The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I meant Diana's funeral needed alot more preparation and it took them less time . that was the point .

as for jermaine , it is my opinion , I put the tv on mute 30 minutes into the song .
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

You haven't read some of these people's post, have you. Sound is actually being nice compare to some of the other counter posts I have seen to her statements.

Funny, no one said to not to belittle when they posted something. Maybe because people like you weren't there.

Maybe more should speak up when others are responding in such a way. If I had seen the previous posts and others were doing it...or even doing it to Sound, I would have called them on it.

I have nothing against Sound. I am objective. It's not which side anyone is on. It's about the manner some are using to express themselves to others.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

Maybe more should speak up when others are responding in such a way. If I had seen the previous posts and others were doing it...or even doing it to Sound, I would have called them on it.

I have nothing against Sound. I am objective. It's not which side anyone is on. It's about the manner somne are using to express themselves to others.

this thread was about Murray avoiding charges, someone ruined it with the conspiracy theory . we are basically banned from responding to the conspiracy believers in the I.U section , and they even want people like me banned and are reporting us to the mods and admins everytime we say there was no conspiracy . what else did you expect from me ?
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

this thread was about Murray avoiding charges, someone ruined it with the conspiracy theory . we are basically banned from responding to the conspiracy believers in the I.U section , and they even want people like me banned and are reporting us to the mods and admins everytime we say there was no conspiracy . what else did you expect from me ?

To not be rude or offensive or belittling in the way you express your thoughts in this thread or any thread. And that goes for what I would expect from anyone.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

To not be rude or offensive or belittling in the way you express your thoughts in this thread or any thread. And that goes for what I would expect from anyone.

From what I read of Sound's post, it was not that rude. A bit on the smartass side, but not rude. It was not like she called the poster stupid, crazy, or working for AEG and is a troll. Which, btw, I have been call more than a couple of times.

It maybe hard to tell since you are reading text instead of looking at a person, but once you get to know certain posters, you know when they are not being mean spirited.

That could also be why I see nothing insulting towards her posts.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

this thread is not about me nor the memorial , why would not certain people stop ruining every thread with such theories , there is a whole section DEDICATED to them , isn't it enough ?

From what I read of Sound's post, it was not that rude. A bit on the smartass side, but not rude. It was not like she called the poster stupid, crazy, or working for AEG and is a troll. Which, btw, I have been call more than a couple of times.

It maybe hard to tell since you are reading text instead of looking at a person, but once you get to know certain posters, you know when they are not being mean spirited.

That could also be why I see nothing insulting towards her posts.

Thank you Ramona.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I do not feel it would be right for Sound to be banned for having a difference of opinion and stating it in her posts.

I do feel if she has had up to three warnings for posting in a offensive, belittling manner based on a staff member's opinion, not mine, it would be very justified for her to be banned.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The thread is about Murray and whether or not he will avoid murder charges. I have expressed my opinion that there may be others involved in addition to Murray, or even instead of Murray. And therefore if justice is done, it's entirely possible that he will avoid murder charges. Or, he could be charged with conspiracy. I recognize that all opinions should be heard. And that is mine, in direct reference to the topic.

Carry on,

Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I was not warned by anyone and this thread is about Murray avoiding charges

do not feel it would be right for Sound to be banned for having a difference of opinion and stating it in her posts.

I do feel if she has had up to three warnings for posting in a offensive, belittling manner based on a staff member's opinion, not mine, it would be very justified for her to be banned.

then let it be .
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I was not warned by anyone and this thread is about Murray avoiding charges

You're lucky I am not a staff member, then, because you would have received your first warning and I would be watching and counting.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I do not feel it would be right for Sound to be banned for having a difference of opinion and stating it in her posts.

I do feel if she has had up to three warnings for posting in a offensive, belittling manner based on a staff member's opinion, not mine, it would be very justified for her to be banned.

I understand where you are coming from, but I have read and have been subjected to far worst, yet these people aren't banned. Btw, I have read and responded to many of Sound's posts and it is bar far not that bad. It has a hard edge, I will admit. But Sound does not question the int of the poster. Unlike some I can name here.

I will not question the wisdom of the mobs, but that is my personal opinion on the matter.

However, this is an A and B conversation, so I will just C my way out and say nothing more on the matter. This is completely off-topic anyway and I don't want this thread to be close.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I was not warned by anyone and this thread is about Murray avoiding charges

Yes, the title of the thread is: "Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?"

I'll leave the thread now anyway. I gave my opinion as clearly and thoughtfully as I could, and I don't really need to repeat it.


Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I have enough of people like you really .
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

question. whats the status with murray and his licence. not now but when he was with mj interms of being able to prescribe andwhere
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I'm not saying it was "planned." I'm saying there was MOTIVE, and it is possible that it was planned, i.e. premeditated murder. I just want the truth to come out, whatever it is. . . . . .

If Michael was not going to be able to do all the concerts, physically, then Murray would have known that, and AEG execs would have known it too. If he was in the best shape of his life, perfectly fine, not too thin, not using a general anesthetic to get to SLEEP, then no problem. If he was not going to be able to sustain the effort. . .if he was going to cancel, then he was truly worth a LOT more dead than alive. I can't prove anything LIKE this, but no one can prove it's not the truth, either. This is not over. . . . .

Ok, got ya now, thanks!
Yepp, you could be right, who knows?!...
Everything could be possible, I think we just have to wait and see...
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

question. whats the status with murray and his licence. not now but when he was with mj interms of being able to prescribe andwhere

he is licensed to practice in three states Nevada, Texas and California , at the time he was working for MJ, he did not pay some fees and his licence in California was not active , he was not allowed under law to prescribe, to treat or administer anything as a doctor . that's why he was shipping controlled substances like midazolam and other benzos across states lines . which is definitely consider trafficking and another set of charges .
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I wonder how this will turn out.:cry:
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I also do not subscribe to the conspiracy theory regarding this matter; at least not how it has been presented thus far.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

he is licensed to practice in three states Nevada, Texas and California , at the time he was working for MJ, he did not pay some fees and his licence in California was not active , he was not allowed under law to prescribe, to treat or administer anything as a doctor . that's why he was shipping controlled substances like midazolam and other benzos across states lines . which is definitely consider trafficking and another set of charges .

thanks. so seperate charges in relation to shipping is ther a charge for him treating someone or is that a medical board issues
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

he is licensed to practice in three states Nevada, Texas and California , at the time he was working for MJ, he did not pay some fees and his licence in California was not active , he was not allowed under law to prescribe, to treat or administer anything as a doctor . that's why he was shipping controlled substances like midazolam and other benzos across states lines . which is definitely consider trafficking and another set of charges .

Thanks for the info. I'm sure the "trafficking" will be yet another layer of charges. Plus, I think this has spawned the whole issue of the laxness of doctors in L.A. I'd expect that there is a separate investigation going on regarding Klein, and the pharmacies that sold to Murray, and other illegalities. There was that insane issue of the employee of Klein's who was found dead, and Klein's explanation that he "stored" controlled substances at a pharmacy? And that this former employee had access to them? WHAT?

I wonder what the legal penalties are for "trafficking," anyway. Anyone know?
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

Thanks for the info. I'm sure the "trafficking" will be yet another layer of charges. Plus, I think this has spawned the whole issue of the laxness of doctors in L.A. I'd expect that there is a separate investigation going on regarding Klein, and the pharmacies that sold to Murray, and other illegalities. There was that insane issue of the employee of Klein's who was found dead, and Klein's explanation that he "stored" controlled substances at a pharmacy? And that this former employee had access to them? WHAT?

I wonder what the legal penalties are for "trafficking," anyway. Anyone know?

I am still puzzled by the unidentified phone call. Wonder did they ever get any information on that?
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I am still puzzled by the unidentified phone call. Wonder did they ever get any information on that?

Yeah, ur right!
I would like to know more about that, too!
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

what phone call?

I need to find that transcript but it listed phone calls Murray made that day most of them were identified except for one. The thought maybe it was on prepaid phone. The source of the article was either CBS Morning Show or one of the other Morning Show. Soundmine may be able to direct to the source.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

that story came from a uk tabloid. all the calls he made after 11 were traced. if he made one on a different phone then how would the police even know about it to start with. the story has no logic.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

that story came from a uk tabloid. all the calls he made after 11 were traced. if he made one on a different phone then how would the police even know about it to start with. the story has no logic.

Thanks for the info. It is hard to tell the difference when the major news channels report it.
Dr. Conrad Murray -- Too Early to Deal

Dr. Conrad Murray -- who is in the cross hairs of the Michael Jackson homicide investigation -- is in no position to even discuss plea bargaining a criminal case ... this according to his lawyer.

Attorney Michael Flanagan tells TMZ he has already been in touch with Pat Dixon, the Head Deputy District Attorney in the L.A. County D.A.'s office, and Dixon is not sharing any info about the case against Dr. Murray. According to Flanagan, Dixon said he can't share information in a case that could go to the L.A. County Grand Jury.

A spokesperson for the D.A.'s office tells TMZ Flanagan did speak with Dixon on Friday, but all Dixon said was he could not discuss the case. The spokesperson says Dixon never mentioned a possible grand jury.

As we first reported, there is a "strong likelihood" the D.A. go after Dr. Murray for involuntary manslaughter, but it's not a done deal.

Law enforcement sources say they don't know if the big wigs in the D.A.'s office will sign off on involuntary manslaughter. The LAPD will be formally presenting the case to the D.A. soon, and the presentation, we're told, will be critical in the decision-making process.
Flanagan tells TMZ as far as he knows Dr. Murray has not violated any law in connection with Michael Jackson's medical care the day he died. Flanagan believes it will be "very difficult" for the D.A. to base a case on gross negligence -- a requirement in proving involuntary manslaughter. As Flanagan puts it, even if there's proof of "an error in judgment," it's a giant leap for a jury to conclude the lapse of judgment constitutes manslaughter.

But, law enforcement sources say the LAPD has experts who have gone on record saying Dr. Murray's conduct constitutes gross negligence that supports a manslaughter prosecution.

Mods this can be merged with the other thread. Maybe we should a section specifically for updates as to whether there will be a trial or not and all trial info. I have highlighted what I think is relevant info. But the whole write up is there for all to read. Thanks!
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray -- Too Early to Deal

My stupid brain can't keep up with all of this. I've missed half the things. But this better go to trial. The Jackson family and the fans should never let this go easy.
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