The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Little by little the hoax will be revealed. On June, 21 hoax will be revealed to the world and...BAM.

Let's see what happens on this day shall we??? ;0)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Little by little the hoax will be revealed. On June, 21 hoax will be revealed to the world and...BAM.

Let's see what happens on this day shall we??? ;0)

it would be absolutely fantastic if this were true.....i'm a dreamer....
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^^ so I'm a dreamer too... It's just... too dreamy to be true. But thanks for posting. I am just wondering, what this BOW-person is going to say on June 21st and then on 25th, if none of her predictions is gonna to happen.
And still, IMO if Michael had to fake his death to actually save his life, I don't think he'd do any BAM-things, when this danger will be over and he'll be able to reveal the truth.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^^ so I'm a dreamer too... It's just... too dreamy to be true. But thanks for posting. I am just wondering, what this BOW-person is going to say on June 21st and then on 25th, if none of her predictions is gonna to happen.
And still, IMO if Michael had to fake his death to actually save his life, I don't think he'd do any BAM-things, when this danger will be over and he'll be able to reveal the truth.

I agree....i wonder too if BOW really realizes what she is doing if he's not alive..
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I know. -_- But...................

I have not seen the footage made by that "camera man". Why have we not seen that footage? :scratch:Yep, there are many things we have not seen yet.

As I said prior, this footage is in the movie, This Is It. Watch your DVD and you'll see it on there.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

she will not care about how much she hurt Michael's fans when it comes out that Michael is not alive...she will simply say...Ir was a hoax and hoaxes are a lie. Its up to the individual if they chose to believe it or not, She does not care she she hurts with this hoax
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I agree....i wonder too if BOW really realizes what she is doing if he's not alive..

she will not care about how much she hurt Michael's fans when it comes out that Michael is not alive...she will simply say...Ir was a hoax and hoaxes are a lie. Its up to the individual if they chose to believe it or not, She does not care she she hurts with this hoax

she wouldn't care. you need to understand that this is probably either a delusional person who really believes what she says or a narcissistic personality that's doing this for attention and enjoying all the people that asks her questions, reads, comments, copies her answers and believes her... In the end she'll either come up with another reason for nothing happening and continue to believe that or just sit back and enjoy how many people she was able to deceive.

and no I don't believe this person even for a second. Even if you think that Michael is alive and had to fake his death for whatever reason, any reasonable human being can conclude that he'll not be telling people that he's alive or even if he did these people would be sworn to secrecy (and not posting information on the Internet) as it defeats the whole purpose of faking death.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

BOW bores me! She/He reveals nothing! Just repeats stuff we already know!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Little by little the hoax will be revealed. On June, 21 hoax will be revealed to the world and...BAM.

Let's see what happens on this day shall we??? ;0)
I really can not understand why people cling to dates and numbers. :mello: (Ok, TS makes a great play with numbers and dates. Do something all nice and well elaborated it seems that only makes it in life. And of course, is someone good at math and with extensive knowledge of numerology. :smilerolleyes: BOW... I will not comment. lol! :smilerolleyes:) To me it makes no sense. Many believers have become desperate at Easter and what happened? Nothing. -_-

As I said prior, this footage is in the movie, This Is It. Watch your DVD and you'll see it on there.
Yes, I know (I said in my previous post). I remembered this and in my dvd is in the extras. :cheeky:

Even if you think that Michael is alive and had to fake his death for whatever reason, any reasonable human being can conclude that he'll not be telling people that he's alive or even if he did these people would be sworn to secrecy (and not posting information on the Internet) as it defeats the whole purpose of faking death.
100% :agree:
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

"Posted on 5/18/2010, 10:14 p.m. - user BlackorWhite

Little by little the hoax will be revealed. On June, 21 hoax will be revealed to the world and...BAM."

Posted on 5/18/2010, 10:56 p.m. - user BlackorWhite

June 21st will be the sensational development and we'll find out that nobody is in the grave.. The BAM will not be that day..Because it will take another days to give more clues and evidence that Michael is alive, isn't it?

You've got it. Piece by piece."

LMAO! How quickly they changed their minds!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

BOW bores me! She/He reveals nothing! Just repeats stuff we already know!

I agree! I skip most of what is posted....
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

she will not care about how much she hurt Michael's fans when it comes out that Michael is not alive...she will simply say...Ir was a hoax and hoaxes are a lie. Its up to the individual if they chose to believe it or not, She does not care she she hurts with this hoax
i agree,and what people forget is,mj haters who tried to hurt mj will go to any lengths to cause hurt,i,m talking about bow,nobody knows who she is,she could be an mj hater making up all these lies and enjoying all the hurt and upset she is going to cause with her lies,i really do hope this is not the case,i would give anything for micchael to be here,but since we are getting closer to the 1st anniversary of, well you know,i,m loosing hope of everything,
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Hook (1991 Film)

In the film Hook, Captain James Hook is played by Dustin Hoffman. Hook kidnaps the children of a now adult Peter to lure his arch-enemy back to Neverland after seveal years away. He then negotiates with Tinker Bell to let the out-of-shape Peter have three days to rekindle his spirit. He is somewhat depressed since Peter Pan, now named Peter Banning (played by Robin Williams), has left Neverland, and worries he has nothing left to accomplish, having killed the crocodile and made it into a foundation for a clock tower. He wants to have a grand war with Peter to end all wars on Neverland, but is upset to learn Peter has grown up and has forgotten everything about his past. He also has grown tired of killing Lost Boys. In one scene, he attempts to shoot himself, after which he comments, "Death is the only great adventure I have left."He keeps a clock museum full of broken clocks, since he becomes gripped with fear when he hears one ticking, possibly because of the crocodile or the reminder of his old age. Ultimately, this phobia is one of the factors that leads to his defeat.
At the same time, Hook attempts to brainwash Peter's children to his side by saying their father never loved them, and he is successful with Peter's son, Jack, who Peter already had a strained relationship with, although Peter's daughter Maggie retains her faith in her father. Eventually, Peter returns to rescue his children, and to give Hook the final battle he desires. Having won back Jack's loyalty after Hook kills Rufio, the leader of the Lost Boys, in front of Jack, Peter and Hook engage in a final duel amid a circle of Lost Boys holding him at bay with clocks, and is apparently "eaten" by the crocodile who seems to temporarily come back to life and falls on top of him. His final words are: "I want my mummy!"
In the film, Hook's hook is on his left hand due to Hoffman being right-handed, and has other attachments besides the hook, including a goblet and a pointer. He dresses very elegantly with a gold-trimmer red coat, matching hat, and a wig that hides his balding head. He keeps a ceremonial captain's sword at his side, but switches it for a proper dueling sword when fighting Rufio and Peter.

Hook (1991)

Jack: Who is that, Captain?
Captain Hook: It's Peter Pan. Has it been three days? 'Tis true, Peter, time does fly. And so do you, I see.

Captain James Hook: [to Peter as he traps him and grinds his hook near his face] You know you're not really Peter Pan, don't you? This is only a dream. When you wake up, you'll just be Peter Banning - a cold, selfish man who drinks too much, is obsessed with success, and runs and hides from his wife and children!

Captain James Hook: Prepare to die, Peter Pan!
Peter Banning: To die would be a grand adventure!
Captain James Hook: Death is the only adventure you have left!
Captain Hook: I have waited long to shake your hand with this. Peter Pan, prepare to meet thy doom!
[draws sword]
Peter Banning: [draws sword] Dark and sinister man, have at thee.

Captain Hook: He'll crow. He'll fight. He'll fly. And then... he'll die.

Captain Hook: Where's the carpet, Smee?

Peter Pan: I remember you being a lot bigger.
Captain Hook: To a ten year-old I'm huge.

Captain Hook: [yells after Peter who is leaving with Jack, Maggie, and the Lost Boys] Peter! Where are you going? Come back here and fight me! Or I'll find you wherever you are, you hear me? Bad form, Peter, come back!
Maggie: You need a mother very, very badly!

Captain Hook: Oh, I hate being disappointed, Smee. And I hate living in this flawed body. And I hate living in Neverland. And I hate... I hate... I *hate* Peter Pan!

Smee: I've just had an apostrophe.
Captain Hook: I think you mean an epiphany.
Smee: [gestures his fingers to his head] Lightning has just struck my brain.
Captain Hook: Well, that must hurt.

Captain Hook: What would the world be like without Captain Hook?

[in the Museum where all clocks are destroyed. Hook hands Jack a hammer to destroy his father's watch]
Captain James Hook: You know you want to. Give it a try. Go on.
Jack: This is for... never letting me blow bubbles in my chocolate milk!
[smashes his father's watch]
Captain James Hook: Good form! Bravo!
Smee: Isn't that wonderful?
Jack: This is for never letting me jump on my own bed!
[smashes another clock]
Captain James Hook: Make time stand still, laddie.
Jack: For always making promises and breaking them!
[smashes another clock]
Jack: For never doing anything with me.
[smashes another clock]
Captain James Hook: For a father who's never there, Jack? Jack, for a father who didn't save you on the ship.
Jack: [starts to cry] Who wouldn't save us...
Captain James Hook: Who *couldn’t* save you, Jack.
Jack: [tearfully] Well, he - he wouldn't. And he didn't even try. He was there and we were there and he wouldn't try.
[pulls his cap down as he cries]
Captain James Hook: [pulls his cap up] Jack... he will try. And the question will be: When the time comes, do you want to be saved? Now, don't you answer now. No, no, no, no, no. Now it's time to be whatever you want to be. Put behind you any thoughts of home; that place of broken promises.
Jack: That what?
Captain James Hook: Have I ever made a promise, Jack... I have not kept?
[gives him a baseball]
Captain James Hook: Have I, son?

Captain James Hook: No stopping me this time, Smee. This is it. Don't make a move Smee, not a step. My finger's on the trigger. Don't try to stop me, Smee.
Smee: Oh, not again.
Captain James Hook: This is it. Don't try to stop me this time, Smee. Don't try to stop me this time, Smee. Don't you dare try to stop me this time, Smee, try to stop me. Smee, you'd better get up off your ass. Get over here, Smee!
Smee: I'm coming. I'm coming.
Captain James Hook: Stop me! This is not a joke! I'm committing suicide!
[Smee makes the gun go off which aims at the toy ship in the pool model]
Captain James Hook: Don't ever frighten me like that again.
Smee: I'm sorry.
Captain James Hook: What are you? Some kind of a sadist?
Smee: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. How do you feel now?
Captain James Hook: I want to die.
Smee: [kisses him] Oh, now, now.
Captain James Hook: There's no adventure here.
Smee: [hold out Hook's gun] You call this no adventure?
Captain James Hook: Death is the only adventure I have left, Smee.

Trailer min 1.22

Captain James Hook: Prepare to die, Peter Pan!
Peter Banning: To die would be a grand adventure!

Captain James Hook: Death is the only adventure you have left!


[/COLOR]Movie min 1:00
Captain James Hook: Prepare to die, Peter Pan!
Peter Banning: To die would be a grand adventure!
Captain James Hook: Death is the only adventure you have left!


Trailer Adventure is waiting Peter Pan & Sunflower
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

"Posted on 5/18/2010, 10:14 p.m. - user BlackorWhite

Little by little the hoax will be revealed. On June, 21 hoax will be revealed to the world and...BAM."

Posted on 5/18/2010, 10:56 p.m. - user BlackorWhite

June 21st will be the sensational development and we'll find out that nobody is in the grave.. The BAM will not be that day..Because it will take another days to give more clues and evidence that Michael is alive, isn't it?

You've got it. Piece by piece."

LMAO! How quickly they changed their minds!

I dont understand what you mean by changing minds?

BOW said june 21st is when the reveal will start (piece by piece) then Michael will show himself (bam) - and not necessarily on the same day.

Only a month to wait to see if she was lying then i suppose!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

if we're here about to talk about informers and co. ;)
Does someone know anything about this twitter account: ?
Someone told me, he was sure it is Grace or someone who's near to the Children, because this person wrote on twitter, they're gonna be at Grammy's before we even knew it. Now this person is tweeting about rehearsals and so...
On the other hand this person is tweeting some quotes from Wizard of Oz, which I found odd, kinda... I mean: it's not a game for me. I am so denial, I think I am going nuts, trying to find something, that probably isn't there...

Edit: I know we're all focused on BOW, So I just write here quaietly...
now, on this account somebody has written about big trip and then "Safari". Jaafar Jackson on his twitter wrote yesterday, they're going to Africa. I know, it's probably someone who's an observer of sth what's going on...
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

if we're here about to talk about informers and co. ;)
Does someone know anything about this twitter account: ?
Someone told me, he was sure it is Grace or someone who's near to the Children, because this person wrote on twitter, they're gonna be at Grammy's before we even knew it. Now this person is tweeting about rehearsals and so...
On the other hand this person is tweeting some quotes from Wizard of Oz, which I found odd, kinda... I mean: it's not a game for me. I am so denial, I think I am going nuts, trying to find something, that probably isn't there...

This person still talks about the kids however Grace has since been fired so it cant be her.

I think its just another faker how got lucky guessing that the kids would be at the Grammy's
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I dont understand what you mean by changing minds?

BOW said june 21st is when the reveal will start (piece by piece) then Michael will show himself (bam) - and not necessarily on the same day.

Only a month to wait to see if she was lying then i suppose!

Ya, I misunderstood it....I think? Because! BOW first says: "Little by little the hoax will be revealed.

Then says: "On June, 21 hoax will be revealed to the world and...BAM."

Sounds like two different things to me?! Until someone ask them then they say "Piece by piece"! That's why I was a little o_O confused! :p

Anyway, I rather listen to TIAI instead if it's gonna be about predictions! lol because BOW don't really say much in my opinion!

But, ya never know....
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This video mentiones MJ3 however I can assure you that they are not in this video. The reason I am sharing this video is it shows Tohme & Philips arriving at UCLA together (@ 2mins). Ive never seen this video before but it shows June 25th from another perspective:

Some things are just odd about this video.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

soo... just went on to see what blackorwhite has to say and she has this on her page... countdown to bam..
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

soo... just went on to see what blackorwhite has to say and she has this on her page... countdown to bam..

.....this is cruel.....(not you arabian girl).....:no:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

soo... just went on to see what blackorwhite has to say and she has this on her page... countdown to bam..

Can someone tell me who is owning the old HIStory MJ logo as seen there? I thought it was a registered trademark with someone else? I heard two different accounts. One said Triumph International and the second version I forgot. So, who owns it? Sounds pretty strange to use an old logo that wandered through many hands.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Well, Well Well, Next month on the 24th or 25th he be back? Okay! Man BOW is really stating a date here! For their sake they better be right because who's gonna believe them after that?

However, MJ message is what's important here not when he'll come back! Cause for me this hoax carries a message and I hope those who follow it know what it is already? Because if all u want is MJ to come back just to come back then u totally missed HIS/THE MESSAGE!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Well, Well Well, Next month on the 24th or 25th he be back? Okay! Man BOW is really stating a date here! For their sake they better be right because who's gonna believe them after that?

However, MJ message is what's important here not when he'll come back! Cause for me this hoax carries a message and I hope those who follow it know what it is already? Because if all u want is MJ to come back just to come back then u totally missed HIS/THE MESSAGE!

o no no no!! dont u worry! i hear the message loud and clear, ive been hearing it in his music for years. it doesnt take a hoax for me to understand what MJ is all about. I just want to have him back. Hoax or no Hoax his message is heard and carried on! :angel:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

o no no no!! dont u worry! i hear the message loud and clear, ive been hearing it in his music for years. it doesnt take a hoax for me to understand what MJ is all about. I just want to have him back. Hoax or no Hoax his message is heard and carried on! :angel:

i agree! :clapping: :angel:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Boy, that BOW person is going to receive a lot of hate e-mails if that day comes and goes and nothing happens. For that person's sake, I hope BOW is right, because if not, the backlash from Michael fans across the globe will be a very nasty one. :no:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Boy, that BOW person is going to receive a lot of hate e-mails if that day comes and goes and nothing happens. For that person's sake, I hope BOW is right, because if not, the backlash from Michael fans across the globe will be a very nasty one. :no:

Lol, if that person is really trying to play with our minds, i do not think she'll cry because of hate emails lol.
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Lol, if that person is really trying to play with our minds, i do not think she'll cry because of hate emails lol.

It's not about how she feels, just the fact that she'll make a lot of enemies if all this stuff is proven to be untrue.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Its been noted that in the credits to This Is It, there is a list of people who are oddly thanked:

Michael Jackson wanted to thank the Choreographers who collaborated with him on past works.

Ok, that`s the first strange thing. Did he say: "In case I die, please thank my ex-choreographers?"

These are the names:

Michael Peeters
Vincent Patterson
George Burge (Bad)
LaVelle Smith, Jr
Barry Lather (Ghosts)
Courtney Miller, Jr.
Talaluega Bros (Ghosts)
Travis Payne

I only checked three of them yet.. but it`s not

Michael Peeters, it`s Michael Peters

It`s not Vincent Patterson, it`s Vincent Paterson

IT´s not George Burge, it`s Gregg Burge

It`s not LaVelle Smith, Jr, LaVelle Smith Jnr

It`s not Talaluega Bros , it`s Talauega Bros.

So apart from those names being wrong, why thank people from the past?

But wait................there's more!

Michael Jackson wished to acknowledge the memory of Stan Winston and David Williams

With Special Thanks To

Michael Jackson Personal Staff

  • Evvy Tavasci
  • Miko Brando
  • Craig Johnson
Michael Jackson wanted to acknowledge the following individuals for their love, support and service over the years

MJJ Productions Family

  • Bill Bray
  • Gary Hearne
  • Wayne Nagin
  • Lee Tucker
  • Bob Alexander
  • Bruce Richards
  • Barbara McCart
  • Mike LaPerruque
  • Joe Wilcots
  • Dave Dave
  • Narcisse Neely
Neverland Family

  • Joe Marcus
  • Tracy Chaput
  • Maria Gomez
  • Violet Silva
  • Jaime Velasco
  • Curtis Gordon
  • Dan Boneck
  • Francisco Lopez
  • Rudolfo Lozano
  • Jimmy Van Norman
Hayvenhurst Family

  • Janice L. Smith
  • Jesus Velasco
  • Carmen Velasco
  • Abel Sanchez
  • Jorge Gama
