The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


I wish they wouldn't do stuff like this...we all now know that the estate has signed for a contract with this circus. I wish with all my heart that Michael was still here to take part in this he isn't...and seeing things like this only makes me feel worse....depressing..:cry:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This video mentiones MJ3 however I can assure you that they are not in this video. The reason I am sharing this video is it shows Tohme & Philips arriving at UCLA together (@ 2mins). Ive never seen this video before but it shows June 25th from another perspective:

Some things are just odd about this video.

so yeah why are tohme and Randy arriving at the hospital together??.....that is odd.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This video mentiones MJ3 however I can assure you that they are not in this video. The reason I am sharing this video is it shows Tohme & Philips arriving at UCLA together (@ 2mins). Ive never seen this video before but it shows June 25th from another perspective:

Some things are just odd about this video.
It's sooooooo fast (at 2:02). It's strange the two come together and very suspicious. :unsure: :scratch: And the output of cars, I just saw La Toya and Katie.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Some of the list of people he thanks make no sense what they gotta do with him doing this is it? Especially people he choreographed with in the past that is just strange! And what's up with the misspelling of their names, that's just messed up Sony! lol

The thanks you's read like a farewell letter for being part of his JOURNEY!

But, for all that shouldn't Berry Gordy have been thanked too? Quincy, and Elizabeth Taylor! Just saying!

Very weird!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Its been noted that in the credits to This Is It, there is a list of people who are oddly thanked:

Ok, that`s the first strange thing. Did he say: "In case I die, please thank my ex-choreographers?"

These are the names:

I only checked three of them yet.. but it`s not

Michael Peeters, it`s Michael Peters

It`s not Vincent Patterson, it`s Vincent Paterson

IT´s not George Burge, it`s Gregg Burge

It`s not LaVelle Smith, Jr, LaVelle Smith Jnr

It`s not Talaluega Bros , it`s Talauega Bros.

So apart from those names being wrong, why thank people from the past?

But wait................there's more!


Pretty sloppy to get the names wrong - kind of like the will, but the thanking of past choreographers probably has to do with the dance moves that go with each song that a choreographer collaborated with - those might have been going to be in the credits for the tour.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This video mentiones MJ3 however I can assure you that they are not in this video. The reason I am sharing this video is it shows Tohme & Philips arriving at UCLA together (@ 2mins). Ive never seen this video before but it shows June 25th from another perspective:

Some things are just odd about this video.

Creepy that Tohme & Phillips are together. So much for Tohme being fired or perhaps he was hired by AEG? I wish Tohme had done that interview with Larry King. Leiweke said in an interview that he knew about MJ at 12:30 so Phillips must have known shortly before.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

It makes no sense that Tohme Tohme is totally ignored by the media! He did one TV interview that I can recall shorty after June 25th and that's it! Where the hell is he at? Why nobody mentions him anymore after MJ himself in tapes said this guy is no good, how can people not do anything about that, no investigation? That's CRAZY!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Mike Jackson - Editor
Yes because we know MJ was in Edit Room with Kenny for a week.

Vincent Paterson
He works all around the globe and is currently directing and writing Cirque Du Soleil's "Elvis" set to open at Las Vegas' CityCenter in 2009.

MJJ Productions Family

Bill Bray
Gary Hearne
Wayne Nagin
Lee TuckerBob Alexander
Bruce Richards
Barbara McCart
Mike LaPerruque
Joe Wilcots
Dave Dave
Narcisse Neely
When did Dave Dave work for MJJProductions?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Guys.. I looked through the last pages quickly but didnt see this posted (sorry if its already been!) and take a look at this. I dont know if its something to go on or not/if it's a long shot or not hehe.

I saw someone post here that sunflowers is a herb of immortality and protection ruled by the Sun and now with all the sunflowers-stuff going on I saw this on anoter site and thought this might be interesting. In "This Is It" movie you can see sunflowers. When MJ is performing Thriller you can see sunflowers at the 0:23-0:24 mark on right hand side of the screen at the top. There ARE sunflowers on the graves on the set (look very very closely, its hard to tell) and one of his zombie-dancers in Thriller is also wearing sunflowers on his hat.


sunflowers at the 0:23-0:24 mark on right hand side of the screen at the top
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

good observation. damn that is freaky.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the o2 stage round?? So how does it make sense to rehearse for the TII tour on staples stage?? Wouldn't MJ need to alter his perotmances so that they fit in with the stage. Like the toaster things in the ground and the cherry picker and smooth criminal entrance and leaving on MJ Air. Doesn't make sense....
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the o2 stage round?? So how does it make sense to rehearse for the TII tour on staples stage?? Wouldn't MJ need to alter his perotmances so that they fit in with the stage. Like the toaster things in the ground and the cherry picker and smooth criminal entrance and leaving on MJ Air. Doesn't make sense....

noo it can be any shape the performer wants... usually a rectangle.. i would have though it would have been similar to the staples stage :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

noo it can be any shape the performer wants... usually a rectangle.. i would have though it would have been similar to the staples stage :)
o ok. Thx for clearing that up. I was really confused about how the concert would have been done. lol!!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Its been noted that in the credits to This Is It, there is a list of people who are oddly thanked:

MJJ Productions Family

Bill Bray
Gary Hearne
Wayne Nagin
Lee Tucker
Bob Alexander
Bruce Richards
Barbara McCart
Mike LaPerruque
Joe Wilcots
Dave Dave
Narcisse Neely

In what way was Dave Dave associated with MJJ Productions? Never heard of that before..

/Jonflip Jonflip
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

There ARE sunflowers on the graves on the set (look very very closely, its hard to tell) and one of his zombie-dancers in Thriller is also wearing sunflowers on his hat.


sunflowers at the 0:23-0:24 mark on right hand side of the screen at the top
Yes.... I always knew that Michael liked sunflowers, but I really do not remember seeing sunflowers at Neverland. :scratch:Michael could have planted many sunflowers in Neverland if he wanted.

Everything that Michael has made symbology and great significance. And I still bet it must have a lot hidden in rechearsals that we can not yet see. :bugeyed
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Yes.... I always knew that Michael liked sunflowers, but I really do not remember seeing sunflowers at Neverland. :scratch:Michael could have planted many sunflowers in Neverland if he wanted.

Everything that Michael has made symbology and great significance. And I still bet it must have a lot hidden in rechearsals that we can not yet see. :bugeyed

I don't remember seeing any sunflowers either. Perhaps someone else does?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I don't remember seeing any sunflowers either. Perhaps someone else does?
Yes, Michael had many flowers in the gardens of Neverland and I still can not remember having had sunflowers there.

In rechearsals, maybe Michael just used the sunflower as the symbology meaning that the flower represents.

Like the sunflower, I believe Michael coming out of spider is also of great significance. Once a friend told me about the movie "The Lord of the Rings" (sure, Michael watched this movie) in which the main character is swallowed by the spider and is supposedly "killed" by her. Everyone thinks he died and he suddenly comes alive.


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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Yes, Michael had many flowers in the gardens of Neverland and I still can not remember having had sunflowers there.

In rechearsals, maybe Michael just used the sunflower as the symbology meaning that the flower represents.

Like the sunflower, I believe Michael coming out of spider is also of great significance. Once a friend told me about the movie "The Lord of the Rings" (sure, Michael watched this movie) in which the main character is swallowed by the spider and is supposedly "killed" by her. Everyone thinks he died and he suddenly comes alive. :unsure:

I don't think the spider is swallowing Frodo, simply "stinging" (as opposed to biting him) him with a paralyzing agent and cocooning him with silk to keep him fresh for later consumption.
I don't think anybody got swallowed, neither in the book, nor the movie. Nor does Frodo seem to want to appear dead to fool anyone, his fight is described.

Sam takes the ring because he thinks Frodo is dead but later hears from 2 orks that the spider only paralyzes- I guess you need to find 2 orks now who work for Sauron. :cheeky:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I don't think the spider is swallowing Frodo, simply "stinging" (as opposed to biting him) him with a paralyzing agent and cocooning him with silk to keep him fresh for later consumption.
I don't think anybody got swallowed, neither in the book, nor the movie.

Sam takes the ring because he thinks Frodo is dead but later hears from 2 orks that the spider only paralyzes- I guess you need to find 2 orks now who work for Sauron. :cheeky:
Yes, that's exactly and I posted the video. -_-


Just to explain my thinking: Michael may have been inspired by this spider and made an adaptation for Thriller and certainly has some meaning that we do not know... yet. Again... Michael uses more symbolism that has any significance.
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Yes, that's exactly and I posted the video. -_-


You added the video after I pointed out that the spider didn't swallow him. But thanks anyway. Or maybe it occurred to do the actual fact checking which in any case if good.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Guys.. I looked through the last pages quickly but didnt see this posted (sorry if its already been!) and take a look at this. I dont know if its something to go on or not/if it's a long shot or not hehe.

I saw someone post here that sunflowers is a herb of immortality and protection ruled by the Sun and now with all the sunflowers-stuff going on I saw this on anoter site and thought this might be interesting. In "This Is It" movie you can see sunflowers. When MJ is performing Thriller you can see sunflowers at the 0:23-0:24 mark on right hand side of the screen at the top. There ARE sunflowers on the graves on the set (look very very closely, its hard to tell) and one of his zombie-dancers in Thriller is also wearing sunflowers on his hat.


sunflowers at the 0:23-0:24 mark on right hand side of the screen at the top

The only time I recall seeing a sunflower+Michael Jackson in one space was during performances of the Earth Song.


So that of course means he's alive and planned his hoax death from the 90ies on. No? :D

P.S.: Nobody is stoning anyone, Ashtanga. Just checking every once in a while for facts. If people want to go all symbolic they need to be exact. Because between the trash can watching, putting up sighting websites with pictures of him when he was still alive and minor wrong details some more accuracy could do the "hoax" well.
So feel free to give me "reputation" again like the last time, just please don't say anybody is stoning anyone. Unless we're watching Monty Python, of course. Peace. *SUNFLOWER*
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

So that of course means he's alive and planned his hoax deatch from the 90ies on. No? :D

That was an irony. :smilerolleyes: But for me, the answer to your question is: No. I do not believe it >>>> years planning the hoax. -_- I think it sounds a bit surreal and ridiculous or....

Just thinking: But this (hoax) would not be something that could be planned in months, then it would take some time.


P.S.: Nobody is stoning anyone, Ashtanga. Just checking every once in a while for facts. If people want to go all symbolic they need to be exact. Because between the trash can watching, putting up sighting websites with pictures of him when he was still alive and minor wrong details some more accuracy could do the "hoax" well.
So feel free to give me "reputation" again like the last time, just please don't say anybody is stoning anyone. Unless we're watching Monty Python, of course. Peace. *SUNFLOWER*

It was just a metaphorical way of saying. You know, the hoax is a polemic subject and people who talk about it are usually "stoned" in some way by others. I just did not want to take that risk.


Peace..... :angel:
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I am rewatching the TII extras right now and noticed that sunflower images were projected onto Light Man. (around 13 minute mark of the first feature)
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I am rewatching the TII extras right now and noticed that sunflower images were protected onto Light Man. (around 13 minute mark of the first feature)

ur right!! here it is!! coincidence number 9274927460197420
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

if michael loved Sunflowers, it makes sense that he used it so much. however.. I agree it appears now in many different places like never before.

regarding to Earth Song, I think the sunflower and what you said it represents serves the idea of the song. like in the Short Film.. there's a massive mess and destruction, and then comes the reconstruction. could mean he knows about the symbolic thing.
but could also mean - he really loves sunflowers.

Please Keep in mind that everything u see has a thought behind it and just because it's a background thing [like the dancer] doesn't mean it just 'happened to be' like that. but again this time the thought could be just "sunflowers are super cute".
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

ur right!! here it is!! coincidence number 9274927460197420


To me the sunflowers on Light Man that were gonna be used must symbolize something! Cause all u gotta do is look at the rest of what was shown on light man in the movie, like Princess Diana, Nelson Mandela, the Berlin Wall and it is obvious....well to me it is! :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Sometimes I have a feeling that I am in the biggest reality show in the world.
Are we ?!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Sometimes I have a feeling that I am in the biggest reality show in the world.
Are we ?!
Yeah I know what you mean.

Nice find btw of the sunflowers in lightman. Although I'm not sure if it can mean something....

Edit: Did you guys see this on

I saw Navi perform this night, it was really awesome, I captured the whole show with my camera, gonna upload it to youtube tomorrow..
He said one thing that made me wonder.. he talked about michael in present tense all the time then he said:

"I gotto say one more thing.............. But it's the michael jackson fans that keep him going, thank you very much"

So we keep him going..? We still do? Well that's good

Navi was really great, better than I excepted, very impressed, stay tuned, gonna edit the video and you can watch the whole show tomorrow on youtube in HD!

Does Navi know what we know?
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Interesting reading today ... especially with regards to the thank you's in TII credits - I noticed this before then shrugged it off in my depression that Michael isn't with us - it does seem rather odd though doesn't it? Also do you think the names could be spelt wrong on purpose -e .g anagrams or code. Interesting to see all the sunflower symbolism, I didn't notice it in TII before. Thanks everyone, it gets more and more interesting each day....