The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

u guys i cant help but think about the hoax whenever i hear "Threatened" esp the last part spoken by Rod Serling. Also the fact that the song was briefly included in TII makes me wonder if it's important. Here's the spoken part below--

The unknown monster is about to embark-BAM?
From a far corner, out of the dark
A nightmare, that’s the case
Never Neverland, that’s the place-is that where he is?
This particular monster can read minds
Be in two places at the same time-we think he's at FL but he could be somewhere else
This is judgement night, execution, slaughter-Murray court case-man slaughter
The devil, ghosts, this monster is torture
You can be sure of one thing, that’s fate-fated the comic MJ wrote
A human presence that you feel is strange
A monster that you can see disappear
A monster, the worst thing to fear.

What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare.
It isn’t. It’s the beginning.-is this all just the beginning of one master plan???
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^^ Threatened always makes me think too - in TII after Thriller when Michael does a bit of Threatened perhaps its a message meaning Michael thrilling the world again in this way. I don't know, I try not to get myself too absorbed into all this incase nothing comes out of it but there's always something pulling me back to the hoax theory..always what if going on in my mind.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

ur right!! here it is!! coincidence number 9274927460197420
Good job! :wild: I do not remember it. :bugeyed

Michael always spoke through symbols and codes. And it's up to us to try to unveil all these mysteries of Michael. :doh: :read:

^^ Threatened always makes me think too - in TII after Thriller when Michael does a bit of Threatened perhaps its a message meaning Michael thrilling the world again in this way. I don't know, I try not to get myself too absorbed into all this incase nothing comes out of it but there's always something pulling me back to the hoax theory..always what if going on in my mind.
Yes, for me this is one of the most important parts of rechearsals. Thriller is full of symbolism and meaning, the whole movie is full of it. There are many hidden things in the movie and everything has a great significance. Michael wanted to tell us something through it.

The lyrics of Threatened is very suggestive and makes us think....
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Threatened was also, if I recall rightly, the final song on Invincible.

Which is obviously his last ever album.

The last song on the last album.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

another lyrics from threatened.

one day i,ll disappear,then i,ll come back to haunt you,
i,m the living dead the dark thought in your head,

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Threatened was written and released before 2002. If I'm not mistaken doesn't this hoax stuff revolve around Michael going through so much, and the trial and pressure of O2 being the last straw and the thing to drive him away? Wouldn't Threatened defeat the whole purpose of this since it was written before Michael concocted this scheme?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Wasn't Dave Dave there when the raid took place on Neverland?

I thought that was Omer that was there during the raid?

No one knows when this idea of a possible hoax was planed by MJ. I doubt it was just months, if true? Yrs? Maybe? Who knows?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Threatened was written and released before 2002. If I'm not mistaken doesn't this hoax stuff revolve around Michael going through so much, and the trial and pressure of O2 being the last straw and the thing to drive him away? Wouldn't Threatened defeat the whole purpose of this since it was written before Michael concocted this scheme?

You're right, but MJ has always gone through so much. Even from the first allegations he went through in 93. I know you've heard songs like Leave Me Alone, Why You Wanna Trip On Me, Tabloid Junkie, D.S, Scream, 2 Bad and so on. He has been feeling this way for years. He's also talked about disappearing and getting away from everyone for a long time. Im sure that this hoax hasnt been in the works since Invincible was being created, but MJ has always felt this pressure from everyone and always wanted to get away. So he could have been thinking about planning something and just wrote about what he felt, doesnt necessarily have to be written just for the hoax. But the lines in the song are sure very ironic to the situation we are in now. Another song on Invincible that reminds me of the hoax is Cry. "Someone is taking a life, when will this mystery unfold"? and Unbreakable "When you bury me underneath all your pain, Im steady laughing, while surfacing" The whole Invincible album in my opinion has a very mysterious yet defensive way to it. He hadnt gone through the whole mess of the 03 trial, but still he felt cornered and betrayed just like he did after the trial and the 02 concerts. He was dealing with Sony and Mottola bullshit. Dude goes through so much :no:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I miss him so much :( 11 months...
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

You're right, but MJ has always gone through so much. Even from the first allegations he went through in 93. I know you've heard songs like Leave Me Alone, Why You Wanna Trip On Me, Tabloid Junkie, D.S, Scream, 2 Bad and so on. He has been feeling this way for years. He's also talked about disappearing and getting away from everyone for a long time. Im sure that this hoax hasnt been in the works since Invincible was being created, but MJ has always felt this pressure from everyone and always wanted to get away. So he could have been thinking about planning something and just wrote about what he felt, doesnt necessarily have to be written just for the hoax. But the lines in the song are sure very ironic to the situation we are in now. Another song on Invincible that reminds me of the hoax is Cry. "Someone is taking a life, when will this mystery unfold"? and Unbreakable "When you bury me underneath all your pain, Im steady laughing, while surfacing" The whole Invincible album in my opinion has a very mysterious yet defensive way to it. He hadnt gone through the whole mess of the 03 trial, but still he felt cornered and betrayed just like he did after the trial and the 02 concerts. He was dealing with Sony and Mottola bullshit. Dude goes through so much :no:
:agree: Yes... The songs were a way to tell Michael everything he was feeling. His songs have many hidden messages that are full of mysteries.

Michael's life was never easy and wonderful. Is so sad that Michael has gone through so many things. I can imagine how much pain he felt and for so long. Why did he have to go through so much? I always wonder.... every day. :( :cry:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

You're right, but MJ has always gone through so much. Even from the first allegations he went through in 93. I know you've heard songs like Leave Me Alone, Why You Wanna Trip On Me, Tabloid Junkie, D.S, Scream, 2 Bad and so on. He has been feeling this way for years. He's also talked about disappearing and getting away from everyone for a long time. Im sure that this hoax hasnt been in the works since Invincible was being created, but MJ has always felt this pressure from everyone and always wanted to get away. So he could have been thinking about planning something and just wrote about what he felt, doesnt necessarily have to be written just for the hoax. But the lines in the song are sure very ironic to the situation we are in now. Another song on Invincible that reminds me of the hoax is Cry. "Someone is taking a life, when will this mystery unfold"? and Unbreakable "When you bury me underneath all your pain, Im steady laughing, while surfacing" The whole Invincible album in my opinion has a very mysterious yet defensive way to it. He hadnt gone through the whole mess of the 03 trial, but still he felt cornered and betrayed just like he did after the trial and the 02 concerts. He was dealing with Sony and Mottola bullshit. Dude goes through so much :no:

This I can agree on 100%.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

ok so i just bought the pseudocide book ill let u guys know if i find anything interesting
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I thought that was Omer that was there during the raid?

No one knows when this idea of a possible hoax was planed by MJ. I doubt it was just months, if true? Yrs? Maybe? Who knows?

According to RF article (& I think it was reported elsewhere, so I think its accurate) they were both on the witness list at least - I remember somebody was there that I thought was interesting anyway:


Included among them is Omar Bhatti, the 20-year-old Norwegian boy who has grown up over the last 8 years at Neverland as Jackson's unofficial ward. I told you a few months ago that Jackson confided in close associates that Bhatti was his biological son even though this was a complete fabrication.

Jackson met the boy in Tunis while on tour in 1996. He eventually hired the boy's parents and took him in. Omar Bhatti occasionally performs as a Jackson-type pop star. He was arrested for drug possession in Norway in 2003.

Also on the list is David Rothenberg, a young man who was severely burned by his own father many years ago. He was taken in by Jackson, and has the full run of Neverland and may prove to be a dramatic character witness.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


Ok, from what we have read so far, the book gathers a lot of information we all discussed so far but many other details and facts about the day of 25th june 2009 and the months before it.
What it is also interesting is that she also gives links to articles and videos to sustain
her point of view...
From the first pages it seems that MJ had indeed a good reason to fake his death, as there was even a petition on-line for people who wanted him dead, and it seems the FBI knew about it...
It also raises qustions about Tohme not being who he is, and that he was indeed fired in may 2009.
She also finds it strange that, even if Michael had passed several exams before the announcement,
there were head-lines everywhere in the press, long before, that he was ill and even dying...
It's a very interesting reading.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

MJ also said that he wanted the Threatened music video with a house a lot of web and...SPIDERS!!
Spiders anyone? :p
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


Ok, from what we have read so far, the book gathers a lot of information we all discussed so far but many other details and facts about the day of 25th june 2009 and the months before it.
What it is also interesting is that she also gives links to articles and videos to sustain
her point of view...
From the first pages it seems that MJ had indeed a good reason to fake his death, as there was even a petition on-line for people who wanted him dead, and it seems the FBI knew about it...
It also raises qustions about Tohme not being who he is, and that he was indeed fired in may 2009.
She also finds it strange that, even if Michael had passed several exams before the announcement,
there were head-lines everywhere in the press, long before, that he was ill and even dying...
It's a very interesting reading.

If Thome was fired, then did AEG rehire him or did he work with Colony Capital- as he was with Randy Phillips at the hospital in that video on the day MJ passed?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


Ok, from what we have read so far, the book gathers a lot of information we all discussed so far but many other details and facts about the day of 25th june 2009 and the months before it.
What it is also interesting is that she also gives links to articles and videos to sustain
her point of view...
From the first pages it seems that MJ had indeed a good reason to fake his death, as there was even a petition on-line for people who wanted him dead, and it seems the FBI knew about it...
It also raises qustions about Tohme not being who he is, and that he was indeed fired in may 2009.
She also finds it strange that, even if Michael had passed several exams before the announcement,
there were head-lines everywhere in the press, long before, that he was ill and even dying...
It's a very interesting reading.

how come I can't find this on ?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

MJ also said that he wanted the Threatened music video with a house a lot of web and...SPIDERS!!
Spiders anyone? :p

looking too much into it...
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

how come I can't find this on ?

its rite here --->

But you know what pisses me off, even though I bought this book, I'm mad that I had to pay for it. Because we, the fans, have come up with most of the research and for free. We didnt charge anyone money to read it, we just wanted to put it out there. Why couldnt she do the same? The book is already electronic anyway, she could have just shared it on her website or something. But hey, money makes the word go round rite?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I think so,without any offense intended. Some people go so far as looking into the Wiz for clues... I mean, come on...

And this group on FB, I'm alive and I'm here forever has the silliest pictures and explanations, for example - " AHA! Elizabeth Taylor is wearing red lipstick and yellow earrings, that connects to Liberian Girl "

Even if it were a hoax, do you really believe he'd go so far into details?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Even if it were a hoax, do you really believe he'd go so far into details?

No. :) The best hoax is the simplest one without any clues (and mistakes)..

I said this before, if you had a reason to fake your death, you wouldn't be leaving a million clues (or telling people) as it defeats the whole purpose..

There's no sense in faking your death if anyone (in this case us) can sit across a computer and connect the dots using Google.
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

its rite here --->

But you know what pisses me off, even though I bought this book, I'm mad that I had to pay for it. Because we, the fans, have come up with most of the research and for free. We didnt charge anyone money to read it, we just wanted to put it out there. Why couldnt she do the same? The book is already electronic anyway, she could have just shared it on her website or something. But hey, money makes the word go round rite?

Money does make the world go round. What do you think of it though?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Money does make the world go round. What do you think of it though?

It's pretty telling. I'm at work now but I'm pretty sure I'll be done with it by tonite so I will post an overall summary for u guys :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

It's pretty telling. I'm at work now but I'm pretty sure I'll be done with it by tonite so I will post an overall summary for u guys :)

Cool thanks! I thought it was gonna be free too! I didn't want to pay for stuff I seen, read and noticed for the past 11 months already!

But, I was like I really wanna know the stuff she said that no one else have said yet and she discovered! lol So thanks for buying and for what u will share! :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I think it's important to post this :

A few days ago, someone was verbally attacking the fanbase and when they came to attacking those fans who believe he is alive and this situation is a hoax, I felt the need to defend them although I personally do not believe he is alive.

It reminded me that no matter what our views, we are in this together and it's all for love. We don't agree sometimes but we are family and families sometimes argue.