The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Vic and Beachlover you both have your opinions GOOD FOR YOU , each of you like everyone else here have his/her questions & doubts and hopefully they will be answered soon , let's guys have a moment of solidarity . Tomorrow the man whose actions caused this unbearable tragedy might very will be charged and we should not be divided . Please :)

"Divided," how? "We" are not divided. If Murray is charged, he must be treated as anyone would be who is charged with murder. Fair is fair.
I'm sorry but people are treating this Murray guy like he is some fragile little thing who can't be placed in handcuffs and worrying about his being humiliated in public and on and on. I'm not worried about Murray. As far as I am concerned he has confessed to wrong doing. Sure, he'll get his fair trial. But in the meantime I want to see those handcuffs on him and I want to see this displayed ALL OVER NATIONAL TV AND ALL OVER THE INTERNET. Did anyone care if Michael was humiliated? Did anyone care that Michael had not yet gotten his fair trial when HE was taken away in handcuffs? Too bad Murray if you think you are too good for this treatment. I am boiling mad, lol.

Honestly... I don't really care about Murray... while I do care about justice. And somehow, and maybe this sounds crazy to some but well just take it I'm religious and I don't want him to get an easy pass with our creator because it was wrong done to him in this life.
Maybe this makes my standpoint easier to understand?
Also justice is such an important value I hold on to in my life. It's not necessarily to me only what a justice system tells... more my own thoughts and judgements really counting somehow.

So as I want true and perfect justice coming down on Murray... well ok hopefully on everybody... my trust honestly goes more to my creator than to human beings anyways.

Please know I respect others believing or thinking different.

But still... when it was wrong when it was done to Michael in a humiliating way, then it is also wrong when it is done to anyone else also.

He needs to be proven guilty. I hope he will be... then again my hope is not really strong on that... my hopes are much stronger... my faith is much stronger in God.

Well sorry don't want to turn this into a religious discussion for sure... just try to explain a bit more where my standpoint is coming from that Murray needs to get fair treatment... well when we still want to talk about justice.
Good. Your interest in JUSTICE is what everyone here wants, since if Murray gets JUSTICE Michael will get JUSTICE automatically. However, I get the impression that many are afraid that true JUSTICE might not be forthcoming based on their past experience of American Justice. Given this, it is good to look at these fans point of view also.
Vic and Beachlover you both have your opinions GOOD FOR YOU , each of you like everyone else here have his/her questions & doubts and hopefully they will be answered soon , let's guys have a moment of solidarity . Tomorrow the man whose actions caused this unbearable tragedy might very will be charged and we should not be divided . Please :)

I am all for him being charged and having the case presented. I would LOVE as you know to finally know what really happened and how this all went wrong, one way or another.

There are a lot of unanswered questions for all of us and I agree with you Soundmind. This is a time to stick together and not argue and fight. I think we all need to keep calm and just wait and see what happens because we don't know what the charges will be, we don't know what they found when they investigated. We really don't know yet.
My faith is strong, too, and thank you, Mechi. What I hope for is that Murray is treated exactly as fairly as anyone charged with murder would be under U.S. law. The rest is up to God.

I'm really out of this thread now, but my hope and prayer is for JUSTICE for Michael, in all the forms that should take.
Honestly... I don't really care about Murray... while I do care about justice. And somehow, and maybe this sounds crazy to some but well just take it I'm religious and I don't want him to get an easy pass with our creator because it was wrong done to him in this life.
Maybe this makes my standpoint easier to understand?
Also justice is such an important value I hold on to in my life. It's not necessarily to me only what a justice system tells... more my own thoughts and judgements really counting somehow.

So as I want true and perfect justice coming down on Murray... well ok hopefully on everybody... my trust honestly goes more to my creator than to human beings anyways.

Please know I respect others believing or thinking different.

But still... when it was wrong when it was done to Michael in a humiliating way, then it is also wrong when it is done to anyone else also.

He needs to be proven guilty. I hope he will be... then again my hope is not really strong on that... my hopes are much stronger... my faith is much stronger in God.

Well sorry don't want to turn this into a religious discussion for sure... just try to explain a bit more where my standpoint is coming from that Murray needs to get fair treatment... well when we still want to talk about justice.

I LOVE your post. It is better said obviously than I could say it and I thank you from my heart. It had a calming effect on me. Your words ring very true and I think my own faith is that in the end we are all responsible for our actions.
"Divided," how? "We" are not divided. If Murray is charged, he must be treated as anyone would be who is charged with murder. Fair is fair.

I agree , back in 2003 when we complained why they arrested MJ since he surrounded himself the answer came fast , he is a citizen of the U.S.A and what applied to every citizen applied to him , being a celebrity did not mean you would be treated any differently , we are not seeking revenge , we just want him to be treated like everyone else . Murray HAS to follow the procedures that everyone follows . MJ was accused of trying to avoid a public humilation and playing the victim role . the 'justice system' prevents such a thing , and the same should apply to Murray . His lawyers should not be allowed to play the crowds .
I agree , back in 2003 when we complained why they arrested MJ since he surrounded himself the answer came fast , he is a citizen of the U.S.A and what applied to every citizen applied to him , being a celebrity did not mean you would be treated any differently , we are not seeking revenge , we just want him to be treated like everyone else . Murray HAS to follow the procedures that everyone follows . MJ was accused of trying to avoid a public humilation and playing the victim role . the 'justice system' prevents such a thing , and the same should apply to Murray . His lawyers should not be allowed to play the crowds .

Yes, that is all true. I am trying NOT to watch the news today because I think a lot of it is being repeated incorrectly from the little I did see, so I chose to just wait.
My faith is strong, too, and thank you, Mechi. What I hope for is that Murray is treated exactly as fairly as anyone charged with murder would be under U.S. law. The rest is up to God.

I'm really out of this thread now, but my hope and prayer is for JUSTICE for Michael, in all the forms that should take.
I completely agree with you, Victoria. :hug: And also I really hope and pray justice will be served once and for all. If someone commits a crime, they should pay. Murray committed a crime, so he needs to pay the consequences. This all makes no sense. The police were so quick to arrest Michael over no evidence, but when there's a crap load of it now, they don't do anything?
The "perp-walk" is a technique used by law-enforcement, and is not uniformly applied. The purpose is to sway public opinion, and the potential jury-pool. Michael should NOT have been subjected to this humiliation. He surrendered himself voluntarily. I SAW the events that took place at the Santa Barbara airport. He was placed in handcuffs, for NO reason. He conducted himself with great dignity.

The "perp-walk," for the sake of media, is not automatic for the "accused." I hope that Murray receives EXACTLY the same treatment that Michael did, for the sake of justice, and balance, in the long-run. Everyone who is accused, under U.S. law, is afforded the same rights. . . the assumption of innocence. But, it is not that simple. Placing Michael in handcuffs shifted that balance in the public eye, to his disadvantage. He was acquitted anyway, because he was innocent. Murray should suffer NO less. For the sake of balance, and justice.

I cannot possibly imagine that any reasonable person would disagree with this.
The "perp-walk" is a technique used by law-enforcement, and is not uniformly applied. The purpose is to sway public opinion, and the potential jury-pool. Michael should NOT have been subjected to this humiliation. He surrendered himself voluntarily. I SAW the events that took place at the Santa Barbara airport. He was placed in handcuffs, for NO reason. He conducted himself with great dignity.

The "perp-walk," for the sake of media, is not automatic for the "accused." I hope that Murray receives EXACTLY the same treatment that Michael did, for the sake of justice, and balance, in the long-run. Everyone who is accused, under U.S. law, is afforded the same rights. . . the assumption of innocence. But, it is not that simple. Placing Michael in handcuffs shifted that balance in the public eye, to his disadvantage. He was acquitted anyway, because he was innocent. Murray should suffer NO less. For the sake of balance, and justice.

I cannot possibly imagine that any reasonable person would disagree with this.

So, you are saying that you want everyone who is accused of a crime to be handcuffed and treated that way?

I guess that is my misunderstanding. I believe NO ONE should, so I am sorry if I seem to be on the opposite side of that.

But I do want justice here, so we agree on that. :yes:
The "perp-walk" is a technique used by law-enforcement, and is not uniformly applied. The purpose is to sway public opinion, and the potential jury-pool. Michael should NOT have been subjected to this humiliation. He surrendered himself voluntarily. I SAW the events that took place at the Santa Barbara airport. He was placed in handcuffs, for NO reason. He conducted himself with great dignity.

The "perp-walk," for the sake of media, is not automatic for the "accused." I hope that Murray receives EXACTLY the same treatment that Michael did, for the sake of justice, and balance, in the long-run. Everyone who is accused, under U.S. law, is afforded the same rights. . . the assumption of innocence. But, it is not that simple. Placing Michael in handcuffs shifted that balance in the public eye, to his disadvantage. He was acquitted anyway, because he was innocent. Murray should suffer NO less. For the sake of balance, and justice.

I cannot possibly imagine that any reasonable person would disagree with this.

Very true , I'm trying to explain how the reply was prepared and we know they did much worse once he arrived to be booked . :( , the crime here is serious , they have evidence and not every DA is sneddon .
"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe."

"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with"

Meh, people are throwing down the gauntlet.

Victoria Your posts as well as your message/actions has been pretty clear, JUSTICE for Michael.

I don't see you leading a riot mob. You are entitled to share your opinion, emotions, feelings, just as anyone else on the board without being called out.

Jeez..... I am all for the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in the court of law. But in this case the facts are out there.
There isn't any ambiguity about the following facts:
1. Murray procured and administered Profofol in a home setting, injecting a lethal amount that cause the death of his patient Michael Jackson.
2. Murray after realizing a catastrophic failure as a physician to properly care for his patient then sought to cover up what occurred instead of immediately calling for assistance.
3. For 7 months Murray has been given due process, he's been LIVING, while Michael lay ..... GOING TO STOP HERE!!

With that said.. :hug: to all the fans. If Murray is arrested (FINALLY) the next few months, years, will be very difficult for the family and for fans around the world that GENUINELY loves Michael.

In the pursuit of JUSTICE, I am in no doubt that they will seek to TARNISH and MISREPRESENT Michael.

We as a community must stand committed and firm in our support of each other.

Good Night!!:angel:
The "perp-walk" is a technique used by law-enforcement, and is not uniformly applied. The purpose is to sway public opinion, and the potential jury-pool. Michael should NOT have been subjected to this humiliation. He surrendered himself voluntarily. I SAW the events that took place at the Santa Barbara airport. He was placed in handcuffs, for NO reason. He conducted himself with great dignity.

The "perp-walk," for the sake of media, is not automatic for the "accused." I hope that Murray receives EXACTLY the same treatment that Michael did, for the sake of justice, and balance, in the long-run. Everyone who is accused, under U.S. law, is afforded the same rights. . . the assumption of innocence. But, it is not that simple. Placing Michael in handcuffs shifted that balance in the public eye, to his disadvantage. He was acquitted anyway, because he was innocent. Murray should suffer NO less. For the sake of balance, and justice.

I cannot possibly imagine that any reasonable person would disagree with this.

I agree with you and I think he should get a fair trial like everybody else but if Murray gets acquitted its gonna be a problem....
Meh, people are throwing down the gauntlet.

Victoria Your posts as well as your message/actions has been pretty clear, JUSTICE for Michael.

I don't see you leading a riot mob. You are entitled to share your opinion, emotions, feelings, just as anyone else on the board without being called out.

Jeez..... I am all for the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in the court of law. But in this case the facts are out there.
There isn't any ambiguity about the following facts:
1. Murray procured and administered Profofol in a home setting, injecting a lethal amount that cause the death of his patient Michael Jackson.
2. Murray after realizing a catastrophic failure as a physician to properly care for his patient then sought to cover up what occurred instead of immediately calling for assistance.
3. For 7 months Murray has been given due process, he's been LIVING, while Michael lay ..... GOING TO STOP HERE!!

With that said.. :hug: to all the fans. If Murray is arrested (FINALLY) the next few months, years, will be very difficult for the family and for fans around the world that GENUINELY loves Michael.

In the pursuit of JUSTICE, I am in no doubt that they will seek to TARNISH and MISREPRESENT Michael.

We as a community must stand committed and firm in our support of each other.

Good Night!!:angel:

Thanks :clapping::clapping::clapping:
So, you are saying that you want everyone who is accused of a crime to be handcuffed and treated that way?

I guess that is my misunderstanding. I believe NO ONE should, so I am sorry if I seem to be on the opposite side of that.

But I do want justice here, so we agree on that. :yes:

In an imperfect world . . . which it is . . . . I want the field to be absolutely level. Michael deserves no less.
He has yet to apologize, to anyone. I hope for the sake of his soul, that he does. Not because of the law and his trying somehow to get "off," somehow, of what he did, but because of what is RIGHT. For the sake of Michael's children, Michael's family, and his millions of fans. . . those fans who are still in incredible pain. . .
I believe that under the advice of his legal team he has not spoken at all. Apologizing is admission of guilt.
He has yet to apologize, to anyone. I hope for the sake of his soul, that he does. Not because of the law and his trying somehow to get "off," somehow, of what he did, but because of what is RIGHT. For the sake of Michael's children, Michael's family, and his millions of fans. . . those fans who are still in incredible pain. . .

He will apologize in two cases only . The first case if he takes a plea bargain . The second case when he is convicted and pleads the judge to reduce his sentence . In either cases I DON'T want to hear his apology because it won't be sincere .
When Murray admitted giving the propofol to Michael made him guilty to me. Michael didn't give it himself, this man did and when he should have been watching Michael he wasn't. He waited too long to call 911 and there are phone records to show he was talking to other people when Michael was probably already dead. I know there is innocent until proven guilty but he admitted giving it to Michael and his actions after didn't help Michael at all. He should be held accountable for his actions that day. He made the choices he did and he is responsible for that. He is a doctor that knows the risks and didn't follow any ethical behavior and should have known better.

I know that Michael's name will probably get dragged through the mud but it's not the first time. But it doesn't matter because they can't hurt Michael anymore and it won't excuse what Murray did.
I believe that under the advice of his legal team he has not spoken at all. Apologizing is admission of guilt.

Of COURSE it is, an admission of guilt. Never mind integrity, or the thousands, if not millions, of grieving fans. This is not only about the law, but about what is RIGHT, for the long-term, and for history. What a terrible karma this man has. ..
He will apologize in two cases only . The first case if he takes a plea bargain . The second case when he is convicted and pleads the judge to reduce his sentence . In either cases I DON'T want to hear his apology because it won't be sincere .

I think he is very sorry he was ever his doctor.
So, you are saying that you want everyone who is accused of a crime to be handcuffed and treated that way?

No, just the guy who killed Michael Jackson. Come on, all of us as MJ fans know Murray is responsible for his death. We have read whatever information is available surrounding the circumstances (warrants, etc). At the very least it looks really bad for Murray. I personally would get a great feeling of satisfaction watching Murray being carted away in handcuffs. It may not be fair but hey, life isn't fair. It wasn't fair for Michael. Like I said, Murray will get his fair trial but for now, I want to see that perp walk.

Perk walks are usually used for suspects arrested in especially high-profile crimes.

I would say this more than qualifies.
I think I should explain my way of thinking here. It is NOT to defend Murray. I can't because I still don't know what happened. a human being with a soul and feelings, I believe NO ONE should be treated that way. I am sad it happened to Michael but doing this to someone else won't make it right. It will never change that and it will just mean that we are allowing the system to humiliate someone who has not been proven guilty in a court of law.

This is more than Michael Jackson. It is the justice system.

I understand what you're saying. I do believe that Murray should be punished for what he did, but even so, I don't want to see this guy coming out of the station with bruises all over his body after the cops stuck into him. We're all mad at Murray for what he did, but seeing the man suffering and in pain isn't going to make us feel any better. I don't understand how anyone can feel pleasure from watching another man struggle. Regardless of who they are or what they did, everyone deserves a fair trial.

Before anyone starts accusing me of defending Murray, I'm not. I just can't understand how we could sit here and say "okay, when he turns himself in, he should be beaten and abused by authorities until he's knocked out and sleeping in a pool of his own blood. The cops should then drag him across the floor by his ear lobe and pin him to a wall to have his mug shot taken. By the time they're finished with him, he would need an ambulance take him out." You do realise you are talking about a human being here? To say you want this to happen before any trial, is to say you'll condone police brutality as a form of punishment for what he did. What does that say about us? That you give permission to police to humiliate a man before they ever step foot in a court room? What the cops did to Michael when he turned himself in was wrong. We know it was wrong. So why is it ok if these cops do the same to someone else?

I really wish I could understand some fans here. I'm trying to understand you. I can understand you're mad at Murray. I can understand that. I can understand the need for justice. But what I can't understand is the need to witness this man suffer. From what I'm reading here, it seems like you really want to see Murray cry, you want to see him in pain, and seeing his struggle will somehow give you pleasure. That's what I don't understand. I don't know if it's just that I'm weird or what. I know this man killed Michael. I know this is the very man that took a father away from 3 young children. I'm upset that he's still out there practising and I'm mad that he's just moving on and he hasn't even apologised to the children for taking their daddy away. But I just can't imagine feeling pleasure from seeing him being slaughtered. I feel like a bad fan. He killed Michael, so I should want to see him be killed too, right? but I don't feel that way. I can't even wrap my head around the thought that other fans feel that way. I dunno... I wish I could understand where you're all coming from.
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