The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

TMZ seems to be accurate, generally.

I agree, I would like to say to all the fans to keep positive thoughts. If we can all do that our energy will be felt and Murray won't have a chance.

Also in the article by TMZ, they do give the names of the DA and FBI working the case. We can call them to put more pressure on them which may expedite the case and insist he be charged with murder 2 .
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

the doctors at UCLS DID ask him to sign the certificate and he declined, it is in the search warrant , and as you said he had no authority over MJ at the hospital but that's mean the doctors asked Murray to take responsibility because MJ died under his care before he was admitted into the hospital .

Thank you. That is absolutely correct, as far as anything we've ever heard reported. He was ASKED to sign the death-certificate, and he declined. That was a choice he made. He LEFT, without talking to the family or the press, or anyone. Did he take a cab? Did his girlfriend pick him up? We do not know. He did not return to Michael's house that night. The LAPD towed his car away.

Of course Michael was "already gone
." Everyone involved knew that, including Murray. This was a stunning lack of integrity, about the death of the world's most famous person. He will always have to live with that, no matter what else happens.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Michael's place should have been treated as a crime scene. Lots of screw ups in this case. I think Michael was long gone before he was even put in the ambulance.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Michael's place should have been treated as a crime scene. Lots of screw ups in this case. I think Michael was long gone before he was even put in the ambulance.

Yeah, like 3 to 5 hours after he was dead.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Thank you. That is absolutely correct, as far as anything we've ever heard reported. He was ASKED to sign the death-certificate, and he declined. That was a choice he made. He LEFT, without talking to the family or the press, or anyone. Did he take a cab? Did his girlfriend pick him up? We do not know. He did not return to Michael's house that night. The LAPD towed his car away.

Of course Michael was "already gone
." Everyone involved knew that, including Murray. This was a stunning lack of integrity, about the death of the world's most famous person. He will always have to live with that, no matter what else happens.

Which begs me to ask the question....WHY would he do that? Then they would never have learned about the propofol because their would have been no autopsy? Done deal?

Not sure what the point of this is in the grand scheme of things. How did this help or not help Murray?

Stunning lack of integrity OR did he freak out?
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Which begs me to ask the question....WHY would he do that? Then they would never have learned about the propofol because their would have been no autopsy? Done deal?

Not sure what the point of this is in the grand scheme of things. How did this help or not help Murray?

Stunning lack of integrity OR did he freak out?

Is that true? There would have been no autopsy? I did not realise that...
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Is that true? There would have been no autopsy? I did not realise that...

I don't know about this in American law but I bet in this case the family would have requested an autopsy. And I cannot imagine that Dr. M. wouldn't have thought of that.
There would have still been an autopsy, it's always like this when people die unexpectedly.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Which begs me to ask the question....WHY would he do that? Then they would never have learned about the propofol because their would have been no autopsy? Done deal?

Not sure what the point of this is in the grand scheme of things. How did this help or not help Murray?

Stunning lack of integrity OR did he freak out?

I have absolutely no idea, why he would do that. "Stunning lack of integrity, or did he freak out?" Maybe those things are related? There are times when one must suppress a "freak out" and simply do the right thing?

I think he had Michael transported to the hospital when he was already "gone" to try to avoid the house being designated as a crime-scene, and so he wouldn't be the doctor-of-record in Michael's death? Don't know, but surely he knew Michael was far beyond reviving. The CPR was just a token effort. On a BED?

I think there was no possibility of avoiding an autopsy, given that Michael was arguably the most famous person in the world. He was "healthy" as reported, and then dropped dead under a doctor's care? If he was healthy, why was he getting general anesthesia, nightly? Was he actually doing that with propofol? There is so much that makes no sense.

I think a lot of what went on was simply panic/not thinking clearly. I don't think Murray (or his attorneys) have told the truth, in those limited statements that they've given. Too many inconsistencies. Either Murray had been "recently hired," or had been "giving Michael propofol for six WEEKS!" If Michael was undergoing general anesthesia nightly for over a month, this was NOT a man who was "concert-ready." That is simply too strange. I've never even heard of such a thing!

I have no idea what really happened. There is just too much that is very, very strange. A critical error in the LAPD investigation was the failure to designate the house as a crime-scene, from the outset. That invalidates any "evidence" found there. People still had access to the house, and there is no way to know what was "put there," or taken away. There is little in the way of material evidence, and that is a problem.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Which begs me to ask the question....WHY would he do that? Then they would never have learned about the propofol because their would have been no autopsy? Done deal?

Not sure what the point of this is in the grand scheme of things. How did this help or not help Murray?

Stunning lack of integrity OR did he freak out?

After everything that has been said about him,it's probably be both!
He was desperate enough to take those risks with M to begin with.
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

We just have to wait and see, I take all these rumours with a pinch of salt, they will act (or not) when they are ready.
so what is going to happen nexts? :thinking:

i what answers? i what the truth behind all the storys what really happen to my heao? i need to know? :yes:

i hate plices :yes: :mat:
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

What we can tell from AH's report is that the investigation is not over otherwise they would have the case and we would all be made aware of this too.
Exactly! And I think the fact that they are still investigating Michael's murder is a GOOD thing. The longer the investigation, the better chances are that they won't rush anything. I'm really glad they are taking their time!
New Top Level Meeting in Michael Jackson Death
Posted Feb 1st 2010 3:13PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray is one step closer to being charged in the death of Michael Jackson after yet another top level meeting in the L.A. County District Attorney's Office last Friday -- this according to multiple law enforcement sources.

The way it was described to us -- it was "a big meeting." D.A. Steve Cooley was on the list of attendees.

As we first reported, the D.A. is ready to charge Dr. Conrad Murray with involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson and the case could be filed as early as this week.

The deputy D.A. assigned to the case -- David Walgren -- has all the LAPD's investigative notes, and the D.A. could charge Murray even without having the case formally presented by detectives.

Read more:
Jesus, what in the heck makes this look to them like an IM case?! Had he done everything by the book - everything from administering, to monitoring, to trying to save him, to cooperating, to being honest - then that would be a fair charge, but WTH? He didn't do ANY of those things the way you or I would have - and he's a doctor!...right?

I hope to God TMZ is full of it.
New Top Level Meeting in Michael Jackson Death Posted Feb 1st 2010 3:13PM by TMZ Staff


Dr. Conrad Murray is one step closer to being charged in the death of Michael Jackson after yet another top level meeting in the L.A. County District Attorney's Office last Friday -- this according to multiple law enforcement sources.

The way it was described to us -- it was "a big meeting." D.A. Steve Cooley was on the list of attendees.

As we first reported, the D.A. is ready to charge Dr. Conrad Murray with involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson and the case could be filed as early as this week.

The deputy D.A. assigned to the case -- David Walgren -- has all the LAPD's investigative notes, and the D.A. could charge Murray even without having the case formally presented by detectives

here is link:
Murray shoule be charged with murder!!!! :rant: :angry:
This week I hear will be the charge date.... but lets not give our hopes up ; if this thing goes to trial its not like he will be getting life in prison. Remember the OJ Simpson trial???
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

When this thing actually heads into a courtroom with Murray sitting in there, that will be the time that we will get a chance to find out what happened.

Until then, TMZ still is not the best source for information. They are just staying on top of what they are viewing as their story, because they are not done boasting about being the first to report that MJ had been taken to UCLA Medical Center where he was pronounced dead on June 25th.

The only reason why TMZ was the first to report it, is because they are the main ones that were following MJ everywhere he went while he was living in Los Angeles. They stayed on his heels. They never gave him any space. They followed him all over the place starting from the driveway of where he was living. This is not impressive, it is a shame. They should be ashamed of themselves, not proud.

Spare yourselves the agony, guys. Don't take in TMZ' tid bit of news. They're just trying to keep MJ's massive fan base locked in on them because they want us, and all of the other news agencies, to make them feel important.

When Murray actually walks into a courtroom, this trickle news stuff will stop and the floodgate will open.

Let's hope that the legitimate news agencies will come forth and report about the case the real way. Let's hope that the legitimate news agencies will get back to basics, because it looks like this is going to be their last and final chance to get this thing right and separate themselves from the entertainment news programs.

Find out which court house it is and be there!!!
This week I hear will be the charge date.... but lets not give our hopes up ; if this thing goes to trial its not like he will be getting life in prison. Remember the OJ Simpson trial???

IM means 2-4 years in prision and lets not bring oj into this theres been enough compairing in the past. watched larry king this morn and on his blog scroller it said at the bottom the police are gonna charge him with IM. thought it was some new news but i guess they are still running with last weeks info from tmz.

Find out which court house it is and be there!!!
fans need to be carefull about this imo. looking like a crazy lynch mob wont sit well with many we dont need to give the defence anything to use or to help any jurrors who who dont care for mj
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