The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Sky News is showing footage of Murray crying in church...
Yes we all should feel guilty because Murray crying.. what about THREE CHILDREN crying and losing the only parent they ever had? Phuck the media
I may not have evidence of this case. I'm looking at past history.

Who takes a month to search lockers and interview on the scene witnesses 2 to 3 months later. The buzz around L.A. from lawyers it was posted on another thread is they messed up the crime scene. Even person of interests get investigated more.

I keep saying this, the crime scene is Michael's own body. The drugs found in it is the story of what had happen. It does not matter how long it take for witnesses to be interview since some cases can go up to a year before anyone is interview. It is also not like these people fled the country and they most likely kept a close eye on them.

So, lawyers are saying they screwed up. It is called drama. Things sell better when it looks like law enforcement mess up, even if they didn't. You and none of the lawyers don't know what they did or didn't find, so they are in no position to say that the LAPD mess up.

They are just talking heads, just like the lawyers who suggested Michael should plea bargain in 2003.
Well well well it is all over the radio that he will turn himself in. There will be no justice in this. I am mad as hell. I said in the very beginning the LAPD fecked up the crime scene and investigation. That is why they have the lesser charge. The defense can claim all sorts of crime scene contamination planting of evidence. Damn Sh*t

The LAPD contaminated nothing. They were in Michael's house all night the day he died. And only after they were done and only went back after Latoya said she found drugs. Stuff like that they won't use because it means nothing. Michael's body is the crime scene what Murray said he gave him vs what was in Michael's body.
There are other factors that enhance charges. If he knew he messed up did he cover up that rises to a new level. How long did he really wait to call 911 was it reasonable? This is all my opinion of course and for now I will stick to it until proven differently.
I keep saying this, the crime scene is Michael's own body. The drugs found in it is the story of what had happen. It does not matter how long it take for witnesses to be interview since some cases can go up to a year before anyone is interview. It is also not like these people fled the country and they most likely kept a close eye on them.

So, lawyers are saying they screwed up. It is called drama. Things sell better when it looks like law enforcement mess up, even if they didn't. You and none of the lawyers don't know what they did or didn't find, so they are in no position to say that the LAPD mess up.

They are just talking heads, just like the lawyers who suggested Michael should plea bargain in 2003.

Tell me about it , yesterday that media whore Mark Geragos said he believed this is one of the very rare cases where a DA feels his case is so weak that no grand jury would indict Murray so he chooses to go to a preliminary hearing :smilerolleyes: I mean what can we say ? :smilerolleyes:
I keep saying this, the crime scene is Michael's own body.
exactly and the police went to the house straight away took aways pills etc on june 25th the house was then given over to the family the police only went back days later to get the medical bag murray had hidden

u know im tired of this and it hasnt even begun. i dont know if i have the strength because at the end of the day we win nothing and have lost everything. whatever happens to him wont bring mike back so i sometimes feel what will all the effort be for.even more so when we could go for a year on this and then he walks free at the end. its like when chandler blew his head off. great. u celebrate for a day or 2 but it doesnt change what he did to mike it doesnt change the last 15 years. what is done is done. so yeah great he went like he did but in the end it changes nothing.and what ever happens to murray wont change anything either
the pain of losing mj wont be any easier cause he comes out of prison in a body bag. yes ill be gald hes not living as he took anothers life but it wont change anything.revenge is sweet for 5 mins thats all.and considering how shitty everything went for mj i expect him to walk anyway.and if he goes to prison and survives he then comes out and becomes a darling of the media.justice?
yesterday that media whore Mark Geragos said he believed this is one of the very rare cases where a DA feels his case is so weak that no grand jury would indict Murray so he chooses to go to a preliminary hearing :smilerolleyes: I mean what can we say ?
what? he was the one calling this a second degree murder charge a few months back what station was that on fox?

prob a stupid question but obviously guilty has to be unanimous but does not guilty have to be the same? if its says 10 guilty 2 not guilty is that a not guilty verdict. or hung jury and a retrial?
Alot of it will rest on what t.o.d the coroner has decided on vs murrays bull timeline.

Here's hoping we get justice. I'm still holding out for a 2nd degree charge even though it's looking more and more unlikely.

Also, oxman is a turd.
what? he was the one calling this a second degree murder charge a few months back what station was that on fox?

prob a stupid question but obviously guilty has to be unanimous but does not guilty have to be the same? if its says 10 guilty 2 not guilty is that a not guilty verdict. or hung jury and a retrial?

yeah but now he wants to have a seat every night to comment on the case .

He was talking about the Grand jury not the jury . We all know that if the DA is less confident of his evidence or need more questions to be answered he goes to a grand jury of 20 grand jurors and basically no defence argument will be present and a DA would get what ever charge he asks the grand jurors to return . in a preliminary hearing the defence has a chance to question the DA witnesses and presents its own argument , so it means unless a DA is very sure of his evidence he would certainly avoid a public hearing like that where it will be up to the judge alone to decide whether the DA can proceed with the case or not .

how come a DA is so much scarred of a grand jury but willing to present his case to a jury ? :smilerolleyes:
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I dont know if this is posted, but this article from the Guardian reads as though Murray is handing himself in rather than get arrested and has travelled to LA to do so....

Thanks for linking this.

I can't believe Murray's lawyer says this:
"If they tell him to surrender in 10 minutes he'll go surrender," said Chernoff. "He's never hidden, he's always been available."

Um, hello, he freaking disappeared didn't he?

Why do i feel like even if Murry gets arrested that this thing is not Over by a LONNNNGGG Shot. I've got unsettling feeling inside. This doesn't feel like Justice, for me, really. As I said b4 there are ppl. behind all of this and until they're found out and get justice...

Exactly. This has been so complicated that I wonder if it's even possible to get to the bottom of. I mean they can charge Murray and yes I think he should be charged, but there's so much other stuff that doesn't make sense, no one tells the truth, I just feel like even with Murray in jail.. it's still not over.. all the answers aren't there,...I'll STILL be confused and wondering what the hell happened and WHY :(
They said involuntary manslaughter because he told police he gave it to them. Also he will turn himself in tomorrow or Friday. Jim Moret said he shouldn't have cared if a patient asked for it. you shouldn't do it if you don't have the right people and equipment
yeah but now he wants to have a seat every night to comment on the case .

He was talking about the Grand jury not the jury . We all know that if the DA is less confident of his evidence or need more questions to be answered he goes to a grand jury of 20 grand jurors and basically no defence argument will be present and a DA would get what ever charge he asks the grand jurors to return . in a preliminary hearing the defence has a chance to question the DA witnesses and presents its own argument , so it means unless a DA is very sure of his evidence he would certainly avoid a public hearing like that where it will be up to the judge alone to decide whether the DA can proceed with the case or not .

how come a DA is so much scarred of a grand jury but willing to present his case to a jury ? :smilerolleyes:

Sorry, you lost me. Can you try to explain that in another way?
crying for being a 'victim' right ? Murray YOU ARE A MONESTER

Yes we all should feel guilty because Murray crying.. what about THREE CHILDREN crying and losing the only parent they ever had? Phuck the media

I hate how the media play.

Perhaps they should show clips and photos of those children on tv, Paris at the memorial and remind everyone about them.

Do you think Prince would have to take to the stand or testify via videolink if he really was called into the room by Murray... if this actually makes it to a trial?
They said involuntary manslaughter because he told police he gave it to them. Also he will turn himself in tomorrow or Friday. Jim Moret said he shouldn't have cared if a patient asked for it. you shouldn't do it if you don't have the right people and equipment

Pretty much what I said from the beginning. They could be extra charges instead of one big second degree murder file, so we will have to wait and see.
there better be. trafficing etc the whole cover up obstruction of justice and what not.if theres nothing ill be even more pissed

rob a stupid question but obviously guilty has to be unanimous but does not guilty have to be the same? if its says 10 guilty 2 not guilty is that a not guilty verdict. or hung jury and a retrial?
I hate how the media play.

Perhaps they should show clips and photos of those children on tv, Paris at the memorial and remind everyone about them.

Do you think Prince would have to take to the stand or testify via videolink if he really was called into the room by Murray... if this actually makes it to a trial?

yeah prince SHOULD testify , Prince reportedly said he saw his daddy shirtless many times and MJ had no needle marks on his arms like murray claimed . yes Klien said the same but klien is not a credible witness , while Prince is . also although Prince did not go upstairs that day Murray's intentions were to make him see his father in that position . Murray did not tell Kai go bring the security , he told her go and bring prince . It is very very damaging testimony . It would proves how heartless this man is
This all brings me to my next question / topic: the will. Lets say it wasnt an accident, it was planned. The motive would be, if everyone who worked for Michael is in the will, then 1. his comeback & 2. $$$$$ & lots of it.

Am I wrong? Please correct me if I'm wrong....
agree and the kids will humanize mj i hate the thought of them having to do it but they have shown how mature they are and it will be a great P.R move on pulling at the heart strings to help get a conviction. whatever it takes
there better be. trafficing etc the whole cover up obstruction of justice and what not.if theres nothing ill be even more pissed

rob a stupid question but obviously guilty has to be unanimous but does not guilty have to be the same? if its says 10 guilty 2 not guilty is that a not guilty verdict. or hung jury and a retrial?

10 V 2 and even 11 V 1 means a hung jury and a retrial . Only if they returned a not guilty verdict he will walk away .
there better be. trafficing etc the whole cover up obstruction of justice and what not.if theres nothing ill be even more pissed

rob a stupid question but obviously guilty has to be unanimous but does not guilty have to be the same? if its says 10 guilty 2 not guilty is that a not guilty verdict. or hung jury and a retrial?

I think if it's a hung jury the judge will declare a mistrial. The case would then be retried. I could be wrong though, because I think in the US there is some double jeopardy law that says you can't try a person for the same charge more then once. If that were allowed then the state would have the right to keep prosecuting one person until they get a conviction. :scratch:
This all brings me to my next question / topic: the will. Lets say it wasnt an accident, it was planned. The motive would be, if everyone who worked for Michael is in the will, then 1. his comeback & 2. $$$$$ & lots of it.

Am I wrong? Please correct me if I'm wrong....

If they killed him for money, it would had been worth more after he did his concerts. Even if he died in the middle of his run, they still would had been able to sell the footage and make several live CDs. Not to mention all the stuff that would had sold along with his concerts and his albums would had skyrocketed even more.

As for the will, the only ones who directly benefices are Michael's kids, charities, and his mother until she dies. If, god forbid, something happen to his kids then T3 become heirs. No one else directly benefices. Mcclain, spelling, and Branca only get a certain percentage and they benefice from having the estate do well.

Also, if this was plan, Murray has to be the dumbest assassin ever, since he left he freaking hand in the cookie jar.
Sorry, you lost me. Can you try to explain that in another way?

The DA can go to a grand jury and it is made up of 20 people . He presents his case, he is not obligated under law to tell them the other side of the story , nor he is obligated to present the defense argument . It is held in secret , the defense does not even know about it .

Some DAs prefer a grand jury when their evidence is not so strong or feel they will expose alot of their strategy if they go to a preliminary hearing . Some go that road to collect more evidence, It is called investigative grand jury . When there are many people involved and things are complicated .

a DA goes to a preliminary hearing when he knows and he is confident he has enough evidence to convince a judge a person has to be tried in a court of law and is not worried over any argument coming from the defence .

The defence in a preliminary hearing has the right to present their case and ask the judge not to allow the prosecutors to continue with their case .

What I have been trying to say that if the DA's case is as weak as Geragos is suggesting he would have preferred to go to a grand jury instead of going to a preliminary hearing . I know that and Geragos knows that but he still gave that stupid and very illogical explanation .
I think if it's a hung jury the judge will declare a mistrial. The case would then be retried. I could be wrong though, because I think in the US there is some double jeopardy law that says you can't try a person for the same charge more then once. If that were allowed then the state would have the right to keep prosecuting one person until they get a conviction. :scratch:

Double Jeopardy only comes into play if the person is found innocent. If someone is put on trial and is said to be innocent, even if new evident comes up about their guilt, they can't be convicted again. Which is why the DA is very serious about what they bring before a jury.

A mistrial can be brought back into court, however. As long as no conviction of innocent has been made, a person can go back to trial even after several mistrials.
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