The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Listen to Harvey's ego and he still doesnt answer the question about breaking the MJ dead story:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

You know what, I would even understand that...if he were NOT at Forest Lawn, despite me traveling there etc. I would harbor NO GRUDGE, I would try to understand the motives of those who had the daunting task to bury their child, sibling and father. Again, why assume something bad- instead of trying to understand WHY somebody would be doing that.

And I don't feel that the family is obligated AT ALL to answer questions, even when most are pretty much not even worth making a mind boggling investigation. They have no obligation to show you their bills for caskets etc.

Fans don't own Michael Jackson the person. There is a certain line of respect toward him that seems to get crossed non-stop. Especially by fans. I truly admire him and love him from the bottom of my heart- but that does not mean I have a right to rudely demand "clarification" for some of the hardest things one has to do for those you love- bury them.

I find it incredibly cynical to yet again speak if "no tears". I felt horrible for Elizabeth Taylor, she looked as if she was crying for weeks non-stop. Janet Jackson looked as if she needed someone to catch her- do you guys really have such a hard time interpreting the emotions on someone's face? Is that really so hard?
I'm sure M. Caulkin had a reason to wear the sunglasses he wore- because of people dissecting every twitch of every muscle in his face.

One look on Katherine Jackson's face should have sufficed to see the pain.

The sadness/hapiness in the family is to most sureal thing for me. Who Am I to say if someone is sad or not ?

Its quite obvious. Some family member were sad, but just SAD, not devastated. Maybe MJ went away ? maybe Katherine was sad because its all fake ? Who knows ?

Its not just mcauley, its everyone, look at the 30 min footage, its a joke. and the 'burial after party ?' wtf is that! And look at the memorial picture, the fake paris speech, the janet laugh, the jackie laugh, the smile of Prince.. And I could go on and on and on.

Youre talking as if MJ is dead and convinced at 100%. But it isnt. But if you are feeling okay with it, thats fine.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This is the one I meant on the burial:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Im not going to say anymore than this but I know someone who spoke to a direct family member on June 25 who was said that this family member informed them that Michael was dead and that they did not seem upset at all.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Im not going to say anymore than this but I know someone who spoke to a direct family member on June 25 who was said that this family member informed them that Michael was dead and that they did not seem upset at all.

That doesnt surprise me at all.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Why?? Just because he admired him as a musician like no other? Doesn't mean his funeral has to be the same. Michael Jackson was TRYING to scrape together ANY privacy he could retain. For God's sake, MJ wrote a song "PRIVACY" in which he literally BEGGED for people to leave.him.alone. Michael begged for people to leave him alone- the thought of him being dragged through city after city sounds pretty strange for someone who so desperately tried to protect whatever privacy he had left.

Just because you admire an artist doesn't mean you have imitate him in every way.
Nor does that mean that one's own admiration or thoughts mean that this is what your admired artist must mean or want.
No................ -_-

Well.......... just remember that Michael told Bashir (LWMJ), that he would not want to be buried.... sooooooo this shows that the family did not know it. -_- I really do not believe that the family knew how Michael would like his funeral.

Listen to Harvey's ego and he still doesnt answer the question about breaking the MJ dead story:
It's why TMZ has many secrets that can not be revealed. :ph34r:
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Im not going to say anymore than this but I know someone who spoke to a direct family member on June 25 who was said that this family member informed them that Michael was dead and that they did not seem upset at all.

The sadness/hapiness in the family is to most sureal thing for me. Who Am I to say if someone is sad or not ?

Its quite obvious. Some family member were sad, but just SAD, not devastated. Maybe MJ went away ? maybe Katherine was sad because its all fake ? Who knows ?

Its not just mcauley, its everyone, look at the 30 min footage, its a joke. and the 'burial after party ?' wtf is that! And look at the memorial picture, the fake paris speech, the janet laugh, the jackie laugh, the smile of Prince.. And I could go on and on and on.

Youre talking as if MJ is dead and convinced at 100%. But it isnt. But if you are feeling okay with it, thats fine.

You didnt see them during the service only when meeting and greeting people and getting there seats.
so you cant judge their happiness or devistation _ my mother just passed a way this month_ we as a family gathered and we smiled and talked and greeted each other and had light hearted conversation and condolance too. We did not show devistation to each other. MOST people grieve like that privatley - when the service started more were emotional _ I cry ouy my devistation in private as do the Jacksons. The way they thier grieve is none of our business to JUDGE _ it is WRONG to do that_

I would hate for someone to say Im not devistated over my mom or sisters death this yr - becuase I sometimes smile and am able to act normal in public situations _Hhave you ever been to a memorial or funeral service _ If so surley you know how people act. There was NOTHING odd about how people were being at the beginning of the funeral _ Ive been to MANY as I come from a Huge family _ i have had 7 sisters and brothers die plus my mom and dad so I have NO problem saying I have experince seeing how people act at funerals _ everyone grieves in there own way_

We should'nt judge peoples grief in that manner _ITS WRONG
or mock them by calling it a JOKE _ what if you are WRONG :(
in your judgement _ how do you think it would make Mjs children
feel for people to call thier fathers funeral a joke _ You should be
more sensitive when you speak of this becuase many people are HURTING
regardless of your asumptions abiut this

Michaels funeral was not a JOKE nothing is funny about it for us who are grieving :(
please be more sensitive when discussing this topic _ no matter what you belive
about his being alive or dead _
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Sorry, but this is fairly typical. I was commenting SPECIFICALLY on the theory of a canned funeral, that supposedly was taking place at a different location and how supposedly pretaped things don't make sense- in this case two particular trees.

You know, I have read most hoax forums, especially in the beginning, just to explore every possibility.
Some things seemed indeed odd to me- but after having gone to the house he died in (being outside twice), driving by the hospital, spending time on Forest Lawn- I am now more than ever convinced how useless I find pictures that are intended to prove the hoax. Especially now that I have another prime example how easy it is to manipulate people with photos to get them to think in a certain direction. In this case the hoax theory.

There are certain low lives that stand to make a buck from this, just like there was a whole industry waiting in the side wings, waiting for MJ to go do jail.

By the way, I find it an incredibly moving gestures to have the dancers serve as the Ushers. There were many people attending that were outside family. That wasn't your small family wedding with your 3 best friends being the ushers.
These dancers became dancers BECAUSE of MJ, some of them dreamt their whole life of working with him. Having them as ushers is a wonderful gesture, to be accompanying the man whose work work you have admired and who inspired you to become who you are. I would have done the same if I had been of them. It's mind boggling how people can't seem to understand gestures of appreciation, love and respect.

It actually reminds of people that saw every gesture MJ ever mad as a gesture of perversion, something sinister that needed to be eradicated, speculated about and scrutinized to death. He holds a child's hand and immediately people think it's a gesture of something sinister.

So the casket was closet? Michael Jackson never recovered from the humiliation of having his private parts photographed in this disgusting extortion scheme. ANYBODY with a sense of tact would probably sense that MJ wouldn't exactly want a picture of himself DEAD circulating around the world. The ultimate humiliation.

He even said himself that the ASSUMPTIONS that other people have about his actions speak more about the state of mind of others than his own. Because your assumption will show YOUR state of mind.

P.S.: Forest Lawn staff is indeed very discreet, even to MJ fans. Downright CARING as I found out myself. They even let MJ fans do their thing as long as it stays respectful they will not approach you, they will leave you alone. I am sure they managed to stay out of the pictures as IS THEIR JOB. They also don't fair screaming pink uniforms that scream "EMPLOYEE HERE TO HARASS YOU".

I was there, visited and stopped on the parking spot outside the gate. I normally don't smoke but I really needed a cigarette. I wanted to be respectful of their rules (no smoking so I parked myself on the curb outside of the gate and calmed down) I chatted with two security guards coming out of Holly Terrace, they told me about the whole "Murray in Forest Lawn" thing - they are friendly to most MJ fans, and don't treat fans like nutters.
I had the feeling that those two guards UNDERSTOOD that MJ must have been a pretty special person for so many people to show him that much love and respect- even in death.
The two security guys that I saw coming out of the Holly Terrace gate (and who brought my flowers inside later as they do with things that fans bring) saw me sitting there later. They wanted to make sure I was okay and ASKED ME IF I WAS OKAY. They thought I had car trouble and wanted to see if I needed help.
Trust me, there's nothing sinister going on. Everyone on Forest Lawn was professional and polite.

I didn't know what to think at first but now I am convinced the family made the right choices as hard as that might be for some of us.

It makes me sad that people can't understood simple gestures (such as the ushers) for the love and appreciation they represent.

Thank you
I have also heard that about the staff at forest lawn
and I agree with you about the dancers and the closed casket
Many fans didnt want an open casket _ especially at the memorial_it also would have been very difficult for the performers _ they were emotional enough just having the casket in front of them. a reminder of Michael;s passing _ I think the family made the right decision having the casket closed _It was just to devistating even to see the casket. let a lone Mjs body lying in it - the media would have had a field day with pics and sarcasm _ Im glad it was closed. for Michael and all our sakes.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

No................ -_-

Well.......... just remember that Michael told Bashir (LWMJ), that he would not want to be buried.... sooooooo this shows that the family did not know it. -_- I really do not believe that the family knew how Michael would like his funeral.

It's why TMZ has many secrets that can not be revealed. :ph34r:
Michael was NOT buried so maybe the family did know
actually he said he wanted to live forever _ in reference to that statement
he was more or less saying he didnt want to die _ not how he would be interned
after death _ we have to take statements in context and not twist them to suite agenda

They also waited and had his funeral on a full blue moon. that was very significant _
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

To me this is a VERY important point that needs to be made... the lack of a "family" theme in all this process. First off, something that really bothers me is the memorial. When they are showing Pictures and film of MJ, theyre not remembering MJ the Father, the son the brother, they're just honoring the artist. Tell me if im wrong on this one, there is like ONE picture in the whole memorial of MJ with his kids, all the other pics and videos shown were either professionally done, from interviews, photoshoots, album covers, etc...... No pics with his cousins, or brothers just being brothers not performing. How come??? How come the people that took the front rows at the memorial, maybe even most of the rows, were all celebrities. Most of them not even close to MJ. I know SOME family was there, so then why were all the speeches made by people like Queen Latifa, and Kobe Bryant?? 2 people that never even met MJ.. It seemed more like an awards show than it was a Memorial.

[size=+2]Where are these people?[/size]


And we have all seen the funeral booklet, here's the link, not the one at the memorial.

It begins with the family's messages to MJ, but surprisingly enough, his kids were not included. Then the pics that are included again, are not very personal, there are some with his bros and sisters and kids, but they are pics we have seen hundreds of times before, in magazines, etc. Sure there pics that hold deeper meaning to MJ. One that are personal, not ones used before by the media. I mean the Private Home Movies special that aired a few years back about MJ was more persona than this stuff. We got to see MJ the person in that show, doing things with his family that we had never seen before. Being hilarious and just loving life. Last thing in there is a bio of MJ. I was shocked when I read this, because it is just basically an overview of his career. It barely even mentions that MJ had those 3 beautiful kids. I know that he started his career before he could write and its a major part of his life, but that's not all he is. Certainly not, thats why i find it weird that even his family did not give him the humanity he deserves. He's always wanted to be seen as just a normal person, a brother, a father, a son, not just a celebrity. To me it just doesnt make sense, it really does seem like MJ the performer died, but not Michael Jackson the little boy from Indiana...
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Michael was NOT buried so maybe the family did know
actually he said he wanted to live forever _ in reference to that statement
he was more or less saying he didnt want to die _ not how he would be interned
after death _ we have to take statements in context and not twist them to suite agenda

They also waited and had his funeral on a full blue moon. that was very significant _

You're right, he really it was not buried and......... :smilerolleyes:

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

According to this FB group there was a posting on eBay not too long ago selling a TII DVD signed by Michael. This listing was taken down I guess because people felt it was a fake. I'm not saying its real but I did want to bring it here for debate.

Anyway I do feel like this is fake but I still wanted to post it.

But could anyone be stupid enough to forge Michael's signature on a this is it DVD when everyone "knows" Michael is gone and that there is no way he could have signed it therefore people probably would not buy such a fake.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

According to this FB group there was a posting on eBay not too long ago selling a TII DVD signed by Michael. This listing was taken down I guess because people felt it was a fake. I'm not saying its real but I did want to bring it here for debate.

Anyway I do feel like this is fake but I still wanted to post it.

But could anyone be stupid enough to forge Michael's signature on a this is it DVD when everyone "knows" Michael is gone and that there is no way he could have signed it therefore people probably would not buy such a fake.

Maybe someone told himself/herself, hey its far-fetched but some ppl became """fans""" after mj died so they might not know anything about his career, therefore i'll try that lol. Or maybe someone bought it in order to rip someone that does not know mj's career that much off.
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Michael frequently used symbols in his clothing, such as 7's, crowns, stars, etc. One new symbol we see in This Is It is the Ankh, an Egyption symbol for "life". And not only just "life", but historically the Ankh appears frequently in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art, often at the fingertips of a god or goddess in images that represent the deities of the afterlife conferring the gift of life on the dead person's mummy - life after death.
In the photo stills from This Is It, we see Michael in two different jackets which both include the Ankh symbol:

Even the pose on the This Is It poster bears some resemblance to the Ankh symbol:

A related symbol in Egyptian hieroglyphics is the Djed, which is symbolized with a pillar. In a previous post I mentioned how it appears that MJ's hands in the TII poster are pushing against imaginary pillars.

If you want to take the Eqyptian theme even further, consider the goddess ISIS. ISIS is interesting because images of her hold an Ankh, and her name is within the context of the "This Is It" title. Michael's head is actually right below the "ISIS" in the movie poster.

Just some research on wikipedia will tell you that "Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris (her brother) when he was murdered by Set. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Set.This myth became very important in later Egyptian religious beliefs."

On the MJHDI forum, a member named 2good2btrue discovered that during the funeral, the dancers have the ankh on their jackets:

Did Michael study Egyptian history and incorporate that into This Is It? He does have a precedent of incorporating Egyptian images into video, so one more thing for us to ponder...
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

this was taken from the FBI files released this year, so i guess it puts an end to JOE vs. JOSEPH, truly making the Death Certificate and Autopsy Report and all the other documents we have seen False ones..
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

this was taken from the FBI files released this year, so i guess it puts an end to JOE vs. JOSEPH, truly making the Death Certificate and Autopsy Report and all the other documents we have seen False ones..

yes that was some good investigating but they forgot to chek
USA law on the use of an alias or shorter version of ones middle name.

It is legal to use a short version of your middle name on legal documents in USA.

My middle name is Renelta I use Rene on all legal documents

Ive use a short version of my middle name even on my drivers licence,
pasport_ marriage license etc and it is perfectly legal to do so.
both names show up on my social security info. Rene is listed as alias
as is my nickname Mickie listed as an alias on my social security info.

so this does not mean those documents are fake
Michael can legally use Joseph or Joe _ in the USA
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

yes that was some good investigating but they forgot to chek
USA law on the use of an alias or shorter version of ones middle name.

It is legal to use a short version of your middle name on legal documents in USA.

My middle name is Renelta I use Rene on all legal documents

Ive use a short version of my middle name even on my drivers licence,
pasport_ marriage license etc and it is perfectly legal to do so.
both names show up on my social security info. Rene is listed as alias
as is my nickname Mickie listed as an alias on my social security info.

so this does not mean those documents are fake
Michael can legally use Joseph or Joe _ in the USA

So ur saying the FBI didnt do their research right? I mean they said his true name is Michael JOE Jackson. Maybe he does have the choice to use either/or but he chose to use JOE thats why all his documents Pre 6/25/09 are using JOE.. thats what makes sense to me.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Michael frequently used symbols in his clothing, such as 7's, crowns, stars, etc. One new symbol we see in This Is It is the Ankh, an Egyption symbol for "life". And not only just "life", but historically the Ankh appears frequently in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art, often at the fingertips of a god or goddess in images that represent the deities of the afterlife conferring the gift of life on the dead person's mummy - life after death.
In the photo stills from This Is It, we see Michael in two different jackets which both include the Ankh symbol:

Even the pose on the This Is It poster bears some resemblance to the Ankh symbol:

A related symbol in Egyptian hieroglyphics is the Djed, which is symbolized with a pillar. In a previous post I mentioned how it appears that MJ's hands in the TII poster are pushing against imaginary pillars.

If you want to take the Eqyptian theme even further, consider the goddess ISIS. ISIS is interesting because images of her hold an Ankh, and her name is within the context of the "This Is It" title. Michael's head is actually right below the "ISIS" in the movie poster.

Just some research on wikipedia will tell you that "Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris (her brother) when he was murdered by Set. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Set.This myth became very important in later Egyptian religious beliefs."

On the MJHDI forum, a member named 2good2btrue discovered that during the funeral, the dancers have the ankh on their jackets:

Did Michael study Egyptian history and incorporate that into This Is It? He does have a precedent of incorporating Egyptian images into video, so one more thing for us to ponder...
This I did not know. lol! :doh:

I do not doubt it. Michael has always been a lover of books and reading. I believe he sought ideas in many books.

Hey, the little girl (I do not remember her name) of the video "Earth Song" on his forehead has something written or drawn in red. I was thinking about it, are they symbols?

I'm sure that has any significance.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

yes that was some good investigating but they forgot to chek
USA law on the use of an alias or shorter version of ones middle name.

It is legal to use a short version of your middle name on legal documents in USA.

My middle name is Renelta I use Rene on all legal documents

Ive use a short version of my middle name even on my drivers licence,
pasport_ marriage license etc and it is perfectly legal to do so.
both names show up on my social security info. Rene is listed as alias
as is my nickname Mickie listed as an alias on my social security info.

so this does not mean those documents are fake
Michael can legally use Joseph or Joe _ in the USA

Dont you find it odd that while Michael was alive he went by JOE and now he is gone, everything is JOSEPH?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Dont you find it odd that while Michael was alive he went by JOE and now he is gone, everything is JOSEPH?

For a time I wondered if Michael Joseph Jackson was the stage persona and Michael Joe Jackson was the legal human being, but Joseph was on his marriage docs and the kids' birth certificates I believe. So I remain confused, but I always thought your birth certificate name is the one that goes on your passport (and we've seen two or three passports all with "Joe"). Hmmmm.....
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

For a time I wondered if Michael Joseph Jackson was the stage persona and Michael Joe Jackson was the legal human being, but Joseph was on his marriage docs and the kids' birth certificates I believe. So I remain confused, but I always thought your birth certificate name is the one that goes on your passport (and we've seen two or three passports all with "Joe"). Hmmmm.....
IMO the marriage certificate says Joseph for possible pre-nup reasons. Also the marriage certificate is not a US document.

Im confused about the kids birth certificate, but if you believe its a hoax, you could say theyre not real. But I do find it odd that nearly everything post-death is Joseph. I also thought the Joseph was Michael's King of Pop persona and Joe was the person. Ive shown in this thread that Michael had 2 Social Security numbers to protect him from identity theft. One was Joe, the other Joseph. Michael also had 2 signatures. One being his autograph, and the other was his signature.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Question for Mods:
Regarding pics of the kids, are Memorial ones allowed being that it was a Jackson approved moment? I understand pap pics not being allowed.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

is that count down suppose to be when they think Michael is going to return?
I assume so but these things never pan out.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

is that count down suppose to be when they think Michael is going to return?
I think so and if so, the countdown will not end ever (nobody knows). lol! :doh: :fortuneteller: Well, but it may be that in one beautiful day..... BANG! :wild:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I think so and if so, the countdown will not end ever (nobody knows). lol! :doh: :fortuneteller: Well, but it may be that in one beautiful day..... BANG! :wild:

Well I guess one truly never knows what might happen....I keep alittle piece of my heart open ...just in case...:)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

To me this is a VERY important point that needs to be made... the lack of a "family" theme in all this process. First off, something that really bothers me is the memorial. When they are showing Pictures and film of MJ, theyre not remembering MJ the Father, the son the brother, they're just honoring the artist. Tell me if im wrong on this one, there is like ONE picture in the whole memorial of MJ with his kids, all the other pics and videos shown were either professionally done, from interviews, photoshoots, album covers, etc...... No pics with his cousins, or brothers just being brothers not performing. How come??? How come the people that took the front rows at the memorial, maybe even most of the rows, were all celebrities. Most of them not even close to MJ. I know SOME family was there, so then why were all the speeches made by people like Queen Latifa, and Kobe Bryant?? 2 people that never even met MJ.. It seemed more like an awards show than it was a Memorial.

[size=+2]Where are these people?[/size]


And we have all seen the funeral booklet, here's the link, not the one at the memorial.

It begins with the family's messages to MJ, but surprisingly enough, his kids were not included. Then the pics that are included again, are not very personal, there are some with his bros and sisters and kids, but they are pics we have seen hundreds of times before, in magazines, etc. Sure there pics that hold deeper meaning to MJ. One that are personal, not ones used before by the media. I mean the Private Home Movies special that aired a few years back about MJ was more persona than this stuff. We got to see MJ the person in that show, doing things with his family that we had never seen before. Being hilarious and just loving life. Last thing in there is a bio of MJ. I was shocked when I read this, because it is just basically an overview of his career. It barely even mentions that MJ had those 3 beautiful kids. I know that he started his career before he could write and its a major part of his life, but that's not all he is. Certainly not, thats why i find it weird that even his family did not give him the humanity he deserves. He's always wanted to be seen as just a normal person, a brother, a father, a son, not just a celebrity. To me it just doesnt make sense, it really does seem like MJ the performer died, but not Michael Jackson the little boy from Indiana...

Good observations, I wonder why they werent there for the majority.