The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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on my local news the said that Murray is due to turn himself in...they said sometime this week....they also said that the Jackson family are not happy with involuntary manslaughter charge that is being talked about and that People from the Jackson camp may come forward on Michael's IDk...I guess we will have to wait and see.
on my local news the said that Murray is due to turn himself in...they said sometime this week....they also said that the Jackson family are not happy with involuntary manslaughter charge that is being talked about and that People from the Jackson camp may come forward on Michael's IDk...I guess we will have to wait and see.

Then before they complain about involuntary manslaughter they should have expected that the DA would have been very discouraged to file charges against Murray because of their stories about drug addiction and interventions .

and THEY SHOULD TELL OXMAN TO SHUT UP because that monster is going to be the perfect witness for Murray's defence and THEY KNOW THAT PERFECTLY YET THEY PAY HIM TO SAY MJ WAS AN ADDICT PUBLICALLY .
Then before they complain about involuntary manslaughter they should have expected that the DA would have been very discouraged to file charges against Murray because of their stories about drug addiction and interventions .

and THEY SHOULD TELL OXMAN TO SHUT UP because that monster is going to be the perfect witness for Murray's defence and THEY KNOW THAT PERFECTLY YET THEY PAY HIM TO SAY MJ WAS AN ADDICT PUBLICALLY .

I too find it funny that some of Michael's family is trying to paint him as an out of control addict who was too drug out to handle his business, but what the doctor to be charge with second degree murder. If the person is supposedly an out of control addict, then Murray was simply the last doctor standing.

Yeah, Oxman need to shut the hell up and wait for the evident to come. He is doing no one, except Murray, any favors. The Jacksons got to be the only family in history to embrace the fact that a family member had a drug problem in this way.
Ugh, I really need to go to the bank before 2, but I'm afraid if I leave then something will happen while I'm gone. That's how it always is. =P
agree and the kids will humanize mj i hate the thought of them having to do it but they have shown how mature they are and it will be a great P.R move on pulling at the heart strings to help get a conviction. whatever it takes
I feel guilty for using them like that but it's a war against Murray and the media. Anything that will make ppl sympathize with Michael and ''humanize'' him should be used on this. ..
What I find discouraging yet understandable at the same time is: the DA perhaps going for a lesser charge that they feel certain will stick versus a higher form of murder charge that may get Murray an unanimous innocent verdict.

From what has been posted it sounds like a unanimous innocent verdict on a HIGHER charge means NO chance for any further re-trial. So unless there is a hung jury, a lesser charge yet unanimous would guarantee some sort of punishment.

The DA are sitting on the possibility of "damned if they do, and damned if they don't" scenario.

Have I got this right?
Ugh, I really need to go to the bank before 2, but I'm afraid if I leave then something will happen while I'm gone. That's how it always is. =P

same here I have exams and I can't study , I can't focus on anything right now . I'm losing my mind here waiting for his ass to be busted
What I find discouraging yet understandable at the same time is: the DA perhaps going for a lesser charge that they feel certain will stick versus a higher form of murder charge that may get Murray an unanimous innocent verdict.

From what has been posted it sounds like a unanimous innocent verdict on a HIGHER charge means NO chance for any further re-trial. So unless there is a hung jury, a lesser charge yet unanimous would guarantee some sort of punishment.

The DA are sitting on the possibility of "damned if they do, and damned if they don't" scenario.

Have I got this right?

and that's why many criminals are roaming the streets because the DA worries too much for his record . His record of convictions is much more important than seeking real justice . I believe they really afraid of having a 'hater' as a juror, or someone LIKE THEM there . We certainly did not forget what LAPD did in 1993
He has four lawyers now , Chernoff , Alford , the media whore that keep telling people he cleared a nurse who proven to not have given any propofol to the patient that died , and a fourth attorney who also succeeded in defending soldiers who killed civilians in Iraq , the last one represents him and his girlfriend .
I wonder how he's finding the money to pay for all of these lawyers? Maybe he's the one that has the money that was missing from MJ's house.

Hmmmm... :ph34r:
and that's why many criminals are roaming the streets because the DA worries too much for his record . His record of convictions is much more important than seeking real justice . I believe they really afraid of having a 'hater' as a juror, or someone LIKE THEM there . We certainly did not forget what LAPD did in 1993

No, many criminals run the streets for many different reasons, so don't simplify it to, the DA are cowards. There are a many moving part to investigating then what we perceive and we do have all the evident yet or what the final charge or charges will be.

Convicting a doctor of murder is a tough sell, that is fact rather you like it or not. I would rather they go for a lesser charge and get a conviction than go for the glory and Murray walks off. The thing that makes a good DA is knowing when to gamble.

As long as Murray loses his license and can never practice again, it really should not matter how much time he actually gets, since no amount of time in prison will make anything right and he would most likely not serve all the years anyway. For all practical purposes, Murray's life is over and that to me is more fitting than any prison time.

This is all my personal opinion, of course.
I wonder how he's finding the money to pay for all of these lawyers? Maybe he's the one that has the money that was missing from MJ's house.

Hmmmm... :ph34r:

If that was the case, the LAPD would be able to track it. You can't have a large amount of money suddenly appear and no one notices.

Murray has insurance, which hired a law firm to represent him. That law firm can hire multiple lawyers. They maybe some who willing took the case because it is so high profile and they want to write a book about when they are done, whether Murray goes to jail or not.
the annoying thing is he is as smug as hell. Michael really trusted him and put his heart and soul into murray, and murray doesnt even seem to feel upset that he let michael down hes just smugly gathering his legal team and smiling for the cameras. If you ask me he could well be a psychopath
Sadly a second degree murder charge would never stick. People have a hard time convicting doctors, I was perusing a general forum and in a thread about this people are split. Some believe a doctor should not be held accountable for a patient dying in their care which I just cannot fathom how they could justify Murray in this case. The waiting is driving me insane. Have to go out later and won't be able to concentrate. Will be looking at my phone just for updates.
If that was the case, the LAPD would be able to track it. You can't have a large amount of money suddenly appear and no one notices.

Murray has insurance, which hired a law firm to represent him. That law firm can hire multiple lawyers. They maybe some who willing took the case because it is so high profile and they want to write a book about when they are done, whether Murray goes to jail or not.
Well, let's hope that they will leave no stones unturned and look into it. Let's hope that they are following the money trail, because to date, the money is still missing, right?
Conrad Murray - Waiting for the Call
Posted Feb 3rd 2010 11:38AM by TMZ Staff
The L.A. County District Attorney's Office has told Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyers they will call just before Dr. Murray is charged with the death of Michael Jackson and a surrender will take place almost immediately thereafter ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Our sources say ... as of 8:35 AM PT, the D.A. has not made the call.

As we reported yesterday, Dr. Murray planned to surrender today and appear in arraignment court after being charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson. The ball is in the D.A.'s court.

Dr. Murray is waiting.

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I want to see his ass in handcuffs! :mat:

hmmph....looks like I need to go back to that site to throw tomatoes at Murray again. ahh the joy I get from that. :lol:

I'm so pissed off right now! Why are they treating Murray as if he did nothing wrong? It's almost like they are going to call Murray to pick him up for a damn date/outting. :doh:

With Michael they handcuffed him and humiliated him and Michael was INNOCENT! gahh this makes no sense.

Murray has 4 lawyers now? yep he KNOWS his ass did something wrong. ughhh that mofo I fxckin hate his guts. I'm seriously going crazy with not knowing wth happened to Michael. This guy KNOWS something and he ain't telling. That's why I wanted him to be charged with at least Murder 2, so then he would be scared and speak up about what he knows. :doh:

Murray is a waste of a life, seriously. How in the world can he not feel remorse? I feel freakin' guilty for not being there to save Michael and I don't even "know" him. This guy is the one who napped Michael and he feels no guilt, no remorse? There is definitely something wrong inside that noggin of his. Instead of apologizing and being remorseful he goes around thanking his "supporters." HELLOOO LAPD something wrong here!! wtf took them so long with this damn case for them to just come up with "involuntary manslaughter"?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...-_-
Well, let's hope that they will leave no stones unturned and look into it. Let's hope that they are following the money trail, because to date, the money is still missing, right?

Most likely someone in Michael's family took the money and is crying victim as usual. Murray would be a moron to touch that money since everyone from the public, media, and the LAPD is watching his ever move. Michael's own staff wouldn't be able to move that money since it would draw attention.

I doubt the money had anything to do with the case and like I said, I think the family took it since they got the house back for the LAPD after they explored the house.

Also, thank you sloride because that is the point I have been trying to make for the longest time. Unless there was intent, people in general don't convict doctors of murder. Even if they pain Michael as the complete victim and show that his family is full of crap on the drug addict stories, an entire jury would most likely not convict a doctor of second degree murder. They could go for the higher charges, but then they run the risk of a hung jury or worst, no conviction at all. Most cases are not lost because of under charging or a lack of evident. Most cases are lost because the DA overreached and screwed themselves in the process.

On a side note, Murray does not strike me as a psychopath. He strikes me as a person trying to save his ass from going to jail.
and THEY SHOULD TELL OXMAN TO SHUT UP because that monster is going to be the perfect witness for Murray's defence and THEY KNOW THAT PERFECTLY YET THEY PAY HIM TO SAY MJ WAS AN ADDICT PUBLICALLY .

people say oxman is not talking on behalf of Jackson's family (just La Toya and Joe), but the rest of the family does nothing about that, as usual. nobody defends Michael in that family. you think they agree with Joe and his stupid lawyer.
Does anyone here remember hearing something about Murray paying a large amount of back child support? How much did he pay?

I want to see his ass in handcuffs! :mat:

hmmph....looks like I need to go back to that site to throw tomatoes at Murray again. ahh the joy I get from that. :lol:

I'm so pissed off right now! Why are they treating Murray as if he did nothing wrong? It's almost like they are going to call Murray to pick him up for a damn date/outting. :doh:

With Michael they handcuffed him and humiliated him and Michael was INNOCENT! gahh this makes no sense.

Murray has 4 lawyers now? yep he KNOWS his ass did something wrong. ughhh that mofo I fxckin hate his guts. I'm seriously going crazy with not knowing wth happened to Michael. This guy KNOWS something and he ain't telling. That's why I wanted him to be charged with at least Murder 2, so then he would be scared and speak up about what he knows. :doh:

Murray is a waste of a life, seriously. How in the world can he not feel remorse? I feel freakin' guilty for not being there to save Michael and I don't even "know" him. This guy is the one who napped Michael and he feels no guilt, no remorse? There is definitely something wrong inside that noggin of his. Instead of apologizing and being remorseful he goes around thanking his "supporters." HELLOOO LAPD something wrong here!! wtf took them so long with this damn case for them to just come up with "involuntary manslaughter"?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...-_-

It would be foolish of the LAPD to handcuffed him and humiliated him because it will only give Murray sympathy. Even people who didn't like Michael was absolutely disgusted by the LAPD treatment of him. Do you want the public to feel the same about Murray, because such a tactic will do just that. Like I said before, two wrongs does not make a right. If we condom such treatment of anyone, what make us any different that Seddon who took personal pleasure from Michael's pain.

Also, the number of lawyers does not draw guilt or innocents. Michael had multiple lawyers too, T-Mez was just the main one. Anyone in a high profile case can have up to 2 to 3 lawyers, so that is not usual.

As for what took so long with the involuntary manslaughter, they wanted to make sure they got their case together. Seriously, what is so hard to understand about good investigating taking time. Do you want a fast disorganize case like OJ and Blake. I am certain you know how both ended. It took them years to bring Anna Nicole Smith's doctors to trial and they are only charge for providing drugs for an addict.
I wonder how he's finding the money to pay for all of these lawyers? Maybe he's the one that has the money that was missing from MJ's house.

Hmmmm... :ph34r:

I think "someone" has been paying for his lawyers for him. Because there is no way in hell those lawyers would work for free, especially that EGO crazy Hollywood lawyer. He still payin' for his house, I'm guessig, since he still has it. He is also "paying" for those bodyguards. And he is "paying" his baby momma childsupport. He "supposedly" has $1million in debt plus that $36,000( somethin' like that I forget the exact number) that he has to pay off of his childsupport. So, I really think someone "higher up" is paying for things for him. Just my opinion though, because I don't actually "know." Plus Murray tried to sue AEG because he hadn't been paid. They wouldn't pay him anything because Mike didn't sign the contract. But think about it, we haven't heard a thing about that since then have we? nope, he hasn't gone to Michael's estate with any lawsuit and he hasn't sued AEG. So yeaa...guess he got his cash money somewhere else? How else would he be paying for all that stuff? No way in hell does he has enough money to pay for all of that plus pay off his debts with just working "12hours" a day at his clinic.

And here I go with my "investigation talk" lol sorry. I get carried away sometimes.
Does anyone here remember hearing something about Murray paying a large amount of back child support? How much did he pay?

I didn't hear he paid a large amount of back child support. I thought he went into a payment arrangement where he had to pay $1000/mo and as long as he did this he would stay out of jail.
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