The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

It's Access Hollywood, take it with a grain of salt, in fact, a handful.
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

I'm gonna have to go with what TMZ has been saying. They've been right most of the time.
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

It's Access Hollywood, take it with a grain of salt, in fact, a handful.
TMZ only had a "source" where as Access Hollywood has a quote from the DA.
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

TMZ has been playing this "source" game since the fall. They are just trying to make themselves relevant when it comes to the case.
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

TMZ on the live chat has already said that LAPD did not give the case to the DA. so access hollywood is not reporting a contrary information to TMZ's report.

to see for yourself go to
then find the video that says TMZ Live 01/29/10 - Part 1

if you don't feel like watching this is what harvey levin says on the live chat
- the case will be filed very soon as early as next week
- police department was under the impression that they would have this meeting with DA where police will formally submit the case to DA
- DA meanwhile has prosecutors assigned to the case who is intimately aware of the details as he has been basically in touch with the police every single day asking about the situation and has all the investigation notes
- so DA decided that they will go forward with the case
- they will have a meeting with the police for coordination rather than presentation of the case

Basically as the prosecutors in the DA's office are already aware of all of the details and investigation they will go ahead and file the case without needing the case formally submitted.
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

- the case will be filed very soon as early as next week

Next week from 8 Jan? We're about to enter February. If we "heard" through TMZ that the case was complete, wouldnt we have heard if it had been given to the DA?
- police department was under the impression that they would have this meeting with DA where police will formally submit the case to DA

Under the impression? Sounds very professional.
- DA meanwhile has prosecutors assigned to the case who is intimately aware of the details as he has been basically in touch with the police every single day asking about the situation and has all the investigation notes

This DA David Walgren is involved in many celebrity cases including Britney Murphy's.
- so DA decided that they will go forward with the case
Of course they will. Its a homicide. Michael didnt kill himself!!
- they will have a meeting with the police for coordination rather than presentation of the case

Coordinate what? It should be complete for presentation.
Basically as the prosecutors in the DA's office are already aware of all of the details and investigation they will go ahead and file the case without needing the case formally submitted.

They're not doing it by the book? Why? Its should be formally submitted. Do they do this with every case? Nope!
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

I just said what they reported. You can always ask these questions at the live chat. They answer questions from the viewers.

Basically we will wait and see what happens. It's that plain and simple.
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Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

About the death certificate..

Press conference with the Coroner Spokeman Mr. Craig Harvey.

Full video -

Q:'Was there any controversy about the death certificate signature by the dr. '

A:'Uh.. no, the problem with the death certificate was that there was no doctor to sign the death certificate, which then requires that the coroner become involved because if there is no doctor to sign the death certificate it falls to the coroner to do that function, so that was why we became involved in the first place. Had he been under the care of a doctor and the doctor had been willing to sign the death certificate the coroner would not have become involved.'


Who said that because its NOT TRUE. The coroner gets involved if someone
dies in a hospital within a certain amount of hours of arrival. It was not Murrays job to sign it since he was not the physician at the hospital. He would not have been allowed to touch Michael in the hospital.

There is so much mis information in the news and it seems to confuse everyone and then everyone believes lies. Its just so wrong.
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

I just said what they reported. You can always ask these questions at the live chat. They answer questions from the viewers.

Basically we will wait and see what happens. It's that plain and simple.
Well this is my point. That TMZ's reports are full of holes and using 'sources' where Access Hollywood had a direct quote from the DA.

TMZ have been telling us for ages that Murray is going to be arrested etc etc and nothing happens.

What we can tell from AH's report is that the investigation is not over otherwise they would have the case and we would all be made aware of this too.
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

Guess we have to wait and see...
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

This information was already posted a while ago in the Murray thread. It was announced shortly after it came out that they were going to charge him with In Man. So this is not new information. It should also be noted that TMZ early on said that the LAPD was viewing this case as a homicide and investigating it as such. The LAPD came out and said that was not true. Then a few weeks later, we learn it was viewed as a homicide. I even read online that Dr Murray's lawyer is already contemplating how Murray will turn himself in if he is charged. They were saying they hope the law lets Murray surrender instead of taking him in. Why would they even be considering this if they though tno charges would be filed? I believe they know it is imminent as well.

I, too am going to go with TMZ, for now. We will know soon enough.:yes:
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Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

So this is not new information.
If you actually read the first post, Ive stated that AH & TMZ's reports were on 8 Jan so no obviously not new.

And that's also sort of the point, that the DA dont have the case yet according to them directly as opposed to TMZ's "next week". Nearly in Feb now. It seems the AH story is true as why would there be hasnt been any arrests. Because the investigation is not over. ;)
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

If you actually read the first post, Ive stated that AH & TMZ's reports were on 8 Jan so no obviously not new.

And that's also sort of the point, that the DA dont have the case yet according to them directly as opposed to TMZ's "next week". Nearly in Feb now. It seems the AH story is true as why would there be hasnt been any arrests. Because the investigation is not over. ;)

I read it. And saying it was not new was not to you, as I am sure you are aware of what you posted. i was replying to many on the board who did not recognize this and kind of had a pannicked tone as if this was something that was new.

Also, as I recalled on a TMZ live, they said although the investigation was complete, they had to formally present it to the DA and timing was difficult as it would take getting everyone there at the same time. So they cannot make an arrest until the case is formally presented. Tmz said yesterday, (or the day before) that the case would be presented to the dA formally MAYBE as early as next week. That means this coming week. Not next week from Jan 8th. So I don't have a problem with their time frame as of yet. i was just saying that I would like to wait and see and TMZ has been pretty on point so far (which is sad to say). Anyway, it has been the DA and the LAPD that has not been up front publicly.

i dunno. I'm rambling. I just like to hold out hope for the best until it is obviuos there is no longer any left. That makes me feel better.:)
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Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Beachlover, I think you remember the facts wrong, because Murray left the hospital without talking to the family or the police. The first part was confirmed by LaToya, the second by the search warrants. If you have other information, could you please provide the source/link.

The part about the death certificate comes from the coroner spokesman, check Rockin.'s post again, it's not a tabloid source.
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

I read it. And saying it was not new was not to you, as I am sure you are aware of what you posted. i was replying to many on the baord who did not recognize this and kind of had a pannicked tone as if this was something that was new.

Ahh I see. :cheers:
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

So basically they wont charge that stupid doctor!!!?? :rant:
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

So basically they wont charge that stupid doctor!!!?? :rant:

Its not saying that at all. Just that the investigation isnt complete yet.
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

Also, as I recalled on a TMZ live, they said although the investigation was complete, they had to formally present it to the DA and timing was difficult as it would take getting everyone there at the same time. So they cannot make an arrest until the case is formally presented. Tmz said yesterday, (or the day before) that the case would be presented to the dA formally MAYBE as early as next week. That means this coming week. Not next week from Jan 8th. So I don't have a problem with their time frame as of yet. i was just saying that I would like to wait and see and TMZ has been pretty on point so far (which is sad to say). Anyway, it has been the DA and the LAPD that has not been up front publicly.

Exactly. TMZ don't publish full details online, they give more details in the live chats (as there is a lot fans asking questions about MJ). they always said that the DA did not have the case. and they also explained the delays as LAPD and DA doing more investigation , getting more expert opinions, being prepared to any tactics etc. They really make a point that the DA does not want Murray to walk. and I really hope that they are true.
Re: DA’s Office On Jackson Doctor: ‘We Don’t Have A Case’ To Fill

this is all confusing, i'm going to bed.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

i dont know what to really think. this charge doesnt seem like enough and i agree he shoud be charged with Murder 2 and not to mention medical malpractice bc Michael was under Murrays care and he died under his care and since he passed while in his care that is considered medical malpractice and he should be charged with that as well.

If i remmeber correctly Murray fled from Michael's home and his car was still there and the cops had to go searching for him in order to even question him. That to me shows guilt bc at least Michael was man enough to turn himself in when the child molestation allegations reared their ugly heads he didnt run like Murray did.

we dont know all the details of what he will be charged with bc the DA still needs to look at the case and decide what to charge murray with and how many charges he will have. I hope its more then one and i hope he gets as many years in prison as possibale. if does go to trial I hope the jury just happens to be all Mj fans and they convict his ass to life in prison.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Who said that because its NOT TRUE. The coroner gets involved if someone
dies in a hospital within a certain amount of hours of arrival. It was not Murrays job to sign it since he was not the physician at the hospital. He would not have been allowed to touch Michael in the hospital.

There is so much mis information in the news and it seems to confuse everyone and then everyone believes lies. Its just so wrong.

the doctors at UCLS DID ask him to sign the certificate and he declined, it is in the search warrant , and as you said he had no authority over MJ at the hospital but that's mean the doctors asked Murray to take responsibility because MJ died under his care before he was admitted into the hospital .
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

..............if that happen,the H*ll will break lose instead of freezing ovah':yes:

Hell froze over June what time? We may never know. :no:
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