The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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I'm always relieved to hear this theory. When I first heard that the rooms were kept so hot with the fireplace on and heating on I just didn't know what to think. Who can be THAT LA even. I'm very heat sensitive so I just cannot imagine being in such a setting (heh). I prefer your more sinister theory.
Someone has some serious explaining to do. The heat being turned up like that cannot and should not be swept under the rug, because it looks too much like a cover-up.
Why can't they just go an arrest him? Why are they going to let him know so he can come to them? I really worry that no justice will be done because the LAPD don't care. I am sorry if I offend anyone by saying that but the way Michael was treated by the police it worries me that people are not going to do what is right.
Why are you surprised?
Murray wil walk on free, maybe pay something, maybe even some involountary manslaughter charges will be put, but at the end of teh day nobody's going to jail for Michael's death.

LAPD did not secure Michael's house as a possible crime scene, did not contact the witnesses in time, and so they don't have proof. No facts. Now they can't go on with heavier charges, as there is no evidence (which, for many, and from the legal point of view means, that nothing more happened).

The house was not the crime scene. Michael's body is the crime scene since it is the one that holds all the drugs he was given and the amount. It does not matter what was in that house that day as long as they know what was in his body.

They also secure the house almost as soon as Michael was announce dead and didn't release it until that night. They only went back to get Murray's doctor bag, which he hid.

Also, it does not matter if they contacting witnesses right away. In a standard investigation, you can go up to a year before some people are interview. Since no one had fled the country, it does not matter if they talk to these people the day of Michael's death or 10 months.

You also don't know the DA's case, so you can't say they don't have evident. They obviously had enough for manslaughter and don't have to go to a grand jury. They never plan to charge him with second degree murder. It was always manslaughter, so it is not like they somehow fail to get a higher charge because they were not going for it to begin with. If they had no evident like you have claim then they could only charge with him negligence.
when exactly did I say anything was funny? :doh: So his insurance is payin' for all his shit then? wow. he must have some darn good insurance. :smilerolleyes: I'm not saying that you're wrong and I'm not saying that I'm right. Just don't push your "opinion" on others. No one really knows what happened we are all trying to figure it out. And sorry, I don't really trust the LAPD to do that. I don't trust the LAPD to actually do a thourough investigation. Again that's my opinion. Your opinion may be that you trust the LAPD and that's fine. I won't tell you otherwise. Since it's your opinion/belief.

I was not pushing an opinion. I just said his insurance is paying for his lawyer. If he was somehow pulling money from nowhere, the LAPD would had track it. That is not an opinion, that is a fact. He also has doctor insurance so it would be more top of the line than standard because crap does go wrong when you practice and dealing with people's lives more than if you do a everyday job.
I feel so sad that I wish Michael just did not have any kids. as sad / selfish as that sounds.
I feel so sad that I wish Michael just did not have any kids. as sad / selfish as that sounds.
Why do you think like this? You do realize that those children were the ones that kept him going?, that made him wake up in the morning?, that made his life livable? that brought him joy right? Are you even aware of what those children meant to him? They were his life. Seriously SMH
Someone has some serious explaining to do. The heat being turned up like that cannot and should not be swept under the rug, because it looks too much like a cover-up.

Simple, trying to get the body at room temperature to show a much later time of death.
Why can't they just go an arrest him? Why are they going to let him know so he can come to them?

Well.... you never know.
Maybe they feel they still need makeup on before the camaras of TMZ arrive.
Once they are ready, once Murray is wearing his new clothes and has his saddest look on, and once the media is ready to transmit this live, they will call Murray and ask them to go and do his thing, so they can all together say "Ppoooooorrr goooddd old Murray"

Well.... you never know.
Maybe they feel they still need makeup on before the camaras of TMZ arrive.
Once they are ready, once Murray is wearing his new clothes and has his saddest look on, and once the media is ready to transmit this live, they will call Murray and ask them to go and do his thing, so they can all together say "Ppoooooorrr goooddd old Murray"


Wouldn't suprise me sadly.
Why do you think like this? You do realize that those children were the ones that kept him going?, that made him wake up in the morning?, that made his life livable? that brought him joy right? Are you even aware of what those children meant to him? They were his life. Seriously SMH

Right on. I thank those children every single day for what they gave him. They were the normalcy he never ever ever had. They were the only people in his life that wanted absolutely nothing but love from him and they loved him 100% just for being him. It's a lot to comprehend right now, but I hope that someday they will fully understand just what they brought him and what they meant to him and how much they were wanted and how much they were loved.

(I understand what BJ84 meant, tho.)
Why do you think like this? You do realize that those children were the ones that kept him going?, that made him wake up in the morning?, that made his life livable? that brought him joy right? Are you even aware of what those children meant to him? They were his life. Seriously SMH

Amen to that!! We have so much to thank those children for!! For making him smile on those crap days, for giving him a hug when things got hard!!! Those Children made Michael soooooo happy!!!
Why do you think like this? You do realize that those children were the ones that kept him going?, that made him wake up in the morning?, that made his life livable? that brought him joy right? Are you even aware of what those children meant to him? They were his life. Seriously SMH

please forgive me. I really didn't mean for that to sound how it sounded - just a tragedy and the overwhelming level in which these strong willed kids, will have to go through (maybe) later in life, now that hes gone. Forgive me.
please forgive me. I really didn't mean for that to sound how it sounded - just a tragedy and the overwhelming level in which these strong willed kids, will have to go through (maybe) later in life, now that hes gone. Forgive me.
I got you wrong then. I'm sorry, I thought you were blaming them. Apologies. From my part
no no no absolutley not. i love those kids lol. Theyre beautiful &b strong kids & l know thats what MJ lived for since having them. Now that I think of it, I wish he got the chance to have more kids because of how much of a good father he is.
The house was not the crime scene. Michael's body is the crime scene since it is the one that holds all the drugs he was given and the amount. It does not matter what was in that house that day as long as they know what was in his body.

They also secure the house almost as soon as Michael was announce dead and didn't release it until that night. They only went back to get Murray's doctor bag, which he hid.

Also, it does not matter if they contacting witnesses right away. In a standard investigation, you can go up to a year before some people are interview. Since no one had fled the country, it does not matter if they talk to these people the day of Michael's death or 10 months.

You also don't know the DA's case, so you can't say they don't have evident. They obviously had enough for manslaughter and don't have to go to a grand jury. They never plan to charge him with second degree murder. It was always manslaughter, so it is not like they somehow fail to get a higher charge because they were not going for it to begin with. If they had no evident like you have claim then they could only charge with him negligence.

That's what I said - they have no evidence, which legally means they cannot place more serious charges, which is logical.

I also wrote that they didn't secure the house as a possible crime scene in the first place. Just to exclude the possibility that somehting more, than involountary manslaughter took place, even if they believed that it was not the case. This is the frequent procedure, when people die unexpectedly. I believe, there were already discussions about the unsatosfactory quality of the work that LAPD did just directly after Michael's death.

I am also not sure about the witnesses - if there are some "obvious" witnesses (that are immediately present at the place) - it is important to record their immediate memories, impressions, as they tend to fade with time.

in consequence - whether that was a crime scene or not, we didn't really have a chance to know, as this possibility was practically not excluded after some kind of examination of the place, but ex ante, ie by assumption or opinion that that was NOT a crime scene.

As a result, there is no evidence. I'm not saying that something more happened, I'm saying that due to mishandling of the case by LAPD during the first hours or days after Michael's death, something could have been missed.

Hence, the only scenario that can be called facts and that is supported by existing evidence does not allow for charging Murray with anything more than involountary manslaughter.
I feel so sad that I wish Michael just did not have any kids. as sad / selfish as that sounds.
i understand where you are coming from but remember michael always loved children. he wanted kids so bad to the point where he was holding dolls and crying. he was devestated when lisa promised him kids and then changed her mind. i don't care for debbie but when she spoke about how happy michael was when prince was born i cried because that's all i wanted for him, to be happy. i'm so glad he got to experience fatherhood even if it was only for a short time. what he taught hsi kids will stick with them for ever and they're lucky michael's life has been documented in music and videos since he was a child himself so his presence will always be felt.
i understand where you are coming from but remember michael always loved children. he wanted kids so bad to the point where he was holding dolls and crying. he was devestated when lisa promised him kids and then changed her mind. i don't care for debbie but when she spoke about how happy michael was when prince was born i cried because that's all i wanted for him, to be happy. i'm so glad he got to experience fatherhood even if it was only for a short time. what he taught hsi kids will stick with them for ever and they're lucky michael's life has been documented in music and videos since he was a child himself so his presence will always be felt.

yes and as i wish Michael was here now, I wish he had adopted children from each contident like he said he wanted to do. They will be just fine. we have to stay positive and strong for them as well.. thanks.
This time last year if someone told me in a year I'd be posting in a thread about the murder of Michael Jackson would have thrown them out of the room and told them to shut the hell up. Can't believe that we're all here really. I just want him back so badly :cry:
This time last year if someone told me in a year I'd be posting in a thread about the murder of Michael Jackson would have thrown them out of the room and told them to shut the hell up. Can't believe that we're all here really. I just want him back so badly :cry:

Ayy, dear... I hear you, I hear you :hug:
Know you are not alone in this pain and well... we have each other and you know for sure there are many, many more with you in this. Unfortunately we can't see each other's faces, we can actually hold each other, but love is real. Hope you feel it.
We have to give our best. This is just about to begin.
I know exactly how you feel sloride, when I first read the headlines in June I was about to cuss the poster out thinking it was a hoax/rumor. And look at us now 7 months later.. this is the reality of what we have to deal with :cry:
Two law enforcement sources have just told TMZ Dr. Conrad Murray will not be charged today in the death of Michael Jackson.

As we first reported, Dr. Murray's lawyers prepared yesterday to surrender Dr. Murray today, but we are now told the D.A. will not pull the trigger until tomorrow at the earliest.

And, sources tell us, when Dr. Murray appears in court for the first time, the D.A. will recommend that bail be set at $25,000 -- standard for involuntary manslaughter in L.A. County.

Read more:

so tmz know jack s*** what a surprise. just shows how supposed respectable news outlets run with any old crap.

i presume alvarez has a lawyer as shes the GF that murray claims he was on the phone to when he found mj?

and please can u at least give warning when posting those pics i dame well dont want to see any ambulance pics. heck dont even post them at all
yes and as i wish Michael was here now, I wish he had adopted children from each contident like he said he wanted to do. They will be just fine. we have to stay positive and strong for them as well.. thanks.
yeah i think the trial screwed up everything, it wasted 2 precious years of his life. i know he wanted more children. this whole situation just upsets me, we should be talking about how michael's conerts are going and his next project not his homicide case. some days i feel ok and i keep michael in my spirits but others days it very hard to accept, he was such a kind soul and didn't deserve to go out like this.
so tmz know jack s*** what a surprise. just shows how supposed respectable news outlets run with any old crap.

i presume alvarez has a lawyer as shes the GF that murray claims he was on the phone to when he found mj?

and please can u at least give warning when posting those pics i dame well dont want to see any ambulance pics. heck dont even post them at all

let me check but alvarez is for sure not the girlfriend he talked to at 12 pm that day . the girfriend he talked to is the assistant from Houston which removed the boxes at 9 am LA time from the storage .

ok the lawyer is representing Alvarez .
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thanks soundmind

he girfriend he talked to is the assistant from Houston which removed the boxes at 9 am LA time from the storag
Alvarez is supposed to be the girlfriend he shipped the Diprivan too, the one he was staying at.. while he was supposed to be at Michael's place. She's the stripper he has a child with, I believe he is at her place currently not exactly sure though
Alvarez is supposed to be the girlfriend he shipped the Diprivan too, the one he was staying at.. while he was supposed to be at Michael's place. She's the stripper he has a child with, I believe he is at her place currently not exactly sure though
yeah i think he is since she just had his child.
yeah i think the trial screwed up everything, it wasted 2 precious years of his life. i know he wanted more children. this whole situation just upsets me, we should be talking about how michael's conerts are going and his next project not his homicide case. some days i feel ok and i keep michael in my spirits but others days it very hard to accept, he was such a kind soul and didn't deserve to go out like this.

you could not have said it anymore better. :clapping: theres really no words to express how deeply sad I am for the kids & for his mother cause they were so close. I think after a year though, I can have some 'closure' & finally be able to move on. Not 100% but maybe 60%.

& yes the trial did screw up everythign with him basically- he simply was not the same after that.

thank you :happy: :better:
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This whole thing is makin me sad again and again, everytime right back from the start!... :(
Finally there was a light and Mike seemed fit, in perfect shape, ready to come back and come back hard and then BOOM, we get the door shut in our faces...he's dead!
What an end...... :cry:
so tmz know jack s*** what a surprise. just shows how supposed respectable news outlets run with any old crap.

i presume alvarez has a lawyer as shes the GF that murray claims he was on the phone to when he found mj?

and please can u at least give warning when posting those pics i dame well dont want to see any ambulance pics. heck dont even post them at all

you know those ambulance pix were fake right? They were photoshopped - there is a thread about it somewhere.
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