The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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I think if it's a hung jury the judge will declare a mistrial. The case would then be retried. I could be wrong though, because I think in the US there is some double jeopardy law that says you can't try a person for the same charge more then once. If that were allowed then the state would have the right to keep prosecuting one person until they get a conviction. :scratch:

what i mean is does a not guilty verdict have to be unanimous aswell?

double jep comes into effect if u have been found not guilty they cant charge u again later on
The DA can go to a grand jury and it is made up of 20 people . He presents his case, he is not obligated under law to tell them the other side of the story , nor he is obligated to present the defense argument . It is held in secret , the defense does not even know about it .

Some DAs prefer a grand jury when their evidence is not so strong or feel they will expose alot of their strategy if they go to a preliminary hearing . Some go that road to collect more evidence, It is called investigative grand jury . When there are many people involved and things are complicated .

a DA goes to a preliminary hearing when he knows and he is confident he has enough evidence to convince a judge a person has to be tried in a court of law and is not worried over any argument coming from the defence .

The defence in a preliminary hearing has the right to present their case and ask the judge not to allow the prosecutors to continue with their case .

What I have been trying to say that if the DA's case is as weak as Geragos is suggesting he would have preferred to go to a grand jury instead of going to a preliminary hearing . I know that and Geragos knows that but he still gave that stupid and very illogical explanation .

Thanks Sound. Yeah, I see your point.
what i mean is does a not guilty verdict have to be unanimous aswell?

double jep comes into effect if u have been found not guilty they cant charge u again later on

In the law of the US, you are presume innocent until proven guilty. Which means, a jury has to animous find you guilty of a crime, especially anything maintaining to murder. Which is why a jury can easily spend several days debating. It only takes one hold out to get an plea of innocent.

Which is why the DA most likely is not going to chance a second degree murder charge even if they feel they have a case for it. People have trouble charging doctors, even when they are completely at fault.
you are presume innocent until proven guilty. Which means, a jury has to animous find you guilty of a crime, especially anything maintaining to murder. Which is why a jury can easily spend several days debating. It only takes one hold out to get an plea of innocent.
u have confused me now lol by u saying it only takes one hold out to get a plea of innocent implies to me if u get 11 ppl saying guilty and one says not guilty then the person is found innocent. yet soundmind says it has to be unanimous either way

also can u give the jury 2 options ie charge with murder but the judge also gives the jury and option of MS aswell.
The DA can go to a grand jury and it is made up of 20 people . He presents his case, he is not obligated under law to tell them the other side of the story , nor he is obligated to present the defense argument . It is held in secret , the defense does not even know about it .

Some DAs prefer a grand jury when their evidence is not so strong or feel they will expose alot of their strategy if they go to a preliminary hearing . Some go that road to collect more evidence, It is called investigative grand jury . When there are many people involved and things are complicated .

a DA goes to a preliminary hearing when he knows and he is confident he has enough evidence to convince a judge a person has to be tried in a court of law and is not worried over any argument coming from the defence .

The defence in a preliminary hearing has the right to present their case and ask the judge not to allow the prosecutors to continue with their case .

What I have been trying to say that if the DA's case is as weak as Geragos is suggesting he would have preferred to go to a grand jury instead of going to a preliminary hearing . I know that and Geragos knows that but he still gave that stupid and very illogical explanation .

Thank you very much for that!
u have confused me now lol by u saying it only takes one hold out to get a plea of innocent implies to me if u get 11 ppl saying guilty and one says not guilty then the person is found innocent. yet soundmind says it has to be unanimous either way

also can u give the jury 2 options ie charge with murder but the judge also gives the jury and option of MS aswell.

If one hold out, it is up to the jury to convict that person why they are wrong or that juror shows why they are right. That is why a long jury debate is not good for the state because it shows the jury may have doubt.

When murder is involve, you need an animous agreement among the jury. Otherwise, you end up with a mistrial. I know in the the UK you just need a majority to convict anyone of murder.
yeah i know all the details i just want to know if it has to be unanimous either way. unanimous for guilty and unanimous for not guilty and anything else inbetween is a mistrial and a possible retrial

yeah sometimes in the uk they allow a majorit.y normally it starts as unanimous but if it goes on to long the judge may say ill take 11-1 or 10-2 but it never really gets any lower than that
Double Jeopardy only comes into play if the person is found innocent. If someone is put on trial and is said to be innocent, even if new evident comes up about their guilt, they can't be convicted again. Which is why the DA is very serious about what they bring before a jury.

A mistrial can be brought back into court, however. As long as no conviction of innocent has been made, a person can go back to trial even after several mistrials.

what i mean is does a not guilty verdict have to be unanimous aswell?

double jep comes into effect if u have been found not guilty they cant charge u again later on

Okay, thank you. I knew I was wrong somewhere. :doh:
yeah i know all the details i just want to know if it has to be unanimous either way. unanimous for guilty and unanimous for not guilty and anything else inbetween is a mistrial and a possible retrial

yeah sometimes in the uk they allow a majorit.y normally it starts as unanimous but if it goes on to long the judge may say ill take 11-1 or 10-2 but it never really gets any lower than that

I am not complete sure if you have to be animous to be not guilty. I think the whole process of the US is that you are already innocent by default until proven otherwise. Which means, a jury will debate if you are guilty of a crime, not if you are innocent.
yeah i know all the details i just want to know if it has to be unanimous either way. unanimous for guilty and unanimous for not guilty and anything else inbetween is a mistrial and a possible retrial

yeah sometimes in the uk they allow a majorit.y normally it starts as unanimous but if it goes on to long the judge may say ill take 11-1 or 10-2 but it never really gets any lower than that

unanimous for guilty and unanimous for not guilty and a hung jury in between , that's it 1000000% SURE .

A spokeswoman for MICHAEL JACKSON's personal physician, DR. CONRAD MURRAY, has shot down reports the medic will turn himself into Los Angeles authorities on Wednesday (03Feb10) as prosecutors prepare to file manslaughter charges against him.
Murray is accused of administering a lethal dose of anaesthetic drug Propofol to the King of Pop prior to his death last June (09).
The Los Angeles county coroner's office declared Jackson's death a homicide, stating the superstar died from "acute propofol intoxication" combined with sedatives.
Murray has been identified in search warrants as a suspect in a manslaughter investigation but has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.
Reports surfaced this week (begs01Feb10) claiming Murray had flown into Los Angeles from Houston, Texas to surrender himself to police.
The New York Post alleged prosecutors had notified Jackson's family on Tuesday (02Feb10) that Murray would be walking into an undisclosed police station or courthouse to turn himself in for arrest.
But Murray's representative Miranda Sevcik insists the doctor has not been asked to surrender and is doing everything required to help police with their investigation.
She tells the New York Daily News, "He is in Los Angeles to meet with his legal team, take care of some family business and continue to co-operate with law enforcement.
"There has been no specific request from officials for his presence. The district attorney might have a plan, but they aren't telling us.
"But as we've said from the beginning, any time (prosecutors) want us at the courthouse, say the word and we'll co-operate."
Last month (Jan10), Murray hired top attorney J. Michael Flanagan to represent him amid reports prosecutors were seeking an involuntary manslaughter indictment of the medic.
However, charges have yet to be officially filed and the investigation continues.

03 February 2010 16:06

No surprise at all with the report of a surrender.

Get ready for the least possible charge and that slap on the wrist!

Let the Games "officially" began...
^^^ What exactly is a 'representative'? Like a spokesperson? And how is he able to pay one?

I don't believe anything coming from his team. One of his lawyers (why does he have two anyway...?) has been lying, just saying whatever sounds good on his client.
great the bbc news channel is running with the interview from stupid bleeper oxman.

the least possible charge wouldnt be MS it would be no charge and a slap by the medical board

^^ What exactly is a 'representative'? Like a spokesperson? And how is he able to pay one?

I don't believe anything coming from his team. One of his lawyers (why does he have two anyway...?) has been lying, just saying whatever sounds good on his client.
yes a spokes prob doing it for free caue of the publicity it will give them. or he is working now. thats what defence lawyers for the most part do
From reading the news and trying to pick out the ones that seem most reliable, it appears the charges have not been filed yet and we are all waiting for something that will not happen today. I may be wrong but it looked that way to me.
basically. only one reporting some will happen today is tmz everything else has been created out of nothing.but something will happen sooner or later whether its today is another issue
Conrad Murray - Waiting for the Call
Posted Feb 3rd 2010 11:38AM by TMZ Staff
The L.A. County District Attorney's Office has told Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyers they will call just before Dr. Murray is charged with the death of Michael Jackson and a surrender will take place almost immediately thereafter ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Our sources say ... as of 8:35 AM PT, the D.A. has not made the call.

As we reported yesterday, Dr. Murray planned to surrender today and appear in arraignment court after being charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson. The ball is in the D.A.'s court.

Dr. Murray is waiting.

Read more:
He has four lawyers now , Chernoff , Alford , the media whore that keep telling people he cleared a nurse who proven to not have given any propofol to the patient that died , and a fourth attorney who also succeeded in defending soldiers who killed civilians in Iraq , the last one represents him and his girlfriend .
Conrad Murray - Waiting for the Call
Posted Feb 3rd 2010 11:38AM by TMZ Staff
The L.A. County District Attorney's Office has told Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyers they will call just before Dr. Murray is charged with the death of Michael Jackson and a surrender will take place almost immediately thereafter ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Our sources say ... as of 8:35 AM PT, the D.A. has not made the call.

As we reported yesterday, Dr. Murray planned to surrender today and appear in arraignment court after being charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson. The ball is in the D.A.'s court.

Dr. Murray is waiting.

Read more:

Hopefully he will not make the call and the officers will show up at his doors suddenly
He has four lawyers now , Chernoff , Alford , the media whore that keep telling people he cleared a nurse who proven to not have given any propofol to the patient that died , and a fourth attorney who also succeeded in defending soldiers who killed civilians in Iraq , the last one represents him and his girlfriend .

Didn't know he had so many. I thought he only had two.
Is not it interesting his girlfriend also hired an attorney !!!!!

She probably want to get that child support money before the lawyer take them all.

As for TMZ looking stupid, that didn't stop them when they claim there was going to be an arrest in October.
Nothing is happening.. its all originated from TMZ. Again.

They said charges would be in the morning.. its past morning now isn't it?
Hopefully he will not make the call and the officers will show up at his doors suddenly

I think they give the person time to surrender before they barge into your house, unless you are a flight risk. They did the same thing with Michael, which is why people thought they went overboard when they arrested him at the airport, even though he was on his way to the police station anyway. That not forget when they cuff him and let the cameras see everything.

The last thing the DA wants it to make Murray sympathetic in any way. So, they are going to give him the chance to surrender so people cannot cry racism or any other isms.
She probably want to get that child support money before the lawyer take them all.

As for TMZ looking stupid, that didn't stop them when they claim there was going to be an arrest in October.

well since when getting child support money needed attorneys that defends criminlas like those soldiers ?
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