The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

That story is BS.

The DA DONT NOT tell suspects in advance that they are going to be charged or arrested. That would be like me telling you Im going to rob your house.

The investigation isnt even complete yet according to the DA. Another rag story peeps.

Isn't it?
They seem to be playing any possible cards to hide what their real intentions are.
Does Mu. feel enclosed or something?

What are they playing????
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Lmao. Aren't these the same people who said that he'd be charged back in October? I'm so tired of TMZ.

I'll believe sh*t when I see sh*t.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

That story is BS.

The DA DONT NOT tell suspects in advance that they are going to be charged or arrested. That would be like me telling you Im going to rob your house.

The investigation isnt even complete yet according to the DA. Another rag story peeps.

Not necessarily true.

Best example is the 2005 case against MJ. Remember in 2005 they filed the charges againtst MJ and then he came from Las Vegas to LA and surrendered himself.,,547793,00.html

So the DA and PD can can file charges and give Murray some time to surrender or go and arrest him with no notificiation. Both are possible.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

If they go for that particular charge this will be like a lose lose situation. For some reason I don't see a trial happening.....all of this somehow is gonna be turned on MJ, the people who stand to make money i.e Dr. murray and others will, but at the end of the day we still won't have Michael back. The past 15 years has been a learning experience for me, its like the word justice seems to ellude the name Michael Jackson at every turn.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I am not going to believe it until I see it. I want it to happen but nothing seems to happen.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I have not been on line today and I am totally confused. I just came here and there and found some 4 / 5 different stories about Murray, police, charges and the like. Among those, this shocked me:

What does this mean?? Are you discussing this info in other thread? If so, please, let me know (I couldn'd find it).

I have this feeling.... things seem to be finally moving in some direction, silently...

That story is BS.

The DA DO NOT tell suspects in advance that they are going to be charged or arrested. That would be like me telling you Im going to rob your house.

The investigation isnt even complete yet according to the DA. Another rag story peeps.

Yes, and please note the "August 2009" date of Michael's death in the article. :smilerolleyes:

He will not be put away for a very long time. People here have a hard time believing a doctor could do such a thing. Sorry MJ you didn't deserve this. I am so damn sad right now. This man will do no time. Watch. He'll get probation.

He certainly wouldn't get a life sentence, that's for sure, esp. if the charges are for Involuntary Manslaughter.

What about the life sentences that Murray doled out to Michael's children, family and us?
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Not necessarily true.

Best example is the 2005 case against MJ. Remember in 2005 they filed the charges againtst MJ and then he came from Las Vegas to LA and surrendered himself.,,547793,00.html

So the DA and PD can can file charges and give Murray some time to surrender or go and arrest him with no notificiation. Both are possible.


But Im sure that Murray would have to be informed first before the media are.

However the DA has stated the investigation ISNT complete. Only TMZ. And everyone else's source is.......TMZ! This actually isnt new news. They've been saying the same thing for months. And nothing has happened.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

And you can take a bet that he won't be paraded in front of the cameras in handcuffs the way Michael was. The guy is a killer and should be treated like one.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

"In the event of charges being filed in connection with Michael Jackson's death it would be much cheaper for tax payers if........"
oh noble soul concerned about tax payers.....
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Because of Dr Murray waiting 3 hours to call Paramecics which basically means it was a cover up than he should be charged with murder.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Lmao. Aren't these the same people who said that he'd be charged back in October? I'm so tired of TMZ.

I'll believe sh*t when I see sh*t.

But they weren't wrong with the death of MJ back then!...
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Involuntary Manslaughter? Are you kidding me? Every. single. decision. he made on June 25th (and the 6 weeks leading up to, if he's to be believed...) was voluntary.

Please let there be justice...

Yeah there was nothing involuntary about what happened, it's a joke they can even think that. Makes me mad that we can see it but yet they won't acknowledge this.

and murray should be charged under negligent manslaughter as he owed mj a duty of care. whether thats a worse charge i cant really tell due to google.but as a doctor he comes under that charge not general manslaughter

Good point Elusive, yes, duty of care is all important here. Everything that Murray appeared to do that day was like what an "Anti-Doctor" would do, not that of a doctor at all.

Even a young child could have called 911 immediately. On this point alone he was grossly negligent.

Why does evil always seem to win everytime? It's sick. Murray will no doubt run free, with a low bail, sell his story for millions. The media will still be against Michael and everyone else will sell their lies and milk the estate.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Tmz... what are they doing? I guess their gonna keep on saying this until it finally happens, then take credit as the first to know! lol
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

But they weren't wrong with the death of MJ back then!...

Yeah and how did they know that 2 hrs before it was announced? (by Jermaine and not a Dr no less). Harvey Levine gives a strange explanation about that.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

One thing I've forgotten is how did Murray get named in all of this? Who said it, when?
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Yeah and how did they know that 2 hrs before it was announced? (by Jermaine and not a Dr no less). Harvey Levine gives a strange explanation about that.

Well, I don't know, tell me! :)
Everything has a reason, so I'm sure this'll have a reason, too why they knew this two hours before but I don't know why...
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Well, I don't know, tell me! :)
Everything has a reason, so I'm sure this'll have a reason, too why they knew this two hours before but I don't know why...

TMZ announced his death 13 minutes after he was OFFCIALLY pronounced dead in the hospital . I posted a time line of the events a month ago . and I'm 10000% it was 13 minutes after that . the hospital did not leak anything because if you were to believe Frank and randy philips , the medical staff knew everything was over way before they announced him dead but waited for katherine to arrive . It may have been one of the siblings or AEG people because once the katherine arrived TMZ knew .
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

TMZ announced his death 13 minutes after he was OFFCIALLY pronounced dead in the hospital . I posted a time line of the events a month ago . and I'm 10000% it was 13 minutes after that . the hospital did not leak anything because if you were to believe Frank and randy philips , the medical staff knew everything was over way before they announced him dead but waited for katherine to arrive . It may have been one of the siblings or AEG people because once the katherine arrived TMZ knew .

No TMZ DID announce it before the hospital. I know this as I was here on MJJC and watching the news on TV and checking the tabloids like TMZ and they were the first to say so, then we heard from a coroner on CNN and then Jermaine made a statement and then on UCLA's website a statement from The Jackson's was posted. No comment from UCLA Dr's or staff period.

Plus Harvey Levine was asked how he knew prior and he didnt say he didnt, he tried to skirt around the question and talked about 'them' for a 2nd. For a lawyer he sounded like a blithering idiot.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

No TMZ DID announce it before the hospital. I know this as I was here on MJJC and watching the news on TV and checking the tabloids like TMZ and they were the first to say so, then we heard from a coroner on CNN and then Jermaine made a statement and then on UCLA's website a statement from The Jackson's was posted. No comment from UCLA Dr's or staff period.

Plus Harvey Levine was asked how he knew prior and he didnt say he didnt, he tried to skirt around the question and talked about 'them' for a 2nd. For a lawyer he sounded like a blithering idiot.

MJ was pronounced dead at 2:29 pm that day , TMZ announced his death at 2:43 pm that day . you were here and I was at KOP discussion board when we received a twitter message claiming an ambulance ENTERED the gated property .
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Plus Harvey Levine was asked how he knew prior and he didnt say he didnt, he tried to skirt around the question and talked about 'them' for a 2nd. For a lawyer he sounded like a blithering idiot.

I think TMZ have sources within the Jackson family, and TMZ are not going to say who. So they probably knew before, but they didn't post the info until that family member said it was OK to do so (ie when Katherine had arrived).
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I think TMZ have sources within the Jackson family, and TMZ are not going to say who. So they probably knew before, but they didn't post the info until that family member said it was OK to do so (ie when Katherine had arrived).

That's really disturbing to me. Michael dies and someone in the family is keeping tmz informed? I can't believe someone would do that.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

That's really disturbing to me. Michael dies and someone in the family is keeping tmz informed? I can't believe someone would do that.

Yeah......what a shocker!!
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I think TMZ have sources within the Jackson family, and TMZ are not going to say who. So they probably knew before, but they didn't post the info until that family member said it was OK to do so (ie when Katherine had arrived).

well as I said it is either the family or AEG people , but even AEG knew way before he was officially pronounced dead rom the medical staff there . Even Tony Braxton said she knew way before the media from AEG people .

again once katherine arrived MJ was announced dead , she was getting calls from her kids and she told them and one of them might have told TMZ .

we know now CNN's source within the family has alwasy been jermaine , Roger's source was joe and sometimes Randy used him when he wanted to dilever a message to MJ . But I doubt they were paid to give that information , probably they were asked and said "yeah he is gone" . before his death , TMZ was not using any of the brothers to tip them on MJ because evryone in Hollywood knew they were not at the time 'credible sources' , the relationship has developed after his death and we know Randy is TMZ' source within the family .
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

In one of the live chat TMZ said that while the other media was reporting that MJ was taken to hospital, they heard that he had a cardiac arrest from a person in medical profession - so probably they had sources in the paramedics and/or hospital.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

TMZ announced his death 13 minutes after he was OFFCIALLY pronounced dead in the hospital . I posted a time line of the events a month ago . and I'm 10000% it was 13 minutes after that . the hospital did not leak anything because if you were to believe Frank and randy philips , the medical staff knew everything was over way before they announced him dead but waited for katherine to arrive . It may have been one of the siblings or AEG people because once the katherine arrived TMZ knew .

No TMZ DID announce it before the hospital. I know this as I was here on MJJC and watching the news on TV and checking the tabloids like TMZ and they were the first to say so, then we heard from a coroner on CNN and then Jermaine made a statement and then on UCLA's website a statement from The Jackson's was posted. No comment from UCLA Dr's or staff period.

Plus Harvey Levine was asked how he knew prior and he didnt say he didnt, he tried to skirt around the question and talked about 'them' for a 2nd. For a lawyer he sounded like a blithering idiot.

MJ was pronounced dead at 2:29 pm that day , TMZ announced his death at 2:43 pm that day . you were here and I was at KOP discussion board when we received a twitter message claiming an ambulance ENTERED the gated property .

Well, I don't know who to believe now but it doesn't really matter in the end, I guess! Mike's gone and that is sad enough...
Thank you, anyway!
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