The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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are u working for AEG

it seams like it

Let me ask a question.

What does that have to do with wanting humane treatment for all people have to do with AEG? They are not involved in the justice system in this country. They are a corporation.
I just can't believe this. Would you guys who are protecting Murray honestly feel sorry for him if you saw him being taken into custody in handcuffs? REALLY??? Well, not me. Because I know he is responsible for Michael's death. We all know it. The trial will be merely a formality. To what degree he is ultimately punished (if at all) remains to be determined. But right now, in the eyes of the fans, he is responsible for Michael's death and I don't care if he's arrested before the world.

I seriously doubt that there will BE a trial. I want Murray to be treated exactly as Michael was. And if not, WHY not? We LOVE Michael. Right?
I seem to be the only one here agreeing with you.

You're all saying that Michael was treated unfairly and you want to see Murray treated that same way. But why? No one should be treated unfairly.

Steph! I agreed with much of your earlier post but this one I respectfully disagree.

You are lumping in thousands of fans with differing views and all matters.

We are all not asking for Murray to be treated unfairly. I don't think anyone has mentioned wanting unfair treatment in the court of law for Murray. I do see some people expressing their desire to see Murray suffer physically, and in other ways. But we are all different. We think differently, we grieve differently, etc.

I for one want Murray to have the due process he has had and in no doubt he will continue to have. Especially with high priced lawyers he has representing him.

What does that have to do with wanting humane treatment for all people have to do with AEG? They are not involved in the justice system in this country. They are a corporation.

I would hardly call handcuffing someone and arresting them inhumane. The man will only be humiliated. That's all I ask for. I hope the authorities turn up without warning and take him by surprise in the middle of the night, lol. I don't want them to harm him physically, just cuff him and charge him and take him away.
Let me ask a question.

What does that have to do with wanting humane treatment for all people have to do with AEG? They are not involved in the justice system in this country. They are a corporation.

Yes, they certainly ARE a corporation
. . . . But, the individuals within corporations are also subject to U.S. (or whichever country) law. Are they NOT?
thats right I remember Janet saying she never met this guy. Ok I apologize if I sound insensitive but honestly, Michael really should have dug up some dirt on this man at some point...
I just can't believe this. Would you guys who are protecting Murray honestly feel sorry for him if you saw him being taken into custody in handcuffs? REALLY??? Well, not me. Because I know he is responsible for Michael's death. We all know it. The trial will be merely a formality. To what degree he is ultimately punished (if at all) remains to be determined. But right now, in the eyes of the fans, he is responsible for Michael's death and I don't care if he's arrested before the world.

Funny you said that because people said the exact same thing about Michael.

Two wrongs does not make a right. If we all advocate for the injustice that has happen to Michael, what makes any of us any different that Sneddon and those who supported him. I am sure Michael would find no joy from fans wanted another living person to suffer the way he did, even if he is no longer here to say that.

Hate only feeds hate and only pain will come from it. We cannot change our values just because we feel like it or it gives us pleasure in the moment, because we lower ourselves by doing so.

I want justice as well, but I don't want it if it means selling myself as a person and becoming the thing I hate. Even if I believe in Murray's guilt, which I do, I want him to have a fair trial. I personally want to be the bigger person in all of this.
You do not want a DA to act like Tom Sneddon. For all of his huffin and puffin look at what it got him. Show me what you got in a court room not in the court of public opinion
I just can't believe this. Would you guys who are protecting Murray honestly feel sorry for him if you saw him being taken into custody in handcuffs? REALLY??? Well, not me. Because I know he is responsible for Michael's death. We all know it. The trial will be merely a formality. To what degree he is ultimately punished (if at all) remains to be determined. But right now, in the eyes of the fans, he is responsible for Michael's death and I don't care if he's arrested before the world.

I am not protecting Murray. Be clear about that.

I am trying to protect ALL HUMAN BEINGS and just because you or I or the man down the street THINK they know he is guilty, this is still not proven in a court of law and so he is 'not guilty until charged' is my point. If the man is already guilty before he even gets into the court of law, then we have gone backwards in time when they start hanging people from trees or stoning them in a circle without a trial.

I want him treated the way I want everyone treated. Why is that so hard to understand? This is an issue of humanity for me.
thats right I remember Janet saying she never met this guy. Ok I apologize if I sound insensitive but honestly, Michael really should have dug up some dirt on this man at some point...

He knew the guy for 3 years, I am certain his background was brought up, especially since Michael wanted him on tour. Michael was not one to just blindly trust anyone, despite popular belief. We don't know what happen between the two, so it is impossible to say what Michael should or didn't do.

The full story may come out in due time, so I won't judge either way.
I am not protecting Murray. Be clear about that.

I am trying to protect ALL HUMAN BEINGS and just because you or I or the man down the street THINK they know he is guilty, this is still not proven in a court of law and so he is 'not guilty until charged' is my point. If the man is already guilty before he even gets into the court of law, then we have gone backwards in time when they start hanging people from trees or stoning them in a circle without a trial.

I want him treated the way I want everyone treated. Why is that so hard to understand? This is an issue of humanity for me.

You have consistently advocated for Murray. Your posts are on RECORD.

Guys, let's not let his thread be derailed? Carry on?
screw embarrassment, i want justice. intentionally or not he commited a crime and needs to be prosecuted. of course none of us will be happy because we lost michael forever but at least there will be a sense of closure and we'll feel better knowing that the person responsible for michael's passing was punished.
Funny you said that because people said the exact same thing about Michael.

Two wrongs does not make a right. If we all advocate for the injustice that has happen to Michael, what makes any of us any different that Sneddon and those who supported him. I am sure Michael would find no joy from fans wanted another living person to suffer the way he did, even if he is no longer here to say that.

Hate only feeds hate and only pain will come from it. We cannot change our values just because we feel like it or it gives us pleasure in the moment, because we lower ourselves by doing so.

I want justice as well, but I don't want it if it means selling myself as a person and becoming the thing I hate. Even if I believe in Murray's guilt, which I do, I want him to have a fair trial. I personally want to be the bigger person in all of this.

But there's a difference here. There was no proof that Michael did what he was accused of, as much as they tried to find it. In this case there is proof that Murray caused MJ's death. He may get the fair trial he's entitled to. However, I don't see what's so horrible about wanting to see him taken into custody in handcuffs to be charged. It's not like I want them to beat him to a pulp or take him to the chair. I just want him to be taken into custody in the same manner that Michael was.
You have consistently advocated for Murray. Your posts are on RECORD.

Guys, let's not let his thread be derailed? Carry on?

My posts are on record and I don't advocate for him. I advocate for fair treatment.
My posts are on record and I don't advocate for him. I advocate for fair treatment.

Agree to disagree. I've read ALL of your posts. Nearly all of them are advocacy for Murray, or the speculation that Michael was a drug-addict. The tox reports prove that he was NOT. Not going to talk about it more here. Take it to PM if you want, but please do not derail this important thread.

To return to the topic. There will be closure soon, in terms of charges. And we will take it from there. I hope that Murray finally makes a public statement.
Agree to disagree. I've read ALL of your posts. Nearly all of the are advocacy for Murray, or the speculation that Michael was a drug-addict. The tox reports prove that he was NOT. Not going to talk about it more here. Take it to PM if you want, but please do not derail this important thread.

To return to the topic. There will be closure soon, in terms of charges. And we will take it from there. I hope that Murray finally makes a public statement.

Don't even go there. I absolutely never believed Michael was a drug addict. I believe in fact that I was fighting in many of the IU threads at one time because there was too much speculation that he was out of control due to being drugged by certain people in his inner circle and I took offense to those accusations and felt it was showing Michael to be 'drugged' and I did not believe that.

So, please, don't start accusing me of such things. I am not going to PM you. I prefer to say what I have to say in front of others and not have my words passed privately around and possibly changed without my knowledge. I am off this thread for now because we were talking abut Murrays arrest as far as I understood and it was all the point of that I hope it is done in a humane and dignified way as I hope ALL arrests are done for EVERYONE.

I hope he has a fair trial in a court of law and receives whatever punishment he deserves if he is prosecuted. I won't feel better about Michael, but I will at least know that justice has been served.
But there's a difference here. There was no proof that Michael did what he was accused of, as much as they tried to find it. In this case there is proof that Murray caused MJ's death. He may get the fair trial he's entitled to. However, I don't see what's so horrible about wanting to see him taken into custody in handcuffs to be charged. It's not like I want them to beat him to a pulp or take him to the chair. I just want him to be taken into custody in the same manner that Michael was.

That is fine, but wanting to see him carrying off in cuffs to fulfill a personal pleasure is not much different than what Sneddon did to Michael. I am sure he got more than a little pleasure in seeing Michael taking to the police station in cuffs for the entire world to witness.

Seeing him being arrested because you feel it is part of justice is fine, but I personally see a problem when people just want to see it because it would humiliate Murray in front of the world and make you feel better because he is suffering in the same manner as Michael. Even if he is guilty, he is still a person with family and friends. We can punish someone without humiliating them and making them seem less than human.

Because in the end, how does that make anything right?
Steph! I agreed with much of your earlier post but this one I respectfully disagree.

You are lumping in thousands of fans with differing views and all matters.

We are all not asking for Murray to be treated unfairly. I don't think anyone has mentioned wanting unfair treatment in the court of law for Murray. I do see some people expressing their desire to see Murray suffer physically, and in other ways. But we are all different. We think differently, we grieve differently, etc.

I for one want Murray to have the due process he has had and in no doubt he will continue to have. Especially with high priced lawyers he has representing him.


I didn't mean to put everyone in the same bowl. I know all of us have different opinions about this issue and we're all going to think differently. I don't feel sorry for Murray. I'm not trying to defend him. What I said here was not just about Murray, but about everyone that is accused of a crime. I don't want the media to treat other people the way they treated Michael. I won't feel bad for Murray if I see him treated unfairly by the media or the police, but I won't feel a sense of pleasure seeing it happen to him either. No one should be treated unfairly.

In Michael's trial, the media reports were filled with inaccuracies and facts that were twisted to suit their own agenda of portraying him to be a guilty man. Even after he was acquitted, they continued to put forth the idea that he was guilty and "got off" because of his celebrity. Why would we want Murray to be treated the same way? Why do we want to hear sensationalised garbage above facts? Why should we have to pile through 5 months worth of court transcripts when the press should be telling us the truth? I want the public to hear the truth, I don't want the media to feed us garbage. I don't want Murray to be labelled an insane killer if he's not. I don't want him to be labelled an innocent little lamb who got himself in a sticky situation if what he did was intentional.

I don't want injustice. I don't want unfairness. I want the truth.
I didn't mean to put everyone in the same bowl. I know all of us have different opinions about this issue and we're all going to think differently. I don't feel sorry for Murray. I'm not trying to defend him. What I said here was not just about Murray, but about everyone that is accused of a crime. I don't want the media to treat other people the way they treated Michael. I won't feel bad for Murray if I see him treated unfairly by the media or the police, but I won't feel a sense of pleasure seeing it happen to him either. No one should be treated unfairly.

In Michael's trial, the media reports were filled with inaccuracies and facts that were twisted to suit their own agenda of portraying him to be a guilty man. Even after he was acquitted, they continued to put forth the idea that he was guilty and "got off" because of his celebrity. Why would we want Murray to be treated the same way? Why do we want to hear sensationalised garbage above facts? Why should we have to pile through 5 months worth of court transcripts when the press should be telling us the truth? I want the public to hear the truth, I don't want the media to feed us garbage. I don't want Murray to be labelled an insane killer if he's not. I don't want him to be labelled an innocent little lamb who got himself in a sticky situation if what he did was intentional.

I don't want injustice. I don't want unfairness. I want the truth.

I do agree very much.

See I do have so much love for justice, that I simply know there has to be more to it then only what I feel is true, what I think is true, what I think to know... I would always go for several opinions from several independent ppl, to make sure the so precious value of justice is not in danger.

I do disagree respectfully but very strong with the angle the same what happened to Michael should also happen to Murray.

When it was wrong to do it to Michael, it is simply wrong always and with everybody. So it still is wrong when done to anybody else.
Unless you call the treatment correct from the very beginning. To me it is clearly not correct.

That is not what I call justice.

Do I think Murray is guilty of wrong doing? Clearly yes!
Do I know? Clearly no! It simply is not proven yet! I want to get more facts and I want to get several opinions and maybe best also from some who weren't their life long a MJJfan... because I know for a fact that love, admiration, the pain cuz of the loss of someone so endlessly dear can cloud my own view. I want that because that will give me security I'm not led wrong by my own feelings or what I've combined through reading and investigating. Yes I also want that for my own sake because that's how I'd want to be treated and can accept anyone to be treated.
I've explained already why I need to held up to such high values as fairness and judgements... btw it always also helps me to look at the person in the mirror openly and with love.

I don't know if I will ever get the chance to know what really happened to Michael. However that will not let me jump on any bandwagon to just go for what I in fact only can believe to be true.
Nazi-Germans thought also and even 'proved' to the public often enough they were the one right what they've all thought were true.
It wasn't.
So forgive me for being sceptical sometimes even the most about myself and what ppl explain to me a billion times without having convincing evidence!
Yes I do want justice even for criminals. That means to me punishment when they are proven guilty.

Murray is not proven guilty yet. We have to eat that unless we want to be compared to a mindless lynch mob.

There is... there has to be more to true justice than only that.

If we follow the logic that Michael was done wrong and that's why we want now Murray to get the same treatment. That bares all logic to me.
When one is supposed to be innocent till a judge makes a judgement, and that's why deserving fair treatment then this needs to be valid for everybody unless you want that someone else thinking different than fans can rightfully go for such a treatment for Michael then?

That kind of logic seems very dangerous.

If this is the logic one follows... if this is how it works we all should be treaten like Rodney King was, while walking the streets? As he was as innocent as you and me and everybody walking around?

Gosh I know the justice systems all over the world are all not perfect.
And yes sometimes justice is not really connected to fairness.

Still justice can only exist if it is valid for everybody.
Murray was grossly negligent. That is a fact. Any doctor, pathologist, anaesthesiologist would tell you that. Plain and simple. He is guilty of manslaughter.
Get him,get him!

I wanna see him in jail!
This man shouldn't enjoy freedom anymore!

He has do pay for what he did to us,do Michaels Children and to Michael himself!!!
Criminal Complaint Ready in Michael Jackson Death

Posted Feb 3rd 2010 3:01AM by TMZ Staff
Sources tell TMZ the L.A. County District Attorney's Office has a criminal complaint drafted and ready to file against Dr. Conrad Murray in the death of Michael Jackson.

We're told it's now just a matter of timing before Dr. Murray is charged with involuntary manslaughter -- a felony that carries a maximum 4-year prison sentence.

As we first reported, Dr. Murray plans on surrendering today, so all signs point to the D.A. filing criminal charges as early as this morning.

Dr. Murray is in Los Angeles and his legal team is already mapping out strategy.
That is fine, but wanting to see him carrying off in cuffs to fulfill a personal pleasure is not much different than what Sneddon did to Michael. I am sure he got more than a little pleasure in seeing Michael taking to the police station in cuffs for the entire world to witness.

Seeing him being arrested because you feel it is part of justice is fine, but I personally see a problem when people just want to see it because it would humiliate Murray in front of the world and make you feel better because he is suffering in the same manner as Michael. Even if he is guilty, he is still a person with family and friends. We can punish someone without humiliating them and making them seem less than human.

Because in the end, how does that make anything right?

Having a perk walk is part of our justice system - it is meant to be a deterrent. It has been said by many people that there is a problem with Hollywood doctors giving addictive prescriptions to people - whether you believe propofol is addicting or not - it should never have been given as it was. Murray has to take responsiblity for his actions. Something went terribly wrong. I am so hoping for a trial & I am so afraid we will not get one, if he is convicted he may only get 2 years & may even be allowed to plea to a lesser charge. We need to get to the truth & that will only be thru a trial.

Prescription drug abuse is a huge problem everywhere nowadays.

Addiction to prescription painkillers — which kill thousands of Americans a year — has become a largely unrecognized epidemic, experts say. In fact, prescription drugs cause most of the more than 26,000 fatal overdoses each year, says Leonard Paulozzi of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Murray was grossly negligent. That is a fact. Any doctor, pathologist, anaesthesiologist would tell you that. Plain and simple. He is guilty of manslaughter.

I think so too. And I also think that it will be easily proven in court then and the judgement should be guilty.

What I can't understand is that if any doc, pathologist, anaesthesiologist is telling the same, why there's no consequence yet also from the medical board? That's beyond my understanding honestly. Then again they're waiting also for the evidence in front of the court?
But that in particular is beyond my understanding that he is professional wise not even restricted at all yet.
1. Michael Jackson was under Conrad Murrays care when he died.

2. Conrad Murray told LAPD detectives that he gave Michael Jackson propofol hours before he died.

3. Michael Jacksons death certificate was amended after the autopsy stating that the cause of death was ACUTE PROPOFOL INTOXICATION through intravenous injection BY ANOTHER.

Knock off MJ & never have to work again, max sentence 4 yrs. prob will do 12months, grab his cash and do the big pr thing, mikes dead right, you can say anything.

If THAT is justice, im tuning out, right about now.

Murder Murder, hope the fans turn out in LA.
1. Michael Jackson was under Conrad Murrays care when he died.

2. Conrad Murray told LAPD detectives that he gave Michael Jackson propofol hours before he died.

3. Michael Jacksons death certificate was amended after the autopsy stating that the cause of death was ACUTE PROPOFOL INTOXICATION through intravenous injection BY ANOTHER.


All seems straight forward to me aswell.
Today is a waiting game. Waiting for the charges to be files and waiting for that arrest to come through. I'm out this evening and I just know that I will not be able to concentrate. Checking my phone for updates from friends about this and when it does come through I know Ill just be a wreck. I advocate for fair treatment but when it comes to seeing Murray's face on TV I just can't help it. It just makes my blood boil seeing him. Michael died under his care due to his negligence. Do I believe he deliberatly killed him, no I do not, but he needs to pay for taking Michael away. I just hope that he saw the news on Monday morning and has the image of those two beautiful kids, whose father he took away from them, permantly emblazoned on his mind and feels some sort of guilt.
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