The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

Reading all of this makes me think again...
This is all so strange and least it seems so...but the most disappointing thing is that it is real...!
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

Hopefully, this man will get charged, because look at it this way...

When someone accidentally runs over someone with their car and leave the scene, they get into major trouble for it, right?

Well, this man that is supposed to be a professional care giver lost a patient and then HE left and could not be found for several days before providing an explanation. I highly doubt that he would have been able to do such a thing at a medical facility.

Since he wants to be viewed as a real doctor, he should have been providing some real care, but since he didn't, he needs to answer for that.

His type of malpractice deserves much more than a slap on the wrist.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

TMZ blames the delay on the DA and LAPD trying to figure out whether there was any other source to propofol beside applied pharmacy, why that is so important to them if it was a manslaughter case ? and why murray did not tell them where did he get his aupply of daily 8 hours of propofol ? in california if they proved Murray did really find MJ alive as he claims and MJ died in that house because of murray's actions or lack of actions IN CALIFORINA that's second degree murder .

The problem sound comes not from the laws, but by the jury. In theory, Murray could be charge with second degree murder in Califorina, however, would a 12 person jury convict him. For some, second degree murder is a big leap from manslaughter, especially if this person is a doctor. For some, a doctor really is not at fault if a patient dies. If they do, they would hardly call it second degree murder.

They may have a chance if they somehow prove that Michael did not ask for the drug that night or hired Murray just to give him that drug. If the stated could show Michael's state of mind, which is not a desperate drug addict or even a person with a drug problem, they may have a chance. Also, if they could prove that Michael was dead for awhile before help was even called.

Most likely, they would put added charges against Murray instead of of one big solid second degree murder charge. That way, they could prove each case individually instead of all at once. This actually gives a higher chance of conviction. That is what Sneddon try to do in Michael's case.

Although, Murray would be a fool to take this to trail. Too much crap that he did will come back to bite him in the butt.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The problem sound comes not from the laws, but by the jury. In theory, Murray could be charge with second degree murder in Califorina, however, would a 12 person jury convict him. For some, second degree murder is a big leap from manslaughter, especially if this person is a doctor. For some, a doctor really is not at fault if a patient dies. If they do, they would hardly call it second degree murder.

They may have a chance if they somehow prove that Michael did not ask for the drug that night or hired Murray just to give him that drug. If the stated could show Michael's state of mind, which is not a desperate drug addict or even a person with a drug problem, they may have a chance. Also, if they could prove that Michael was dead for awhile before help was even called.

Most likely, they would put added charges against Murray instead of of one big solid second degree murder charge. That way, they could prove each case individually instead of all at once. This actually gives a higher chance of conviction. That is what Sneddon try to do in Michael's case.

Although, Murray would be a fool to take this to trail. Too much crap that he did will come back to bite him in the butt.

I agree with what you said. The only things I am not sure of is if Michael was really 'gone' before the EMT guys got there or not.....and of course the rest of the 'facts' that we think are true if that makes sense.

I am not convinced we were given all facts or correct information. You are very right about how the doctor can convince the jury he was 'helping' Michael or use other tactics that show Michael was unstable, etc.

Now, if the 'facts' we have are accurate I would not think there is a problem convicting but if the facts we think we know are not the real facts....anything goes.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The LAPD will charge him with whatever evidence they can find on him. I'd rather have a rock solid manslaughter case than a weak second degree murder case. At least we a manslaughter case he'd serve jail time, if it is second degree murder then there's too much of a danger that he'd walk free.
All this will be decided in the court.
In order to that happen, there should be a case/trial.
Petition is to show LAPD that not only Jackson family but also the fans wants justice for Michael. Give LAPD the pressure.
We do have to decide the outcome before even try it.

Come on guys, we all MJ fans, just spare 2 min. to sign this petition. Michael has millions of fans around the world, thousands of them are MJJC members.
We can show power in numbers.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

this better not be true . that so called dr. needs to pay for what he did to Michael and who knows who else he could of hurt one way or the other. I hoping its just a rumor.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The problem sound comes not from the laws, but by the jury. In theory, Murray could be charge with second degree murder in Califorina, however, would a 12 person jury convict him. For some, second degree murder is a big leap from manslaughter, especially if this person is a doctor. For some, a doctor really is not at fault if a patient dies. If they do, they would hardly call it second degree murder.

They may have a chance if they somehow prove that Michael did not ask for the drug that night or hired Murray just to give him that drug. If the stated could show Michael's state of mind, which is not a desperate drug addict or even a person with a drug problem, they may have a chance. Also, if they could prove that Michael was dead for awhile before help was even called.

Most likely, they would put added charges against Murray instead of of one big solid second degree murder charge. That way, they could prove each case individually instead of all at once. This actually gives a higher chance of conviction. That is what Sneddon try to do in Michael's case.

Although, Murray would be a fool to take this to trail. Too much crap that he did will come back to bite him in the butt.

I think that would be true if Michael had died in a hospital or if Murray was treating him with Propofol and had the equipment he needed was an anesthesiologist who knew how to use the drug. But here we have a cardiologist using a drug that should not be used out of a hospital setting in a bedroom. We also have a doctor who did not have the equipment to help his patience if he needed it. And, we have a doctor who was performing CPR wrong. And IMO we have a doctor who gave Michael this drug then walked outside of the room to make phone calls leaving Michael alone to suffocate. And lets look at this when he says he found Michael he was not breathing but had a heartbeat so why are you doing CPR on a person with a heartbeat? Open there mouths breath for them there is still working they are not breathing you idiot. And the fact that you would not let the emts take him to the hospital when they first got there and lied to them and the doctors about what you gave Michael will all come back and bite Murray on the ass. And, lets not even talk about that stupid story he told the cop, a doctor gave Michael Propofol in a cosmetologist office? Right Conrad.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

very true , the jury had to follow instructions, the law in California consider what happened a second degree murder , not manslughter . It is very clear , what murray already admitted to and the cause of death is very incriminating , it will only get worse for murray . WHAT ELSE HAPPENED won't help him at all , it will get worse for him
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

very true , the jury had to follow instructions, the law in California consider what happened a second degree murder , not manslughter . It is very clear , what murray already admitted to and the cause of death is very incriminating , it will only get worse for murray . WHAT ELSE HAPPENED won't help him at all , it will get worse for him

The problem is that he is still a doctor, more or less. Remember, they will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt to a 12 person jury that Murray was not only reckless, but acting so recklessly that it boarder on stupidity. Which means, even if one person doubt or fight the charges, they can't convict him. It does not matter if the law say you can charge a person with a crime if no one will convict them of it.

Also, as it has been said before, Propofol is not illegal to give in a home. So, they really cannot nail him on that. It maybe impractical or unsafe, but there is no law against it. If it true, Michael took Propofol before in a similar way and didn't die. So, that shows that Propofol can be given outside hospital without causes the patient long term harm. This story could help or hurt Murray depending on how they decide to spin it.

So, even him lying to polices about when he found the body or how long it took him to call for help, or the fact he screwed up cpr may not be enough to convince 12 people that it was second-degree murder. The question will not be if Murray acted carelessly, but did he act so carelessly that it was murder.

If they want to go for second-degree murder, than the devil will be in the details.
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Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The worst thing is jurors will more than likely not be MJ fans, and all the drug addict stuff the media is pushing will be in their heads.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The problem is that he is still a doctor, more or less. Remember, they will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt to a 12 person jury that Murray was not only reckless, but acting so recklessly that it boarder on stupidity. Which means, even if one person doubt or fight the charges, they can't convict him. It does not matter if the law say you can charge a person with a crime if no one will convict them of it.

Also, as it has been said before, Propofol is not illegal to give in a home. So, they really cannot nail him on that. It maybe impractical or unsafe, but there is no law against it. If it true, Michael took Propofol before in a similar wahy and didn't die. So, that shows that Propofol can be given outside hospital without causes the patient long term harm. This story could help or hurt Murray depending on how they decide to spin it.

So, even him lying to polices about when he found the body or how long it took him to call for help, or the fact he screwed up cpr may not be enough:timer: to convince 12 people that it was second-degree murder. The queste eeion will not be if Murray acted carelessly, but did he act so carelessly that it was murder.

If they want to go for second-degree murder, than the devil will be in the details.

He is a doctor who was given drugs in a state he is not licensed to give drugs. He is a doctor who saw the guy he was treating was not breathing and did not call 911. He is a doctor who used his title to stop the emts from taking someone to the hospital when they needed to go. He is a doctor who broked his oath when he did harm to a patenace.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

Also, as it has been said before, Propofol is not illegal to give in a home. So, they really cannot nail him on that. It maybe impractical or unsafe, but there is no law against it. If it true, Michael took Propofol before in a similar way and didn't die. So, that shows that Propofol can be given outside hospital without causes the patient long term harm. This story could help or hurt Murray depending on how they decide to spin it.

So, even him lying to polices about when he found the body or how long it took him to call for help, or the fact he screwed up cpr may not be enough to convince 12 people that it was second-degree murder. The question will not be if Murray acted carelessly, but did he act so carelessly that it was murder.

If they want to go for second-degree murder, than the devil will be in the details.

yeah giving propofol outside a medical facility is not a crime because propofol is not a controled substance AS LONG AS THE INSTRUCTIONS BY THE MANUFACTUR PRINTED ON EACH BOTTLE ARE FOLLOWED . DId he follow the instructions ? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

mj took it before but the doctors that gave it went by what was mentioned in the book and that's why MJ surrvived , MURRAY FAILED to do that and that's why MJ IS DEAD .

according to Lisa Bloom (yeah that bitch) the prosecution will ask him why jackson survived before and only when you came the man ended being dead ? WHY ?

When you give your patient a drug with zerro margin for error the least thing you would be exepcted to do is to follow the instructions given but TO IGNORE EVERYTHING NOT ONCE , NOT TWICE BUT FOR WEEKS , then something was BOUND TO HAPPEN it was a matter of time , aand when it happens you can't just come and say I did not intened to kill him , he was begging .
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?


He is a doctor who was given drugs in a state he is not licensed to give drugs. He is a doctor who saw the guy he was treating was not breathing and did not call 911. He is a doctor who used his title to stop the emts from taking someone to the hospital when they needed to go. He is a doctor who broked his oath when he did harm to a patenace.

You don't seem to have all the facts correct. He was licensed to give drugs in California. He is a physician so I can understand trying to save the patient before wasting time calling 911.

I don't know if she 'stopped' the EMT's from taking him to the hospital or if he felt it medically justified not to waste more time? These things are where I think we don't have all the information and we have information given to us 'second hand' from others.

The reporters told us he used his title to stop the EMT's. The report was that the doctor was in charge but then in another report it says the EMT's took over. So, which are we to believe? I can tell you that being a medical person I have serious doubts about things having been reported to us correctly because there are a few conflicting reports.

For example. Michael was on life support in the hospital. That means his heart was beating. Was it or wasn't it?

I believe we don't have all the facts. Its that simple.

We are quick to lock up Murray and throw away the key in the name of 'justice' but is it really justice if we are accusing someone without having all the facts or giving a fair trial?

I realize this is very difficult to follow because we have been fed all these stories and they are in our heads but as time goes on and I look back at the original reports, I'm not so sure Murray is the 'liar' we think he is. I don't think he actually said as much as he is given credit for.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

yes he was licensed to practice in California but his licence was not active at the time ,, he was not legally allowed to practice, prescribe or even give anything in California when he was treating MJ . That's why he bought Medazolam and other drugs from vegas and shipped them through Fedex to California .

as for the paramedics no one , simply no report ever claimed they took charge of anything , the police were notified there was something wrong BEFORE mj was transported to the hospital , there is no medical justification to postpone the paramedics from moving him to one of the best hospitals in the wolrd which was only 3 minutes away , NO MEDICAL JUSTIFICATION whatever .

The things will not get better for him , because if you really believe MJ was alive when the paramedics were called then certainly you will be disappointed once the charges drop .
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

yes he was licensed to practice in California but his licence was not active at the time ,, he was not legally allowed to practice, prescribe or even give anything in California when he was treating MJ . That's why he bought Medazolam and other drugs from vegas and shipped them through Fedex to California .

as for the paramedics no one , simply no report ever claimed they took charge of anything , the police were notified there was something wrong BEFORE mj was transported to the hospital , there is no medical justification to postpone the paramedics from moving him to one of the best hospitals in the wolrd which was only 3 minutes away , NO MEDICAL JUSTIFICATION whatever .

The things will not get better for him , because if you really believe MJ was alive when the paramedics were called then certainly you will be disappointed once the charges drop .

I don't 'know' if he had a faint pulse or didn't. I simply am saying that we don't know. I am not a Murray supporter but I do realize the difficulty in proving the case against him. If it were that simple he would have been arrested by now.

He was not licensed to prescribe maybe but he could treat which is what he was doing. I had read/seen that he had a license there.

We can all sit here and say there was 'no medical justification' but we really don't 'know' and thats my only reservation about all of this. There are things I am not sure are true. If the police 'knew' when they were still at the house, why did it take them over an hour to get to the hospital? Murray was there in the hospital an hour later when MJ was pronounced dead and had time to talk to the family briefly and then leave BEFORE the police got there. Its a question mark in my head. Why?

Just little things that all add up to a bigger thing when you start to question all the little things.

People keep talking about the CPR on the bed. This was a cardiologist and he knew how to do CPR. We are 'assuming' a lot here.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

We are assuming that Murray acted alone? Many people think he did, and many think he did not. . . . . .There is simply too much that is irregular, unexplained, lies, shifting stories, people popping up and changing the media-focus, and so on, to make that assumption with certainty. I don't CARE who is charged . . . or "who-all" is charged, as long as they get it RIGHT. Michael deserves that much.

At the very least, regardless of what Murray is charged with, the Jacksons have the right to file a wrongful-death suit. Against Murray, AND AEG, as Murray's employer-of-record. I don't think anyone has ever proven that Michael was to pay Murray HIMSELF? The employer of an incompetent doctor is in part, responsible. . . . regardless of whether or not Michael asked for this particular doctor. We do not KNOW that he did, and he's not here to tell us. There is too much we do not know. . . . .

If Murray plea-bargains, there still could be a day-in-court. Doesn't matter if he has no money. The Jacksons could sue just to get to the bottom of what really happened and to make it a matter of public record.

I doubt this will ever go to trial. I'd expect a plea-bargain and no jail sentence, and it will be over? Unless the Jacksons sue? If they do not, . . . . . follow the money. That could give us some answers? We are WATCHING, and will not stop watching.

Carry on,

Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

We are assuming that Murray acted alone? Many people think he did, and many think he did not. . . . . .There is simply too much that is irregular, unexplained, lies, shifting stories, people popping up and changing the media-focus, and so on, to make that assumption with certainty. I don't CARE who is charged . . . or "who-all" is charged, as long as they get it RIGHT. Michael deserves that much.

At the very least, regardless of what Murray is charged with, the Jacksons have the right to file a wrongful-death suit. Against Murray, AND AEG, as Murray's employer-of-record. I don't think anyone has ever proven that Michael was to pay Murray HIMSELF? The employer of an incompetent doctor is in part, responsible. . . . regardless of whether or not Michael asked for this particular doctor. We do not KNOW that he did, and he's not here to tell us. There is too much we do not know. . . . .

If Murray plea-bargains, there still could be a day-in-court. Doesn't matter if he has no money. The Jacksons could sue just to get to the bottom of what really happened and to make it a matter of public record.

I doubt this will ever go to trial. I'd expect a plea-bargain and no jail sentence, and it will be over? Unless the Jacksons sue? If they do not, . . . . . follow the money. That could give us some answers? We are WATCHING, and will not stop watching.

They can 'sue' the pants off of anyone if they have proof. I don't know if any contract was signed that states AEG is his employer.

STILL.....all the money in the world won't bring Michael back and I can hardly believe the Jacksons are only after money.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

We are assuming that Murray acted alone? Many people think he did, and many think he did not. . . . . .There is simply too much that is irregular, unexplained, lies, shifting stories, people popping up and changing the media-focus, and so on, to make that assumption with certainty.

On that I agree. We assume a lot of things but we don't know. If Murray didn't act 'alone' than it was pre-meditated murder which I don't think anyone has come out and said besides the fans.

I'm not so sure the stories are shifting as much as we just believed the wrong things because they were printed.

Personally I find it hard to believe he was murdered because I see no logical motive.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

You don't seem to have all the facts correct. He was licensed to give drugs in California. He is a physician so I can understand trying to save the patient before wasting time calling 911.

I don't know if she 'stopped' the EMT's from taking him to the hospital or if he felt it medically justified not to waste more time? These things are where I think we don't have all the information and we have information given to us 'second hand' from others.

The reporters told us he used his title to stop the EMT's. The report was that the doctor was in charge but then in another report it says the EMT's took over. So, which are we to believe? I can tell you that being a medical person I have serious doubts about things having been reported to us correctly because there are a few conflicting reports.

For example. Michael was on life support in the hospital. That means his heart was beating. Was it or wasn't it?

I believe we don't have all the facts. Its that simple.

We are quick to lock up Murray and throw away the key in the name of 'justice' but is it really justice if we are accusing someone without having all the facts or giving a fair trial?

I realize this is very difficult to follow because we have been fed all these stories and they are in our heads but as time goes on and I look back at the original reports, I'm not so sure Murray is the 'liar' we think he is. I don't think he actually said as much as he is given credit for.

You are not sure? Well let's not use the media let's use his own words. Michael would not tell me if he had any health issues. Yet when Frank and Randy Phillips were concurned about some weight Michael had lost you he told them Michael was fine health wise how would he know that? Was he lying then? And sure he was busy trying to save Michaels life and could not be bothered with 911 but he plenty of time to call others. But I am sure you will have an excuse for him.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

You are not sure? Well let's not use the media let's use his own words. Michael would not tell me if he had any health issues. Yet when Frank and Randy Phillips were concurned about some weight Michael had lost you he told them Michael was fine health wise how would he know that? Was he lying then? And sure he was busy trying to save Michaels life and could not be bothered with 911 but he plenty of time to call others. But I am sure you will have an excuse for him.

I am not making any excuses. I am simply stating we don't know if we have all the facts. You ignored what I said in my post and just questioned other things. Therefore, if you can't dispute or answer MY questions, you just skip over (ignore) them.

I did not "SEE" the interview Murray had with the police. As far as I know Murray didn't give even ONE public interview about Michael since his death. His lawyer, however, did comment that much was 'fact' and some was 'police theory' but did not elaborate. So, I don't know which is fact and which is theory.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

murray gave an interview to the police he told them about the process he went through that morning told the police what time he gave him the drugs told them how long it was after he gave the drugs that something happened.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

murray gave an interview to the police he told them about the process he went through that morning told the police what time he gave him the drugs told them how long it was after he gave the drugs that something happened.

Yes, and not all off the search warrants are the same. So, tell me how that happened?

Just sayin....
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

But after this timeline of events came out, Murray's lawyer went on tv and said the report was false. He said Murray never ssaid those things. (yeah right). Anyway, why would the police make all of that up and in such detail. But still, until Murray or his lawyers say something officially, we don't know 100%. Although we can surmise.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

But after this timeline of events came out, Murray's lawyer went on tv and said the report was false. He said Murray never ssaid those things. (yeah right). Anyway, why would the police make all of that up and in such detail. But still, until Murray or his lawyers say something officially, we don't know 100%. Although we can surmise.

What I just said is that the search warrants are not all identical stories. They didn't even get the names of people correct, so I am not taking it as 100% proof of anything since they weren't being 'accurate' to the "T". That is all I am saying.

Yes, Murrays lawyer came out shortly after and stated that some was accurate and some was not but did not say which was which. I don't recall seeing Murray say anything. Everything that was 'said' by Murray other than the police interviews was second hand.

This does not mean he is not guilty in my eyes, but I don't know 'how' guilty and of what exactly.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

all the search warrants were based on a sworn statement given by Officer Martinez, THE SAME STATEMENT , what is different was how the other detectives asked the judge to grant them a search warrant , one from Houston , and one from Vegas .

Chernoff only claimed murray did not say he found mj at 11 o'clock not breathing , and the statements mentioned in the search warrant accusing Murray of being on the phone after mj was found by him not breathing .those were the "police theory"

we know very well what chernoff claimed to be not true .
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Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

You know this very well. I am not so sure any more after reading everything else.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

On that I agree. We assume a lot of things but we don't know. If Murray didn't act 'alone' than it was pre-meditated murder which I don't think anyone has come out and said besides the fans.

I'm not so sure the stories are shifting as much as we just believed the wrong things because they were printed.

Personally I find it hard to believe he was murdered because I see no logical motive.

Not going to get into the "investigative" stuff here, so I'll keep it brief (I just wanted to bring a little balance into this thread.)

A "motive" is not at all complicated. If Michael was not in good enough physical condition to sustain the fifty concerts (for whatever reasons) then a cancellation would have been financially devastating for AEG (as we know, they were "self-insuring" in terms of cancellation for the buik of the concerts), and not good for Sony, either. A film had almost no risk, and if Michael had DIED (instead of canceled) the interest in it would be HUGE. That is exactly what happened. Plus, record sales positively rejuvinated Sony, and they partnered in the film. (The math HAS been done. The comparison is between the losses if he'd canceled after just a few shows, and the profits gained from the film, the DVD, the CD, and memorabilia sales, and I'm sure there is more to come.)

How would AEG execs KNOW if Michael was not in good enough shape? Through Murray. Michael was packing to go to London. As Randy Phillips said, "It was a do-or-die moment." Michael died.

I'll leave the thread now (probably. . . ) Just wanted to be sure there was some balance in viewpoints.

Carry on,

Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

Not going to get into the "investigative" stuff here, so I'll keep it brief (I just wanted to bring a little balance into this thread.)

A "motive" is not at all complicated. If Michael was not in good enough physical condition to sustain the fifty concerts (for whatever reasons) then a cancellation would have been financially devastating for AEG (as we know, they were "self-insuring" in terms of cancellation for the buik of the concerts), and not good for Sony, either. A film had almost no risk, and if Michael had DIED (instead of canceled) the interest in it would be HUGE. That is exactly what happened. Plus, record sales positively rejuvinated Sony, and they partnered in the film. (The math HAS been done. The comparison is between the losses if he'd canceled after just a few shows, and the profits gained from the film, the DVD, the CD, and memorabilia sales, and I'm sure there is more to come.)

How would AEG execs KNOW if Michael was not in good enough shape? Through Murray. Michael was packing to go to London. As Randy Phillips said, "It was a do-or-die moment." Michael died.

I'll leave the thread now (probably. . . ) Just wanted to be sure there was some balance in viewpoints.

Carry on,


My english is ok but not perfect so correct me if I'm wrong but do I understand this right: So ur sayin' that the whole thing was planned? So that they won't need to cancel when MJ dies because as u said it'd be much more expensive?
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

My english is ok but not perfect so correct me if I'm wrong but do I understand this right: So ur sayin' that the whole thing was planned? So that they won't need to cancel when MJ dies because as u said it'd be much more expensive?

I'm not saying it was "planned." I'm saying there was MOTIVE, and it is possible that it was planned, i.e. premeditated murder. I just want the truth to come out, whatever it is. . . . . .

If Michael was not going to be able to do all the concerts, physically, then Murray would have known that, and AEG execs would have known it too. If he was in the best shape of his life, perfectly fine, not too thin, not using a general anesthetic to get to SLEEP, then no problem. If he was not going to be able to sustain the effort. . .if he was going to cancel, then he was truly worth a LOT more dead than alive. I can't prove anything LIKE this, but no one can prove it's not the truth, either. This is not over. . . . .
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

no a cancellation would have been devastating to MJ ONLY since he signed a deal with them , AEG no doubt covered that in their contract LIKE EVERYONE ELSE , they would have sued him and got every penny they paid , no need to kill him .

he was always TOO thin , and he used propofol before , he had doctors with him before, he become dehydrated before and cancelled , there was nothing odd about anything .
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