The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Soundmind- I feel you are being very disrespectful to Vic and those of us in this community who where there during the trial.
I think i'm right in saying Sneddon in court papers stated during the trial he
wanted us shut down. That's how POWERFUL this board was in that terrible chapter in Michael's life.
We weren't T-MEZ you are right but many people contributed to Michael's freedom including the good people in this community.
We helped fight the good fight and we won.
I truly believe that Vic and the many other diligent researchers on this board CAN make a difference to the current case and help to get justice for our dearly loved Michael.

I agree.

I think Sound was not being rude, but she was being realistic. I looked at the achieves and what fans really did was post facts, articles, and used their god given common sense to see how stupid the case really was. The case was so poorly made that it looked like it was put together from tacky glue, so you didn't need a MD in investigating to see the holes. Fans morally supported Michael and helped him through that tough period, that is a fact.

However, the fan really did nothing when it came to the actual investigation. Posting new articles and writing articles does not count as investigating. It was Mez and his team would did the research by hiring people to look at people's past. They were the ones who looked through every pick of evident and collected their own, not fans. So, putting the fans at the same level as Mez is undermining Mez's hardwork and given fans more credits then deserve.

Sneddon wanted to close down the site not because fans found some kind of information he didn't want them to know, it was more of the fact that they saw how bad the case was and rightfully ripped it apart. They then spread what they have learned to others, which is why they were a threat. It was not because of the actual research.

Btw, I went to the IU and most of their theories are made out of tacky glue. Common sense also flew out the window as well.
there are people who still thinks that Mike was guilty on both of 93 and 03 accusations even after being vindicated by the hard work of Mez in 05. and that the whole research/facts/etc was/is a bunch of BS? As they would say "because he's a celebrity" he got away with it. There are even fans of Mike [so they call themselves] who still thinks Mike was not completely innocent of the accusations.

spreading the words was the key... the people that were spreading the words were so important and made great impact even way after being vindicated. the fans that were on the boards during 03 allegation that were sharing informations are much better fans than the fans that didn't do anything but listen to Mike's music or watch his music videos while sitting down on their lazy ass, carefree and didn't give a rat's ass about the man behind the music.

Michael was proven innocent and became a free man because of Mez but it was the fans who kept his spirit alive and spread the truth to the later generations that didn't know much about Michael and also opening the door for many more generation to come.

if only it was simple as saying "he was vindicated" as a proof of his innocence... it just doesn't work that way when it comes to Michael.
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One of the problems I have with the 'other' theory is that no one can come up with a solid motive besides money and it does not make much sense if you break it down.

Lets go with the first, other doctors were involve and should be charge. Since no other drug besides Murray's was found in his body, they can't charge others doctors with anything. Even if they found medication in there name, it still does not prove anything. Even doctors who gave him the drug in the past cannot be charge because he did not die at those times and the drug is not a control substance. So, you can't really blame other doctors.

He was killed for money. Okay, but how actually gain anything for his death, AEG? They were going to make alot of money from everything surrounding the shows. The lowest estimate was 500 to 700 million dollars. Even if Michael didn't complete all 50 dates, they still could had sold the footage of the concerts and the stuff they sold around it to still make more money that the TII movie. Not to mention they could had sue Michael for breaking contract. So, AEG took a heavy lost. I also doubt they would risk they reputation to assassinate someone just because they might cancel.

Sony, perhaps? I heavily doubt that a company that makes billions a year would risk their reputation to get a catalogue from any artist. Especially when they had a chance to get it cheap in 2007 when Michael was having problems. Not to mention that since they didn't know about his will, how would they even know that the catalogue would be on sell if he died? Since it isn't, seems like a big risk with no gain. They were also going to get alot of money from the tours since all of Michael's musics would go up in sells. So, they were going to make money off of him either way.

Everyone who surrounded him during his last days? Last time I check, no got a thing from Michael's passing. Most are filing claims with no legal standing, so why would they kill someone over money that is a shot in the dark?

In fact, the only people he gained anything from Michael's death is his kids and the charities. Not even his family really got anything since when Mrs. Jackson leaves us, her share goes to his kids.

So the motives of the 'others' theory does not really pan out.

legends are worth more dead than alive... it also not all about gains.... it can also be about what certain people would have lost if mike was still around, financially speaking here. and how much more money they would make... it doesn't have to be now but as years passed that they wouldn't have made if mike was still here.

I just don't understand the way you think and you thought IU was made of tacky glue. last time i check people even kill people just because they don't like the person.... not to mention if money was involved.

your reasons are all pretty much based on your own opinion which are not all that factual.... logical? maybe so in some level that i can not relate to based on my own personal life experiences.
I agree.

there are people who still thinks that Mike was guilty on both of 93 and 03 accusations even after being vindicated by the hard work of Mez in 05. and that the whole research/facts/etc was/is a bunch of BS? As they would say "because he's a celebrity" he got away with it. There are even fans of Mike [so they call themselves] who still thinks Mike was not completely innocent of the accusations.

I have several friends who thinks that Michael was guilty so I had to explain to them. I'm not very good at presenting facts but when I told them I wasn't a MJ fan before he passed away they will listen to what I say. I told them how I did weeks of research about the allegations to investigate what was going on. I told them that before he died, I used too also think he is weird and had some strange relationship with children. Infact, I don't even know what the word mollestation means!! I though it means some sort of injuring! ...Ekkkk Michael injuring children?!! hahah!! I didn't have a clue who Michael really was but after so much research everyday, I learn so many things about him and get to know his personality. I also cannot find any envidence that MJ was guilty and learn that the truth of how horrible the accusers and media were to him.
Sony, perhaps? I heavily doubt that a company that makes billions a year would risk their reputation to get a catalogue from any artist. Especially when they had a chance to get it cheap in 2007 when Michael was having problems.

I believe the option Sony had to buy 25% (half of MJ's share) of the catalog was for more than a billion dollars, and that is not cheap even for Sony.
I also remember reading that Sony was allegedly afraid of exercising any option over MJ's share, because they were afraid of a very negative reaction and being boycotted by the fans.
legends are worth more dead than alive... it also not all about gains.... it can also be about what certain people would have lost if mike was still around, financially speaking here. and how much more money they would make... it doesn't have to be now but as years passed that they wouldn't have made if mike was still here.

I just don't understand the way you think and you thought IU was made of tacky glue. last time i check people even kill people just because they don't like the person.... not to mention if money was involved.

your reasons are all pretty much based on your own opinion which are not all that factual.... logical? maybe so in some level that i can not relate to based on my own personal life experiences.

Where did I put my own opinions? Most of the things I put down are facts of the situation mix with common sense.

Concerts promoters or record companies don't just go away killing stars just cause they are worth more dead in the long run. If that was the case, there would be alot more dead musicians than just Michael. Michael was also about to do a big concert. If they really murder him because his records would skyrocket, then why didn't they kill him after he did the concerts? Even if he dropped dead on stage, they would had made far more money that way. Especially with "Michael Jackson's Final Concert", instead of just rehearsals.

Also, everyone made money around Michael. The city of London would had mad money, Sony would had money, his family would get money because those J5 albums would had went up, everyone who worked around Michael would had been paid, but they are now fire and looking for a new line of work. So, who gained anything short or long run? Even Brance would had made more money off a living Michael since he was working for him again before he died.

On your point that they kill Michael because they were mad at him, lets think about that for a second. They somehow knew Murray was going to be hire to be Michael's doctor. He then poison him with a drug that Michael couldn't possibly take himself. He tries to leave evidences that he OD himself on another drug by leaving pill bottles everywhere, but no pills are found in his stomach. So even if the drug that was name didn't kill him, Murray is still at fault because he gave him the contributor drug. Not to mention Murray admitted himself to given all these drugs and leaving the damn room. If he was hire to kill Michael, why would he do it in such a stupid way that leaves his hand in the cookie jar? And why is he acting like a deer in the headlights if this was all plan? And why did he changed his story several times if he knew he was going to kill someone? And why did he make phone calls of all things that could be track because he used a cell phone? Not to mention his disappearing act he did after Michael was announce dead. So, for a well thought out master plan to kill the biggest star in the world, Murray made some huge mistakes that boarders on stupidity.

If he was set up let some people like to push and Murray is too scare to talk, then tell me who went upstairs? Michael's house was surrounded by fans and cameramen nearly 24/7, so it is not like some random car can just drive in, even if the supposedly took the security tapes. They also somehow knew Michael would be knocked out and on a drug that can be fatal. How would they gain that kind of information exactly? I doubt Michael and Murray told many people about this. And, how would they know Murray was going to leave the room in such or such of time on this day? Also, no one except Murray, Michael, and his kids were allowed upstairs. So unless all the body guards in the house were in on the plot, no one could go upstairs if they were not one of the people above and not get notice. I also find it hard to believe that Murray would remind silent about being frame since he threw everyone under the bus to save himself. Not to mention all the lies he told which is odd for someone who is being frame. The whole "Michael was killed for vengeance theory" would work better if Michael was gun down by so loony.

Finally, the reason why I said the IU is made out of tacky glue is because alot of their speculation are base on no facts. Most are news articles are from July when Michael's death was still a mystery and people thought he was a druggie and some people are named as suspects for murder mostly because certain members don't like them or see them as shady with no real facts to back these claims. They also take people quotes out of context to fit their ideas and believe anyone who supports their theories. Even if that person has a proven record of lying. I have seen some members use the National Enquirer as a valid research material. If they took the stuff from the IU to court or the LAPD, it would be thrown out. If they wrote a research paper for college using their 'facts', that sucker would get a F without question.

To be blunt, the material on the IU is constructed in a similar manner as Sneddon's conspiracy charge. Mainly, it is a bunch of facts and speculation blended together to make a point about someone's suppose guilt, but it is full of holes. Sneddon's case against Michael boiled down to "he is weird, he sleeps with kids, so he much be a pedo." The IU is line of thinking is "we don't like these people, they are shady, so they much be murders." Which is why I said common sense flew away on that forum.

PS: Spreading the truth about something does not equal research. Mez does the samething when he talks to the media and so does other people who know Michael. So what fans are doing is not super special. If you know the facts about something, you are suppose to spread it, so I don't see it as making someone extra special by doing the decent thing.

Also, I think it is kind of arrogant to say you are a fan because you did this and that for the case. Not everyone has 10 to 12 hours to spend following a man they don't even know. If you want to do it, then more power to you, but don't look down you nose at others because they didn't do the same.
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I believe the option Sony had to buy 25% (half of MJ's share) of the catalog was for more than a billion dollars, and that is not cheap even for Sony.
I also remember reading that Sony was allegedly afraid of exercising any option over MJ's share, because they were afraid of a very negative reaction and being boycotted by the fans.

Maybe so, but the theory they murder him in hopes that his estate would sell the catalog at a discount does really work either. That is a huge risk for a big what if. If the above fact is true, they were afraid to buy the catalog legally because of backlash, so they kill him and if they are found out it would ruin the entire company. Sony been in business long enough to take Option A, I think.

Also, they been boycotted by fans before. So, I think they would really care, especially if they show Michael sold it to them willingly.
I really like reading your arguements, Ramona.

Yes, the only evidence we have is Dr. Murray is a irrespossible and unworthy doctor and he is the main one to blame.
It's very hard to prove anyone else could be guilty with the information we know, we can only speculate.
We have no evidence at all. we do not know what happened. we have not yet heard from anyone involved, so all we have is speculations.
And yes, motive for the murder of an major icon can be varied.
I read an article many years ago before I ever consider myself a fan of Mj. the article stated that Mj should have died after Thriller. had he died them he would have been worshipped by many nations as a god. it went on to say he was missing that staus by living too long.
I read an article many years ago before I ever consider myself a fan of Mj. the article stated that Mj should have died after Thriller. had he died them he would have been worshipped by many nations as a god. it went on to say he was missing that staus by living too long.

But is fame worth more than life?
Michael proved that even if you are on top of the world... your only dream is to be a regular, happy citizen.
George Michael once said that people want to become famous not because of what they have, but because of what they're missing. MJ didn't want to die after Thriller and become worshipped and immortal. He wanted to be loved and live his life to the fullest.
But is fame worth more than life?
Michael proved that even if you are on top of the world... your only dream is to be a regular, happy citizen.
George Michael once said that people want to become famous not because of what they have, but because of what they're missing. MJ didn't want to die after Thriller and become worshipped and immortal. He wanted to be loved and live his life to the fullest.
nearly all the legends that are known years after death have died young. It is almost a must for legendary status, I think thsat was what the article was referring to.
Well, I tried, and Mechi did, and others, but somehow, this thread, too, turned into a bash the I.U. thread. I expect the thread has once again strayed so far off topic that it will be closed. (I guess that's what's wanted, anyway?) That is NOT a good way to get along or to be a community. The odd thing is, it's always one-sided. Those who visit the I.U. don't urge others to join in the investigations. But yet, some seem so angry that others investigate. This turns fan against fan, and is surely not good for Michael's legacy.

I'm not going to respond in-kind to disrespect. I'm going to hope, now, that mods, once again, close the thread. It would take many hours of reading to understand what is known, i.e. "investigations," and I will not post all that on the main forum. Anyone willing to do that work is welcome to it, but if others don't, that's fine. Just don't insult others, please, because it should be possible for differing opinions to coexist peacefully.

Shortly before Michael died someone posted on MJJC a string of emails from Follower Fans to Karen Faye. The bashing of those fans by other fans amounted to severe cruelty. There was concern from the FF that Michael was not in good enough shape to do the concerts, and that he would die. Not long after, Michael died. People either think this was wild coincidence, or it was not. They were RIGHT, or they were not. But how could anyone say they were not, ultimately and terribly, right? So then others come back and say, "Being thin didn't kill him." It might have contributed. . we don't know. More likely is that he was not going to be able to complete the concerts and truly WAS worth more dead than alive. This is not rocket science here. If he'd canceled, there would have been no TII (who would have wanted to see rehearsals from a canceled concert?) He had no new record to promote, and a record from a canceled concert would not have made much. And then, of course, there have been the memoriabilia sales, the future possibility of N/L becoming a theme-park, and so on. Whatever. That material belongs in the I.U. anyway. I'm just not understanding the bashing of those who choose to "investigate" . . . . A man we loved has died. Some of us just need to know WHY. For those who say "It was only Murray," only the LAPD know that, and they have not said yet WHAT they think. . . and YOU certainly don't know more than the LAPD.

I'm hoping for compassion here, but no longer expect to get it.
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Well, I tried, and Mechi did, and others, but somehow, this thread, too, turned into a bash the I.U. thread. I expect the thread has once again strayed so far off topic that it will be closed. (I guess that's what's wanted, anyway?) That is NOT a good way to get along or to be a community. The odd thing is, it's always one-sided. Those who visit the I.U. don't urge others to join in the investigations. But yet, some seem so angry that others investigate. This turns fan against fan, and is surely not good for Michael's legacy.

I'm not going to respond in-kind to disrespect. I'm going to hope, now, that mods, once again, close the thread. It would take many hours of reading to understand what is known, i.e. "investigations," and I will not post all that on the main forum. Anyone willing to do that work is welcome to it, but if others don't, that's fine. Just don't insult others, please, because it should be possible for differing opinions to coexist peacefully.

Shortly before Michael died someone posted on MJJC a string of emails from Follower Fans to Karen Faye. The bashing of those fans by other fans amounted to severe cruelty. There was concern from the FF that Michael was not in good enough shape to do the concerts, and that he would die. Not long after, Michael died. People either think this was wild coincidence, or it was not. They were RIGHT, or they were not. But how could anyone say they were not, ultimately and terribly, right? So then others come back and say, "Being thin didn't kill him." It might have contributed. . we don't know. More likely is that he was not going to be able to complete the concerts and truly WAS worth more dead than alive. This is not rocket science here. If he'd canceled, there would have been no TII (who would have wanted to see rehearsals from a canceled concert?) He had no new record to promote, and a record from a canceled concert would not have made much. And then, of course, there have been the memoriabilia sales, the future possibility of N/L becoming a theme-park, and so on. Whatever. That material belongs in the I.U. anyway. I'm just not understanding the bashing of those who choose to "investigate" . . . . A man we loved has died. Some of us just need to know WHY. For those who say "It was only Murray," only the LAPD know that, and they have not said yet WHAT they think. . . and YOU certainly don't know more than the LAPD.

I'm hoping for compassion here, but no longer expect to get it.
I remember the last picture I saw of Mj coming out of Kliens office. he was looking very fragile at the time. I felt deeply concerned for him. he did not look well. I remember saying that was the last picture I was going to look at because i didn't feel comfortable with it. I think that picture was about 3 weeks before he died. he did not look well.
I've seen bashing on both sides of the investigation argument since I joined this board. There are many posters on both sides that are clear and eloquent, and there are many posters on both sides that can respond in the heat of emotion and come across as overzealous.

I dont think the behaviour exclusive to either line of thinking. It just happens when there's a very saddening topic many feel passionately about.
Well, I tried, and Mechi did, and others, but somehow, this thread, too, turned into a bash the I.U. thread. I expect the thread has once again strayed so far off topic that it will be closed. I'm going to hope, now, that mods, once again, close the thread.


This wasn't really supposed to be a discussion thread anyway, just a place to post all of the newest articles and info on Murray and the investigation (and then some discussion about that, naturally.)

I think it would make sense to close this just until we have some new information. *shrugs* But who am I to say? LoL. Just my :2cents:
I've seen bashing on both sides of the investigation argument since I joined this board. There are many posters on both sides that are clear and eloquent, and there are many posters on both sides that can respond in the heat of emotion and come across as overzealous.

I dont think the behaviour exclusive to either line of thinking. It just happens when there's a very saddening topic many feel passionately about.
i don't understand why posters need to bash anyone at all. we all have different opnions, all we need to do is converse with each other, if we don't agree then we agree to disagree and move on. their are a few posters who think that getting personal and calling names are part of discussions, but it is not.:no:
I remember the last picture I saw of Mj coming out of Kliens office. he was looking very fragile at the time. I felt deeply concerned for him. he did not look well. I remember saying that was the last picture I was going to look at because i didn't feel comfortable with it. I think that picture was about 3 weeks before he died. he did not look well.

I, too, saw those images. I did not arrange to get tickets to TII. I knew in my heart it would not happen. As the date came closer, I became more and more worried. And then of course we know what happened. Am I psychic or something? Actually, yes. But that will just open up another round of "you-know-what."

I've seen bashing on both sides of the investigation argument since I joined this board. There are many posters on both sides that are clear and eloquent, and there are many posters on both sides that can respond in the heat of emotion and come across as overzealous.

I dont think the behaviour exclusive to either line of thinking. It just happens when there's a very saddening topic many feel passionately about.

Please read the thread, carefully. This has been going on for literally months, and I expect it's driving some right away from this board, in general. I know of many who have left for this, exact, reason. I don't know of any people who regularly visit the I.U. who urge others to do the same. I don't know of ONE who does that. We are just requesting the same level of respect for our choices.

There is a little phrase that would do wonders. It's "agree-to-disagree." This has become so severe now that I hope that mods take care of it, and soon. (Now my research during the trial truly HAS been attacked. I said nothing disparaging about those who didn't "investigate" during the trial. NOTHING disparaging, at all. You guys don't know me, and this has become almost intolerable. Who will, ultimately be LEFT here? Is that what is really wanted?)

I'm outta the thread and taking a break. Whatever. I'm sure the behavior will continue. (Did you guys ever stop to think for ONE second, what if you are wrong? Just that? What if?)
Victoria I HAVE read the thread carefully. This is my opinion based on my own comprehension skills which I believe are quite sound. I personally see it from both sides. I don't comment without reading things carefully. Agree to disagree with me?

do you know what would of happen if he cancel? AEG would had sue Michael's butt and got all of their money back and then some. So, it is hardly case they were afraid he would cancel so they killed him. AEG was going to get money either way, so why in the world would they risk everything just to get a couple million that could of gotten anyway in a lawsuit? If that was the case, everyone performer on the planet would be dead because who hasn't cancel or delay performances? Madonna cancel a show when one of her workers got killed, so shows could be cancel or delay for many forseen or unforseen reasons.

Given the fact that Michael looked nowhere near ready to drop dead in TII, which was watched by millions of people, the FF is in the minority on that one. You also cannot use the reference to 2012, which I have notice some are fond of, because even with the best editing and CGI, you would had notice if something was wrong with Michael. I can't say this enough, editing cannot make things disappear. It can mask, but the truth will always show through. Michael own brothers, Miko Brando, and Liz who arguable knows Michael better than anyone on this forum said nothing about his ill health and Miko was at every freaking rehearsal. He has been a true friend to Michael to the end and he had said Michael was fine and happy.

Even if we going by what people seen or said, I would put all of them behind the leak autopsy that some like to disregard. None one contradict the report, not even body double Joe. They family and the corona also actively killed two false autopsy, but for some reason everyone is silent on this one. That means that the report is most likely true to an extent. And I take the facts of the people who 'look' at Michael over what people see or did not see.

I also believe Michael's own contract which he himself sign in the presence of three lawyers. He went to sleep with 10 and got 50. He had a min of 18, so unless Michael could not tell the different between 10 and 18, then that story has some flaws. The max was also 31 with ability to add more. The last 19 were months apart so even if Michael was not 'mentally' ready to do 50, he didn't have to be. He could of just prepare for the first 31 and then got ready for the last 19 after he rested. Also as a performer, he would had wanted the max, not the min. Since if he only got the min, that means he was not in demand anymore. For someone like Michael, that would had been heartbreaking.

Also Vic, we went to IU. You kicked everyone out who disagree, remember? What, are you welcoming everyone back even the nonbelievers?
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Romana you are speculating just as much as everybody else. it is clear that you do not agree with the consiracy theory. Some others do and did, including michael Jackson.
when we have come to an impasse and there is no more discussions left, it is time to call a truce and move on from that subject. Let the people who believe carry on with the discussions. that is what I would do.
Romana you are speculating just as much as everybody else. it is clear that you do not agree with the consiracy theory. Some others do and did, including michael Jackson.
when we have come to an impasse and there is no more discussions left, it is time to call a truce and move on from that subject. Let the people who believe carry on with the discussions. that is what I would do.

The biggest different Datsymay is that I am making speculating using the actually facts that we know. Like Miko being at every rehearsal and always being by Michael's side. He has nothing to gain by hiding if Michael is healthy or not, so why hasn't he spoke up if Michael was truly sick?

How do you explain the leak autopsy which no one has said was false, but two others were quickly dismiss by the corona and the family.

How do you explain how all of Michael's friends and family who knew since he was a boy couldn't spot something wrong if they were indeed editing and CGI alike in TII.

I could go on, but I just will be repeating myself further. We are speculating at this point, however, what we still have is our god given common sense. Look at the situation closely and ask yourself, if I was making a thesis, would this theory hold up to criticize? Does this actually make factual sense? How would I counter criticize? That is what I base my speculating on. I don't use my gut feeling as a reference because it is subjective. Facts are not.
I think that once again, another thread is circling the drain, and always for the same reason. I don't "require" that anyone believe as I do, and I certainly would not trash those who feel differently. The line is crossed at insults, of persons, their capabilities, and the I.U. as a forum. I would never, EVER do that. Sure, people feel passionately about their opinions, but that gives no one the right to be insulting. NO ONE should have that right.

I hope the mods will scrub every "off-topic" post. Including this one! Then we can return to the topic, which is "Murray." (For those who are violently "anti-conspiracy theory," and who say, "Only Murray is responsible," I guess you know more about the investigation that the LAPD? THEY have never officially said that.)

Just remember, that with every post, you craft your own position as a part of Michael's legacy, as fans. Try to be more compassionate of differences, people. And if not, why not?
this is again completely off topic!!!

I don't really get what's wrong. On the one hand it seems some of you ppl dislike and are upset about the IU cuz of the speculation and such on the other hand you want access?

One would think we have more important stuff to do!

All this endless bickering is driving ppl away.

This is not called discussion anymore... you guys behave like this is a battle!

Ppl here are taking themselves and their very own opinion most important!!!!!!

Ask yourselves...

1) are you here for hammering your opnion on to ppl again and again endlessly?


2) are you by any chance here to celebrate Michael?

I'd strongly suggest if number one is true then please go into politics!!!!!!!!!
that is a place where you can get really happy with that attitude!

if second is true, then do whatever but stop the bickering NOW
for Michael
for this board
for all of us
AND yourself!!!!
If you're able to celebrate fandom then make your opinion understood and LEAVE IT AT THAT!

And again I'll report myself... cuz this thread was destroyed AGAIN... completely off topic... but well not by me!
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do you know what would of happen if he cancel? AEG would had sue Michael's butt and got all of their money back and then some. So, it is hardly case they were afraid he would cancel so they killed him. AEG was going to get money either way, so why in the world would they risk everything just to get a couple million that could of gotten anyway in a lawsuit? If that was the case, everyone performer on the planet would be dead because who hasn't cancel or delay performances? Madonna cancel a show when one of her workers got killed, so shows could be cancel or delay for many forseen or unforseen reasons.

Given the fact that Michael looked nowhere near ready to drop dead in TII, which was watched by millions of people, the FF is in the minority on that one. You also cannot use the reference to 2012, which I have notice some are fond of, because even with the best editing and CGI, you would had notice if something was wrong with Michael. I can't say this enough, editing cannot make things disappear. It can mask, but the truth will always show through. Michael own brothers, Miko Brando, and Liz who arguable knows Michael better than anyone on this forum said nothing about his ill health and Miko was at every freaking rehearsal. He has been a true friend to Michael to the end and he had said Michael was fine and happy.

Even if we going by what people seen or said, I would put all of them behind the leak autopsy that some like to disregard. None one contradict the report, not even body double Joe. They family and the corona also actively killed two false autopsy, but for some reason everyone is silent on this one. That means that the report is most likely true to an extent. And I take the facts of the people who 'look' at Michael over what people see or did not see.

I also believe Michael's own contract which he himself sign in the presence of three lawyers. He went to sleep with 10 and got 50. He had a min of 18, so unless Michael could not tell the different between 10 and 18, then that story has some flaws. The max was also 31 with ability to add more. The last 19 were months apart so even if Michael was not 'mentally' ready to do 50, he didn't have to be. He could of just prepare for the first 31 and then got ready for the last 19 after he rested. Also as a performer, he would had wanted the max, not the min. Since if he only got the min, that means he was not in demand anymore. For someone like Michael, that would had been heartbreaking.

Also Vic, we went to IU. You kicked everyone out who disagree, remember? What, are you welcoming everyone back even the nonbelievers?


There is racism involved here as well - don't forget that. Michael was a black man. He beat Elvis and The Beatles and took over The Beatle's catalogue. They (music biz) didn't like that - their mentality is "black-man-can't-be-on-top". There is no point in comparing him to ANY performer. Michael was much bigger than any of them.

Michael was murdered and I believe it was no accident. I believe it involved power, money and racism.

That's my opinion.
i don't understand why posters need to bash anyone at all. we all have different opnions, all we need to do is converse with each other, if we don't agree then we agree to disagree and move on. their are a few posters who think that getting personal and calling names are part of discussions, but it is not.:no:

You are Right and Respectful. If anyone stick to the Facts as we have them so far regarding this Thread it seems there would be no disagreements, but like Vic said there are people who believe Michael was still "Guilty" of those OTHER charges even though found "NOT GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES". So maybe there are those who are just upset or for some strange reason DONT want Michael's Death to be Officially ruled a Murder. But we have been given two facts for sure:

1. Michael Jackson Death has been Officially Ruled a Homicide/Murder.

2. With all the bags and trucks of EVIDENCE and number of Witness Statements taking, it would seem that LAPD and Certainly the FEDS have enough to long ago arrest Dr. Conrad Murray for many charges and for him to have been out on bail by now if they felt he was Guilty of anything, so since he hasnt been arrested and only rumors have circulated of "him soon to be arrested or him given Michael anything to cause his Death" nothing Official to either claim, Ill just stick to the Official Facts as they are today that Michael Jackson has been "MURDERED" and his attending Physician has not been Arrested", because this speaks Loud and Clear and say Volumes. They have given us enough to "Know without Confusion" otherwise until more Facts Ill just wait on "LAPD Newsconference and/or Arrests. This is enough to hold me and work with just them saying Officially Michael Jackson has been "Murdered" and "We have not Arrested Dr. Conrad Murray for Reason Not Released at this time to the Media and Public".
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Romona, there is a lot of things need explaining, including that phone call farrakhan got from an Mj lwyer saying Mj was in deep trouble and was afraid he would be sued if he didn't go ahead with the shows and he would lose his catalogue. That needs some explaining too.
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Alright, this thread has pretty much run its course for now. When there is new info posted, it'll be merged with this one and reopened.
Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Michael Jackson - Dr. Murray Set to be Charged

Posted Jan 29th 2010 3:30AM by TMZ Staff

The D.A. is ready to charge Dr. Conrad Murray in the death of Michael Jackson ...multiple law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Conrad Murray and Michael Jackson

Our sources tell TMZ members of the D.A.'s office -- including Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley -- have already met about filing a criminal case against Dr. Murray.

Members of the LAPD still have not met with the D.A. to present the case, however, our sources say the deputy D.A. assigned to the case -- David Walgren -- has worked closely with LAPD detectives on the case, is intimately familiar with the investigation, has all the LAPD investigative notes and has already briefed Cooley and others in the office.

We're told Dr. Murray could be charged with involuntary manslaughter as early as next week.

Read more:

Please let next week be true.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Hope this is true!!!
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