The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

Both Wendi and Zinnia missing now? 😳
Yeah, I noticed that too((( Zinia seems to have taken a break. Which is probably a good thing, because that's what she wanted. I miss her presence though(((( And Wendy. I don't know, but I'm looking forward to her return.

Yes, I miss them, too.
Taking a break from social media/MJJC is understandable, I do this too, at times. But I worry when other people do it :confused:

Let´s hope they return soon, and let´s keep this thread alive :love:

This is a tradition in my area as well. Especially older women are literal artists. The grandmother of my sister in law (she died some years ago and was well over 90) crocheted almost up to her passing. My family still has some of her amazing work.

We call it "filethäkeln"

Filethäkeln III – Spezialstiche | hookalike handiworx


Häkelanleitung Filethäkeln Decke verzopft 2 Größen

Yes, I miss them, too.
Taking a break from social media/MJJC is understandable, I do this too, at times. But I worry when other people do it :confused:
That's very understandable))))
I've been thinking about taking breaks and I'm assuming that if I don't post here for a long time, I probably won't come back. So I'm not even going to do that. Not yet, anyway.
Let´s hope they return soon, and let´s keep this thread alive :love:

@bluemoon7 @Agonum @Fuzball You've all been here so long. What kind of long breaks have you had?
This is a tradition in my area as well. Especially older women are literal artists. The grandmother of my sister in law (she died some years ago and was well over 90) crocheted almost up to her passing. My family still has some of her amazing work.

We call it "filethäkeln"

Filethäkeln III – Spezialstiche | hookalike handiworx


Häkelanleitung Filethäkeln Decke verzopft 2 Größen

It's so beautiful! 🥰🥰🥰
It takes talent patience, manual dexterity and a special mindset to do something like this. It's definitely a work of art.😍😍😍 It used to be popular and my mom used to make these.
That's very understandable))))
I've been thinking about taking breaks and I'm assuming that if I don't post here for a long time, I probably won't come back. So I'm not even going to do that. Not yet, anyway.


@bluemoon7 @Agonum @Fuzball You've all been here so long. What kind of long breaks have you had?
I don’t know about long. I’ve taken shorter breaks, a couple of weeks or so.
“Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society.”
Mark Twain​
The idea's catching.. Not just the clothes, of course. We have an ancient proverb - "You meet people by their clothes and see them off by their minds". And its original meaning is that it is not so important how you are dressed, but the attitude towards you will eventually be formed by how smart you are.
In order to be recognized, to be appreciated, and then properly escorted you need to be greeted first anyway. And they meet you by the way you're dressed ...

And it's funny, I was just watching clips from the movie The Devil Wears Prada. And it's in there too. I was even surprised to see it now, because my thoughts were related to this theme of appearance and its role.
Looked up more Mark Twain quotes and he has many that I liked.
Like this one.
"Laughter without a tinge of philosophy is but a sneeze of humor. Genuine humor is replete with wisdom."
really good point
Looked up more Mark Twain quotes and he has many that I liked.
Like this one.
"Laughter without a tinge of philosophy is but a sneeze of humor. Genuine humor is replete with wisdom."
really good point


But sometimes you just gotta sneeze-laugh ... it feels good 😁
“Breaking up is like knocking over a Coke machine. You can’t do it in one push; you got to rock it back and forth a few times, and then it goes over.”
Jerry Seinfeld​
"Je veux dire aux enfants du monde, vous ĂŞtes tous nos enfants, chacun de vous est mon enfant et je vous aime tous." - Michael Jackson

Je suis l'enfant de Michael yaaaaay !

je suis aussi vĂŠgĂŠtarienne:)

Vous avez gagné la chance de participer à ce fil 😁

Oh merci c'est sympa, j'ai gagné le Awesome Participation Award😄

Vive les végétariens🥦
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But sometimes you just gotta sneeze-laugh ... it feels good 😁
Yes)))) "sneezing" humor is also nice and useful, I think it's absolutely necessary too. But it is humor with meaning that I particularly admire. For example, as in Men in the Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog).
Yes)))) "sneezing" humor is also nice and useful, I think it's absolutely necessary too. But it is humor with meaning that I particularly admire. For example, as in Men in the Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog).
What’s Men in the Boat?
This is a tradition in my area as well. Especially older women are literal artists. The grandmother of my sister in law (she died some years ago and was well over 90) crocheted almost up to her passing. My family still has some of her amazing work.

We call it "filethäkeln"

Filethäkeln III – Spezialstiche | hookalike handiworx


Häkelanleitung Filethäkeln Decke verzopft 2 Größen


So that looks nice! and it's very pretty