The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

im not saying the evidence isnt huge against murray, i was telling my mum all the details the other day and at the end she said to me when u lay it all out there ie the cover up the lies he told hes so obviously guilty which could even make u think it was murder due to the way he acted afterwards in covering it all up. the issue i have is with the US system. the jury tainting the reporting the turning it on mj,murray playing the victim.all i know is this is only the begining and even if u "win" on a manslaughter charge theres no real punishment. and at the end of the day if he goes to jail and bubba the mj fan is his cellmate and murray goes to swim with the fishes then yeah ill be happy for a short while but it wont change anything it wont bring mike back. same with chandler, he blew his head off. yes i celebrated felt great for a few hours but then u realise it wont change the last 15 years it wont change what he did to mj. and if he walks all this was for nothing. and he becomes a celeb and makes millions and all u can hope for is that he bumps into a mj fan in a dark in the end its a lose lose situation. we win nothing but have lost everything

and murray should be charged under negligent manslaughter as he owed mj a duty of care. whether thats a worse charge i cant really tell due to google.but as a doctor he comes under that charge not general manslaughter

I agree with what you said. When he tried to cover it up that went to a whole other level. And believe me he tried to cover it up. I'm sad because when it comes to a police officers and doctors even if they are bad and have a record of bad practices it is very very hard to convict in the United States it becomes impossible almost. MICHAEL JACKSON will be on trial again wirh this. Damn.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I'm just not understanding why some seem to be "hoping this is true?" This is the lightest charge possible, and it's quite likely he will get away with only probation. If this is true, it's a travesty of justice. I also think he will plead "guilty" or "no-contest;" there will be no trial, and the facts some expect, will never be known. This is NOT good news, people. NOT.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I dont think it should be murder. If we are to believe he didnt kill him on purpose. Which I dont really think he did.

Manslaughter yes. You cant charge someone with murder if they didnt intend to kill someone. :S
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I'm just not understanding why some seem to be "hoping this is true?" This is the lightest charge possible, and it's quite likely he will get away with only probation. If this is true, it's a travesty of justice. I also think he will plead "guilty" or "no-contest;" there will be no trial, and the facts some expect, will never be known. This is NOT good news, people. NOT.

Not at all good news. Vic you made me realize if he does take a plea we may not get all the facts unless a civil suit is filed. I am torned because I don't want MJ to be on trial again but I want the truth. Doubled edge sword for me.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

There will be the trial plus the Jackson family will most likely file a civil suit against Murray so it won't end for him once he is hopefully imprisoned.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I keep saying MJ could not have been cognizant of anything around him because of what he was injected with prior to the propofal. If he were in a hospital a Doc would not keep pumping you with medication because you supposedly ask for it. They wouldn't this doc did. Mike had to be out of it. Ugggh.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I wish we, the fans, could hire a private investigator.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I'm just not understanding why some seem to be "hoping this is true?" This is the lightest charge possible,
putting aside the charge of murder 2 by gross recklessness if u dont believe murray murdered mj in the tradional sense then there is no other charge he could face. so i guess thats why ppl are happy cause they dont believe murray committed murder
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Dr. Death Murray should be put in jail;
Murray should be administered, in the same manner, all the medications he administered to Michael Jackson. Meanwhile, we can all, watch a while, go to the bathroom, and then talk on the telephone. If we notice Murray has stopped breathing, we should, while continuing to talk on the telephone, administer CPR as he is lays on the bed. We should do this for about 45 minutes to 4 hours.

If none of that helps, Murray, we should scream out the name of his first born son. If Murray dies, we should then all go missing.
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Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Doctors are the best killers.

No comment...
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I'm just not understanding why some seem to be "hoping this is true?" This is the lightest charge possible, and it's quite likely he will get away with only probation. If this is true, it's a travesty of justice. I also think he will plead "guilty" or "no-contest;" there will be no trial, and the facts some expect, will never be known. This is NOT good news, people. NOT.


i just hope you are wrong but i don't think you'll be too far off.

TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I can't believe this dude still calls himself a doctor after all this. All the volunteers right now in Haiti - those are professionals. Doctors are supposed to heal, to help other people, and this guy here took away the brightest light on Earth, and now he's literally getting away with murder. I just can't believe the injustice of it all. :doh:
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I'm just not understanding why some seem to be "hoping this is true?" This is the lightest charge possible, and it's quite likely he will get away with only probation. If this is true, it's a travesty of justice. I also think he will plead "guilty" or "no-contest;" there will be no trial, and the facts some expect, will never be known. This is NOT good news, people. NOT.

Yes, I agree. If it is ONLY manslaughter or involuntary manslaughter, I'm not gonna be satisfied with that light charge. I want him to be charged with murder. But, that's just me being optimistic thinking Michael will actually get justice in all this. -_- I want him to be charged with at least Murder 2, so then he would hopefully start talking? And..the bad news continues.

Murray will probably walk away from this like you're saying, I just wish and hope that it won't happen that way. :no:
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

dr. Death murray should be put in jail;
murray should be administered, in the same manner, all the medications he administered to michael jackson. Meanwhile, we can all, watch a while, go to the bathroom, and then talk on the telephone. If we notice murray has stopped breathing, we should, while continuing to talk on the telephone, administer cpr as he is lays on the bed. We should do this for about 45 minutes to 4 hours.

if none of that helps, murray, we should scream out the name of his first born son. if murray dies, we should then all go missing.

damn straight!!!!!!!!!
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I can't believe this dude still calls himself a doctor after all this. All the volunteers right now in Haiti - those are professionals. Doctors are supposed to heal, to help other people, and this guy here took away the brightest light on Earth, and now he's literally getting away with murder. I just can't believe the injustice of it all. :doh:

I agree doctors are supposed to do their best in order to safe life. Doctors are great as a whole, but there are some exceptions, unfortunately.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Praying for a trial so that we can hear the truth of what happened that terrible day. Justice!!!!
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

When this thing actually heads into a courtroom with Murray sitting in there, that will be the time that we will get a chance to find out what happened.

Until then, TMZ still is not the best source for information. They are just staying on top of what they are viewing as their story, because they are not done boasting about being the first to report that MJ had been taken to UCLA Medical Center where he was pronounced dead on June 25th.

The only reason why TMZ was the first to report it, is because they are the main ones that were following MJ everywhere he went while he was living in Los Angeles. They stayed on his heels. They never gave him any space. They followed him all over the place starting from the driveway of where he was living. This is not impressive, it is a shame. They should be ashamed of themselves, not proud.

Spare yourselves the agony, guys. Don't take in TMZ' tid bit of news. They're just trying to keep MJ's massive fan base locked in on them because they want us, and all of the other news agencies, to make them feel important.

When Murray actually walks into a courtroom, this trickle news stuff will stop and the floodgate will open.

Let's hope that the legitimate news agencies will come forth and report about the case the real way. Let's hope that the legitimate news agencies will get back to basics, because it looks like this is going to be their last and final chance to get this thing right and separate themselves from the entertainment news programs.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

If justice is done & Murray faces court Im flying over to stand outside & scream 'Murderer ' at him every single day :-(
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I know we are all very upset about this at the moment, but can we please keep conversation in a respectable manner. Thank you
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

Involuntary Manslaughter....are they serious.....Oh please this is not justice people...this charge in itself is a crime....Murray knew what he was doing..he was suppose to be the doctor....Michael never did get justice in life....I dont know what makes me think they would give it to him in death.....Murray should get atleast a Murder 2 charge.....and to think that he is STILL practicing on other people today...makes me is true no amount of jail time for Murray will bring Michael back..but...HR DOES deserve justice!!
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I still believe that Murray will be charged with Murder 2 and that there will be a trial. I do not believe this TMZ story about involuntary manslaughter and there's isn't going to be any charges next week, that is too soon. But this is just my gut feeling....
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

:pray: for justice, keep praying!!
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

how many of you are going to go down to the CH and booo Murray and demand he get the justice he needs? imo there needs to be MJ fans there to Fight for Michael... I wish i didn't live so far away because i would SO be there... Sucks living in Iowa.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I have prayed that truth and justice be served and I also prayed that Murray would be charged with the highest possible charge and doing the longest time. Normally I only pray for good things like love, peace and harmony and unity but these would also fall under "good things" in my book even though it won't bring Michael back.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I'm just not understanding why some seem to be "hoping this is true?" This is the lightest charge possible, and it's quite likely he will get away with only probation. If this is true, it's a travesty of justice. I also think he will plead "guilty" or "no-contest;" there will be no trial, and the facts some expect, will never be known. This is NOT good news, people. NOT.
Victoria i agree sad as it is...

and for the people who think this is good news please think about this..if involentary manslaughter is all he will be charged with than were is the justice for michael in that.

Sorry if i offend anybody with saying so but that's how it feels for me.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

I have not been on line today and I am totally confused. I just came here and there and found some 4 / 5 different stories about Murray, police, charges and the like. Among those, this shocked me:


Jackson's Doctor Will Surrender, Says His Lawyer
Posted on Jan 29, 2010 @ 02:29PM

Conrad Murray will travel to Los Angeles and surrender to law enforcement if charged in the death of Michael Jackson, his lawyer told in an exclusive interview.

"In the event of charges being filed in connection with Michael Jackson's death it would be much cheaper for tax payers if I am able to surrender Dr. Murray myself," Murray's lawyer Michael Flanagan tells

"I am hoping the DA will make the right decision and allow me to do this."

Murray currently resides in Texas. There are rumblings that the Los Angeles District Attorney's office is preparing to criminally charge Murray in connection with Jackson's August 2009 death from "acute propofol intoxication." Murray admits he administered the drug to Jackson on the day of the singer's death.

Legal ace Flanagan is prepared for his client to charged as early as next week and would prefer to surrender his client rather than have law enforcement come get him.

"I believe the DA would be inclined to allow me to surrender him, but they have no control over the LAPD who have the final decision on what to do with Dr. Murray if he is charged," Flanagan told

"Dr. Murray is currently in Texas but if I am told by the DA to have him in a courtroom where he will be formally arraigned he will be there."

Flanagan also says he has had "very limited contact" with the DA's office and does not definitively know if Murray will be charged.

What does this mean?? Are you discussing this info in other thread? If so, please, let me know (I couldn'd find it).

I have this feeling.... things seem to be finally moving in some direction, silently...
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged


Yes, I read this as well, and needless to say I'm kinda surprised/shocked. I don't know if this is true.. or not .. I want Murray to be punished.
Re: Dr Conrad Murray set to be charged

That story is BS.

The DA DO NOT tell suspects in advance that they are going to be charged or arrested. That would be like me telling you Im going to rob your house.

The investigation isnt even complete yet according to the DA. Another rag story peeps.
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