The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

All I know is I was crying my eyes out.. and from those photos LaToya was acting like she was at any random party. I feel bad for saying it but thats how I feel. Again, sorry if I offend anyone...and sorry to LaToya if MJ really is gone.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I just ment that the fans seem to be taking it harder than the family..

ya i thought thats what u meant. ya i cant believe that I, a person who never met MJ took the news harder and was and still am very devastated by it. Im tryin to find out what happened to him and think about him constantly and the family seemed to move on rather fast. Even people around me tell me that im taking it too far and that im too obsessed with MJ. I havent listened to ANY other artist since June. but i just can bring myself to get over it. idl if i will..
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

All I know is I was crying my eyes out.. and from those photos LaToya was acting like she was at any random party. I feel bad for saying it but thats how I feel. Again, sorry if I offend anyone...and sorry to LaToya if MJ really is gone.
thats how i feel sometimes,i know we could never imagine what it could be like growing up in the spotlight like this family has,and i know we shouldn,t talk about other peoples emotions,because we don,t know how different people cope,but i just know that for the past 9 months i,ve been falling to bits,i,ve never been the same,and the family seemed to have moved on pretty quickly,it just makes me sad sometimes,
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

The family is the biggest reason that I believe the hoax. Their behaviour, reaction and slip ups are not of that from a grieving family.

Katherine is a very religious woman and I contribute her reactions to her conflict with her religion and her feelings towards her son. She would naturally be upset for him for having to go through this in order to redeem himself in the eyes of the world. Although thats just my assumption (based on comic written by Michael 'FATED') as we dont even know why Michael has done this.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Great to see you back in this thread Rockin..!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I just crapped myself, I was looking for this thread and couldn't find it at all. I was like "WTF, it's been deleted!?" and then I realized that I was in the case forum. :lol:

Anyway, the emotions and look on the family is mainly what's got me on the fence about the hoax. I see Janet at the BET awards, Paris at the memorial and Katherine at the funeral and I just think "No, it's must be real, how could they display that emotion if it wasn't" but then I think of all the inconsistencies, the slip-ups and their emotions at other events (though, it could be them just trying to put on a brave face) and I just don't know what to think, it's so hard to make up my mind.

If he is still with us then he better come out soon, I'm going out of my mind. :lol: Mike, if you're reading this, PM me. :giggle:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

So, I've just been looking around the forum and I found the thread about Latoya doing an interview in Ireland. The video was up on the website for 1 day and then it was gone, nobody can access it, I searched the site and the video can't be found along with any mention of her on their main site. If Latoya was doing an interview on Michael then surely that we be on their front page? But no, they seem to have removed any reference to it.

But some information about the video was posted (sorry to use your post, Emerald).

Apparently she talks about Murray being the fall guy. I know this could also relate to the Murder conspiracy (which is what she was talking about) but it also does with the hoax which of course if it is a hoax then Murray would be just that, the fall guy, for now...

Michael loved how the Irish people would be happy to see him, say "hello, how are you" but then leave him be.
There have been talks of Michael 'hiding out' in Ireland. It makes sense, I'm sure you can all imagine the Irish coasts, just one or two houses for miles. The perfect situation for someone who wants to 'get away'.

She often refers to Michael in the present tense.
I know when somebody dies, people can do this very often but Latoya's a big one for this. I'm not one to say how she feels or what she does but would you really talk about someone in the present tense if your in the middle of talking about their death? It does seem a little odd but hey maybe it is 'just one of those things.'
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Can you explain what video is it Kane ? From witch period ? I saw an interview with latoya claiming that Murray was the fall guy..
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I'm not too sure, I think she's said it in several interviews now though, it was posted last sunday (11th) but I've seen an article from that date claiming Latoya was in Malta. So, I'm assuming that it's either an old interview that's being brought up again or it was during the week and she went to Ireland before Malta.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I want him to be alive! But it doesnt mean I believe he is!
That's why I come here. Because I really would like to find something *real*, not theories!
All the "he misses", "he appreciates"... HE who?? Did they mention a name? No, they only said HE... which could be Joe, or any of the brothers.
They did not mention "MICHAEL misses" or "MICHAEL appreciates", did they??

There is ONE thing that when I first read I was like "WHAT? :blink:" and that is when I asked myself "what if... :(". But for me, the reality is much stronger than the "what if's".
I'm talking about the Rabbi's book! Did anyone here read the entire book?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I want him to be alive! But it doesnt mean I believe he is!
That's why I come here. Because I really would like to find something *real*, not theories!
All the "he misses", "he appreciates"... HE who?? Did they mention a name? No, they only said HE... which could be Joe, or any of the brothers.
They did not mention "MICHAEL misses" or "MICHAEL appreciates", did they??

There is ONE thing that when I first read I was like "WHAT? :blink:" and that is when I asked myself "what if... :(". But for me, the reality is much stronger than the "what if's".
I'm talking about the Rabbi's book! Did anyone here read the entire book?

Who do you think could 'miss the fans' ??? It was about michael.. as crazy as it may sounds.
And I feel you... let see what the future has for us!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

So, I've just been looking around the forum and I found the thread about Latoya doing an interview in Ireland. The video was up on the website for 1 day and then it was gone, nobody can access it, I searched the site and the video can't be found along with any mention of her on their main site. If Latoya was doing an interview on Michael then surely that we be on their front page? But no, they seem to have removed any reference to it.

But some information about the video was posted (sorry to use your post, Emerald).

Apparently she talks about Murray being the fall guy. I know this could also relate to the Murder conspiracy (which is what she was talking about) but it also does with the hoax which of course if it is a hoax then Murray would be just that, the fall guy, for now...

There have been talks of Michael 'hiding out' in Ireland. It makes sense, I'm sure you can all imagine the Irish coasts, just one or two houses for miles. The perfect situation for someone who wants to 'get away'.

That interview (?) >>>

I'm not too sure, I think she's said it in several interviews now though, it was posted last sunday (11th) but I've seen an article from that date claiming Latoya was in Malta. So, I'm assuming that it's either an old interview that's being brought up again or it was during the week and she went to Ireland before Malta.
La Toya arrived on April 9 in Malta:

That's why I come here. Because I really would like to find something *real*, not theories!

Yes, they are only theories why simply we do not know with 100% certainty what was happening in the life of Michael (and inside your house). Fact. And so the theories...
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I want him to be alive! But it doesnt mean I believe he is!
That's why I come here. Because I really would like to find something *real*, not theories!
All the "he misses", "he appreciates"... HE who?? Did they mention a name? No, they only said HE... which could be Joe, or any of the brothers.
They did not mention "MICHAEL misses" or "MICHAEL appreciates", did they??

There is ONE thing that when I first read I was like "WHAT? :blink:" and that is when I asked myself "what if... :(". But for me, the reality is much stronger than the "what if's".
I'm talking about the Rabbi's book! Did anyone here read the entire book?
i read the fan version of the book online,which part of it are you reffering too?.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Who do you think could 'miss the fans' ??? It was about michael.. as crazy as it may sounds.
And I feel you... let see what the future has for us!
Michael is not the only artist in the family!

i read the fan version of the book online,which part of it are you reffering too?.
I wonder if it is ok posting it here? Please let me know if it is okay!

I read it online too, on this amazing site! It is chapter "A Setting The Stage - The Writing was on the Wall: Talking About Dying Young"
I'll post one line, and if its ok to post the rest, I'll do!
"...To disappear is very important..."
When I read that, I was like... :no: no no no no no no nooooooooooo! He CANNOT do this to me, to his fans!
If you read the book, you will see that ALL the children in the World meant everything, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. to Michael! Not only his own children, ALL children!
He also says (in that same chapter) that he would choose death if it weren't for children.
So my thoughts are: 1- He decided to completely disappear, and noone will ever see his face again (*read the chapter*). 2- Did he "give up" because he was not allowed to keep children around him anymore? After 2005 things got pretty ugly for him, I dont think he could have children around him like he did B4 2005. I believe things changed after 2005. I dont know! Was he allowed to keep children around him after 2005?
I think Michael started to slowly die after 2005. Cruel people that made him go through that! CRUEL! :cry:

THAT is the only thing that made me think "what if...". But again, many many facts are much stronger than the "what if".

UGH! :cry:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Just played an hour show at Neverland Ranch, such a beautiful peaceful amazing place that Michael created, really surreal to be here.
@superproxy yep it was a private event x
Does anyone know what was happening @ Neverland today?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Does anyone know what was happening @ Neverland today?

I find it kind of odd that she would play at Neverland....the question is WHY and WHO was she playing for???.....this starts to get more and more confusing by the day.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Whats happening at neverland?

I dont know I cannot find any information...just that she played there...I have no idea always so many questions little answers.

ok so this Vivi Rama is a person who happens to be a Bass player...
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^^^ thanks! cant wait to see it! but i gtg to class now :(
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Great video.
But the last part with the poster is kinda forced...
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I'll post one line, and if its ok to post the rest, I'll do!
"...To disappear is very important..."
When I read that, I was like... :no: no no no no no no nooooooooooo! He CANNOT do this to me, to his fans!



Whats happening at neverland?
Private event.... I think it's amazing that this information not leaked to the press and there were no paparazzi there. :doh: