The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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well in just coming back in the house I turn on the tv to see the updates and I see...Murray will surrender tomorrow....They are saying that he wants to turn himself in so that the Media doesn't get a picture of the police putting him in handcuffs...because that picture would be played over and over now...what pisses me off about this???....Poor Michael was handcuffed and treated like a criminal...he was INNOCENT....he was made to look like a hard ass criminal....I dont know why Murray should be granted any special privileges....God I would LOVE to see Murray in handcuffs and to get treated like the scum that he is.
I see, he is right:

Involuntary Manslaughter, also known as criminally negligent homicide, occurs when a death is an indirect result of recklessness or negligence. This occurs when a person runs a red light and hits another vehicle and a person is killed.

If you have been charged with a homicide offense in Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, or Orange County, it is important that you seek the services of a criminal defense attorney with extensive experience with these types of cases. If you have been arrested or are under investigation for this offense in the Los Angeles or Southern California area, call Michael Kraut. Mr. Kraut understands the serious nature of this offense, how best to defend you, and how to resolve your case without you going to jail. Mr. Kraut has extensive knowledge of the law and the legal system. He has developed excellent relationships with law enforcement and law officials throughout the Los Angeles and Southern California.

Thanks for clarity because I thought is was one in the same.
well in just coming back in the house I turn on the tv to see the updates and I see...Murray will surrender tomorrow....They are saying that he wants to turn himself in so that the Media doesn't get a picture of the police putting him in handcuffs...because that picture would be played over and over now...what pisses me off about this???....Poor Michael was handcuffed and treated like a criminal...he was INNOCENT....he was made to look like a hard ass criminal....I dont know why Murray should be granted any special privileges....God I would LOVE to see Murray in handcuffs and to get treated like the scum that he is.

exactly! They had 80 policemen rade Michael's house, with helicopters flying over.

It was as dramatic as a hollywood movie.
Pages and pages back we had the handcuffs argument.

Why would anyone want any human being to be treated in an inhumane manner? It should not have been done to Michael back when it was done either.

Two wrongs don't make it a right.

No one should be subjected to that sort of humiliation. Remember that he has not been found guilty of any charge yet.

Again, we had this argument pages back.
exactly! They had 80 policemen rade Michael's house, with helicopters flying over.
Good point... and it took them how long till they secured the possible crime scene this time in Michaels house... oh and with how many policemen?:scratch:

Well the truth will prevail... I honestly do believe that... sooner or later it will.
When you are arrested they put you in handcuffs. That is what they do. If you were to ever get arrested they will put you in handcuffs. You better believe it. Madoff, Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson and countless others he should not get any different treatment than anyone else.
Handcuff that man. For telling us he shouldn't have given Michael enough drugs to kill him.

Yet, Michael WAS given enough drugs to kill him.

well in just coming back in the house I turn on the tv to see the updates and I see...Murray will surrender tomorrow....They are saying that he wants to turn himself in so that the Media doesn't get a picture of the police putting him in handcuffs...because that picture would be played over and over now...what pisses me off about this???....Poor Michael was handcuffed and treated like a criminal...he was INNOCENT....he was made to look like a hard ass criminal....I dont know why Murray should be granted any special privileges....God I would LOVE to see Murray in handcuffs and to get treated like the scum that he is.

That would be foolish. If you also recall, when they did that to Michael it backlash badly against him. If they do the same to Murray, it will gain him sympathy from people.

If you promote such a thing, you are no different than Sneddon who did those things to humiliate and demean Michael. This is not about guilt or innocent. This is about human dignity and he is a human, despite everything. If we allow this to happen because we don't like the guy and we wanted him to suffer, how can we defend someone else being trample over without being hypocrites? This is not the legacy we should be leaving for Michael and his kids.

Until proven guilty, he is protected by the rights of the law. Remember, every short term action have along term effect.
Pages and pages back we had the handcuffs argument.

Why would anyone want any human being to be treated in an inhumane manner? It should not have been done to Michael back when it was done either.

Two wrongs don't make it a right.

No one should be subjected to that sort of humiliation. Remember that he has not been found guilty of any charge yet.

Again, we had this argument pages back.

while I don't expect you to agree with my post ...this is fine....however.....Murray is a criminal...he deserves to be put in handcuffs...just like all the other criminals...
That would be foolish. If you also recall, when they did that to Michael it backlash badly against him. If they do the same to Murray, it will gain him sympathy from people.

If you promote such a thing, you are no different than Sneddon who did those things to humiliate and demean Michael. This is not about guilt or innocent. This is about human dignity and he is a human, despite everything. If we allow this to happen because we don't like the guy and we wanted him to suffer, how can we defend someone else being trample over without being hypocrites? This is not the legacy we should be leaving for Michael and his kids.

Until proven guilty, he is protected by the rights of the law. Remember, every short term action have along term effect.

I cannot speak for the children..however...I believe they would want to see their fathers murderer in handcuffs too.
Can't believe all this talk about not having him in handcuffs-the police and Sneddon were more than happy to have Mike in handcuffs, beamed across the world, later used for days, in order to humiliate him, despite the fact he handed himself in.
theres more important things to worry about than handcuffs etc
Pages and pages back we had the handcuffs argument.

Why would anyone want any human being to be treated in an inhumane manner? It should not have been done to Michael back when it was done either.

Two wrongs don't make it a right.

No one should be subjected to that sort of humiliation. Remember that he has not been found guilty of any charge yet.

Again, we had this argument pages back.
I cannot speak for the children..however...I believe they would want to see their fathers murderer in handcuffs too.

You, me, no one here speaks for his kids. You don't know how they may or may not feel when that day comes. It maybe joy, it maybe sadness, it maybe emptiness, we will never know.

In cases like this, they usually give the person in question a chance to surrender. They only break down you door, put you in cuffs, and throw you into the police car if you are a flight risk. That is what Sneddon was suppose to do and Michael was on his way to the station. They didn't have to meet him at airport and arrest him. He was already on his way there.

I am not saying he should or should not be in handcuffs, but he is not a criminal yet under the law. It is still innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around. Michael was rob of that right and I will not allow anyone else to go through that just because it will make me happy for a moment.

We are all better than this. Michael was better than this.
theres more important things to worry about than handcuffs etc
while you're right they would be a good beginning if it is true that everybody is put into handcuffs when arrested.
But yes I don't want to see him humiliated also... there is the danger it will bring him sympathy. I do think that strongly.
My view, yes please deal with him very correctly... just please get him... as hard as you can and it let it still be correct.
If he pleads not guilty as a educated cardiologist acting like that... he does need a lesson... a correct one but a very hard one.

Yeah and now don't jump on me that's just 'what everyone would do in his position legally blahhhh'.
There's law and the justice system, but then there's also personal intigrity and morals.

Yes I do care about justice and truth... very much and strongly... but please do not expect me to really care about that guy... I couldn't violate my very own soul and emotions that much... to care what's going on with him ever. I can not be that hypocrite with the person in the mirror.

Still I want to see him being treated correctly... for some reason. So if handcuffs are the usual, then they should be presented on him... it's late already for that anyways in my opinion.
You, me, no one here speaks for his kids. You don't know how they may or may not feel when that day comes. It maybe joy, it maybe sadness, it maybe emptiness, we will never know.

In cases like this, they usually give the person in question a chance to surrender. They only break down you door, put you in cuffs, and throw you into the police car if you are a flight risk. That is what Sneddon was suppose to do and Michael was on his way to the station. They didn't have to meet him at airport and arrest him. He was already on his way there.

I am not saying he should or should not be in handcuffs, but he is not a criminal yet under the law. It is still innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around. Michael was rob of that right and I will not allow anyone else to go through that just because it will make me happy for a moment.

We are all better than this. Michael was better than this.

the part of your post that says."I will not allow anyone else to go through this".......why do you think you can stop it???.....well you are entitled to your the rest of the folks on this board....neither my word not your word really is just a matter of opinion.
I'm sorry but I'd have to reach a state of enlightenment following the Buddhist religion, and well...

...I'm not there!

So, it's VERY difficult for me to care about whether or not putting handcuffs on Murray would be inhumane.
theres more important things to worry about than handcuffs etc

Thanks for saying that. Bump.
My emotions run as high as everyone's elses and I won't write down the swearwords that I use in order to describe that person -
but at the same time reason tells me that humiliating is not a right way, and 'innocent until proven guilty'
has to be applied to all cases
(YES MICHAEL DIDN'T GET THIS RIGHT but it doesn't justify breaking it again...)
otherwise it just loses its moral meaning and standing as a rule.
It has a deeper meaning, folks. One day this rule can save someone you love (or at least their reputation), if they are wrongly accused.
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the part of your post that says."I will not allow anyone else to go through this".......why do you think you can stop it???.....well you are entitled to your the rest of the folks on this board....neither my word not your word really is just a matter of opinion.

You are right, it is my opinion and my words. However, those are the first steps of action and making a better world.

Evil only wins when good people stands by and do nothing. If Murray is mistreated, whether it be by fans, media, and the LAPD I will say it.

I want Murray to have a fair trial so when the chips fall and the final judgment is past, I won't have to wonder if the jury was influence by outside forces. I want Murray to have no kind of sympathy when he faces what he has done. And I want to make sure that he cannot cry foul when it is over. That is true justice for me.
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