The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I'll be prayin for this to be true!!!...
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

i hope it's true and maybe there is a chance to uncrease the charge to 2nd degree
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Involuntary Manslaughter is just going to give the green light to any other quack to put his patients life at risk, or for assisted suicide to happen, all the doctor has to say is that the patient asked for it and besides he was only trying to help them get some sleep.

I think justice will catch up with Murrey in one form or another, he will never stop looking over his shoulder incase someone who is unhinged catches up with him.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Its about time! although being TMZ I'm taking this with a grain of salt but i hope for Michaels sake its true and justice will be served on Murry
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

yeah, right...
no, he didn´t want to, just happened that Michael died
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

What sentence would involuntary manslaughter get in US?
I want him put away for a very long time, it should be a MURDER charge.... :angry:
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Involuntary Manslaughter? Are you kidding me? Every. single. decision. he made on June 25th (and the 6 weeks leading up to, if he's to be believed...) was voluntary.

Please let there be justice...
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

He will not be put away for a very long time. People here have a hard time believing a doctor could do such a thing. Sorry MJ you didn't deserve this. I am so damn sad right now. This man will do no time. Watch. He'll get probation.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

He will not be put away for a very long time. People here have a hard time believing a doctor could do such a thing. Sorry MJ you didn't deserve this. I am so damn sad right now. This man will do no time. Watch. He'll get probation.

There's still hope that TMZ might be wrong. They were saying the same thing in October but nothing happened then.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I was on a jury before for a malpractice suit against a doctor and most people could not get it in their heads that a doctor could do such a thing and the evidence was there plain as the nose on my face. It was hell in that jury room. Not comparing cases, but when there is a doctor or police involved the conviction rate is .05%.

I want to be wrong so very badly on this but my gut and how it works over here says I am right. ***cry cry cry***
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I'll believe it when I see it, unfortunately. I'm nervous about what he will be charged with, but I'm prepared for the worst.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

What sentence would involuntary manslaughter get in US?
2-4 years. so nothing really. question is whether theres xtra charges for shipping drugs the cover up etc.wont know until it happens as no doubt the media wil only focus on the main charge. ok getting charged but i dont expect a conviction. mj will be the one on trial and the one blamed and because hes not "human" he will be the xscape goat.unless they put the kids on the stand. of course i wouldnt want that to happen but if thats what it takes.

anyway let me know when hes actually charged. we hear to many stories but not alot of action
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Elusive agreed. He may even get that reduced to probation. It happens all the time on regular people. This guy is a Dr. I don't see them putting him away. I just don't see it. If this story is true.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

He will walk free
others making money on the film
everyone´s happy
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Elusive agreed. He may even get that reduced to probation. It happens all the time on regular people. This guy is a Dr. I don't see them putting him away. I just don't see it. If this story is true.

im not saying the evidence isnt huge against murray, i was telling my mum all the details the other day and at the end she said to me when u lay it all out there ie the cover up the lies he told hes so obviously guilty which could even make u think it was murder due to the way he acted afterwards in covering it all up. the issue i have is with the US system. the jury tainting the reporting the turning it on mj,murray playing the victim.all i know is this is only the begining and even if u "win" on a manslaughter charge theres no real punishment. and at the end of the day if he goes to jail and bubba the mj fan is his cellmate and murray goes to swim with the fishes then yeah ill be happy for a short while but it wont change anything it wont bring mike back. same with chandler, he blew his head off. yes i celebrated felt great for a few hours but then u realise it wont change the last 15 years it wont change what he did to mj. and if he walks all this was for nothing. and he becomes a celeb and makes millions and all u can hope for is that he bumps into a mj fan in a dark in the end its a lose lose situation. we win nothing but have lost everything

and murray should be charged under negligent manslaughter as he owed mj a duty of care. whether thats a worse charge i cant really tell due to google.but as a doctor he comes under that charge not general manslaughter
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

you are right. We win nothing and have lost everything. How sad is that? :(
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Blah tmz, they've been relaying this same story for months now. I guess eventually theyre gonna be right.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I hope this is true.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I was on a jury before for a malpractice suit against a doctor and most people could not get it in their heads that a doctor could do such a thing and the evidence was there plain as the nose on my face. It was hell in that jury room. Not comparing cases, but when there is a doctor or police involved the conviction rate is .05%.

I want to be wrong so very badly on this but my gut and how it works over here says I am right. ***cry cry cry***
Yeah but the difference is Dr Murray did mess OUTSIDE of the hospital. People know mistakes are done in a hospital but when a doctor does mess outside of the hospital, I think the verdict will be different.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

its about fucking time.

one down to go!!
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