The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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I want DR murry to get the death penalty we all should presure the DA t o give this to him he deserved this

i want ever tv station to broadcast his death so we fan could see this a hole die
Before anyone starts accusing me of defending Murray, I'm not. I just can't understand how we could sit here and say "okay, when he turns himself in, he should be beaten and abused by authorities until he's knocked out and sleeping in a pool of his own blood. The cops should then drag him across the floor by his ear lobe and pin him to a wall to have his mug shot taken. By the time they're finished with him, he would need an ambulance take him out." You do realise you are talking about a human being here? To say you want this to happen before any trial, is to say you'll condone police brutality as a form of punishment for what he did.

Police brutality? Who's talking about police brutality? Placing someone in handcuffs and arresting them before the world and the media to see (heh!) is not police brutality. I don't want the man beaten up. I just want to see him arrested properly and in the same fashion that Michael was (though his arrest was done improperly).
I want DR murry to get the death penalty we all should presure the DA t o give this to him he deserved this

i want ever tv station to broadcast his death so we fan could see this a hole die

Without even hearing his side of the story? WOW!!
he dont even deserve to stand trail just give him the death penalty and get this over with he dint care about Mj so why give him a chance he dint give MJ a chance
I want Murray to be treated EXACTLY as fairly as our precious Michael was. No more, and no less. And FANS, if not, why not?

My answer is that I want everyone who is accused of a crime in the United States to be treated with respect and in accordance with the law.

The Perp Walk is not that and is really illegal.
My answer is that I want everyone who is accused of a crime in the United States to be treated with respect and in accordance with the law.

The Perp Walk is not that and is really illegal.

are u working for AEG

it seams like it
I have mostly avoiding this thread for several reasons, but I will just add my two cents to this:

Everyone wants justice here, that is something we can all agree on, however, we must all accept the fact that no amount of earthly or heavily justice will bring no amount of peace to anyone. Even if Murray is sentence to 10 years in prison and loses his license, can you honestly tell me that it would bring you peace and happiness about has happen? Even if Murray dies and you believe he would burn in hell, would it make everything that has happen right? Would it ease your angry and your hurt? Going by human nature and history the answer is no.

No amount of punishment will ever bring Michael back or bring peace to those who hold on to anger and hate. Even if all of Michael's haters and those who abuse him in life all die or went to jail, would it all make up for has happen? If you think that Murray's arrest and punishment will bring the peace and conclusion you hope for, you will be disappointed.

We all must find peace for what has happen on our own way, but the justice system, God, or anyone else cannot give it to us. We all must reach the point that no matter what has or will happen will be okay with us and we have ability to let go of our angry and hatred.

Make no mistake, I do want Murray to pay for what he has done and I hope he will never be able to practice again since he had shown that he is no doctor. Doctors are suppose to be trusted with a patient's health, safety, and life and not be motivated by finical and personal gain. However, I don't particular care if he does or does not go to prison. If he does that is fine, if he doesn't, I am fine with that as well. I won't allow myself to be consume by hatred or angry over Murray's actions and he is the one who has to live with himself.

We all have our opinions on this and I will not preach who is right or wrong since there is no answer that is right for everyone. However, the first step is to always find peace from a terrible tragedy otherwise it will consume you for the rest of you life, no matter the outcome of Murray's fate.

That is all I really wanted to say on the matter of justice.
Without even hearing his side of the story? WOW!!

Still defending Murray, on a Michael Jackson board? Strange.

He told his side of the story already, in part. He gave Michael propofol, and other drugs, and Michael DIED. The rest are probably details. His STATEMENT to the police is there for anyone to read, on the search-warrants. He already TOLD it. What else could there possibly be?

We are all looking for closure. An apology would do a lot, for those who loved Michael. He will probably plead guilty. I hope he gives a REAL statement, anyway.
I want to see Murray in handcuffs so I know it's real. Maybe they don't have to show that but then we didn't have to see Michael in handcuffs either.
My answer is that I want everyone who is accused of a crime in the United States to be treated with respect and in accordance with the law.

The Perp Walk is not that and is really illegal.

So what are you advocating? Thousands of people are arrested everyday and in handcuffs. What is the alternative you seem to be suggesting or wanting.
My answer is that I want everyone who is accused of a crime in the United States to be treated with respect and in accordance with the law.

The Perp Walk is not that and is really illegal.

It's a little late for law enforcement to begin thinking about people's treatment and respect. Why start now with Dr. Murray? They should have done that with Michael.
he dont even deserve to stand trail just give him the death penalty and get this over with he dint care about Mj so why give him a chance he dint give MJ a chance

And after he is dead, will you then feel better? Will his death erase all the months of anger, hate, and lost that has built into you heart? Will it make everything better that he is dead and you get to watch every second of it?

Even if you do feel pleasure and happiness from such a thing, I can almost promise you that it will fade away and you would be left the the same feelings you have now. Death solves nothing, even if you believe in hell. His death or anyone else will not bring Michael back and even make his kids happy.

To wish for such a thing only hurts you and not Murray. Because you are the one who will be carrying you bitterness until the day you die and you will dishonor Michael's life in doing so.

Fine peace outside of justice and Murray. That is the only way anyone can heal. Wishing for death solves nothing.
I have mostly avoiding this thread for several reasons, but I will just add my two cents to this:

Everyone wants justice here, that is something we can all agree on, however, we must all accept the fact that no amount of earthly or heavily justice will bring no amount of peace to anyone. Even if Murray is sentence to 10 years in prison and loses his license, can you honestly tell me that it would bring you peace and happiness about has happen?

If other quack doctors like Murray (and there are MANY) watch him being arrested and taken away in such a humiliating way (as Michael was) then maybe, just maybe that will give them pause to think the next time they give a patient something that they shouldn't.

Nothing can bring Michael back, no. However, I don't know about anyone else here but I personally would feel some satisfaction if at the very least Murray's medical license were revoked. Then he can never hurt anyone else that way again and he would no longer be able to earn a living in that profession. And maybe he will serve as an example for others in that field. And in turn lives will be saved and Michael's death will not be in vein.
Please forgive me but I have to say (& ask) 1. Michael really should have looked into this dr's background ; you don't just hire a dr because the dr has some finacial issues & 2. who even recommended Dr. Murray?? I bet you it was Jermaine who persuaded Michael to hire Dr. Murray (??)
It's a little late for law enforcement to begin thinking about people's treatment and respect. Why start now with Dr. Murray? They should have done that with Michael.

It should have started BEFORE Michael.
My answer is that I want everyone who is accused of a crime in the United States to be treated with respect and in accordance with the law.

The Perp Walk is not that and is really illegal.

I seem to be the only one here agreeing with you.

You're all saying that Michael was treated unfairly and you want to see Murray treated that same way. But why? No one should be treated unfairly.
If other quack doctors like Murray (and there are MANY) watch him being arrested and taken away in such a humiliating way (as Michael was) then maybe, just maybe that will give them pause to think the next time they give a patient something that they shouldn't.

Nothing can bring Michael back, no. However, I don't know about anyone else here but I personally would feel some satisfaction if at the very least Murray's medical license were revoked. Then he can never hurt anyone else that way again and he would no longer be able to earn a living in that profession. And maybe he will serve as an example for others in that field. And in turn lives will be saved and Michael's death will not be in vein.

Punishment and humiliation does not deter crime. We have drug dealers we get lengthy prison sentences, but they are still people willing to sell and push drugs. Some states have the death penalty for murder, but people still kill one another, sometimes in cold blood. People go to jail for the rest of their lives for rape, but people still rape one another. Even if they use Murray as some type of example to doctors, it will not discourage others to take his place. As long as money and power are involve, Murray's fate will fall on deaf ears and won't stop the overall problem.

People like Michael will continue to die like he did until the system that created people like Murray is address. Until that is address, Murray being put in cuffs solves nothing.
Nothing will bring back Michael. But if Murray doesn't get charged and be held accoutable for his actions then that won't bring any peace either. I don't need him to be humiliated, beaten up or whatever but to carry with him the knowledge that his actions took away someone's life. Someone who had 3 young children. No matter what he will have to live wih that the rest of his life.
Please forgive me but I have to say (& ask) 1. Michael really should have looked into this dr's background ; you don't just hire a dr because the dr has some finacial issues & 2. who even recommended Dr. Murray?? I bet you it was Jermaine who persuaded Michael to hire Dr. Murray (??)

Michael knew Murray since 2006, so he didn't just hire him from the phone book. He most likely hired him because he treated his kids when they were sick and Michael got to like the guy. You also cannot say Michael hire him because of financial issues since we don't really know either way.

None of his family also didn't personally know him otherwise you would had heard it by now.
are u working for AEG

it seams like it

It surely does seem so, but don't worry about it too much? It's doing them more harm than good, if that's true. If it ever can be proven that this is the case, well, that is a terrible RISK they are taking? If they are blameless, then why even DO that?

Whatever. It is what it is. This is a Michael Jackson board, right?
I seem to be the only one here agreeing with you.

You're all saying that Michael was treated unfairly and you want to see Murray treated that same way. But why? No one should be treated unfairly.

I want to see everyone treated like a human being and not humiliated. I don't see the point in it.

I also am a huge fan of Michaels and in my heart I believe in L.O.V.E. and caring for humanity. It is hard to have faith in a system that has flaws, but it is the only one we have. We need to make it work as people, and allowing the law to do things to human beings that humiliates them and makes them look 'guilty' by parading them around should not be allowed at all. We, as people, should not let this type of thing happen.

It is more because of all I have seen Michael go through, and all the injustices that he had to endure that I have learned just how wrong it all is. I believe it hurt him more deeply than any of us know or can imagine and it saddens me that anyone would want the same treatment for another human being.

For anyone to keep insisting that I am defending Murray over and over when I have clearly never done that baffles me. Its clearly twisting my meaning around. I am here as a fan who cares a great deal for Michael, but I am also a person who believes in treating people with respect and dignity.

My whole point is that we are a civilized society. Innocent people are arrested at times. (Not talking about this case....but ALL cases) If it is "ok" to treat people with disrespect, what kind of world is this?
Please forgive me but I have to say (& ask) 1. Michael really should have looked into this dr's background ; you don't just hire a dr because the dr has some finacial issues & 2. who even recommended Dr. Murray?? I bet you it was Jermaine who persuaded Michael to hire Dr. Murray (??)
:smilerolleyes: the family doesn't know this guy. michael obviously knew him for a while, and who recommended any of michael's doctors. michael trusted to many doctors and didn't have enough people who cared about his well being around him.
I am advocating equal justice under the law, and EQUAL treatment in media, to what Michael received. And that is IT.

But what Michael received was unfair. He was treated in a way he shouldn't have been treated. Why would to want someone else to be treated the same way? What the media did to Michael is something I never want to see happen again. We shouldn't be condoning what the media did or wishing that on anyone else. By doing so, we're only giving them permission to treat people the way they treated Michael. They never should have been allowed to treat anyone in that way to begin with.
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I just can't believe this. Would you guys who are protecting Murray honestly feel sorry for him if you saw him being taken into custody in handcuffs? REALLY??? Well, not me. Because I know he is responsible for Michael's death. We all know it. The trial will be merely a formality. To what degree he is ultimately punished (if at all) remains to be determined. But right now, in the eyes of the fans, he is responsible for Michael's death and I don't care if he's arrested before the world.
Nothing will bring back Michael. But if Murray doesn't get charged and be held accoutable for his actions then that won't bring any peace either. I don't need him to be humiliated, beaten up or whatever but to carry with him the knowledge that his actions took away someone's life. Someone who had 3 young children. No matter what he will have to live wih that the rest of his life.

I did not mean that Murray should not be punish for what he has done, I said that from the start. I just don't believe that wanting to cause as much pain and suffering to this man will bring any kind of peace and resolution.

Once everything is said and done, how will many move on from what has happen. You cannot base yourself finding peace on what the justice system does on this earth or the next. No matter what happens, you will never be satisfied and if you let it, it will consume you.

Before Murray hits that courtroom, if it comes to that point, everyone needs to find their own peace and be willing to accept whatever happens. That is all I personally meant.

I know some are too angry to see it now, but I do hope my words do make some sense.
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