The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

Do you like the pre-Teddy version of Dangerous?
Mate, I don't even know if I've ever heard this. I'm not a completist. I haven't listened to everything Michael ever released let alone every demo / early version / whatever that's out there. Quite often I think I haven't heard something and then it turns out I have. But I don't have any memory of this thing.

Tbh, I don't really understand these convos. I'm happy with the albums as they are. Not bc I think they are perfect. There are very few works of art that have no room for improvement. But I'm happy to go with what Michael gave us and not torment myself over what might have been. Not having a go, btw. Just saying I can't really wrap my head around these ideas.

So who did the pre-Teddy version?
MJ & Bill Bottrell

That's the one I've just listened to. The notes say MJ and Bill and Teddy wrote it and MJ and Teddy produced it. In any case, it was perfectly fine but I didn't love it. I only listen to Dangerous if I'm watching the dance performance. The song itself, I can take it or leave it and I usually leave it. I wouldn't make an effort to listen to this version.

Watching Home Alone
I’m halfway through the movie, currently taking a short break to contemplate.
They look like this in Sweden (Corvus corone cornix):
Wow! They look so different to our lot!

Oh, I’m sorry, is that ravens? They look a little odd, I think? 🤔 Well, then, they look the same everwhere!
No, that photo I posted was crows. Or it was according to the caption. Certainly looked like them. I was thinking about Greek insults and that led me to the Twa Corbies. A poem usually included in Robert Burns' anthologies but also said to be an ancient Scottish ballad.

Here's the first verse:

The Twa Corbies​

As I was walking all alane,
I heard twa corbies making a mane;
The tane unto the t’other say,
‘Where sall we gang and dine to-day?’
Wow! They look so different to our lot!

No, that photo I posted was crows. Or it was according to the caption. Certainly looked like them. I was thinking about Greek insults and that led me to the Twa Corbies. A poem usually included in Robert Burns' anthologies but also said to be an ancient Scottish ballad.

Here's the first verse:

The Twa Corbies​

As I was walking all alane,
I heard twa corbies making a mane;
The tane unto the t’other say,
‘Where sall we gang and dine to-day?’
Glad that I got the species correct! The beak is too delicate for being a raven’s.