The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Great video.
But the last part with the poster is kinda forced...

Same... i was thinking why the need to put that.. i agree it is similar how she is sitting but there is nothing significant that i can see about that...?

It is really interesting about the sequence of images, you see them so quickly in the film thinking nothing of them but when you look closer it seems they were very well thought out! :yes:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Concerto Michael Jackson

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Michael Jackson

Lunedì 7 Giugno 2010


Fat Sam's
31 South Ward Road
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Michael Jackson
Concert or Tribute? :scratch:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Concert or Tribute? :scratch:

???? But it lists Performers as Michael Jackson.:scratch:

Here is a new video:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Michael is not the only artist in the family!

I wonder if it is ok posting it here? Please let me know if it is okay!

I read it online too, on this amazing site! It is chapter "A Setting The Stage - The Writing was on the Wall: Talking About Dying Young"
I'll post one line, and if its ok to post the rest, I'll do!
"...To disappear is very important..."
When I read that, I was like... :no: no no no no no no nooooooooooo! He CANNOT do this to me, to his fans!
If you read the book, you will see that ALL the children in the World meant everything, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. to Michael! Not only his own children, ALL children!
He also says (in that same chapter) that he would choose death if it weren't for children.
So my thoughts are: 1- He decided to completely disappear, and noone will ever see his face again (*read the chapter*). 2- Did he "give up" because he was not allowed to keep children around him anymore? After 2005 things got pretty ugly for him, I dont think he could have children around him like he did B4 2005. I believe things changed after 2005. I dont know! Was he allowed to keep children around him after 2005?
I think Michael started to slowly die after 2005. Cruel people that made him go through that! CRUEL! :cry:

THAT is the only thing that made me think "what if...". But again, many many facts are much stronger than the "what if".

UGH! :cry:
That exactly what impressed me the most in this book,these words exactly...
people who destroyed him,made their work perfect with that "molestation" trial-they put dagger into his heart directly,his main goal in life and his ideals and his belief that all children are innocent and cannot do harm
-fans("hoax-believers") before starting their theories("movie theory" or reveange to tabloids etc.or other far-fetched things)need to think more about moral ,ethical aspect of it,remember what person Michael was,about his values,his spirituality,about all his life as total self-sacriface
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

That site is in another language and a bit confused. lol!

In English:

En Español:

In Deutsch:

En français:

In italiano: ((Also, here is a one more date, 25 April)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Thanks! :D

OMG! :doh: The dates are 2010. lol! And......

Friday 31 December 10
Мумий Тролль Гнёт Ель

Performers: Michael Jackson, Elton John , Village People
:doh: lol!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This one is really my last part ! Enjoy :)

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This one is really my last part ! Enjoy :)


Thank you for this. Another excellent job. But with the ammount of weird things that continually happen, I doubt it will be your last ;) :punk:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

???? But it lists Performers as Michael Jackson.:scratch:

Here is a new video:

I swear to God I wish this was true....this is breaking my heart even more..:cry:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This one is really my last part ! Enjoy :)


Great video, thanks for posting! At around 8:20, with Marlon and Randy's car did you hear somebody say "there's someone in the backseat" lol.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This one is really my last part ! Enjoy :)

Good work! :clapping:I'm sure not the last. :cheeky: :wild:

Great video, thanks for posting! At around 8:20, with Marlon and Randy's car did you hear somebody say "there's someone in the backseat" lol.
I think it had more than one person in the back seat. :scratch:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Great video, thanks for posting! At around 8:20, with Marlon and Randy's car did you hear somebody say "there's someone in the backseat" lol.

Yeah :) Actually he said 'Who's in the back seat' and I agree with him, whos in the back seat?lol
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Good work! :clapping:I'm sure not the last. :cheeky: :wild:

I think it had more than one person in the back seat. :scratch:


I think that too, I think you can see others but its hard to see..!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

hey guys i missed you today!! seems like u got a lot stuff posted! cant wait to soak it all in :p
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I think it had more than one person in the back seat. :scratch:

Yeah, I think there was. When you see whoever was in the back at first, it looks as if they're sat in the middle but then when you get the next glimpse of them there's somebody right up against the window.

The video was taken on Carolwood right?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Yeah, I think there was. When you see whoever was in the back at first, it looks as if they're sat in the middle but then when you get the next glimpse of them there's somebody right up against the window.

The video was taken on Carolwood right?

I think so, they were getting out of Michael's house.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Latoya most recent interview April 15th in Netherlands.

- She says that Michael knew he had to do what he had to do for the film. He didn't rehearse so the people knew they had to film when he did come that day.

- She says the MIichael in the film is not the Michael she knows, and that he only wanted to do the very best and this was not his best.

- She says Michael was being controlled by the people surrounding him, she can relate to that because that's exactly what happened to her.

- She says Michael died before going to the hospital.

- She says that more will be revealed eventually and we will not believe our ears ( something to that effect) she already knows what the real backstory to him dying is.

- She wanted the memorial to more presidential like, almost royal, but her mother didn't want to make it that grand and big. The family wanted every fan to be able to come appariantly.

- All the kids were crying when they were in the hospital. The kids were crying that they wanted to see him. So they were allowed to see him and touched him and since that day they haven't cried since.
- She believes there is a story to be told behind the death of Michael.

- They showed footage of Murray, the guy asked her who killed MIchael, she was quiet for a moment, says there are several people involved,Murray was the scapegoat, there is so much the world doesn't know, when you speak out it gets covered up. ( this part went a little fast so I need to see it again.)
- Says it's a very sad story.

- Says she is not going to let it pass by, says it is not fair to his children, the world etc.

- Says the investigators have never interviewed her, only one person in the family was questioned. She says that is very suspicious.

- This is like a magician she said, were watching one hand but no one is seeing the other hand with what is really going on. she said something more but I could not keep up, sorry
She says all of it will come out.
- she says : we need the fans to be on our side.

Last edited:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Yeah, I think there was. When you see whoever was in the back at first, it looks as if they're sat in the middle but then when you get the next glimpse of them there's somebody right up against the window.

The video was taken on Carolwood right?

Yes, it looks like someone has too white blouse in the back seat (or I'm seeing things. Lol!) :doh:

Latoya most recent interview April 15th in Netherlands.

- She says that Michael knew he had to do what he had to do for the film. He didn't rehearse so the people knew they had to film when he did come that day.

- She says the MIichael in the film is not the Michael she knows, and that he only wanted to do the very best and this was not his best.

- She says Michael was being controlled by the people surrounding him, she can relate to that because that's exactly what happened to her.

- She says Michael died before going to the hospital.

- She says that more will be revealed eventually and we will not believe our ears ( something to that effect) she already knows what the real backstory to him dying is.

- She wanted the memorial to more presidential like, almost royal, but her mother didn't want to make it that grand and big. The family wanted every fan to be able to come appariantly.

- All the kids were crying when they were in the hospital. The kids were crying that they wanted to see him. So they were allowed to see him and touched him and since that day they haven't cried since.
- She believes there is a story to be told behind the death of Michael.

- They showed footage of Murray, the guy asked her who killed MIchael, she was quiet for a moment, says there are several people involved,Murray was the scapegoat, there is so much the world doesn't know, when you speak out it gets covered up. ( this part went a little fast so I need to see it again.)
- Says it's a very sad story.

- Says she is not going to let it pass by, says it is not fair to his children, the world etc.

- Says the investigators have never interviewed her, only one person in the family was questioned. She says that is very suspicious.

- This is like a magician she said, were watching one hand but no one is seeing the other hand with what is really going on. she said something more but I could not keep up, sorry
She says all of it will come out.
- she says : we need the fans to be on our side.

La Toya is saying the same thing for centuries. :doh: If she knows things she does not have to be speaking in interviews. :doh: She has to tell the police. She is doing everything wrong. :sigh:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

- This is like a magician she said, were watching one hand but no one is seeing the other hand with what is really going on. she said something more but I could not keep up, sorry
She says all of it will come out.
- she says : we need the fans to be on our side.

LaToya and Jermaine say this often
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Latoya most recent interview April 15th in Netherlands.

- She says that Michael knew he had to do what he had to do for the film. He didn't rehearse so the people knew they had to film when he did come that day.

- She says the MIichael in the film is not the Michael she knows, and that he only wanted to do the very best and this was not his best.

- She says Michael was being controlled by the people surrounding him, she can relate to that because that's exactly what happened to her.

- She says Michael died before going to the hospital.

- She says that more will be revealed eventually and we will not believe our ears ( something to that effect) she already knows what the real backstory to him dying is.

- She wanted the memorial to more presidential like, almost royal, but her mother didn't want to make it that grand and big. The family wanted every fan to be able to come appariantly.

- All the kids were crying when they were in the hospital. The kids were crying that they wanted to see him. So they were allowed to see him and touched him and since that day they haven't cried since.
- She believes there is a story to be told behind the death of Michael.

- They showed footage of Murray, the guy asked her who killed MIchael, she was quiet for a moment, says there are several people involved,Murray was the scapegoat, there is so much the world doesn't know, when you speak out it gets covered up. ( this part went a little fast so I need to see it again.)
- Says it's a very sad story.

- Says she is not going to let it pass by, says it is not fair to his children, the world etc.

- Says the investigators have never interviewed her, only one person in the family was questioned. She says that is very suspicious.

- This is like a magician she said, were watching one hand but no one is seeing the other hand with what is really going on. she said something more but I could not keep up, sorry
She says all of it will come out.
- she says : we need the fans to be on our side.


thanks a lot for the summary. But may I ask this please: how did you feel about her when she gave those answers?? Did she sound genuine to u?

thanks a lot
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Apparently Macauley Culkin posted this on facebook yesterday:

"And, F.Y.I. guys, Chriss Angel's beLIEve has NOTHING to do with Michael. No, that is not Michael Jackson's eyes. No, his song isn't proof that he's alive. And NO, Michael did not fake his death. Thank you."
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Apparently Macauley Culkin posted this on facebook yesterday:

"And, F.Y.I. guys, Chriss Angel's beLIEve has NOTHING to do with Michael. No, that is not Michael Jackson's eyes. No, his song isn't proof that he's alive. And NO, Michael did not fake his death. Thank you."

Thx for posting.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Apparently Macauley Culkin posted this on facebook yesterday:

"And, F.Y.I. guys, Chriss Angel's beLIEve has NOTHING to do with Michael. No, that is not Michael Jackson's eyes. No, his song isn't proof that he's alive. And NO, Michael did not fake his death. Thank you."

was he ironic? :ph34r:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I think so, they were getting out of Michael's house.
are you both referring to the clip where randy and marlon are in the car 2 days after mjs death? because it looks like encino to me,
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

And it has pictures that are on the internet or print screens...

Ah I hadn't actually looked at the facebook before I posted it....

Ashamedly, I got it off MJDH :(
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I doubt that this is Macs real facebook.. many people seem to think so tho, judging from the photo comments.

hey I must have missed the discussion about what Uri said a few weeks ago, did someone appear on his show that next week or? did he explain who he was talking about?