The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Re: The Dr. Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

Ok Guys there have been WAY too many threads on this forum about the "doctor". This is now the official Conrad Murray thread. Post any and all posts, articles, info on pending charges, etc. in here from here on out, ok?

Keep Michaeling!
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Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

Now... this is really crazy.
I just checked one of my local newspapers website and they have a video by AP about the problems CM is facing. It is in (poor) Spanish, but you can still hear a bit of the original English. You can see it here:

Now... stupid thing is that they show CM's lawyer and he says... OMG, I can't even write this: "Well, it is not my job classify my client, but that's the job of the investigators and he says they have told him (CM) that he is not a suspect. They have told him repetitively and I believe him."
(I hear the "I believe him clearly", but not the whole speech)

WHAT IS THAT?????????????

Does anybody here has a link to this interview? The original?

I am shock!!! Murray not being suspect??? Then who???? Peter Pan's shadow????
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

Michael Jackson’s Doctor Dr. Conrad Murray To Be Prosecuted

Michael Jackson, who died of an overdose of propofol last June, was last seen alive by his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray. According to media reports, Monday, Murray will be prosecuted in the coming weeks as the key suspect responsible for the singer’s death.
Detectives working on the Jackson case wrapped up the investigation last month, and the official document will be presented to the Los Angeles district attorney.
A source revealed that the investigation was very thorough and is now complete, providing sufficient evidence to prosecute Dr. Murray.
The case is complicated, because the doctor broke no laws by administering the drug to Jackson. However, he may still be charged with involuntary manslaughter, due to negligence.
Conrad Murray continued to treat patients following Jackson’s death, since no charges were pressed against him immediately following the incident.
Last November, it was reported that authorities were waiting until 2010 to make a decision on Murray’s arrest. Los Angeles Police Commander Patrick Gannon stated, “A decision (on whether to prosecute) will be made in 2010. It is not going to be made this year.”

here is link:

Michael Jackson’s Doctor To Be Indicted?

Michael Jackson’s doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, is to be indicted on involuntary manslaughter charges. This is the result of the coroner’s conclusion that the death was caused by propofol, amongst other anesthetics that were administered by Jackson’s former doctor. Read more here.

A little over half-a-year has passed since the King of Pop’s death, and at last the investigation of whether or not it was a homicide is finally coming to an end.

The drug that claimed MJ’s life isn’t intended for home use. Aside from lowering blood pressure it also depresses breathing and heart rate, according to the AP. Using this strong of a sedative to treat insomnia is ludicrous as well as unlawful. Especially since forensic findings show that there was no medical need for the “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” singer to take it.
If found guilty the doc could face two to four years in prison, where it’s probable that the inmates who are also Jackson fans won’t stop until they get enough.
Click here for to find the death certificate.
In other news about the late, great pop star – Sony recently revealed that the Blu-ray discs of ‘This Is It’ will include a new innovation in home theater viewing called movieIQ Sync. The feature reportedly allows you to easily access related trivia from your computer or iPhone, so you can do other stuff on your television screen. Not to mention that it also allows you to make playlists from the movie’s score, but that’s not all! You can share your song list via twitter or Email.
The documentary will be released on January 26th.
We would like to know your opinion. Does Jackson’s doctor deserve to be held liable? Share your opinion with us in our comment section.
Check out pictures and a video below.

here is link:

Michael Jackson's death certificate cites 'homicide'

You can now take a look at Michael Jackson's death certificate, put online by England's News of the World. It declares that Jackson's June 25 death was due to "acute propofol intoxication" and "intravenous injection by another." It now includes the word "homicide." has confirmed with the L.A. County coroner's office that the document, which is part of the public record, is genuine.

here is link:

Michael Jackson Doctor Facing Criminal Charges

Gossip site TMZ say that an anonymous source in the LA Police Department has told them Dr Conrad Murray - the doc who administered the propofol shot that killed Michael Jackson - will face criminal charges in relation to the late king of pop's death.
The police are said to be close to completing their investigations and are ready to press charges.
Murray, of course, has been subject to LAPD investigations ever since *****'s demise last June. Murray has reportedly hired the services of lawyer J Michael Flanagan, who represented Britney Spears in her 2007 hit and run case, because he has previously worked on a case involving a death caused by propofol. Murray has in the past insisted he did not act negligently in administering the drug to Jackson, who seemingly insisted he be given the medication to help him sleep.
In related news, an updated version of *****'s death certification has appeared online, which has been amended to show his death was homicide, and that he died of "acute propofol intoxication". The documentation was previously non-committal on the cause of Jackson's death.
Finally in Jackson news, one from the comedy lawsuit file. An LA resident is suing the Jackson family for £2 million to cover the costs of policing the ***** memorial event that took place at the city's Staples Centre shortly after the singer's death.
The costs to the city caused by the event have proven controversial ever since it took place, with some calling on *****'s estate and/or Staples Center owners AEG to pay for policing, street cleaning and the like. LA mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has always insisted that the city expects for large events of that kind to take place on occasion, and is therefore able to cover the costs itself.
However, LA resident Jose Vallejos disagrees and, this being America, he is suing the Jackson family in his capacity as a local taxpayer.

here is link:

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Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

:doh: Murray, I honestly don't even have words to describe how much anger you bring me.

Seriously, is he still saying that he didn't administer or prescribe anything to Michael that killed him?!! WTF!

Yet, in that same video he says he administered propofol to Michael, which is what killed him. Geeezze Murray stop contradicting yourself! fdgsfdgfdg
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

:doh: Murray, I honestly don't even have words to describe how much anger you bring me.

Seriously, is he still saying that he didn't administer or prescribe anything to Michael that killed him?!! WTF!

Yet, in that same video he says he administered propofol to Michael, which is what killed him. Geeezze Murray stop contradicting yourself! fdgsfdgfdg

Does anybody feel sick? I mean, really sick, physically. I have such a terrible headache and my stomach is a mess. I am getting really sick and my head can't stop spinning. This is going to be so long and difficult. In fact, we are not even in the beginning and I am starting to get this way... shame on me, I should be stronger :(
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

Does anybody feel sick? I mean, really sick, physically. I have such a terrible headache and my stomach is a mess. I am getting really sick and my head can't stop spinning. This is going to be so long and difficult. In fact, we are not even in the beginning and I am starting to get this way... shame on me, I should be stronger :(

We each can only do the best we can. Yes, I fear it IS going to be long and difficult. I suggest that we remember to take breaks from thinking about and worrying about all this? Make sure to get outside (walks?), talk to friends about unrelated topics, and so on. It's going to be a long haul, ok?
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

i like this part:"If found guilty the doc could face two to four years in prison, where it’s probable that the inmates who are also Jackson fans won’t stop until they get enough. "
have fun Murray!
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

We each can only do the best we can. Yes, I fear it IS going to be long and difficult. I suggest that we remember to take breaks from thinking about and worrying about all this? Make sure to get outside (walks?), talk to friends about unrelated topics, and so on. It's going to be a long haul, ok?

Dear Victoria, I am seriously following your advice on this.
Yes, I will try to get some breaks, for I have even dreamt of this :(
This is crazy... I should be counting the days to fly to London to see TII... and see where we are. I don't even know what I am going to do for my upcoming Summer vacations :(
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

I am on the verge of tears here. All this is getting awfully real and so close. What frightens me the most is that he will get away with it. I've tried not to emotionally invest myself in it but its impossible. I'm scared to death of Murray walking free.
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

I am on the verge of tears here. All this is getting awfully real and so close. What frightens me the most is that he will get away with it. I've tried not to emotionally invest myself in it but its impossible. I'm scared to death of Murray walking free.

Me too. :weeping: After 5 months, Murray's gone back to practicing medicine, endangering other patients, he's already getting away with homicide. I doubt justice will ever be served. :weeping: :(
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

i agee i do feel sick from hearing his name right know i feel sick
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

:doh: Murray, I honestly don't even have words to describe how much anger you bring me.

Seriously, is he still saying that he didn't administer or prescribe anything to Michael that killed him?!! WTF!

Yet, in that same video he says he administered propofol to Michael, which is what killed him. Geeezze Murray stop contradicting yourself! fdgsfdgfdg

Didn't he even admit to...administering all of that to Michael, and that he fell asleep..when he woke up and went to Michael, he saw that he wasn't breathing?
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

Michael Jackson's Death Certificate Quietly Amended to Homicide

Today 8:05 AM PST by Gina Serpe

Some celebrity deaths come and go. Michael Jackson's death—particularly, the investigation into it—apparently lives forever.

More than six months after the King of Pop passed away, the Los Angeles County Coroner's office has amended his death certificate to list his cause of death as "acute propofol intoxication" and "intravenous injection by another."

It also now includes that long-awaited magic word: "homicide."

Which means the world is once again redirecting its collective stink eye to Dr. Conrad Murray.

Perhaps surmising that his own end is nigh, the doctor lawyered up last week, despite the fact that the long-pending involuntary manslaughter investigation has yet to yield any charges against him.

"We have refused to comment on stories involving unnamed sources and will continue to do so," Conrad's attorney, Ed Chernoff, said Friday. "However, we can confirm that we have not received notice of an impaneled grand jury and Dr. Murray has not been invited to testify."

In other words, while Conrad has apparently armed himself for a legal battle, one has yet to be brought against him.

The key word there being "yet."

up to now I didn't understand that it is REALLY amended. I thought this already has been cleared, weeks ago! Please somebody explain it to me!
Umm? Conrad Isnt his real name???

I got this off of Twitter...

Murray's real name is Robert Earl Carter and he is married to Blanche Yvette Bonnick Murray. 3:23 AM Jan 9th from web

Is this true? Why would you change your first name it you got married? CONRAD from Robert Earl Carter?!?!
Re: Umm? Conrad Isnt his real name???

I am confused as to WHY he would change his name ..can someone please explain....thanks
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

can someone please get rid of that picture from the memorial its not something i, and im sure many others want to see
Re: Umm? Conrad Isnt his real name???

This is Bull shyt
completly made up by death hoax fans :LOL:
Re: Umm? Conrad Isnt his real name???

WTF is this.... this is creepy... they killed him.. there is something really evil here... there are many people involved... I WANT TO SEE JUSTICE... FOR GOD SAKE!
Re: The Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

up to now I didn't understand that it is REALLY amended. I thought this already has been cleared, weeks ago! Please somebody explain it to me!
it was called a homicide months ago media are talking crap trying to create something out of nothing
Re: Umm? Conrad Isnt his real name???

This is Bull shyt
completly made up by death hoax fans :LOL:

ok..Thank you ..Qbee.....I was a little thrown off for a minute because when I googled spoke of a man who had been executed.....I thought ...hmmm...maybe there are two people with the same name..which is not unheard of.....thanks again.
Re: Umm? Conrad Isnt his real name???

WTF is this.... this is creepy... they killed him.. there is something really evil here... there are many people involved... I WANT TO SEE JUSTICE... FOR GOD SAKE!
Are you serious .. I HOPE YOU ARE JOKING with yoour reply
what makes you believe this in any way?????????????

actually it is from Michael Jackson death Hoax forum
they are using this made up crap it to prove Michael is still alive DUH !!

I guess we can post anything in here without a sourece or link for proof
and people will believe it _

please you guys ... ANYONE ??
let me know MJ fans are not complete idiots ..

please explain why any of you would you belive this ?? stupidity
Re: Umm? Conrad Isnt his real name???

Ok so i did some research and Robert Earl Carter was executed in 2000...and this info comes from the "Death Hoax" I dont really believe it. If its real I need more proof than a blog or something to prove it...

Thankyou for the info though!
Re: Umm? Conrad Isnt his real name???

This is Bull shyt
completly made up by death hoax fans :LOL:

yea I figured it was BULL S. Those people who still believe Michael is alive even went as far to say that Murray was an actor. :doh:

But I do know that Murray is a freemason. I heard that quite a while ago.
Re: Umm? Conrad Isnt his real name???

These hoax people are making me laugh so much... reading stuff like that... like...
OMG the rabbit... did you see the rabbit?... the animal was in this picture with guess who... Michael!!! NO WAY O_0... Michael actually ADORED rabbits... OMG this is hidden message from him... Hhhahhah :p
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