The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Having a perk walk is part of our justice system - it is meant to be a deterrent. It has been said by many people that there is a problem with Hollywood doctors giving addictive prescriptions to people - whether you believe propofol is addicting or not - it should never have been given as it was. Murray has to take responsiblity for his actions. Something went terribly wrong. I am so hoping for a trial & I am so afraid we will not get one, if he is convicted he may only get 2 years & may even be allowed to plea to a lesser charge. We need to get to the truth & that will only be thru a trial.

Prescription drug abuse is a huge problem everywhere nowadays.

Addiction to prescription painkillers — which kill thousands of Americans a year — has become a largely unrecognized epidemic, experts say. In fact, prescription drugs cause most of the more than 26,000 fatal overdoses each year, says Leonard Paulozzi of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Punishment for a crime does does not deterrent. Our jails our overflow with people and we still have alot crime in the US. Even if they make an example out of Murray, it will do little to stop doctors from taking advantage of patients. As long as money and power are at play, throwing doctors in jail will only treat the symptom and not the cause.

However, as I have said many times, Murray would be a fool to allow this to go to trial. He cannot win no matter how he tries to words things because he left the freaking room. Never mind the drugs, you don't leave a patient for any length of time under the influence of alot of medication. He also fail to call 911 right away for whatever reason and did not perform proper CPR. There is nothing Murray can say that would justify those actions. If he goes to trial and fight, he will get slam. So, he would try everything to keep this from ever seeing the courtroom.

It is call saving face.
Oh God, who would have ever though we would be having this conversation and all waiting to see what the outcome of this is. This is so uncomfortable in so many ways. Nothing is going to bring Michael back to us, but some type of justice will hopefully have some kind of healing effect for family, friends and fans of Michael.
a hope today it gone make justice ...nothing is going to bring michael back,but for his childen ,for the truth i hope today SAU will make justice...LOVE
Knock off MJ & never have to work again, max sentence 4 yrs. prob will do 12months, grab his cash and do the big pr thing, mikes dead right, you can say anything.

If THAT is justice, im tuning out, right about now.

Murder Murder, hope the fans turn out in LA.

screw embarrassment, i want justice. intentionally or not he commited a crime and needs to be prosecuted. of course none of us will be happy because we lost michael forever but at least there will be a sense of closure and we'll feel better knowing that the person responsible for michael's passing was punished.
Well said Nena.
Punishment for a crime does does not deterrent. Our jails our overflow with people and we still have alot crime in the US.

Ok, then let's let all the criminals out of the jails and prisons since it doesn't seem to be working to punish them! LOL Sorry, not buying this argument.

Doctor's know they can get off easily for these types of things. That's why they keep doing what they do. Little to no consequences.
Today is a waiting game. Waiting for the charges to be files and waiting for that arrest to come through. I'm out this evening and I just know that I will not be able to concentrate. Checking my phone for updates from friends about this and when it does come through I know Ill just be a wreck. I advocate for fair treatment but when it comes to seeing Murray's face on TV I just can't help it. It just makes my blood boil seeing him. Michael died under his care due to his negligence. Do I believe he deliberatly killed him, no I do not, but he needs to pay for taking Michael away. I just hope that he saw the news on Monday morning and has the image of those two beautiful kids, whose father he took away from them, permantly emblazoned on his mind and feels some sort of guilt.

I feel exactly the same.
Exactly. It's going to be a long, long day.
I have to leave now, but I'll be back in some hours.
I am on vacations... and this is killing me!!!!!
Steph~ :agree:

I wholeheartedly agree that NO ONE, not even Murray should be treated unfairly. And so far he hasn't been treated with any sort of injustice.
And for some to equate injustice because of the "handcuff" issue is baffling to me, frankly.
But you are not alone in wanting justice and dignity of a person, even Murray in this case. Frankly, I don't find joy in seeing other's suffer. And I don't think that is how a lot of fans feel.

What I said here was not just about Murray, but about everyone that is accused of a crime. I don't want the media to treat other people the way they treated Michael. I won't feel bad for Murray if I see him treated unfairly by the media or the police, but I won't feel a sense of pleasure seeing it happen to him either. No one should be treated unfairly.

In Michael's trial, the media reports were filled with inaccuracies and facts that were twisted to suit their own agenda of portraying him to be a guilty man. Even after he was acquitted, they continued to put forth the idea that he was guilty and "got off" because of his celebrity. Why would we want Murray to be treated the same way? Why do we want to hear sensationalised garbage above facts? Why should we have to pile through 5 months worth of court transcripts when the press should be telling us the truth? I want the public to hear the truth, I don't want the media to feed us garbage. I don't want Murray to be labelled an insane killer if he's not. I don't want him to be labelled an innocent little lamb who got himself in a sticky situation if what he did was intentional.

I don't want injustice. I don't want unfairness. I want the truth.

See I really don't think Murray will ever be treated by the media or the police the way they treated Michael. If anything, the media has been very fair and taking the "wait and see" path. Of course, they are going to cover this case, as much as there is a consumption for the coverage. But THEY WILL NEVER TREAT Murray or anyone else the way they treated Michael.

The scary thing for me is this. Instead of the media focusing and putting on spotlight what Murray has done, they will focus instead on how Michael contributed or MADE MURRAY give him profofol. Things along those lines.

In the upcoming trial I believe, Michael will be on trial as much or more than Murray will be. I hope I am wrong, I hope in light of the out pouring of support since june 25 for MJ, I hope the trial and the coverage will be about Murray's crime and not the misrepresentation of Michael.

Overall, I agree with you that I want justice and truth. And it should be done in fairness. :agree:
Why do i feel like even if Murry gets arrested that this thing is not Over by a LONNNNGGG Shot. I've got unsettling feeling inside. This doenst feel like Justice, for me, really. As I said b4 there are ppl. behind all of this and until they're found out and get justice...I'm not gonna be that happy with Murry going to jail. Everything looks tooo simple, blaming Murry, him being hired...AEG saying that Michael asked for him Personally...Everything seem tooo Simple.

I Watch Law&Order(SVU) every-time its on and I tell you THEY NEVER find the criminal until the end of the Episode...and who ever they think is a criminal before the 30 min of the ending is not really the one behind it! So I'm still waiting for that day i'd feel like Justice is really DONE!

And some on here throwing personal attacks, really Dont. Whats the point? We're supposed to stand for L.O.V.E. Right? :scratch:

ONLY GOD knows. :angel:


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Feb. 3, 2010
Jackson Lawyer: Doc Should Face Murder Rap

(CBS/AP) The attorney for Michael Jackson's family said the doctor at the center of an investigation into the singer's death should face murder charges.

Dr. Conrad Murray's actions "rose to the level of such recklessness you would say this was a second-degree murder charge," Brian Oxman, the family's lawyer, told CBS' "The Early Show" Wednesday.


Oxman said the Jackson family would not be satisfied with manslaughter charges, which could result in a four-year prison sentence.

"That is just a slap on the wrist. ... It is a slap in the face because Michael Jackson was someone who we knew was in danger of being brought to his knees, brought to his death by the use of these medications," Oxman told CBS' "The Early Show" Wednesday.

"I warned [that] one day Michael Jackson would wake up dead," he continued. "I was really angry that this was happening to him and low and behold, he dies from this and then they say, 'Oh, they really didn't mean it. It's involuntary manslaughter.' I think the family will be very, very upset."


Oxman said the Jackson family would welcome the public hearing.

"I think the Jackson family wants to have an airing of this in public. I spoke to Mr. [Joe] Jackson yesterday and Latoya Jackson last night. They want justice for Michael Jackson."


Oxman is continuing his propaganda about MJ being a drug addict. This article confirms that he's only Joe and LaToya's lawyer, not the whole family.
Ok, then let's let all the criminals out of the jails and prisons since it doesn't seem to be working to punish them! LOL Sorry, not buying this argument.

Doctor's know they can get off easily for these types of things. That's why they keep doing what they do. Little to no consequences.

You twisted my argument. You have murders get the death penalty, that is as harsh as you can get but people still kill each other in cold blood. You have people who have rape and stole from people serving 20 years to life, but people are still raping and stealing. You have drug dealers serving 10 years and beyond and they are still plenty of people wanting to sell drugs. So, did making harsher punishments and throwing these people in jail stop or slow down these crimes. All statics says, no.

You are only treating the symptom of a problem if you think just making an example of someone and throwing them in jail would discourage them. Even if they severally punish doctors for doing what Murray did, there are more than a few would be happy to take his place. They just will be more clever about it. Remember, you are only in trouble until you get caught.

Now, I never said the throw everyone out of jail. Those who comment crimes should be punish for them, but you can't see just handing out harsher and harsher punishment as a way to deter people. The only way to prevent more people like Murray is to get to the root and stop just pulling the weeds.
^^ Looks like finally, at long last, Murray will be charged and arrested or most likely turn himself in rather than face the embarrassment. I can't help but feel so angry at him and feel that at least this is some justice though I will never feel like true justice has been served, at the end of the day if it wasn't for Murray's reckless actions and the actions of others around Michael that didn't put his best interests and his health first - Michael would still be with us today....
Feb. 3, 2010
Jackson Lawyer: Doc Should Face Murder Rap

(CBS/AP) The attorney for Michael Jackson's family said the doctor at the center of an investigation into the singer's death should face murder charges.

Dr. Conrad Murray's actions "rose to the level of such recklessness you would say this was a second-degree murder charge," Brian Oxman, the family's lawyer, told CBS' "The Early Show" Wednesday.


Oxman said the Jackson family would not be satisfied with manslaughter charges, which could result in a four-year prison sentence.

"That is just a slap on the wrist. ... It is a slap in the face because Michael Jackson was someone who we knew was in danger of being brought to his knees, brought to his death by the use of these medications," Oxman told CBS' "The Early Show" Wednesday.

"I warned [that] one day Michael Jackson would wake up dead," he continued. "I was really angry that this was happening to him and low and behold, he dies from this and then they say, 'Oh, they really didn't mean it. It's involuntary manslaughter.' I think the family will be very, very upset."


Oxman said the Jackson family would welcome the public hearing.

"I think the Jackson family wants to have an airing of this in public. I spoke to Mr. [Joe] Jackson yesterday and Latoya Jackson last night. They want justice for Michael Jackson."


Oxman is continuing his propaganda about MJ being a drug addict. This article confirms that he's only Joe and LaToya's lawyer, not the whole family.

Oxman still saying this crap?

Man, shut the hell up. You thought painkiller killed him, you never once said Propofol you lying prick. It was all 'Demerol' and doctor shopping, remember. Also, do some research into Propofol addiction before you open you wide mouth before you make yourself look more like the asshole you are.
Feb. 3, 2010
Jackson Lawyer: Doc Should Face Murder Rap

(CBS/AP) The attorney for Michael Jackson's family said the doctor at the center of an investigation into the singer's death should face murder charges.

Dr. Conrad Murray's actions "rose to the level of such recklessness you would say this was a second-degree murder charge," Brian Oxman, the family's lawyer, told CBS' "The Early Show" Wednesday.


Oxman said the Jackson family would not be satisfied with manslaughter charges, which could result in a four-year prison sentence.

"That is just a slap on the wrist. ... It is a slap in the face because Michael Jackson was someone who we knew was in danger of being brought to his knees, brought to his death by the use of these medications," Oxman told CBS' "The Early Show" Wednesday.

"I warned [that] one day Michael Jackson would wake up dead," he continued. "I was really angry that this was happening to him and low and behold, he dies from this and then they say, 'Oh, they really didn't mean it. It's involuntary manslaughter.' I think the family will be very, very upset."


Oxman said the Jackson family would welcome the public hearing.

"I think the Jackson family wants to have an airing of this in public. I spoke to Mr. [Joe] Jackson yesterday and Latoya Jackson last night. They want justice for Michael Jackson."


Oxman is continuing his propaganda about MJ being a drug addict. This article confirms that he's only Joe and LaToya's lawyer, not the whole family.

Oxman needs to shut up. You don't wake up if you are dead and thats the whole point here.
"wake up dead..."

Me and my family were watching MJ's last days on channel 4 and that lawyer or someone else said the exact same words and my whole family and myself brust out laughing for like 10 mins.


And YAY - it's being taken seriously!
Oxman needs to shut up. You don't wake up if you are dead and thats the whole point here.
Oxman is f$%^%$ jerk! I don't get why he is still around after everything he has said about Michael and his children!!! What a f%$$ moron ''wake up dead''!!
Oxman needs to shut up. You don't wake up if you are dead and thats the whole point here.

That says it all.

Seriously, go work for Murray's defense team since you have already gave him the damn opening argument.

"Lady and Gentlemen of the jury. Michael Jackson was someone who we knew was in danger of being brought to his knees, brought to his death by the use of these medications, and Murray is in no way complete at fault for Michael's drug problem. He would had wake up dead with or without Murray."

With friends like you, the enemies must have been Satan himself.
I am going insane about this. I can't think about anything else. I want him arrested. And I want Oxman to shut up.
Well well well it is all over the radio that he will turn himself in. There will be no justice in this. I am mad as hell. I said in the very beginning the LAPD fecked up the crime scene and investigation. That is why they have the lesser charge. The defense can claim all sorts of crime scene contamination planting of evidence. Damn Sh*t
The news about Murray was on Sky News today.. I was surprised.

From that article just posted - Oxman was right about this part:

Dr. Conrad Murray's actions "rose to the level of such recklessness you would say this was a second-degree murder charge," Brian Oxman, the family's lawyer, told CBS' "The Early Show" Wednesday.


Oxman said the Jackson family would not be satisfied with manslaughter charges, which could result in a four-year prison sentence.

He shouldn't be making other comments, that relate to what he personally thought/felt. He's not doing Michael any favours there. This guy is supposed to be a lawyer...?
That says it all.

Seriously, go work for Murray's defense team since you have already gave him the damn opening argument.

"Lady and Gentlemen of the jury. Michael Jackson was someone who we knew was in danger of being brought to his knees, brought to his death by the use of these medications, and Murray is in no way complete at fault for Michael's drug problem. He would had wake up dead with or without Murray."

With friends like you, the enemies must have been Satan himself.
spot on.
Well well well it is all over the radio that he will turn himself in. There will be no justice in this. I am mad as hell. I said in the very beginning the LAPD fecked up the crime scene and investigation. That is why they have the lesser charge. The defense can claim all sorts of crime scene contamination planting of evidence. Damn Sh*t

You don't even know what they have, so you can't say they mess up.

Also, no one from law enforcement said anything with charging Murray with second degree murder to begin with. It was all fans wishful thinking. They say manslaughter from the start of all this, so it is hardly surprising that is what they are going to charge him with.
I may not have evidence of this case. I'm looking at past history.

Who takes a month to search lockers and interview on the scene witnesses 2 to 3 months later. The buzz around L.A. from lawyers it was posted on another thread is they messed up the crime scene. Even person of interests get investigated more.
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