The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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It would be foolish of the LAPD to handcuffed him and humiliated him because it will only give Murray sympathy. Even people who didn't like Michael was absolutely disgusted by the LAPD treatment of him. Do you want the public to feel the same about Murray, because such a tactic will do just that. Like I said before, two wrongs does not make a right. If we condom such treatment of anyone, what make us any different that Seddon who took personal pleasure from Michael's pain.

I agree with you completely when it comes to humiliation winning only sympathy for Murray...
tho a part of me would love to take personal pleasure from his humiliation I'm trying to be more mature than that.
I think "someone" has been paying for his lawyers for him. Because there is no way in hell those lawyers would work for free, especially that EGO crazy Hollywood lawyer. He still payin' for his house, I'm guessig, since he still has it. He is also "paying" for those bodyguards. And he is "paying" his baby momma childsupport. He "supposedly" has $1million in debt plus that $36,000( somethin' like that I forget the exact number) that he has to pay off of his childsupport. So, I really think someone "higher up" is paying for things for him. Just my opinion though, because I don't actually "know." Plus Murray tried to sue AEG because he hadn't been paid. They wouldn't pay him anything because Mike didn't sign the contract. But think about it, we haven't heard a thing about that since then have we? nope, he hasn't gone to Michael's estate with any lawsuit and he hasn't sued AEG. So yeaa...guess he got his cash money somewhere else? How else would he be paying for all that stuff? No way in hell does he has enough money to pay for all of that plus pay off his debts with just working "12hours" a day at his clinic.

And here I go with my "investigation talk" lol sorry. I get carried away sometimes.

He has insurance. They are paying for his lawyers, it is nothing funny about it. If he was getting money from some unknown source, the LAPD would of track it by now. You can't have money magically appear when your butt is being watch by law enforcement.

My dad got hit by a person in traffic who didn't have a dollar to his name, but had insurance and they hired a law firm that kept that accident in court for several years. So, this is not usual.
Dr. Murray's Lawyer -- No Plan to Surrender
Posted Feb 3rd 2010 1:26PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer says he's in the dark -- and doesn't even know if the D.A. will file charges in the death of Michael Jackson.

J. Michael Flanagan just arrived at his law office in Glendale, CA, and said there are "no plans" to turn Dr. Murray over to authorities.

As we have already reported, however, we know Dr. Murray's legal team has been in touch with the D.A. and they were told they'd get a call as soon as charges were filed so Dr. Murray could go to the courthouse in downtown L.A. and surrender.

As we first reported, the D.A. has already drafted a criminal complaint against Dr. Murray, who will be charged with involuntary manslaughter in Michael Jackson's death.

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If Murry does go to jail...i wont be celebrating because I KNOW that the case on Michael's Passing might stop. There is/are People behind this and If that person is NOT Found out, then JUSTICE has not been done. We are looking at the fish when the Shark is still out there and chillin'. I guess for the time being this might be something we wanted for sooo long...But After Murry hands himself in. What then?(in no way am I defending him) but think about it?, What about the ppl./person that is the master mind? hmm...

When we know who that person is and try to bring him/them to justice thats when i'll lose sleep...

Hope it is soon...

Damn tmz. Every week they release a bunch of stories kicking up a fuss, and then they run one saying 'Psych! we don't actually know anything!'.
If Murry does go to jail...i wont be celebrating because I KNOW that the case on Michael's Passing might stop. There is/are People behind this and If that person is NOT Found out, then JUSTICE has not been done. We are looking at the fish when the Shark is still out there and chillin'. I guess for the time being this might be something we wanted for sooo long...But After Murry hands himself in. What then?(in no way am I defending him) but think about it?, What about the ppl./person that is the master mind? hmm...

When we know who that person is and try to bring him/them to justice thats when i'll lose sleep...

Hope it is soon...


No offense to you, but there is no evident to support your theory of a bigger fish. If you can explain why Murray chose such a stupid method to kill Michael, who actually gain something from his death that they would kill him now and not in 2005 or 2006 when he was at his weakest, and how they screw up so badly in the process, I might be more incline to believe in a bigger fish.

For now, you theory holds no water and should wait for all the evidences before you make any final conclusion.
same here I have exams and I can't study , I can't focus on anything right now . I'm losing my mind here waiting for his ass to be busted

Same here. Im writing a paper, with the news on in the background and checking this site every few minutes. I just heard on My local news. People say he was just doing the job he was paid to do but, something feels wrong to me.(Im not talking Hoax or conspiracy theory) BUT after all these months something still feels for lack of a better word... Amiss...
I know were not the mans family or anything but he has been a constant in so many of our lives, we feel that weve lost family... I just hope they tell us the truth about everything.
people say oxman is not talking on behalf of Jackson's family (just La Toya and Joe), but the rest of the family does nothing about that, as usual. nobody defends Michael in that family. you think they agree with Joe and his stupid lawyer.

to be fair sometimes it's better this way,the more they address joe's and co. media whoring,the more reasons they give them to go back and invent new and fresh embarassing lies...people have already formed an opinion about them...take klein's lies about M,if the family adressed them they would have made headlines,instead pp didn't really care..
Dr. Murray's Lawyer -- No Plan to Surrender
Posted Feb 3rd 2010 1:26PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer says he's in the dark -- and doesn't even know if the D.A. will file charges in the death of Michael Jackson.

J. Michael Flanagan just arrived at his law office in Glendale, CA, and said there are "no plans" to turn Dr. Murray over to authorities.

As we have already reported, however, we know Dr. Murray's legal team has been in touch with the D.A. and they were told they'd get a call as soon as charges were filed so Dr. Murray could go to the courthouse in downtown L.A. and surrender.

As we first reported, the D.A. has already drafted a criminal complaint against Dr. Murray, who will be charged with involuntary manslaughter in Michael Jackson's death.

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:smilerolleyes: T M f'in Z
Rockin, Nicole Alvarez is a stripper, he met her in a strip club then impregnated her, she is NO actress but a skank. Her profession and where they met was reported many times. As for her last name Alvarez is just as common as Jackson in the Hispanic community if not even more. She is not related to anyone famous or important.
Me too...I'm so fed up of expecting something to happen. :(

Me three. Fed up of the carrot on a stick. Would rather they say nothing and report something when charges are finally filed, not the whole 'he's getting arrested, no he isn't, yes he is, well he will be soon' thing we're getting at the moment.
So this was all a fuss over nothing? :mello:

don't know yet. but it will make sense for a defense attorney to say "charge what charge, nobody turning themselves in" so that they can maintain innocence when asked about it. They would be the last party to confirm this news.

TMZ is still sticking to their story by adding "DA will file charges and will call them" part.
don't know yet. but it will make sense for a defense attorney to say "charge what charge, nobody turning themselves in" so that they can maintain innocence when asked about it. They would be the last party to confirm this news.

Yep. That's been his M.O. all along, his statements have been as laughable as Murray's. He's been saying Murray did nothing wrong, he's been nothing but cooperative, he's not under inspection, he's not being looked at, he doesn't expect him to be charged, blah, blah, blah, lie, lie, lie. :smilerolleyes:
to be fair sometimes it's better this way,the more they address joe's and co. media whoring,the more reasons they give them to go back and invent new and fresh embarassing lies...people have already formed an opinion about them...take klein's lies about M,if the family adressed them they would have made headlines,instead pp didn't really care..

I disagree. they could (and should) say "Brian Oxman doesn't represent the whole family" like Michael said "Brian Oxman doesn't represent me" when he was alive. and, above all, they should emphasise Michael wasn't a drug addicted who killed himself with an overdose self-imposed instead of talking about him being in denial. since they don't do anything, I believe they agree with Oxman statements.
I disagree. they could (and should) say "Brian Oxman doesn't represent the whole family" like Michael said "Brian Oxman doesn't represent me" when he was alive. and, above all, they should emphasise Michael wasn't a drug addicted who killed himself with an overdose self-imposed instead of talking about him being in denial. since they don't do anything, I believe they agree with Oxman statements.
Thank you Niemand
Me three. Fed up of the carrot on a stick. Would rather they say nothing and report something when charges are finally filed, not the whole 'he's getting arrested, no he isn't, yes he is, well he will be soon' thing we're getting at the moment.

I completely agree. This happens again and again and again. Like fans really need any more agony and it's not terrible enough that Michael is dead. I personally haven't even started to get past the senselessness of what happened to him. It's time for either know for sure beforehand or don't bother.
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Rockin, Nicole Alvarez is a stripper, he met her in a strip club then impregnated her, she is NO actress but a skank. Her profession and where they met was reported many times. As for her last name Alvarez is just as common as Jackson in the Hispanic community if not even more. She is not related to anyone famous or important.

LOL, I read she was a 'dancer'... ;D and thats how she met Murray.

I have also read she is an aspiring actress and here is a clip of her in something..

Anyway regardless of her profession, I wondered if she was Alberto's sister and when MJ was in Vegas needing a doctor for one of his children, Alberto suggested his sister's boyfriend.

If its a common name then ok nevermind...

I think it would be something, but Alvarez is such a common name. If it wasn't then there would be major red flags. But it's worth possibly looking into.

Ok, nevermind.. I don't know how we could look into it.. do they look alike..does that even mean anything if they did/didn't?

Anyway it doesn't really affect the subject matter of this thread. So like I said ignore me, its not the thread for this I don't want to clogg it!
Oxman should sit down and STFU. I just wanna here some news that dr death has been arrestted. This waiting is so hard. hugs to all.
No offense to you, but there is no evident to support your theory of a bigger fish. If you can explain why Murray chose such a stupid method to kill Michael, who actually gain something from his death that they would kill him now and not in 2005 or 2006 when he was at his weakest, and how they screw up so badly in the process, I might be more incline to believe in a bigger fish.

For now, you theory holds no water and should wait for all the evidences before you make any final conclusion.

Hey hun, well i'm not trying to push my theory on i said, It is what i feel like is going on. And as it was reported, MURRY was James Brown's Doc b4 he 2006. And i dont know about what Method was used or anything...I Believe, THERE is someone out there that is the "master mind" in all of this. Because everything that has happened, after Mike's Passing, so far seems too simple/easy for me to grasp.

Like you said, I am waiting for all evidences to make my final conclusion. All I know is this is not the end. It does not have to be the same for you or others. But this is me and my opinion and like everyone was time for me to speak out on where I stand. Like you have your own way of thinking, I do yeah...:D...
Some might think my thinking is foolish but give a girl a chance... ;)

Again...this is my personal feelings on this issue...agree with it, dont agree with it...its y'alls prerogative

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nothings gonna happen .. tmz is trying to be important again..
i hope you are wrong. it's been over 7 months and about every week they toy with our emotions. it finally looks like they are really progressing since murray in in LA and his lawyers are having a meeting. for the sake of the family and fans i hope he is charged soon.
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i hope you are wrong. it's been over 7 months and about every week they toy with our emotions. it finally looks like they are really progressing since murray in in LA and his lwyers are having a meeting. for the sake of the family and fans i hope he is charged soon.
I hope that I'm wrong as well.. but so far there is no indication to think so . Tmz does this mess every other week and the supposedly ''reputable'' sources go along citing TMZ as their source. I agree its tiring and sickening.
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