The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Guys, handcuffs aren't important that much I do feel where some of you are coming from, I too feel the injustice they did toward Michael, but like many said it could gain him sympathy, I do not like to refer to Murray as a physician but unfortunately that is his profession and it's hard enough to convict doctors in the first place, beside you have a hateful media working against Michael.
that is a cold heated statement....almost bitchy....however...we dont have any reliable sources that Michael asked for it

Given he was trying so hard to find someone to administer Propofol, I think he wanted to use it. Whether if he asked for it specially on June 25, only Michael and Murray knows.

However, that point is kind of moot since we have witnesses and Michael's actions that shows he was actively seeking doctors to help him with this drug and that is what any reasonable jury will look at.
Ok..I am NOT going to attack. You are entitled to your opinion.

What people say who are uninformed is never reliable, so thats a given. People can say whatever they want about drug use but the tox screen proves differently.

Whether Murray was being sneaky or not... I do think it was private because all medical issues are private. In other words, its no ones business but the doctors and the patients. I call that protecting their clients rights to privacy but you call it sneaky.
no it was sneaky because no one except medical professionals knew about this. murray and michael knew that if you told an average person like a family memeber that they were using propofol to sleep people would think that's crazy. michael trusted too many doctors who didn't care about his well being.
Guys, handcuffs aren't important that much I do feel where some of you are coming from, I too feel the injustice they did toward Michael, but like many said it could gain him sympathy, I do not like to refer to Murray as a physician but unfortunately that is his profession and it's hard enough to convict doctors in the first place, beside you have a hateful media working against Michael.

That was all I was trying to say earlier.
So I guess all those articles from Firpo Carr, relating the death to the murder of JFK, and saying how just the small details would make us want to go home was false......

But then he said, what if the truth was never meant for public consumption?

We WANT the truth!

And from what I have been hearing so far, I do not want to go home! And this manslaughter charge on Murray, I'm sure that isn't what he was talking about when he said we wouldn't be able to handle the truth........
your post has some truth to it..but...In my opinion...Michael himself KNEW the affects of this drug and I think that he KNEW the risks involved....All we have to go on is what Murray says...Michael is not here to say..."Murray gave it to me..I didn't ask for it"......I for one do not believe Murray...again this is my opinion.
michael knew the effects because some doctors warned him but what would u do if u had taken the stuff before during tour and survived and you felt this was ur only solution. he had doctors reassuring him he's be fine if he was monitored. even though this method is ineffective michael would have been fine if he was monitored properly.
Honestly, I don't know what the Heck Firpo was talking about. He just need to come out and say what the heck he knows or shut up and stop stringing us along like this that is very hurtful.
no it was sneaky because no one except medical professionals knew about this. murray and michael knew that if you told an average person like a family memeber that they were using propofol to sleep people would think that's crazy. michael trusted too many doctors who didn't care about his well being.

The general public didn't really know what Propofol was until now, so they would most likely think it was just another sleep medication.

Research has shown that doctors have used Propofol to sleep. Most suffered from traumatic pasts. Since we only have Michael's word for a second had source, we don't know what that first doctor told him. He could of been taking Propofol himself and told Michael it was safe as long as you are watch. Since we may never know, it is impossible to tell either way.
Honestly, I don't know what the Heck Firpo was talking about. He just need to come out and say what the heck he knows or shut up and stop stringing us along like this that is very hurtful.

He said all that based on information he's been made privvy to but can't speak of at the time....

But like you said, if he knows something, maybe soon enough he will mention something!
michael knew the effects because some doctors warned him but what would u do if u had taken the stuff before during tour and survived and you felt this was ur only solution. he had doctors reassuring him he's be fine if he was monitored. even though this method is ineffective michael would have been fine if he was monitored properly.

You are right they did a demonstration on Cnn and the patient stopped breathing they put a tube down his throat and the patient was revived. They knew he stopped breathing because of the monitors they were watching. Proper equipment.
Honestly, I don't know what the Heck Firpo was talking about. He just need to come out and say what the heck he knows or shut up and stop stringing us along like this that is very hurtful.

Sorry, who?

Also Nene, Propofol is not ineffective for sleep. It does give you restful sleep on a sedative level. Also, if Michael tried everything and still could not sleep, I don't think he would really care how restful his sleep was or not. Something is better than nothing.
You are right they did a demonstration on Cnn and the patient stopped breathing they put a tube down his throat and the patient was revived. They knew he stopped breathing because of the monitors they were watching. Proper equipment.

CNN was slightly misleading. Less than 1% of people who take Propofol actually stopped breathing and need help. Not everyone stopped breathing the moment Propofol is introduce.

So, Murray did not need a breathing mask for Michael all the time, but he should of had one just in case something happened.
Sorry, who?

Also Nene, Propofol is not ineffective for sleep. It does give you restful sleep on a sedative level. Also, if Michael tried everything and still could not sleep, I don't think he would really care how restful his sleep was or not. Something is better than nothing.

Firpo Carr. Former Jackson family spokesperson.
The general public didn't really know what Propofol was until now, so they would most likely think it was just another sleep medication.

Research has shown that doctors have used Propofol to sleep. Most suffered from traumatic pasts. Since we only have Michael's word for a second had source, we don't know what that first doctor told him. He could of been taking Propofol himself and told Michael it was safe as long as you are watch. Since we may never know, it is impossible to tell either way.
no if they had explained propofol was anesthesia they'd think it was crazy like we all do now.

what research? the only thing i saw were doctors who used it to sleep and they got fired and had to get help because it's not right, they were also sneeky about it because they know it's unethical. them using it for quick cat naps doesn't make it right.

being put under anesthesia does not give anyone proper sleep. proper sleep is when the body undergoes rejuvenation through REM. anesthesia is like a grug induced coma.

the thing about michael like a said is that he had taken it before so he knew about it. i doubt murray talked michael into being given this stuff..
CNN was slightly misleading. Less than 1% of people who take Propofol actually stopped breathing and need help. Not everyone stopped breathing the moment Propofol is introduce.

So, Murray did not need a breathing mask for Michael all the time, but he should of had one just in case something happened.

That was my point. Many don't stop breathing but that guy did but it is nice to know you have the proper equipment there to bring you back.
firpo carr is a media whore. he was friends with rebbie and did the rounds during the trial got told to shut up by mj along with others.
CNN was slightly misleading. Less than 1% of people who take Propofol actually stopped breathing and need help. Not everyone stopped breathing the moment Propofol is introduce.

So, Murray did not need a breathing mask for Michael all the time, but he should of had one just in case something happened.
yes but you ALWAYS need to be monitored when being given anesthesia. how could murray see his oxygen levels, his breathing rate and etc. if murray had had all the proper equipment he would have been able to detect when michael's breath was decreasing and would be able to revive him. he is a crdiologist and he didn't even have an EKG, this man is nuts.
yes but you ALWAYS need to be monitored when being given anesthesia. how could murray see his oxygen levels, his breathing rate and etc. if murray had had all the proper equipment he would have been able to detect when michael's breath was decreasing and would be able to revive him. he is a crdiologist and he didn't even have an EKG, this man is nuts.

no it was sneaky because no one except medical professionals knew about this. murray and michael knew that if you told an average person like a family memeber that they were using propofol to sleep people would think that's crazy. michael trusted too many doctors who didn't care about his well being.

Then your theory is backwards. It was Michael who was being sneaky by using your definition.

Murray, by law, is not allowed to tell anyone about his patient.
yes but you ALWAYS need to be monitored when being given anesthesia. how could murray see his oxygen levels, his breathing rate and etc. if murray had had all the proper equipment he would have been able to detect when michael's breath was decreasing and would be able to revive him. he is a crdiologist and he didn't even have an EKG, this man is nuts.

Also agree. (except I don't think he was nuts. Negligent. Not nuts.)
Then your theory is backwards. It was Michael who was being sneaky by using your definition.

Murray, by law, is not allowed to tell anyone about his patient.

That is actually a good actually. Murray is not suppose to leak patent information. I remember one of Michael's former doctors said something to that effect when asked about specific detail from the press. That is why everyone looked down on Klien on what he has done because he told information that was suppose to be between a patient and the doctor.

In either case, Murray could either had left or tried to help him in other ways. Michael fired him, he did what he could. Someone else's butt would be in the fire now except Murray or Michael may not be dead.
Then your theory is backwards. It was Michael who was being sneaky by using your definition.

Murray, by law, is not allowed to tell anyone about his patient.
michael and murray were being sneaky. murray delayed calling for help and made phone calls before calling 911...that's sneaky
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Feud between LAPD & D.A. Deepens over Murray
Posted Feb 4th 2010 3:19PM by TMZ Staff
Scratch disagreement ... a feud has erupted over the Dr. Conrad Murray case between the LAPD and the Los Angeles County District Attorney ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

As we first reported, the LAPD was ticked that the D.A. kept top cops out of the loop on the subject of charging Dr. Conrad Murray in the death of Michael Jackson.

We told you that yesterday members of the D.A.'s Office met with the LAPD and everyone agreed that cops would take Dr. Murray into custody, book him and deliver him to the courthouse for his arraignment on involuntary manslaughter charges.

But this morning, the feud has intensified and it's now at the top levels of both the LAPD and D.A. The fight is bitter and ultimately the D.A. could do an end around the PD and just have Dr. Murray show up in court tomorrow.

One law enforcement source tells TMZ relations between the D.A. and the LAPD have "totally deteriorated" over the Murray case.

Read more:
so it looks like LAPD and DA is also having an argument about the handcuff issue.
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