The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Oh poo poo, Murray's lawyer doesn't want to see his client carted away in handcuffs. Too bad. I sure do! We had to watch Michael being carted away in handcuffs for nothing...

This is just making me really angry right now.

:hug: hun

I know how u feel, i feel the same.
While watching HLN on television a while ago, there was a short discussion about Conrad Murray probably wanting to turn himself in at the Courthouse so that the police will not put him in handcuffs and him have to walk the Perp Walk. Well, MJ was an innocent man who flew in to surrender and they were determined to shame him, so the police met him at his airport and arrested him there, handcuffed him and he was video taped entering the police station in handcuffs. That is a humiliating thing. Murray wants to avoid this. They should arrest him in front of the whole world, put on the handuffs and just like MJ, they should give him a 3 million dollar bond and take away his passport. Why was it OK to do this to MJ but not OK to do this to Murray. This angers me.
Larry King is discussing the case right now...charges in Michael Jackson's death expected as soon as tomorrow.

I just saw this as well and I'm like, at least they should wait until this thing is a done deal before they start all the speculating! :doh:
Yep the should handcuff him infront of the world for sure!
All courthouses are public and the can't be closed unless extensive, prior arrangements have been made. Dr. Death's lawyers are just "playing dumb" because they don't want the fans to show up. Believe me, they will be there tomorrow, and they are going to do everything they can to keep this quiet. Don't succumb to their games!!! Just go to the criminal courthouse in downtown L.A. tomorrow, find out which courtroom it's in and go in and wait!! Anyone can do it, and remember to stay quiet and orderly so the bailiff's won't have any excuse for asking you to leave. Michael deserves the fans there for him!!!
Murray is a fxcking joke. I'm sorry but no way in hell was this "involuntary." You don't leave your patient, who you know is not breathing for 47 minutes while you go make some phone calls, on "accident." Chernoff seems to be getting dumber each time he gives a comment to the press. :smilerolleyes: "He doesn't think they should charge Murray at all." Well buddy, I guess you have no clue what your dumb ass client even did. Not surprised though, Murray probably lied to you too, or told you another "story." He does that with everyone so your not special or nothin'.

I still can't believe Murray is saying he did nothing that would have napped Michael. That he "didn't administer or prescribe anything that would have napped Michael." The guy is in serious denial mode.

Another thing, he continues to feel no remorse for what he did. He feels "he did nothing wrong", he just napped the most amazing person on this earth, but no "he did nothing wrong." :doh: He took the father away from three underage children, but no "he did nothing wrong." He won't apologize to them either, since "he did nothing wrong." :smilerolleyes:

Wow. this guy is joke and so are his lawyers one dumb ass lawyer from Houston and the other Hollywood EGO full of himself lawyer who has no clue about anything revolving around the case other than it involved "propofol" to some extent. I mean come on! The lawyer did one case involving propofol and believes that he is an "expert" on the stuff.

Sadly, I don't think he will serve time, he will probably walk away from this and move to another country and live life happily ever after. Then we will all be given the "Dr. Conrad Murray documentary/show." Oh joy :doh: Seriously what has this world come to? Why can't there ever be justice for Michael in this life? Yes, I know there will be justice in the next life, but why not now? :no: Just ain't fair and it ain't right.
While watching HLN on television a while ago, there was a short discussion about Conrad Murray probably wanting to turn himself in at the Courthouse so that the police will not put him in handcuffs and him have to walk the Perp Walk. Well, MJ was an innocent man who flew in to surrender and they were determined to shame him, so the police met him at his airport and arrested him there, handcuffed him and he was video taped entering the police station in handcuffs. That is a humiliating thing. Murray wants to avoid this. They should arrest him in front of the whole world, put on the handuffs and just like MJ, they should give him a 3 million dollar bond and take away his passport. Why was it OK to do this to MJ but not OK to do this to Murray. This angers me.

It was always okay to humilate MJ in the media remember, 'cause they did'nt see him as a human being!, thats why it still pains me to even think about how much agony he must've been carying these past few years.
I think we need to put the pressure on LAPD and whoever to treat this f'er like they did MJ ; or worse. Manslaughter my ass.
I think we need to put the pressure on LAPD and whoever to treat this f'er like they did MJ ; or worse. Manslaughter my ass.

I know muarry getting manslaughter is a joke.
While watching HLN on television a while ago, there was a short discussion about Conrad Murray probably wanting to turn himself in at the Courthouse so that the police will not put him in handcuffs and him have to walk the Perp Walk. Well, MJ was an innocent man who flew in to surrender and they were determined to shame him, so the police met him at his airport and arrested him there, handcuffed him and he was video taped entering the police station in handcuffs. That is a humiliating thing. Murray wants to avoid this. They should arrest him in front of the whole world, put on the handuffs and just like MJ, they should give him a 3 million dollar bond and take away his passport. Why was it OK to do this to MJ but not OK to do this to Murray. This angers me.

They won't though, knowing them they will probably treat a murderer better than they did an innocent man. They will let Murray walk freely while he cries his fake crocodile tears, just like they have been these past seven months. OOhhh Murray is sooo lucky I don't live anywhere near California that's all I gotta say.
All courthouses are public and the can't be closed unless extensive, prior arrangements have been made. Dr. Death's lawyers are just "playing dumb" because they don't want the fans to show up. Believe me, they will be there tomorrow, and they are going to do everything they can to keep this quiet. Don't succumb to their games!!! Just go to the criminal courthouse in downtown L.A. tomorrow, find out which courtroom it's in and go in and wait!! Anyone can do it, and remember to stay quiet and orderly so the bailiff's won't have any excuse for asking you to leave. Michael deserves the fans there for him!!!

:yes: also take that *certain* label from Michael's fans..

I hope LA and surrounding area fans will be there to sit polite and quietly in the courtroom..
He did nothing to help save him thats the main problem & waiting 2.5 hours to call 911!?? Thats no accident sorry - you call 911 ASAP!

..But No other person was in the room (that we know of) besides Murray ,Michael and God higher power..
:huggy: :hug: to everyone seriously.. take the Hug.

Oh, I'll take this!
I am really extremely anxious.
This is bad to our health... both physical and mental.
That's for sure!

There will prob be more suicides worldwide after hearing Dr. Murray is back at work in 2012.....:sad:
Oh, I'll take this!
I am really extremely anxious.
This is bad to our health... both physical and mental.
That's for sure!


Group Hug

:huggy: :huggy: :huggy: :hug: :hug: :hug:

:better: :wub: :better:

Let us raise our voice as one...
Michael was arrested for something he did NOT do. He "turned himself in." He did not RUN from that accusation. He was very courageous. He was put in handcuffs, HURT, and humiliated. He was acquitted of any crime. He did not hurt anyone. Not ever.

Murray, if he is, indeed the "killer," murdered someone. Someone that we all LOVED. I hope that he will be put in handcuffs, hurt, and humiliated, as INNOCENT Michael was. And not just allowed to "turn himself in?" Michael deserves this justice. Doesn't he? For all that he suffered as an INNOCENT man?
While watching HLN on television a while ago, there was a short discussion about Conrad Murray probably wanting to turn himself in at the Courthouse so that the police will not put him in handcuffs and him have to walk the Perp Walk. Well, MJ was an innocent man who flew in to surrender and they were determined to shame him, so the police met him at his airport and arrested him there, handcuffed him and he was video taped entering the police station in handcuffs. That is a humiliating thing. Murray wants to avoid this. They should arrest him in front of the whole world, put on the handuffs and just like MJ, they should give him a 3 million dollar bond and take away his passport. Why was it OK to do this to MJ but not OK to do this to Murray. This angers me.

:cry: :cry:

THis is simply so, so bad, so sad, so wrong, so the worst thing possible here!
Why this? Why hurting him that bad, that way? That sight of Michael with those things... the worst sight of all... his face... his dignity... his heart, all destroyed out of NOTHING. And still ignorant people claiming he was.... you know what.

I am about to cry right now. I just don't know if I'll be able to handle this the right way. This is really overwhelming. Most of you were here, online, back in 2003-2005. I will try my best to learn from you, from your endurance and patience. Your love.

I know this is off topic, but once again, I must say I am grateful to all of you for allowing me to be part of this forum, and to learn from you, to stand by your side. Of course, this is way worst than then... then, we had Michael and we wanted him to well, to be free from all that. We HAD HIM. Now we don't. This is the worst scenario ever.

There's so much to come. Thanks for this forum and your support.
Michael was arrested for something he did NOT do. He "turned himself in." He did not RUN from that accusation. He was very courageous. He was put in handcuffs, HURT, and humiliated. He was acquitted of any crime. He did not hurt anyone. Not ever.

Murray, if he is, indeed the "killer," murdered someone. Someone that we all LOVED. I hope that he will be put in handcuffs, hurt, and humiliated, as INNOCENT Michael was. And not just allowed to "turn himself in?" Michael deserves this justice. Doesn't he? For all that he suffered as an INNOCENT man?

Are you here on this board just to rile up the crowd? Just wondering?

A bunch of angry fly off the handle fans isn't going to help anything. In fact, an angry crazy bunch of fans will just make Michaels fan base look like a bunch of angry out of control fans.
Group Hug

:huggy: :huggy: :huggy: :hug: :hug: :hug:

:better: :wub: :better:

Let us raise our voice as one...


There's so much to come. Thanks for this forum and your support.

It's going to be like 2005 all over again. We need to be here for each other and make sure everyone one of us is okay while this happens. It's not going to be easy at all :(
Michael was arrested for something he did NOT do. He "turned himself in." He did not RUN from that accusation. He was very courageous. He was put in handcuffs, HURT, and humiliated. He was acquitted of any crime. He did not hurt anyone. Not ever.

Murray, if he is, indeed the "killer," murdered someone. Someone that we all LOVED. I hope that he will be put in handcuffs, hurt, and humiliated, as INNOCENT Michael was. And not just allowed to "turn himself in?" Michael deserves this justice. Doesn't he? For all that he suffered as an INNOCENT man?

I am sorry for responding twice to your post but Murray is not responsible for everything Michael suffered over his life time. You did say "IF HE IS" and the man deserves to be heard.

We still have not ever heard the whole story. How fair is it to hang the man before you even hear his side of things. You have not heard this from his own mouth.
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