The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Not sure why anyone would think that this delay is because the LAPD is investigating, deeply? I hope so, but am not optimistic. In the past they collaborated with Sneddon and tried hard to nail Michael, on SOMETHING. There was even a grand-jury in LA for the 93 case, and of course they found nothing to warrant an indictment.

I'm sure there are some honest cops. We must also realize that police are paid very poorly, and there is a documented history of corruption among the LAPD. I hope for the best, but do not expect it. I hope that the Jackson family hired a P.I. . .. to keep everyone honest.

My prediction is that no one else will be arrested, and that Murray will get a slap-on-the-wrist; he will serve probation, and then will leave the country. I truly hope I'm wrong . . .

I have a feeling he's going to get off too

My prediction is that no one else will be arrested, and that Murray will get a slap-on-the-wrist; he will serve probation, and then will leave the country. I truly hope I'm wrong . . .

I hope you are wrong too...but sadly I think you are right, because I've been thinking the exact same thing.

It's all so depressing...and so wrong.

It's not fair :(
I worried my first thoughts is possile..Time will Tell. I saw this on Twitter about 30 mins. ago from The Jacksons
ALLJACK5ONS we r very united as a family in finding justice for our Brother. We can't talk about legal case, but know we r only interested in facts 24/7
29 minutes ago from web

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Not sure why anyone would think that this delay is because the LAPD is investigating, deeply? I hope so, but am not optimistic. In the past they collaborated with Sneddon and tried hard to nail Michael, on SOMETHING. There was even a grand-jury in LA for the 93 case, and of course they found nothing to warrant an indictment.

I'm sure there are some honest cops. We must also realize that police are paid very poorly, and there is a documented history of corruption among the LAPD. I hope for the best, but do not expect it. I hope that the Jackson family hired a P.I. . .. to keep everyone honest.

My prediction is that no one else will be arrested, and that Murray will get a slap-on-the-wrist; he will serve probation, and then will leave the country. I truly hope I'm wrong . . .
I agree with that
Not sure why anyone would think that this delay is because the LAPD is investigating, deeply? I hope so, but am not optimistic. In the past they collaborated with Sneddon and tried hard to nail Michael, on SOMETHING. There was even a grand-jury in LA for the 93 case, and of course they found nothing to warrant an indictment.

I'm sure there are some honest cops. We must also realize that police are paid very poorly, and there is a documented history of corruption among the LAPD. I hope for the best, but do not expect it. I hope that the Jackson family hired a P.I. . .. to keep everyone honest.

My prediction is that no one else will be arrested, and that Murray will get a slap-on-the-wrist; he will serve probation, and then will leave the country. I truly hope I'm wrong . . .

the police don't get paid poorly enough to do what you fear they might be doing. otherwise, i agree with you.

well, i do have a problem with the saying about honest cops. saying there are some honest cops is like saying there are some honest thieves. it makes no difference, when the corruption is happening, anyway.
I feel sad today. When is something going to happen? :no: I don't even know what to say anymore.
The Twitter Comment from Alljacksons is really them.

They are saying they are interested in FACTS only, so take that as meaning exactly that right now. It is a confirmed account.
Not sure why anyone would think that this delay is because the LAPD is investigating, deeply? I hope so, but am not optimistic. In the past they collaborated with Sneddon and tried hard to nail Michael, on SOMETHING. There was even a grand-jury in LA for the 93 case, and of course they found nothing to warrant an indictment.

I'm sure there are some honest cops. We must also realize that police are paid very poorly, and there is a documented history of corruption among the LAPD. I hope for the best, but do not expect it. I hope that the Jackson family hired a P.I. . .. to keep everyone honest.

My prediction is that no one else will be arrested, and that Murray will get a slap-on-the-wrist; he will serve probation, and then will leave the country. I truly hope I'm wrong . . .

That's what I hope too Victoria,only a hired PI would do the job...remember Tom Mez?
Have the family hired their own investigator? I remember reading that but i'm not sure if it was just a rumour.

And i think we have less chance of the lapd/da/whoever investigating deeply because they want 'justice'. But if the DA/whoever just want a big case to attract lot's of publicity for themselves..there may be more chance of them trying to nail murray/someone.

At this juncture, is it pointless to hope that what we've been told by the police so far is mainly bull, and somewhere within the next 2 week they pull out something leftwing and arrest a bunch of people?
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Not sure why anyone would think that this delay is because the LAPD is investigating, deeply? I hope so, but am not optimistic.

I hope for the best, but do not expect it.

My prediction is that no one else will be arrested, and that Murray will get a slap-on-the-wrist; he will serve probation, and then will leave the country. I truly hope I'm wrong . . .

I truly hope you are wrong, but so far, no matter what we wish for, all things seem to be leading just to one result, the one we have feared from day 1.

However, I think we can think whatever we want about the investigating, going deep or not going deep. Does it matter if we want to believe that anyway? That doesn't change a thing about the situation itself. I don't see much point in coming later to point anyone telling "I told you, I told you not to trust!" Whatever, that isn't helpful anyway :(

So... what's the point? We can't do anything against that man (or men, for people believing in conspiracy theories, an idea I respect, but I am not 100% able to understand yet). So we can only wait for authorities to do what they have to do. If they don't.... as the case has been before... what will be the next step? I have signed lots of petitions, FB pages, etc., asking for justice for Michael and ... what's the point in me doing so? I am not even a US citizen, so I have no rights there.

What else can one do? What else do you suggest? I ask you this in honesty, not as a way of challenging you. I feel just like an observer and there is simply nothing I can't do. This is terribly frustrating.

Whatever. Nothing will change the facts: Michael is gone and justice, cops, P.I., family, friends, fans... no one will bring him back. So Murray might spend 1,000 years at jail and I would feel any better at all. The only hope that really matters is not in our hands.

I don't even know what I expect about all this. Maybe nothing. I am just sick of waiting, always waiting for all related to Michael... years and years and years. Before June, every day of wait was worth it, for we were waiting for him, while now...

Jackson's family hopes his killer will be caught

11 Jan, 2010 01:43 pm IST
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With the coroner stating that pop legend Michael Jackson was murdered, his family members are pinning hopes on the police to catch the person who killed him.

The news came after the emergence of the death certificate stating that Jackson was murdered. While a original July 7 certificate has no cause of death on it, further probes in the case by medical examiner Christopher Rogers amended on August 31, 2009, call his accidental death on June 25 last year a "homicide”.

Rogers concludes Jackson died from "acute Propofol intoxication" due to an "intra-venous injection by another" and the family is hoping to find out the culprit.

"We are all keeping our faith with the police. We want them to do this case properly and put away the man who we feel is responsible for Michael's death. We want the authorities though to release details of what happened to Michael in his last few hours," said a family source, on condition of anonymity.

"We want the paperwork to come out to show just what drugs were put inside him and what happened in his last few hours alive. Much of the documentation has been kept secret - and we can't understand it. We still feel that there is more than one person responsible for Michael's tragic death. Joe (Jackson's father) won't give up on getting justice for his son and a lawsuit is his focus," the source added.

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I truly hope you are wrong, but so far, no matter what we wish for, all things seem to be leading just to one result, the one we have feared from day 1.

However, I think we can think whatever we want about the investigating, going deep or not going deep. Does it matter if we want to believe that anyway? That doesn't change a thing about the situation itself. I don't see much point in coming later to point anyone telling "I told you, I told you not to trust!" Whatever, that isn't helpful anyway :(

So... what's the point? We can't do anything against that man (or men, for people believing in conspiracy theories, an idea I respect, but I am not 100% able to understand yet). So we can only wait for authorities to do what they have to do. If they don't.... as the case has been before... what will be the next step? I have signed lots of petitions, FB pages, etc., asking for justice for Michael and ... what's the point in me doing so? I am not even a US citizen, so I have no rights there.

What else can one do? What else do you suggest?
I ask you this in honesty, not as a way of challenging you. I feel just like an observer and there is simply nothing I can't do. This is terribly frustrating.

Whatever. Nothing will change the facts: Michael is gone and justice, cops, P.I., family, friends, fans... no one will bring him back. So Murray might spend 1,000 years at jail and I would feel any better at all. The only hope that really matters is not in our hands.

I don't even know what I expect about all this. Maybe nothing. I am just sick of waiting, always waiting for all related to Michael... years and years and years. Before June, every day of wait was worth it, for we were waiting for him, while now...

I really don't know. A critical but "unofficial" branch of the U.S. government has been the media, in the past. Media have uncovered corruption and have televised demonstrations for justice. Media have been afflicted by conglomerates where there is little freedom anymore in news outlets. Pieces of news surface, and then vanish. We heard about Security tapes that went missing, but then we never heard about it again (this is just an example, ok?). Was that real? Were they later discovered? What was on them? Or were they shredded? This is a potentially important piece of "news," but it vanished. There has been other news that simply was not followed up on, and went away.

Investigative reporting is one way to achieve justice. Remember hearing about Watergate? I'd suggest that if there are further petitions, that we petition Geraldo Rivera, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and demand that they follow this case, for REAL.
The same police organisation that was out to get Michael (LAPD) and treated him like a criminal during those idiotic allegations are the ones who are carrying out his death investigation so what hope or comfort do we have that the LAPD will deliver justice?

Murray should serve at least a lengthy jail time.

I don't know why the media is acting like the homicide thing and the whole 'injection by another' is new.. I'm sure we heard this ages ago, like months ago.

I find this odd too, maybe its a good thing the general public's being introduced to the fact that this may be more serious that just another famous person od-ing on drugs.
Investigative reporting is one way to achieve justice. Remember hearing about Watergate? I'd suggest that if there are further petitions, that we petition Geraldo Rivera, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and demand that they follow this case, for REAL.

I think it's best to wait (i know people hate waiting but...) and see what the lapd want to charge murray with and then go from there. I think realistically speaking it's unlikey we're gonna get more than a murder 2 charge (and even thats wishfull thinking i think), simply because there's not enough evidence to support it. And by evidence i mean actual tangible, presentable in court evidence. Shady-goings on, won't really stand in court i dont think.
Now, if those cctv tapes do exists and show up somewhere, or if the coroners determine a tod thats highley suspect thats something else.
If it looks like the authorities are blatantly pushing things under the rug, then i think it's time for the fans to step up. Contacting people like rivera who look like they actually care about whats going on, might do some good. And maybe some sort of protest/march idk, there way a protest outside of nbc studios yesterday by conon o'brians fans..
BUT, the fans would need some non-disputable facts to back them up. Otherwise they're just gonna look like a bunch of fanatical fans who still can't accpet mj's death.
no point getting even more deepressed by thinking that the police are doing nothing. from reports we know they are doing something and we will have to wait on the D.A. when they come out and say we arent charging him or only charging him on trafficing for exmaple. then thats a time to get depressed/angry. no point bringing it onto your self b4 its even happened.

According to that article posted on JANUARY 8, 2010 it is going to the DA within 2 weeks, meaning it is not even 2 weeks since that post.

We are all just waiting on pins and needles to hear but it is still too early. They have to review it first before they make any arrests. It is also possible they may want more investigative work done after they get the full report.

I read reports that it would be early in this year, and it is still early in the year.

I also feel the fans will look like fanatical Michael Jackson fans if they start to pressure anyone now UNLESS they have some real facts that pertain to the case.
I really don't know. A critical but "unofficial" branch of the U.S. government has been the media, in the past. Media have uncovered corruption and have televised demonstrations for justice. Media have been afflicted by conglomerates where there is little freedom anymore in news outlets. Pieces of news surface, and then vanish. We heard about Security tapes that went missing, but then we never heard about it again (this is just an example, ok?). Was that real? Were they later discovered? What was on them? Or were they shredded? This is a potentially important piece of "news," but it vanished. There has been other news that simply was not followed up on, and went away.

Investigative reporting is one way to achieve justice. Remember hearing about Watergate? I'd suggest that if there are further petitions, that we petition Geraldo Rivera, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and demand that they follow this case, for REAL.

They really have uncovered "corruption" but I still think for the most they help keep Truth hid until there's no where left to hide. We need a Young Over-Achiever Newsperson trying to make a name for themselves on this one.

The same police organisation that was out to get Michael (LAPD) and treated him like a criminal during those idiotic allegations are the ones who are carrying out his death investigation so what hope or comfort do we have that the LAPD will deliver justice?

Murray should serve at least a lengthy jail time.

Same Organization, but different Branch I hope those "Homicide" guys and girls take their Job more Serious and you know with the FEDS walking side by side with them they have to make sure they brush their teeth.

no point getting even more deepressed by thinking that the police are doing nothing. from reports we know they are doing something and we will have to wait on the D.A. when they come out and say we arent charging him or only charging him on trafficing for exmaple. then thats a time to get depressed/angry. no point bringing it onto your self b4 its even happened.

I really believe they are doing alot to solve this case too and bring Justice to Michael Jackson, his Family, Fans and to their Department which has been criticized for years so now is the Time to Redeem themselves and I believe they are ready to do so, the one who solves Michael's Murder will not only go down in HiStory like Elliott Ness but will also probably end up running LA, you know whoever solves this they will become Political and Forever Known.
I think it's best to wait (i know people hate waiting but...) and see what the lapd want to charge murray with and then go from there. I think realistically speaking it's unlikey we're gonna get more than a murder 2 charge (and even thats wishfull thinking i think), simply because there's not enough evidence to support it. And by evidence i mean actual tangible, presentable in court evidence. Shady-goings on, won't really stand in court i dont think.

Once charges are filed (and I think they will be minor), it will essentially be too late. At that point, there really IS no "go from there." It will be essentially over. The LAPD cannot go back and revise the charges upward to those that are more serious. A lot of mistakes were made, but the primary one was the failure to secure the house as a crime-scene in a timely way. No evidence collected from the house will stand up in court, probably, because anyone could have taken things out, or brought things in. That is a critical error that will work in Murray's favor. It's also most likely the reason he refused to declare Michael dead at the house, because that would have automatically made it a crime-scene. He knew what he was doing, in that regard.

If charges are filed against Murray, and they are minor, the other option is a federal agency such as the FBI filing its own charges.

Now, if those cctv tapes do exists and show up somewhere, or if the coroners determine a tod thats highley suspect thats something else. If it looks like the authorities are blatantly pushing things under the rug, then i think it's time for the fans to step up. Contacting people like rivera who look like they actually care about whats going on, might do some good. And maybe some sort of protest/march idk, there way a protest outside of nbc studios yesterday by conon o'brians fans.. BUT, the fans would need some non-disputable facts to back them up. Otherwise they're just gonna look like a bunch of fanatical fans who still can't accpet mj's death.

I highly doubt that those tapes will "show up?" I mean, if they were deliberately taken, I'm sure they have been destroyed. "Then it's time for fans to step up" will truly be too late, once charges have been filed.

There ARE some non-disputable facts, and there are a lot of important questions that can be raised (but that is more for the I.U., and I won't get into that here.)

Fan-action AFTER charges are filed cannot result in anything, except the slight hope that the FBI will get involved and will file its own set of charges. The time for action is BEFORE, not after, because once the charges are there on paper, they cannot be revised upward.
Considering it's been 7 month (almost) I believe Murray is either not going to be charged at all, or will get away with a slap on his wrist only. No doubts about that.
Every day i wait for the news that he has been charged, and every day there is nothing.

I am really starting to think that he is going to completely get away with it, and that Michaels murder is going to just get brushed under the carpet and forgotten about.

I really wish i could do something about it so that our poor Micheal gets the justice he deserves. I am starting to lose all hope.
Why loose hope? The case has just been given to the DA to look at? Its too soon.

As for the fans stepping up. It seems that the people who base things on facts have all been banned from the Investigative Unit. All thats left there are theorists and that isn't going to prosecute a case so I don't see it as useful in that sense.
Why loose hope? The case has just been given to the DA to look at? Its too soon.

As for the fans stepping up. It seems that the people who base things on facts have all been banned from the Investigative Unit. All thats left there are theorists and that isn't going to prosecute a case so I don't see it as useful in that sense.

Not going to debate the I.U. here.

But, everyone, feel free to post facts:
Why loose hope? The case has just been given to the DA to look at? Its too soon.

As for the fans stepping up. It seems that the people who base things on facts have all been banned from the Investigative Unit. All thats left there are theorists and that isn't going to prosecute a case so I don't see it as useful in that sense.

I Do Like Your Honesty BeachLover. We have not Lost Hope, it may look like some have but there are many who understand the Legal Process in an Investigation with this High Profile of Celebrity or with any Homicide with Good Investigators, it didnt get no Bigger than Michael Jackson, I heard one person on the news right after his Murder say "if you ask anyone in anywhere in the World to name a Famous Person that person would say President Obama or The Pope, but most from all Ages, Religion, Race or Nation would say Michael Jackson", I totally agree with this person talking about Michael's Death at that time. But I have Confidence in the LAPD they will be making "Arrests", and "Prosecutions with Convictions" will follow in the Murder of Michael Jackson and I believe it want just be Dr. Conrad Murray if it be him at all. So dont think you are alone all have not lost hope and yes some Official Facts have been made avaiable for all who want to know them and they are not theories or speculations but Facts. May God Bless the DA with a Right Mind. There are alot of Intelligent and Dedicated People/Fans awaiting Michael's Justice in the I.U., so dont give up hope.
no point getting even more deepressed by thinking that the police are doing nothing. from reports we know they are doing something and we will have to wait on the D.A. when they come out and say we arent charging him or only charging him on trafficing for exmaple. then thats a time to get depressed/angry. no point bringing it onto your self b4 its even happened.

Nicely said!
no point getting even more deepressed by thinking that the police are doing nothing. from reports we know they are doing something and we will have to wait on the D.A. when they come out and say we arent charging him or only charging him on trafficing for exmaple. then thats a time to get depressed/angry. no point bringing it onto your self b4 its even happened.

i'm with you on that elusive and i really DO THINK THERE WILL BE ARRESTS AND CONVICTIONS!! I pray everyday for thats news and hope it will be soon.

Another point, the FBI isn't sitting back twittling their thumbs either, all eyes and ears are all over this case.
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