The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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I understand this position and i wished they would do it too,but do you really have some kind of hope about them?I don't expect anything from the family at all.
MJ still doesn't have a pr person not even from the estate,so at this point it's better if they shut up for good and don't feed the media even more...this was my point.

OK, now I see your point. in fact, the best you can expect from them is... nothing. when they do something, they make things worse. btw, do you remember a press release from 2003-2005 where Michael said he would like his family and friends to not take their concerns about him to the media (something like that)? I think the same press release could be released again this time. but I'm so frustrated since nobody is talking on MJ's behalf.
$25,000? Is that some sort of joke after how much Michael had to pay?

They said this was the "standard amount" in CA, well what's the "standard amount" for what Michael was charged with? Surely not 3m! I'ma look it up...
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Im not sure if this has been posted but there is a CNN poll about the case...please vote, you will find it at the bottom of the screen. CNN is asking if Murray shuld be charged with a crime...some ignorant, hateful people are voting no.....please vote!!

I can't believe it. How could they even THINK of creating such a poll??? CNN is this close to become a tabloid. That's sad.
They said this was the "standard amount" in CA, well what's the "standard amount" for what Michael was charged with? Surely not 3m! I'ma look it up...

Weren't they going for more on MJ? But they felt he was a flight risk? or am I just watching too much Law and Order?
I can't believe it. How could they even THINK of creating such a poll??? CNN is this close to become a tabloid. That's sad.

How dare they?
They have really lost credibility with this actions!
................D*nm,I hate this waiting:(
Just charge him,it has taken way to long,high time something happens....
WELL BELIEVE IT! TACKY CNN for you, it's all a mess. I voted. It just made me so mad and disgusted that anyone would feel that someone should not be accountable for a crime atleast go to trail...I hope all thsoe who voted no, never EVER go through what the Jackson family is going through and those three EVIL are we becoming as a society???? VOTE!
$25,000 hell that ain't nothing which mean MURRAY pays 10% of $25,000, ($2,500). His bail is too low for murdering Michael. It should higher so he can't get the money together right away, something at least $ 360,000 or even more. They are trying to mack it comfortable so that MURRAY won't spend any jail time. This is making me sick!!! A preliminary hearing? that's a joke. He will make a pleas bargin and will not spend a day behind bars. Sounds like his attornys are working with the DA behind closed doors.
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OK, now I see your point. in fact, the best you can expect from them is... nothing. when they do something, they make things worse. btw, do you remember a press release from 2003-2005 where Michael said he would like his family and friends to not take their concerns about him to the media (something like that)? I think the same press release could be released again this time. but I'm so frustrated since nobody is talking on MJ's behalf.

i don't remember this specific press release,but i find it incredible that someone like MJ doesn't have a spoke person...i think too many pp are waiting for the most convenient situation to happen and will act accordingly,no matter if there will be any justice for him at all...btw...i feel bad for tmz,this is not even funny like the kennedy naked party fiasco....

25000$??you got to be f****** kidding...I woulnd't be surpised if they'll just suspend his licence and not gonna spend a day in jail...
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Why are you surprised?
Murray wil walk on free, maybe pay something, maybe even some involountary manslaughter charges will be put, but at the end of teh day nobody's going to jail for Michael's death.

LAPD did not secure Michael's house as a possible crime scene, did not contact the witnesses in time, and so they don't have proof. No facts. Now they can't go on with heavier charges, as there is no evidence (which, for many, and from the legal point of view means, that nothing more happened).
Fair enough and I respect your opinion. :) I try to keep an open mind as, but I just don't see the bigger fish.

Things may seem simple, but sometimes, shit happens and it really does not get any more complicated than that. If proven otherwise, I would freely admit I was wrong, since I don't have all the facts.

Hopefully, we can get to the bottom line and everyone can find a sense of peace.

Although, Oxman needs to shut up and the family need to put a gag order on the guy. I swear I hate that man almost as much as Murray and I almost wish he could be arrested.

He really needs too. He was the first person that came out on TV the same day that Michael passed and said "I warned the family that this would happen"...He really needs to Just Stop. Not talking or anything...just STOP EVERYTHING he's doing with the family...:smilerolleyes:
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Involuntary manslaughter? $25,000 bail? Unbelieveable. I don't think I can stomach much more of this today... I feel so sick. :(
Michael was put through hell for something he didn't do. Yet Murray did something that killed a man and all he gets is a $25,000 dollar bail and a slap on the wrist. We see it. We know. This is something else. im somewhat speechless.
Michael had to fork over 3 mil on a bogus about unfairness and corruption. :wtf2
He has insurance. They are paying for his lawyers, it is nothing funny about it. If he was getting money from some unknown source, the LAPD would of track it by now. You can't have money magically appear when your butt is being watch by law enforcement.

My dad got hit by a person in traffic who didn't have a dollar to his name, but had insurance and they hired a law firm that kept that accident in court for several years. So, this is not usual.
True, you can't have money magically appear when your butt is being watched by law enforcement. But, when your butt goes missing for several days following your patient's death, that is more than enough time to hide a large sum of money and jewels if you have it in your possession before LAPD has had a chance to find your butt.

The way that Murray, a Cardiologist, went about performing CPR when his patient went into cardiac arrest just is not sitting well either. Neither is waiting over thirty minutes to call 911. Most doctor's that are truly trying to save someone's life would not wait to make a call like that. Notice that when the 911 operator had the person on the phone asking Murray certain questions, Murray immediately started dodging the questions. He can be heard in the background dodging the questions.

Also, the way that the fireplaces and the heating system were on high upstairs in MJ's house on June 25th, while everyone else was downstairs, sounds like someone was trying to cover up how long he was deceased by trying to keep his body temperature up. I find it very hard to believe that he would have been complaining about being cold that day. When you look at the photos of all these different people from that very day, the majority of them are wearing short sleeve shirts. This is an indicator that it was not cold on June 25th.






Hopefully, LAPD will not leave any stones unturned...
ALLFORMJ, I just cant stand looking at those pics.......I'm so angry and upset and speechless.

I just cant believe it has come to THIS, all that he went through and this is the's a tragedy of the most epic kind. So many questions and just no answere's.
Baby, I'm pissed off right along with you! And I don't believe anything that Murray could possibly say. He's been doing too much dodgin'.
How come, I'm now able to post in this section and wasn't able to do so 10 mins ago?
And you know he only has to pay 10% of that. $2500 dollars! That's all. This is so...
Also, the way that the fireplaces and the heating system were on high upstairs in MJ's house on June 25th, while everyone else was downstairs, sounds like someone was trying to cover up how long he was deceased by trying to keep his body temperature up. I find it very hard to believe that he would have been complaining about being cold that day. When you look at the photos of all these different people from that very day, the majority of them are wearing short sleeve shirts. This is an indicator that it was not cold on June 25th.

I'm always relieved to hear this theory. When I first heard that the rooms were kept so hot with the fireplace on and heating on I just didn't know what to think. Who can be THAT LA even. I'm very heat sensitive so I just cannot imagine being in such a setting (heh). I prefer your more sinister theory.
It looks like we've done more investigating than the LAPD because Ive seen plenty of reasons to arrest him long ago.
Mike from TMZ just said that he believes that LAPD should arrest the doctor and we should see the perp-walk.
ALLFORMJ, I just cant stand looking at those pics.......I'm so angry and upset and speechless.

I just cant believe it has come to THIS, all that he went through and this is the's a tragedy of the most epic kind. So many questions and just no answere's.

Just can't take it anymore!
This is killing me and those pics... sorry... I even see someone I know there and I know her pain, geeezzz!! I know my very own pain!!!

How did we come to this? Is this even real or what? I just can't believe it and no longer know what to feel/expect. Even if that guy goes to jail, we have already lost. the worst nightmare ever!! The worst nigthmare ever!!!!

:cry: :cry: :cry:
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