The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I will post this and it goes to people in particular..

Im upset right now that people CANT ACCEPT that MJ could still be alive right now. I made 1h15 of videos stating facts that could lead that MJ is alive, you think we should ignore them and accept that he is gone ? I accepted that MJ was dead for 8 months, then I opened my eyes.

This story isnt about being disrespectful to Michael. Its about taking all possibilities. You CANT say anymore that MJ is dead but you can say thats a possibility. As you can say that its a possibility that MJ is still alive today. Its a possibility that MJ killed himself, its a possibility that MJ was killed...

For me, after almost 2 months of intense research, I came to the conclusion that the hoax is the greatest possibility.

Who knows what really happened on June25th ?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Who knows what really happened on June25th ?

Nobody knows, especially what was happening before June 25. Only Michael and Murray know.

It is very important that people have the mind and heart open to the facts and never underestimates the intelligence of Michael thinking he was a naive man who was manipulated by all the people around him like a puppet and everyone did what they wanted with it. Why he never was. He had conscience with whom and with what he was dealing with. He knew all the people around you. And he knew how to solve their problems................

Sorry, but I needed to vent. :ph34r:

I think its will be a french forum/fan site for the beLIEvers.
Another forum hoax? :doh: If I do not understand the countdown.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Linda Holmes facebook status

''Just thought I would you all know. I met a nurse from UCLA medical centre in LA she was here in Australia . Well get ready to be SHOCKED people on the day MJ was suppose to have died all staff there were told not to come in on the 25th June. That the FBI would be there with specailst doctors and nurses for a person of real importance. Well there you are people Michael Jackson is ALIVE....''
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Linda Holmes facebook status

''Just thought I would you all know. I met a nurse from UCLA medical centre in LA she was here in Australia . Well get ready to be SHOCKED people on the day MJ was suppose to have died all staff there were told not to come in on the 25th June. That the FBI would be there with specailst doctors and nurses for a person of real importance. Well there you are people Michael Jackson is ALIVE....''

Who is Linda Holmes? Wow, it's hard to believe 100% in those stories that emerge. So many mysteries.... :fortuneteller:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Linda Holmes facebook status

''Just thought I would you all know. I met a nurse from UCLA medical centre in LA she was here in Australia . Well get ready to be SHOCKED people on the day MJ was suppose to have died all staff there were told not to come in on the 25th June. That the FBI would be there with specailst doctors and nurses for a person of real importance. Well there you are people Michael Jackson is ALIVE....''

hi there,

thanks for all your posts DI. But may I ask u something?? Who's Linda Holmes?? Is she a trusted person??
thank u very very much
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


Who is Linda Holmes? Wow, it's hard to believe 100% in those stories that emerge. So many mysteries.... :fortuneteller:

I think she's a journalist/blogger.

I just did a search on her and saw something she posted when This Is It was being rumored. Here's what she said

So it appears that Michael Jackson may be preparing to come back. In a series of concerts.
I don't think I can take a Michael Jackson comeback. Not as a music consumer, but as a comedy-product consumer. I cannot take the return of Michael Jackson to late-night monologues, The Onion, or, quite frankly, the entire Internet.
If this plays out as anticipated, all that's going to happen is that he's going to show up in public with the zoo animals and the oxygen tanks and the...whatever, Jedi costume, and there will be pictures of him in magazines where he's in a nun's habit, walking an ocelot and carrying a watering can, and then his nose will fall off during a charity benefit, and he'll make some weird new best friend like Joe The Plumber or Miley Cyrus, and we'll all be back on the Michael Jackson Express Train To Weirdsville, and I cannot take it.
But then as soon as he died, she's diving on the bandwagon and writing articles about remembering his music. So, a trusted source? I'm not too sure.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I think she's a journalist/blogger.

I just did a search on her and saw something she posted when This Is It was being rumored. Here's what she said

But then as soon as he died, she's diving on the bandwagon and writing articles about remembering his music. So, a trusted source? I'm not too sure.

Good job man. Im sceptical about stories like this but at the same time there has been no Dr, no nurses, no patients that can claim that they saw Michael dead or that he even arrived @ UCLA period. A Dr should have made the announcement that Jermaine made @ UCLA. Its all too odd and it does my head in sometimes. I really try to think realistically about all this but realism just flies out the window when you discuss anything hoax.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I need info on Tohme Tohme. Esp where he is from. Its like he never existed i cant find anything on him. But I def need to know where he is from, i think I noticed something very weird about his name but need to know where hes from to make sure that it makes sense! can anyone help? O and also why is he called DR. Tohme? i thought he was financial person not a Dr..
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I need info on Tohme Tohme. Esp where he is from. Its like he never existed i cant find anything on him. But I def need to know where he is from, i think I noticed something very weird about his name but need to know where hes from to make sure that it makes sense! can anyone help? O and also why is he called DR. Tohme? i thought he was financial person not a Dr..

Dr Tohme R Tohme is from Lebanon. His real name is not Tohme although we dont know his real name yet. He has a criminal past (surprise!), he was/is a lawyer. Nobody can confirm if he is a real Dr., was married to Randy Phillips sister in the 70s very briefly.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Dr Tohme R Tohme is from Lebanon. His real name is not Tohme although we dont know his real name yet. He has a criminal past (surprise!), he was/is a lawyer. Nobody can confirm if he is a real Dr., was married to Randy Phillips sister in the 70s very briefly.

ok thanks for confirming that he is from Lebanon DI. I read that but just wanted to make sure! anyway!! here's the interesting part, Lebanese people speak Arabic and from my name you guys know that I do too. Anyway when i read that he is from Lebanon I started thinking about his name. Its not an arabic name. Until I said it out loud. Its not a name but its an arabic word.Toh-me (is the way to pronounce it) and its written like this [size=+3]تهمة[/size] this word means Accuse/Accusation synonyms to this word are - blame, indict, point fingers at etc.... take it for what it is.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

ok thanks for confirming that he is from Lebanon DI. I read that but just wanted to make sure! anyway!! here's the interesting part, Lebanese people speak Arabic and from my name you guys know that I do too. Anyway when i read that he is from Lebanon I started thinking about his name. Its not an arabic name. Until I said it out loud. Its not a name but its an arabic word.Toh-me (is the way to pronounce it) and its written like this [SIZE=+3]تهمة[/SIZE] this word means Accuse/Accusation synonyms to this word are - blame, indict, point fingers at etc.... take it for what it is.
thats interesting,
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

TMZ discusses MJ alive Poll results

Harvery-"Hi guys, So, um, there's like a lot of stuff going on, so I apologize, we're gonna make this kid of a fast for you today. Um... "What do you think of the results of the TMZ poll we put up about Michael Jackson?"
"LOVED it. we found out..I know, we didn't know at the time but I always wondered - How Michael Jackson got from the Staples Center to the Cemetery. Because we never saw..and somebody challenged me and said to me right before - "You are never gonna see this body leave...Staples." And I said - "Cause we're not" *Slightly Inaudible* And they said - "Trust me, you will never see this body."
"And we found out they took it in a SWAT...van, and then they moved into into one of those Mortuary Flower Trucks."

Harvey- "And at the time there was a lot of conspiracy theories going on."
Other Guy-"Right"
Harvey- "That he was alive, that the body wasn't in the casket."
Other Guy- And it was never at the staples center in the first place - there was a lot going on."

Harvey- "So we do a poll - ummm... 55% of the people think he's still alive *Laughs*

Other Guy- "Absolutely, I knew he was still alive."

Harvey- "Love it, Love you people."
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Another forum hoax? :doh: If I do not understand the countdown.

Yeah, the countdown's just for the "opening" of the site.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Lebanon I started thinking about his name. Its not an arabic name. Until I said it out loud. Its not a name but its an arabic word.Toh-me (is the way to pronounce it) and its written like this [SIZE=+3]تهمة[/SIZE] this word means Accuse/Accusation synonyms to this word are - blame, indict, point fingers at etc.... take it for what it is.

Wow now isnt that a trip? Great find, excellent find. That cant be a coincidence.

TMZ discusses MJ alive Poll results

Harvery-"Hi guys, So, um, there's like a lot of stuff going on, so I apologize, we're gonna make this kid of a fast for you today. Um... "What do you think of the results of the TMZ poll we put up about Michael Jackson?"
"LOVED it. we found out..I know, we didn't know at the time but I always wondered - How Michael Jackson got from the Staples Center to the Cemetery. Because we never saw..and somebody challenged me and said to me right before - "You are never gonna see this body leave...Staples." And I said - "Cause we're not" *Slightly Inaudible* And they said - "Trust me, you will never see this body."
"And we found out they took it in a SWAT...van, and then they moved into into one of those Mortuary Flower Trucks."

Harvey- "And at the time there was a lot of conspiracy theories going on."
Other Guy-"Right"
Harvey- "That he was alive, that the body wasn't in the casket."
Other Guy- And it was never at the staples center in the first place - there was a lot going on."

Harvey- "So we do a poll - ummm... 55% of the people think he's still alive *Laughs*

Other Guy- "Absolutely, I knew he was still alive."

Harvey- "Love it, Love you people."

I saw this first thing this morning when I got up. If only the poll really meant he is alive. Well we will find out soon enough I guess.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Sorry, but this is fairly typical. I was commenting SPECIFICALLY on the theory of a canned funeral, that supposedly was taking place at a different location and how supposedly pretaped things don't make sense- in this case two particular trees.

You know, I have read most hoax forums, especially in the beginning, just to explore every possibility.
Some things seemed indeed odd to me- but after having gone to the house he died in (being outside twice), driving by the hospital, spending time on Forest Lawn- I am now more than ever convinced how useless I find pictures that are intended to prove the hoax. Especially now that I have another prime example how easy it is to manipulate people with photos to get them to think in a certain direction. In this case the hoax theory.

There are certain low lives that stand to make a buck from this, just like there was a whole industry waiting in the side wings, waiting for MJ to go do jail.

By the way, I find it an incredibly moving gestures to have the dancers serve as the Ushers. There were many people attending that were outside family. That wasn't your small family wedding with your 3 best friends being the ushers.
These dancers became dancers BECAUSE of MJ, some of them dreamt their whole life of working with him. Having them as ushers is a wonderful gesture, to be accompanying the man whose work work you have admired and who inspired you to become who you are. I would have done the same if I had been of them. It's mind boggling how people can't seem to understand gestures of appreciation, love and respect.

It actually reminds of people that saw every gesture MJ ever mad as a gesture of perversion, something sinister that needed to be eradicated, speculated about and scrutinized to death. He holds a child's hand and immediately people think it's a gesture of something sinister.

So the casket was closet? Michael Jackson never recovered from the humiliation of having his private parts photographed in this disgusting extortion scheme. ANYBODY with a sense of tact would probably sense that MJ wouldn't exactly want a picture of himself DEAD circulating around the world. The ultimate humiliation.

He even said himself that the ASSUMPTIONS that other people have about his actions speak more about the state of mind of others than his own. Because your assumption will show YOUR state of mind.

P.S.: Forest Lawn staff is indeed very discreet, even to MJ fans. Downright CARING as I found out myself. They even let MJ fans do their thing as long as it stays respectful they will not approach you, they will leave you alone. I am sure they managed to stay out of the pictures as IS THEIR JOB. They also don't fair screaming pink uniforms that scream "EMPLOYEE HERE TO HARASS YOU".

I was there, visited and stopped on the parking spot outside the gate. I normally don't smoke but I really needed a cigarette. I wanted to be respectful of their rules (no smoking so I parked myself on the curb outside of the gate and calmed down) I chatted with two security guards coming out of Holly Terrace, they told me about the whole "Murray in Forest Lawn" thing - they are friendly to most MJ fans, and don't treat fans like nutters.
I had the feeling that those two guards UNDERSTOOD that MJ must have been a pretty special person for so many people to show him that much love and respect- even in death.
The two security guys that I saw coming out of the Holly Terrace gate (and who brought my flowers inside later as they do with things that fans bring) saw me sitting there later. They wanted to make sure I was okay and ASKED ME IF I WAS OKAY. They thought I had car trouble and wanted to see if I needed help.
Trust me, there's nothing sinister going on. Everyone on Forest Lawn was professional and polite.

I didn't know what to think at first but now I am convinced the family made the right choices as hard as that might be for some of us.

It makes me sad that people can't understood simple gestures (such as the ushers) for the love and appreciation they represent.
well said!! rep points!

You know what, I would even understand that...if he were NOT at Forest Lawn, despite me traveling there etc. I would harbor NO GRUDGE, I would try to understand the motives of those who had the daunting task to bury their child, sibling and father. Again, why assume something bad- instead of trying to understand WHY somebody would be doing that.

And I don't feel that the family is obligated AT ALL to answer questions, even when most are pretty much not even worth making a mind boggling investigation. They have no obligation to show you their bills for caskets etc.

Fans don't own Michael Jackson the person. There is a certain line of respect toward him that seems to get crossed non-stop. Especially by fans. I truly admire him and love him from the bottom of my heart- but that does not mean I have a right to rudely demand "clarification" for some of the hardest things one has to do for those you love- bury them.

I find it incredibly cynical to yet again speak if "no tears". I felt horrible for Elizabeth Taylor, she looked as if she was crying for weeks non-stop. Janet Jackson looked as if she needed someone to catch her- do you guys really have such a hard time interpreting the emotions on someone's face? Is that really so hard?
I'm sure M. Caulkin had a reason to wear the sunglasses he wore- because of people dissecting every twitch of every muscle in his face.

One look on Katherine Jackson's face should have sufficed to see the pain.
Again, very well said!!

The sadness/hapiness in the family is to most sureal thing for me. Who Am I to say if someone is sad or not ?

Its quite obvious. Some family member were sad, but just SAD, not devastated. Maybe MJ went away ? maybe Katherine was sad because its all fake ? Who knows ?

Its not just mcauley, its everyone, look at the 30 min footage, its a joke. and the 'burial after party ?' wtf is that! And look at the memorial picture, the fake paris speech, the janet laugh, the jackie laugh, the smile of Prince.. And I could go on and on and on.

Youre talking as if MJ is dead and convinced at 100%. But it isnt. But if you are feeling okay with it, thats fine.
you are not serious, are you?? :eek: :no:


I had headaches from crying so much watching that baby girl talking about her dad!! :cry:

You didnt see them during the service only when meeting and greeting people and getting there seats.
so you cant judge their happiness or devistation _ my mother just passed a way this month_ we as a family gathered and we smiled and talked and greeted each other and had light hearted conversation and condolance too. We did not show devistation to each other. MOST people grieve like that privatley - when the service started more were emotional _ I cry ouy my devistation in private as do the Jacksons. The way they thier grieve is none of our business to JUDGE _ it is WRONG to do that_

I would hate for someone to say Im not devistated over my mom or sisters death this yr - becuase I sometimes smile and am able to act normal in public situations _Hhave you ever been to a memorial or funeral service _ If so surley you know how people act. There was NOTHING odd about how people were being at the beginning of the funeral _ Ive been to MANY as I come from a Huge family _ i have had 7 sisters and brothers die plus my mom and dad so I have NO problem saying I have experince seeing how people act at funerals _ everyone grieves in there own way_

We should'nt judge peoples grief in that manner _ITS WRONG
or mock them by calling it a JOKE _ what if you are WRONG :(
in your judgement _ how do you think it would make Mjs children
feel for people to call thier fathers funeral a joke _ You should be
more sensitive when you speak of this becuase many people are HURTING
regardless of your asumptions abiut this

Michaels funeral was not a JOKE nothing is funny about it for us who are grieving :(
please be more sensitive when discussing this topic _ no matter what you belive
about his being alive or dead _
I agree with everything you said!
And I'm sorry for your loss! :better:

Thank you
I have also heard that about the staff at forest lawn
and I agree with you about the dancers and the closed casket
Many fans didnt want an open casket _ especially at the memorial_it also would have been very difficult for the performers _ they were emotional enough just having the casket in front of them. a reminder of Michael;s passing _ I think the family made the right decision having the casket closed _It was just to devistating even to see the casket. let a lone Mjs body lying in it - the media would have had a field day with pics and sarcasm _ Im glad it was closed. for Michael and all our sakes.
you are right!

At first, I wanted to see Michael, I dont know why... I think it's because I wanted to say good-bye. I think the right word is "enclosure" (??).
But after some time, I realize it would not be good for many reasons - including the media sarcasm and jokes, yes, just like you said, qbee!!
Now I understand that having a closed casket, was the best thing to do.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Tohme is also related to Jermaine's wife isn't he? there cousins I think? Jermaine wife who once wore a "MJ alive" shirt on the A&E show!

And wow on Tohme name meaning "accuse" that is crazy! great find!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Again, very well said!!

you are not serious, are you?? :eek: :no:


I had headaches from crying so much watching that baby girl talking about her dad!! :cry:

So you didnt see the ear piece in Paris' ear? You didnt see all the family Chinese whisper to Paris right before her speech? You didnt see all the fans cry more than any of the family did including Paris? Paris smiled through most of the Memorial.


I didnt learn about the hoax until sometime after the memorial but I immediately thought that the interaction between Paris and Janet after Paris' speech wasnt genuine.
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

she said he (Joe) loves the fans_
they asked if Joe had a message for the fans
they were not talking about if Mj had a message.

people need to listen more careful and not twist what is being
said _ listen carefully _to DISCERN what the question was
and what the answer was

"Joe do you have a message for the fans"

Lady with Joe
"Yes he (meaning Joe) loves the fans, He loves the fans"

its was NOT about a message from MJ
it is very clear If you listen :)
Even LaToya talks about Michael missing the fans @ 10:24 :
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

And the thing IS with Paris is I dont want to talk about it, I didint want to talk about the children, but this one is so obvious.

Not only she had a sound receiver like DI said but the speech was clearly staged. I truly believe her words were real, but her speech ? Not so much.

And this doesnt mean in a way that MJ is alive..
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


I Just want to correct something if u please.

First let me say this: I think that Dr Tohme is a very very shady character. The fact that Michael himself didn't trust him is enough for me to hate him.

About the name,

I'm an Arab by the way. I know many Lebanese people. I read a lot about Lebanon news etc etc. The name "Tohme" is an Arabic/Lebanese name. I've read for many Lebanese people/writers/artists with that particular last name.

and no, it doesn't mean تهمة /accusation. In Arabic, it's written طعمة. As u see with the ع letter instead of the ه/h. But since the letter ع has no equivalent in English sound-wise, they write and pronounce it as "Tohme: with an "h" in the middle=ه"

what does طعمة mean?? the direct meaning that could come to me: delicious. How could such a name be a last name (I'm talking about other Lebanese ppl with this last name)? sometimes weird names could become last names in Arabic communities for the weirdest reasons. For instance, the grand grand grand father :D of a certain family was known for saying a certain word, like طعمة. So his friends and family nickname him طعمة for fun. But the nickname stuck with him forever, as if it was his true name. Then the rest is history>>>>This is only one possible explanation. I know families who had their last names in this way. But I'm sure there are other explanations.

thank u guys
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^^^ that's interesting. But it still doesn't sound right to me. The name that you say is the correct wouldn't be spelled that way in English as it is totally misleading for the pronounciation. It would have to be spelled like this "taame" to mak sense. The o and the h in tohme shouldn't be there to spell the name that you mentioned. That's my opinion. Anyway I just noticed that the name was suspicious and strange and wanted to point it out.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I think she's a journalist/blogger.

I just did a search on her and saw something she posted when This Is It was being rumored. Here's what she said

But then as soon as he died, she's diving on the bandwagon and writing articles about remembering his music. So, a trusted source? I'm not too sure.
Thanks! :) I really can not believe that no person within the UCLA did not see anything. No video, no picture..... nothing. :doh: I'm sure if someone had seen something would have been released by the press.

TMZ discusses MJ alive Poll results

Harvery-"Hi guys, So, um, there's like a lot of stuff going on, so I apologize, we're gonna make this kid of a fast for you today. Um... "What do you think of the results of the TMZ poll we put up about Michael Jackson?"
"LOVED it. we found out..I know, we didn't know at the time but I always wondered - How Michael Jackson got from the Staples Center to the Cemetery. Because we never saw..and somebody challenged me and said to me right before - "You are never gonna see this body leave...Staples." And I said - "Cause we're not" *Slightly Inaudible* And they said - "Trust me, you will never see this body."
"And we found out they took it in a SWAT...van, and then they moved into into one of those Mortuary Flower Trucks."

Harvey- "And at the time there was a lot of conspiracy theories going on."
Other Guy-"Right"
Harvey- "That he was alive, that the body wasn't in the casket."
Other Guy- And it was never at the staples center in the first place - there was a lot going on."

Harvey- "So we do a poll - ummm... 55% of the people think he's still alive *Laughs*

Other Guy- "Absolutely, I knew he was still alive."

Harvey- "Love it, Love you people."

Ok Harvey..... we'll see.... :timer:

Yeah, the countdown's just for the "opening" of the site.
:doh: Wow, I think they're a little late. lol!

So you didnt see the ear piece in Paris' ear? You didnt see all the family Chinese whisper to Paris right before her speech? You didnt see all the fans cry more than any of the family did including Paris? Paris smiled through most of the Memorial.


I didnt learn about the hoax until sometime after the memorial but I immediately thought that the interaction between Paris and Janet after Paris' speech wasnt genuine.
Ear piece? I've watched so many times discourse of Paris, but I really can not see the ear piece in her ear. I'll watch again.

Edit: Now I finished watching the video. Yes, she was with a ear piece.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Just want you to know that Ill do a WHY List soon, only with WHY questions.. and I dont know if 1 video will be enough lol.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

These video's show the inconsistencies in the autopsy report:

These videos are ONLY ABOUT THE AUTOPSY hence its in the autopsy thread. Why does eveything get thrown into conspiracy every 2 secs?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

These video's show the inconsistencies in the autopsy report:

These videos are ONLY ABOUT THE AUTOPSY hence its in the autopsy thread. Why does eveything get thrown into conspiracy every 2 secs?

Part V


Part VI


Sorry, I still do not know posting videos. lol! :doh:

Edit: DI thanks for teaching me to post videos. Now I got it. :)
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

To post you tube videos you put in these codes [youtube*][/youtube*] DONT PUT IN THE *
You put the youtube addy in the middle of the [youtube*] code.

Then you delete the following:

First delete &feature=related

Then delete everything from the htttp up to = leaving you with:
(Remember no * in the code)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I think we should have a complete section for the hoax, only a thread is ridiculous.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

The different sections of the board are here for a reason. Therefore posting hoax theories in the case forum isn't appropriate which is why the video's were deleted from the thread. To call the moderators ignorant for that is insulting and highly inappropriate. If you have a problem take it to PM. Show respect.