but shes gone to bed and i dont know where she put the camera lol, i will try and find it for ya! x
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

What we all saw when we got up there.

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Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

i've got some pictures of the balloon moment!! i was so proud of you guys i knew it was you but at first i couldnt find you... and then i got all shy because i didnt think you'd know who i was, but at the second balloon thing i was helping light the RIP MJ candles which looked amazing! I have to agree that the people on the stage were taking charge and acting as if they owned the place... who the hell were they?! does anyone know? But well done to all of you who took part with the balloon stuff, very touching.. i enjoyed my night overall, but things could have been better... :)

ahh i think it was you guys i let my balloons go next to!
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

ahh i think it was you guys i let my balloons go next to!

yeah when i was helping to light the candles a few more MJJC balloons were released by countdown! was that youu?
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

yea i can see how it would have sounded..but we was just angry and venting lol We should be doing something for his bday, come join us then! We are going to do it properly without the circus!
Even though i wasn't involved it was nice watching you guys..
and defo will join you guys properly next time :)
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

Hope your fingers get better soon Katzr. I was the girl tying most of the ribbons onto your balloons. *waves*
My thoughts on tonight -
Some of the fans were amazing people, welcoming and giving.
Some of the fans were just there for what they could get out of it.
Some of them thought that they owned MJ and that he is their property and they didn't want to share.
People are fallible. I just try and focus on the first group.
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

yeah when i was helping to light the candles a few more MJJC balloons were released by countdown! was that youu?

Yea i was the big mouth who started the countdown (blonde wavey hair, fedora, black trousers, white tank, braces) lol
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I just added a balloon pic to the thread that Big DB linked.
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

i arrived early so i could sit and reflect, write on the wall and take in the memorial wall. the party/celebrative part only really got started after about 4pm. took quite a few pics, will post them soon, probably tomorrow.

i dont remmebr any of the balloon bit, lol, but i had to leave at around 7-ish.
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

Yea i was the big mouth who started the countdown (blonde wavey hair, fedora, black trousers, white tank, braces) lol

Haha.. i dont remember seeing you but im sure i did :) what did you think of the night?
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

hey i just got back from the vigil...just wanted to register my disgust...i'm sure NOTHING to do with the respectful people from here, just to make that clear. I was one of the people with the balloons (white tank, braces, fedora..and sore fingers as i was knotting the balloons lol).

I got to the o2 bout 6.30. Cudnt make the clubhouse cos i hadnt slept all night due to being so upset bout the whole situation. I came down to say my last goodbye to michael, and to mourn with fans just like i had in LA and at the o2 the day after his passing. But I arrived to see not a vigil but a fan party. People on the "stage" (which was actually to be to put flowers and stuff down on!) singing and IMO trying to get the attention of the press, and people standing round in circles seeing who cud do the moves the best! With smaller groups actually sitting round holding their own little vigils. I understand that people had different points of views on what today should have been...a celebration / a vigil / a mourning / a party etc, and thats fine! What annoys me is when SOME people / groups prevent others from paying their last respects!!!

At first some balloons were blown up to be handed out to later be released, but as soon as this poor girl walked out she was mobbed by people snatching them like they were a party gift not understanding what they were for or even asking! they were just rude!!! So we gave up and decided to go round the corner and blow them up where we cudnt be seen and then walk out and release them. 50 balloons for 50 dates and 50 years of life. (btw it wasnt me saying those things bout train tickets but i know who it was...and it was at the disgust of the people who had just mobbed us, you should have come over, cos we wanted people from mjjc involved!) So we walked out hand in hand and released them. Lovely moment, and best part of it all. We then decided to all go have a break and come back and do the rest of the balloons to be released after a minutes silence for MJs TOD...this is where it all went wrong!!!

So we blew up the balloons and decided to go to the "stage" which currently had performers on to ask them if we cud have 2 minute without music to go up, and get everyone to have a minute silence and release the balloons. First we were ignored, then we were told to wait till the performer was done, we said that we wanted to do it on his time of death, we were told to do it 11 (clearly had no respect for the time he actually passed). We were not allowed to go on the "stage". When we spoke to the security he said "shes said she don't want anyone on stage apart from performers" i said "who's she?!" he said "the organiser...the woman in charge"...ERM EXCUSE ME!? THE ORGANISER WAS WITH US!!! AND NO ONE WAS IN CHARGE! grrrrrr. we'd been hijacked! If it wasn't for people here they wudn't have the wipe boards and stuff!! after some debate we gave up, separated with one person standing next the individual candle light vigils and let the ballloons go (the guys on stage and stuff cheered even tho they wudnt let us do it in the first place!!).

After that we had enough. It was clear that this was nothing to do with michael or people mourning for him. This was about the impersonaters trying to get in the spotlight and get some fame off of MJs fame. There was a horrible atmosphere and it was so segregated. So many people were so disrespectful, and were there for the wrong reasons. I feel sorry for the people who had come such a long way to say goodbye, and didn't get the chance.

OH and they had a minute silence after 11...cos they weren't allowed to have music anymore due to noise pollution regulations so they cud no longer make it about them!!!!

I would like to say thank you to the MJJC member who was on the "stage" who tried to stick up for us, saying that no one was in charge...shame they didn't listen, but at least you tried so thank you!

Im glad to hear some people enjoyed it and got to say goodbye how they liked. I was quite happy to sit in our own little group, swap stories, light candles, sing songs. We didn't want to be part of the "party" and thats was our choice, thats fine, but to stop us from showing our respects because they wanted to perform, was just plain wrong!

Sorry for the rant, but im so devastated at this situation. Gonna light some candles, watch my MJ dvds, and say goodbye in peace :(

You know what I agree with you here. I'm a complete newbie so I didn't want to be the first to say anything but I have to admit things didn't seem right. I got to the o2 half an hour or so early to find a load of people partying where the flowers should have been. I wish now I had been brave and come to the clubhouse beforehand so I knew who some of you were, as all I could find were people wanting to party or grab attention.

I think I heard one of you say "they may have the stage, but they can't take this away from us". I assume this was talking about the people who had hijacked the stage and were turning the vigil into a party. I also saw the greedy balloon snatchers and wondered what the hell these people thought they were attending.

I found myself wondering around not sure where I was supposed to be as there was so much seperation going on. I had hoped that everyone would come together more as the evening went on but they didn't really. I'm glad there was some candle lighting going on from most people at least at one point. I left at about 10:15 not really sure what to do with myself. This just didn't feel right.

If there is going to be another event in the future I hope I will be a bit more established here and have the confidence to go to the clubhouse first. I might have felt a bit better that way. Today I felt alone in a crowd. And some of the crowd seemed to be there for all the wrong reasons (not you guys obviously, and I wish I had seen the balloon releasing behind the fence)
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

have u not read my rant a page back?! lol

ohh yeah of course.. haha.. yeah i know the people on the stage were wrong ALL night.. they seriously acted like they owned the place and were kinda boring! but there were some groups of people who were doing the right thing. Did you see the kinda dance group at the back doing the dangerous dance?!
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

If there is going to be another event in the future I hope I will be a bit more established here and have the confidence to go to the clubhouse first. I might have felt a bit better that way. Today I felt alone in a crowd. And some of the crowd seemed to be there for all the wrong reasons (not you guys obviously, and I wish I had seen the balloon releasing behind the fence)

I agree with you here.. thats kinda how i felt today something was missing cuz i imagined everyone holding hands in a circle even seating on the floor singing songs like heal the world etc.. candles and what not..

i did feel a bit empty to and i think i had a better goodbye the monday stright after his death when i went to the 02...
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

You know what I agree with you here. I'm a complete newbie so I didn't want to be the first to say anything but I have to admit things didn't seem right. I got to the o2 half an hour or so early to find a load of people partying where the flowers should have been. I wish now I had been brave and come to the clubhouse beforehand so I knew who some of you were, as all I could find were people wanting to party or grab attention.

I think I heard one of you say "they may have the stage, but they can't take this away from us". I assume this was talking about the people who had hijacked the stage and were turning the vigil into a party. I also saw the greedy balloon snatchers and wondered what the hell these people thought they were attending.

I found myself wondering around not sure where I was supposed to be as there was so much seperation going on. I had hoped that everyone would come together more as the evening went on but they didn't really. I'm glad there was some candle lighting going on from most people at least at one point. I left at about 10:15 not really sure what to do with myself. This just didn't feel right.

If there is going to be another event in the future I hope I will be a bit more established here and have the confidence to go to the clubhouse first. I might have felt a bit better that way. Today I felt alone in a crowd. And some of the crowd seemed to be there for all the wrong reasons (not you guys obviously, and I wish I had seen the balloon releasing behind the fence)

There were quite a few who didnt just want to "party", me being one of them, i had nothing against the partying tho, because im sure thats what Michael would have wanted us to be doing, celebrating his music. However, there should have been some sort of reasoning between the two, if you had talked to some people you could have find some that felt the same as you :) anyway i hope your ok! Michael is proud of us im sure of it!! :)
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I agree with you here.. thats kinda how i felt today something was missing cuz i imagined everyone holding hands in a circle even seating on the floor singing songs like heal the world etc.. candles and what not..

i did feel a bit empty to and i think i had a better goodbye the monday stright after his death when i went to the 02...

Yeah that's how I thought it would be, particularly towards the evening. I've literally come home and just become all tearful because I STILL don't feel like I have said goodbye properly, and I thought I would have today :'(
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I came to the 02 straight from Southend saw quite a few people milling about and when I saw the video screen saying:

"Michael Jackson 1958 - 2009"

That really and seriously brought it all home to me and it felt like someone had ripped my heart out, I wrote on the message board and glad I did now because much later it was brimming with messages.

Met up with a contact off facebook then made my way to the clubhouse wishing I knew who was who otherwise I would have said so, the rest I'll write more about later :D

But needless to say when we got back to the 02 I have to say it wasnt quite what I expected and as I said to Gary "It felt almost like a mockery." the way people were jeering and stuff sorry if that sounds blunt.
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I came to the 02 straight from Southend saw quite a few people milling about and when I saw the video screen saying:

"Michael Jackson 1958 - 2009"

That really and seriously brought it all home to me and it felt like someone had ripped my heart out, I wrote on the message board and glad I did now because much later it was brimming with messages.

Met up with a contact off facebook then made my way to the clubhouse wishing I knew who was who otherwise I would have said so, the rest I'll write more about later :D

But needless to say when we got back to the 02 I have to say it wasnt quite what I expected and as I said to Gary "It felt almost like a mockery." the way people were jeering and stuff sorry if that sounds blunt.

Blunt but true
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

Yeah that's how I thought it would be, particularly towards the evening. I've literally come home and just become all tearful because I STILL don't feel like I have said goodbye properly, and I thought I would have today :'(

sigh well whats happened has happened now i guess...

maybe it will be better on his bday..
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

sigh well whats happened has happened now i guess...

maybe it will be better on his bday..

I really hope so. Sounds like you and me both need to go to the clubhouse beforehand next time.
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I really hope so. Sounds like you and me both need to go to the clubhouse beforehand next time.

yeap and we will :)
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

Great, we can be newbies together lol

but you wont be newbies for long tho! the magic will fade away! but spose then you can be oldies together :lol:
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

Just back home from O2 now.. Have to say it was a mixed event, true.. But hugging so many "strangers" never felt better!! I felt like I was hugging Michael in each and every loving fan I've met there today, everyone united for Michael..
I'll post pics tomorw. xx
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

You know what I agree with you here. I'm a complete newbie so I didn't want to be the first to say anything but I have to admit things didn't seem right. I got to the o2 half an hour or so early to find a load of people partying where the flowers should have been. I wish now I had been brave and come to the clubhouse beforehand so I knew who some of you were, as all I could find were people wanting to party or grab attention.

I think I heard one of you say "they may have the stage, but they can't take this away from us". I assume this was talking about the people who had hijacked the stage and were turning the vigil into a party. I also saw the greedy balloon snatchers and wondered what the hell these people thought they were attending.

I found myself wondering around not sure where I was supposed to be as there was so much seperation going on. I had hoped that everyone would come together more as the evening went on but they didn't really. I'm glad there was some candle lighting going on from most people at least at one point. I left at about 10:15 not really sure what to do with myself. This just didn't feel right.

If there is going to be another event in the future I hope I will be a bit more established here and have the confidence to go to the clubhouse first. I might have felt a bit better that way. Today I felt alone in a crowd. And some of the crowd seemed to be there for all the wrong reasons (not you guys obviously, and I wish I had seen the balloon releasing behind the fence)

Im glad you agree with me. Cos our little group (balloon lot) felt like we were alone in this! I think mjjc will have to do our own little one, where we can all be together without the "performers"!

I agree with you here.. thats kinda how i felt today something was missing cuz i imagined everyone holding hands in a circle even seating on the floor singing songs like heal the world etc.. candles and what not..

i did feel a bit empty to and i think i had a better goodbye the monday stright after his death when i went to the 02...

Thats exactly what we did the day after. We all sat around in our own little groups in reflection for a few hours till we all started to introduce ourselves and come together. Then as night fell we all lit candles in a heart shape around the flowers on the "stage", held hands and sang together. Had a moment of silence at his time of death and just comforted each other. It was emotional and beautiful. Sure we had a lil celebration where we sang more upbeat songs, but it was together when everyone was ready!

I was hoping it would be like that today but on a larger scale, but there was just too many people with different ideas...maybe we can make it happen a different day...