The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Michael was arrested for something he did NOT do. He "turned himself in." He did not RUN from that accusation. He was very courageous. He was put in handcuffs, HURT, and humiliated. He was acquitted of any crime. He did not hurt anyone. Not ever.

Murray, if he is, indeed the "killer," murdered someone. Someone that we all LOVED. I hope that he will be put in handcuffs, hurt, and humiliated, as INNOCENT Michael was. And not just allowed to "turn himself in?" Michael deserves this justice. Doesn't he? For all that he suffered as an INNOCENT man?

Absolutely. I agree so much.
I am sorry for responding twice to your post but Murray is not responsible for everything Michael suffered over his life time. You did say "IF HE IS" and the man deserves to be heard.

We still have not ever heard the whole story. How fair is it to hang the man before you even hear his side of things. You have not heard this from his own mouth.

I just think Murray should at the very least be taken into custody in handcuffs, that's all. They did it to Michael, did they not? And that was before we ever heard HIS side of things.
id like to see him charged with murder, but i wont really care either way. the damage is done. murray guilty wont bring Mj back. it would put a smile on my face but not much more.
I still can't get the image out my head of MJ walking tall with the handcuffs on and before he went in; He raised the back of his hand to the camera's. As in this is what they want to it is. :no: Michael was innocent and he still did this.

I'm not comparing Michael to Jesus. But if they put Jesus on the cross, beat him, and cursed at him.;He was perfect without sin. What do you think they do to regular good folk? So I did not expect much out that situation. It was a modern day crucifixion for Michael. Good people will suffer but bad ones not so.

I hope that DR Murray get's treated the same as Michael but what can I say. This world is evil and right now evil rules but I'm hoping a divine power will intervene. If not..then there are reasons for this that we can't understand right now. But yep! Totally not fair. They have evidence against Murray so he need's to be treated the same way they treated Michael.
I don't need to see him in handcuffs.

When it was wrong to do it to Michael it can't be correct with someone else.
Innocent until proven guilty and that means in front of a court or at least after done a confession as far as I know... and that's both not the case yet then he has the human right not to be humiliated still as Michael had it also... as bad as this might sound to some.

Revenge doesn't mean justice.

When Murray is still running around as a free happy man, without any consequence then that is not his fault... it's the fault of the justice system... police, DA, judge.

When Murray will be done wrong it will not ease the pain.

When all ppl responsible will face true justice, means when everything will go correct, and they still are proven guilty as hell (beyond reasonable doubt), then and only then it is the justice Michael deserves... and a feeling tells me also the justice Michael wants.

I am wondering if that is possible in this world at all, yes me also... but there is a chance... as long as ppl don't lose what true justice really means... but one thing for sure, if not the same is valid for everybody then we can't call it really justice.

And no I'm not supporting Mr. Murray (sorry but to me he has lost this Dr. title rightfully latest on the 25th June, but that's a personal thing with me, noone else has to follow), then... in this whole mess I'm for sure supporting nobody but the kids and Mrs. Katherine Jackson.

Then again I want the truth.
Revenge is only a toxic you do to yourself. Nothing for me.

It's going to be like 2005 all over again. We need to be here for each other and make sure everyone one of us is okay while this happens. It's not going to be easy at all :(

I feel this is worst.
Back then, there was hope of things for Michael to go better after the trial.
Now... even if that man is sent to jail for any given years... then .... what else? That will change just ... what? Certainly not our hearts, but I agree that would bring a certain level of "calm"... :(
I think I should explain my way of thinking here. It is NOT to defend Murray. I can't because I still don't know what happened. a human being with a soul and feelings, I believe NO ONE should be treated that way. I am sad it happened to Michael but doing this to someone else won't make it right. It will never change that and it will just mean that we are allowing the system to humiliate someone who has not been proven guilty in a court of law.

This is more than Michael Jackson. It is the justice system.
Are you here on this board just to rile up the crowd? Just wondering?

A bunch of angry fly off the handle fans isn't going to help anything. In fact, an angry crazy bunch of fans will just make Michaels fan base look like a bunch of angry out of control fans.


I am sorry for responding twice to your post but Murray is not responsible for everything Michael suffered over his life time. You did say "IF HE IS" and the man deserves to be heard.

We still have not ever heard the whole story. How fair is it to hang the man before you even hear his side of things. You have not heard this from his own mouth.

What more do you need to hear??? Murray gave Michael that drug is that not enough??!!!!
I am sorry for responding twice to your post but Murray is not responsible for everything Michael suffered over his life time. You did say "IF HE IS" and the man deserves to be heard.

We still have not ever heard the whole story. How fair is it to hang the man before you even hear his side of things. You have not heard this from his own mouth.

What the feck are you possibly SAYING here? I never said Murray was responsible for everything Michael suffered in his life. Those are YOUR words. Enough is enough, and this IS a Michael Jackson board! Sorry, but I'm usually pretty quiet, but finally, WTF are you SAYING?

Michael was arrested and charged for something he did NOT do, and for which there was NO evidence. Murray has already said he was the last doctor standing and that he gave Michael Propofol! And that it killed him. Michael was led away in handcuffs, and it HURT him. He already had surrendered himself. Why would anyone even THINK Murray should be treated no less?
I feel this is worst.
Back then, there was hope of things for Michael to go better after the trial.
Now... even if that man is sent to jail for any given years... then .... what else? That will change just ... what? Certainly not our hearts, but I agree that would bring a certain level of "calm"... :(

Yeah that's very true... :( At least many of us are well seasoned in how it will go though hey? every day with the trial and the news and texting peeps who are working to update... but yeah, i don't know, what happens at the end of this one.
With the 2005 trial it was so clear... they find him guilty, he goes to jail, we write and support him, one day he gets out.... or he's found not guilty, everyone rejoices, we all move on with mj still free.

But what this time? What is the ending? Murray goes to prison... Michael still not here... Murray goes free... Michael still not here...


What the feck are you possibly SAYING here? I never said Murray was responsible for everything Michael suffered in his life. Those are YOUR words. Enough is enough, and this IS a Michael Jackson board! Sorry, but I'm usually pretty quiet, but finally, WTF are you SAYING?

Michael was arrested and charged for something he did NOT do, and for which there was NO evidence. Murray has already said he was the last doctor standing and that he gave Michael Propofol! And that it killed him. Michael was led away in handcuffs, and it HURT him. He already had surrendered himself. Why would anyone even THINK Murray should be treated no less?

I am saying that Michael being taken away in handcuffs has nothing to do with Murray. He is not to blame for everything that happened in Michaels life. That is what I am saying. Very simply.

It should not have been done to Michael, but doing it to ANYONE (ANY HUMAN BEING OR EVEN A DOG) is NOT right.
Are you here on this board just to rile up the crowd? Just wondering?

A bunch of angry fly off the handle fans isn't going to help anything. In fact, an angry crazy bunch of fans will just make Michaels fan base look like a bunch of angry out of control fans.

That was personal and harsh. You're way over the top and to no end provoking with this. Please step back and concentrate on yourself.
Yeah I see... sure... you're not saying just asking uh?
Your generalizing way of talking about 'yeah sure' only some fans... bla... doesn't help the situation just as much as you could blame Vic for riling up the crowd.

Even if you would talk the truth and you do not in this case clearly to me, I know Vic for years... the 'sound' of your post really reveals more about you than the content of your words put together in this way in your post could say about anyone.

Victoria is entitled to her opinion even if very different from yours or even mine.
And don't get me wrong, I respect yours just as much as hers or mine!
But in this thread you could find like hundred posts much worse the Vics... come on.
I am saying that Michael being taken away in handcuffs has nothing to do with Murray. He is not to blame for everything that happened in Michaels life. That is what I am saying. Very simply.

It should not have been done to Michael, but doing it to ANYONE (ANY HUMAN BEING OR EVEN A DOG) is NOT right.

NOBODY ever said that Murray was responsible for anything except Michael's death. And that is HUGE, for someone we all loved. You are inventing the words of others and that is not very nice. WHY are you defending MURRAY? Consistently?

If Murray is charged with murder, he deserves exactly the same treatment as anyone would charged with the same crime. EXACTLY.

Michael was not charged with murder, and he was treated like a dog. An accused murderer should have handcuffs. How can ANYONE disagree with that?

I am out of this thread. And Beachlover, you are SO obvious, now. I think your "effectiveness" is essentially over.

Over and out,

Victoria you should not have to be defending your words that make so much sense!! Some people baffle me!

Thanks. I KNOW. It baffles me that anyone who does not love Michael would even want to visit this board. WHY?

Michael was innocent, and was treated like a criminal. Murray has already admitted giving the Propofol. This is NOT rocket-science?
Yeah that's very true... :( At least many of us are well seasoned in how it will go though hey? every day with the trial and the news and texting peeps who are working to update... but yeah, i don't know, what happens at the end of this one.
With the 2005 trial it was so clear... they find him guilty, he goes to jail, we write and support him, one day he gets out.... or he's found not guilty, everyone rejoices, we all move on with mj still free.

But what this time? What is the ending? Murray goes to prison... Michael still not here... Murray goes free... Michael still not here...



I feel you on that so much Reghead. I'm so with you on that... yes it's so sad but so painfully true. Even the fairest justice in this world couldn't bring him back... sad to no end.
Michael still not here...
Vic, I am sorry but from reading your post, it appeared you were seeking revenge, and not justice, so if you did not mean it that way, I apologize; but it did look that way to me.

How did I defend Murray? I did not.

I defended his right to be treated as a human being. If he is found guilty then he deserves whatever punishment he gets.
Vic, I am sorry but from reading your post, it appeared you were seeking revenge, and not justice, so if you did not mean it that way, I apologize; but it did look that way to me.

How did I defend Murray? I did not.

I defended his right to be treated as a human being. If he is found guilty then he deserves whatever punishment he gets.

"Revenge" is ugly and is not in my vocabulary. Justice, ALWAYS is in my vocabulary. In my opinion, you have finally gone too far in your defense of Murray. He deserves EXACTLY the same treatment as anyone accused of MURDER. The LAPD used the word "murder." You underestimate the love MILLIONS of people have for Michael. You really DO underestimate. . ..

You also may underestimate the stamina "we" have, in seeking justice for Michael. His fans number in the MILLIONS. This is NOT over.
With the 2005 trial it was so clear... they find him guilty, he goes to jail, we write and support him, one day he gets out.... or he's found not guilty, everyone rejoices, we all move on with mj still free.

But what this time? What is the ending? Murray goes to prison... Michael still not here... Murray goes free... Michael still not here...



Yes... then.... aftwards... what else?

and that is the worst thing of all. The "nothing".
Beachlover, I am new to this board, and I have seen several of your posts. In the most polite way possible, I would like to ask you to look over your posts and see the type of impression that they give to others. Hopefully, you will then be able to re-evaluate your thinking and sense of fairness and understand why so many fans are disturbed by your comments throughout the forum. I say this with love and hope I have not offended you.
I'm sorry but people are treating this Murray guy like he is some fragile little thing who can't be placed in handcuffs and worrying about his being humiliated in public and on and on. I'm not worried about Murray. As far as I am concerned he has confessed to wrong doing. Sure, he'll get his fair trial. But in the meantime I want to see those handcuffs on him and I want to see this displayed ALL OVER NATIONAL TV AND ALL OVER THE INTERNET. Did anyone care if Michael was humiliated? Did anyone care that Michael had not yet gotten his fair trial when HE was taken away in handcuffs? Too bad Murray if you think you are too good for this treatment. I am boiling mad, lol.
"Revenge" is ugly and is not in my vocabulary. Justice, ALWAYS is in my vocabulary. In my opinion, you have finally gone too far in your defense of Murray. He deserves EXACTLY the same treatment as anyone accused of MURDER. The LAPD used the word "murder." You underestimate the love MILLIONS of people have for Michael. You really DO underestimate. . ..

You also may underestimate the stamina "we" have, in seeking justice for Michael. His fans number in the MILLIONS. This is NOT over.

You seem to think I am defending this man and I have not done that...but whatever. You are off on your mission here to rile everyone goodnight.
I don't need to see him in handcuffs.

When it was wrong to do it to Michael it can't be correct with someone else.
Innocent until proven guilty and that means in front of a court or at least after done a confession as far as I know... and that's both not the case yet then he has the human right not to be humiliated still as Michael had it also... as bad as this might sound to some.

Revenge doesn't mean justice.

When Murray is still running around as a free happy man, without any consequence then that is not his fault... it's the fault of the justice system... police, DA, judge.

When Murray will be done wrong it will not ease the pain.

When all ppl responsible will face true justice, means when everything will go correct, and they still are proven guilty as hell (beyond reasonable doubt), then and only then it is the justice Michael deserves... and a feeling tells me also the justice Michael wants.

I am wondering if that is possible in this world at all, yes me also... but there is a chance... as long as ppl don't lose what true justice really means... but one thing for sure, if not the same is valid for everybody then we can't call it really justice.

And no I'm not supporting Mr. Murray (sorry but to me he has lost this Dr. title rightfully latest on the 25th June, but that's a personal thing with me, noone else has to follow), then... in this whole mess I'm for sure supporting nobody but the kids and Mrs. Katherine Jackson.

Then again I want the truth.
Revenge is only a toxic you do to yourself. Nothing for me.

I agree..I'm just upset with how MJ was treated. Yes you don't give tic for tac but.. I dunno. It just still hurts and we want Justice for Mike.
It is alright with me if Dr. Murray and the rest of his murderous cohorts
ROT IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!
Beachlover, I am new to this board, and I have seen several of your posts. In the most polite way possible, I would like to ask you to look over your posts and see the type of impression that they give to others. Hopefully, you will then be able to re-evaluate your thinking and sense of fairness and understand why so many fans are disturbed by your comments throughout the forum. I say this with love and hope I have not offended you.

No offense taken. Thanks for the kind words but I think I am only saying that I believe in JUSTICE too....not REVENGE.
You seem to think I am defending this man and I have not done that...but whatever. You are off on your mission here to rile everyone goodnight.

You have done this consistently, for hundreds of posts, all of which are on record.

I am here to do what I've always done. To affirm my love of Michael.
Guys.... I know I am but a newbie and this forum, but please, please... please, I beg you, let's concentrate in the real issue here, being that Murray.

If we are here, if we take the time to post, then it means at least we are looking for some kind of justice for Michael Jackson, our reason to be here. This is the worst scenario we could ever face, but still, we need to try our best to take this with care and to never hurt each other, nor to judge others.

We all grieve for Michael. Some can forgive easily. Some others can't. Some are quick to get depressed and frustrated (me, for instance), while others are ready to jump and fight. We need all those emotions to stand for Michael.

We need each other. Really.
I think I should explain my way of thinking here. It is NOT to defend Murray. I can't because I still don't know what happened. a human being with a soul and feelings, I believe NO ONE should be treated that way. I am sad it happened to Michael but doing this to someone else won't make it right. It will never change that and it will just mean that we are allowing the system to humiliate someone who has not been proven guilty in a court of law.

This is more than Michael Jackson. It is the justice system.

Vic and Beachlover you both have your opinions GOOD FOR YOU , each of you like everyone else here have his/her questions & doubts and hopefully they will be answered soon , let's guys have a moment of solidarity . Tomorrow the man whose actions caused this unbearable tragedy might very will be charged and we should not be divided . Please :)
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