The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

The video with Latoya for me a just another proof that MJ is alive, its ridiculous.

And thanks Arabian for the red casket :) Nice find !! :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

The video with Latoya for me a just another proof that MJ is alive, its ridiculous.

And thanks Arabian for the red casket :) Nice find !! :)

no pron ;)
but can i ask u why u think the latoya video proves the hoax?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

no pron ;)
but can i ask u why u think the latoya video proves the hoax?

She didint answered the question, and she felt okay with the question too.

She said that she saw him OVER and OVER and OVER.. lol and that he looked incredible! (sorry but Ive never saw a dead body looking incredible, like if he was resting lol)

And dont forget the SMILE... when shes telling the story :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

And just for the archives, TMZ was created in 2005.


Hehe :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Well I did hear people often say that a person can look peaceful when they are dead (my uncle even had some kind of smile on his face) but incredible is not a word I would use that's true.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Latoya did see the body several times - ID the body for the death certificate, took the medical examiner to FL to take hair samples etc..

TMZ - stands for Thirty Mile Zone a term that's originated in the 60s. It comes from the saying that "everything in entertainment in Hollywood happens in the thirty mile zone". In short TMZ represents the "center of Hollywood".
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Latoya did see the body several times - ID the body for the death certificate, took the medical examiner to FL to take hair samples etc..

TMZ - stands for Thirty Mile Zone a term that's originated in the 60s. It comes from the saying that "everything in entertainment in Hollywood happens in the thirty mile zone". In short TMZ represents the "center of Hollywood".

I dont believe Latoya for a second..

Thanks for TMZ, I knew that but, kind of funny :p
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

does anyone know how to get to that TNZ blog? i cant find it!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Thanks Calotte!! u always respond quickly! :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^^I'm not afraid to say I read this thread, a hoax forum, and a few hoax blogs in my quest to find out what really happened, as part of my comprehensive research. I've kept an open mind and am more confused than ever. I feel like there are way more inconsistencies than even the murkiest of murder conspiracies, and the hoax community has often been the first to uncover them.

If Michael is gone, I don't think he would mind that the fans are investigating closely -- I think he would want us to not take the media at face value, to explore with an open mind, and to accept the beliefs of the others in the fan community; when we simply don't know the truth I don't think we should fight each other (this isn't like the 2005 trial when we KNEW Michael was innocent).

I'm sure that the Jackson family knows about the large faction of hoax believers, and I wish they would address the topic directly. If they said "we are so sorry, but we can assure you he is gone" I would feel a certain peace... however, they continue to make confusing and vague statements.

Sometimes I do worry that someone is trying to manufacture the idea of the hoax. To increase his mystique perhaps, to increase interest in him and sales a la Elvis perhaps? Or to distract fans from a murder conspiracy investigation? My husband for instance always says "they're saying that stuff to play into the hoax idea" every time I point out something weird, and considering other people and entities have control over the content and editing of things such as the memorial, TII movie, etc I think it is possible others are trying to spin his story a certain way.

I have become a more spiritual person since June 25, and every night I pray for peace and happiness for Michael, wherever he is, and for everyone who misses him.

LOVE to you all, and thank you for the opportunity to share with you. I hope we know the real truth someday.

PS - Addition - Although in the first sentence of my post I said I was not afraid, I guess I am feeling a little anxious even admitting that I do read those forums. In a way I do fear being judged for that curiosity. I really don't fit into any one belief; I just know my heart aches for Michael and I miss him terribly.
This is closer to reality I think
seriously do anyone think that it more cheap to save and to help a person or to kill a person-in the circles where huge money involved and where money is only value?
I think answer is to kill
Dick Gregory was very much right
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I inverstigated the greenscreen thing.. trees etc.. and it was all okay. You have to watch closely, I was suposed to talk about it in my videos but I found that after all, it was real.

Im not sure what you mean by this post as Ive posted here proof that there are green screen props at the burial, that the background behind the casket doesnt match up, that some of the trees move and the background with all the trees and grass doesnt match up.

Well I did hear people often say that a person can look peaceful when they are dead (my uncle even had some kind of smile on his face) but incredible is not a word I would use that's true.
I dont think Michael would look all that peaceful after the trauma he just endured do you?

This is closer to reality I think
seriously do anyone think that it more cheap to save and to help a person or to kill a person-in the circles where huge money involved and where money is only value?
I think answer is to kill
Dick Gregory was very much right
Dick Gregory could still be right and still be a hoax.

I think about it like this.....

Michael often said for years he was afraid for his life, that people were stalking him, they were trying to kill him, they were trying to poison him. Then there is the message Michael left about Tohme. Michael also told his family that he knew he was going to be killed for his catalogue.

Michael is a smart man. I have a hard time believing that Michael would do nothing to protect himself and his children.

Michael also wanted to never live in the US again and didnt until TII. For him to create a faux death, he would need to be on US soil.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Latoya did see the body several times - ID the body for the death certificate, took the medical examiner to FL to take hair samples etc..

LaToya is a known liar. If I were Michael I would use her too to confuse or lead people in the wrong direction. Who is going to question her? No one.

How long was Janet married for and nobody knew until after the fact? 13 years!! Thats one hell of a secret that the entire family was able to keep.

Something else I noticed:
Michael said @ o2: This is the final curtain call (raises eyebrow)
Janet interview with Robin: Smiles regarding MJs death (raises eyebrow)
Jermaine in Australia: MJ went to airport....ahh hospital (raises eyebrow)

It seems like when a lie is told, they raise their eyebrow. Its their tell!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

BTW back to the Coke thing:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Can you please post your inverstigation DI about the fake funeral ? Ill try to debunk it all :p
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Can you please post your inverstigation DI about the fake funeral ? Ill try to debunk it all :p

Its in this thread somewhere.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

As I go back and look for older posts, Im going to repost certain ones I thought were interesting:

These events were completely ignored by media.
Event 1.

The fire alarm went off in the Peter Morton building, one of the UCLA Medical
Center's building. One of the patients (who was exactly in the Peter Morton building, cause of leukemia she’s got) wrote the following on her web site:
"Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, was brought to UCLA MedicalCenter by ambulance
in Cardiac Arrest around 1:00. As we walked back to my 1:30 appointment, Brett and I
noticed a helicopter that was hovering the hospital and seemed out of place since it
wasn't landing
And then as we were about to get to some bigger questions, a fire alarm went off.
We had to evacuate the building with the doctors and nurses and stand outside as the
media frenzy was growing regarding Michael Jackson. I think a Paparazzi probably
pulled the alarm as a distraction. Still, we had to wait for the fire truck and the
all clear, within yards of the entrance to the hospital where Michael Jackson was.
In fact, after the little fire alarm, we found out that one of the nurses (the one
who takes my vitals) was approached by a young black man as we were waiting for the
all clear. He told her his name was Jermaine Jackson, Jr. and he needed help finding
the entrance to the hospital, so she escorted him."....

The information above totally contradicts the following statements by media:
- MJ was delivered to Ronald Reagan building but the patient said that MJ was in
Peter Morton.
- What did they want to hide by the alarm?
- How could Jermaine Jackson Jr. get into the building during fire alarm?

Event 2.
LA airport (LAX) terminal was closed two hours after Mr. Jackson ‘death’.....

We’ve found in the internet some comments by a man who knew much more than we did.
"I know for a fact, that he isn't dead. 2 hours after his supposed demise, an area
of LAX airport was secretly shut down to receive an undisclosed person of interest.
Too many bodyguards and "lookouts" were circled around someone as they entered the
closed area, driven in a black SUV. Then the control tower was told to "ignore" the
liar jet taking off on a private runway, headed for an undisclosed destination. It
was reported that the person of interest was wearing a mask or veil over their face,
and the planes "call letters" were covered or taped over.
With the amount of debt Jackson had, and pending or upcoming lawsuits filed on him,
I would have done the same. just disappear, permanently.

Airports are periodically required to run security programs or scenarios to test
their crews and staff. So a "shut down" of an area is not uncommon. I have knowledge
of this particular one because I am a security officer, and was made aware of a few
particulars and oddities after it happened. Usually they are pretty much textbook
run-throughs, but this one was apparently last second, and very guarded' as far as
info getting to those involved. I just happen to be on the "right side of the fence"
on this one, and know someone close to the cause. Deception is sometimes part of the
job, but they went overboard to protect this predicament."

The plane that took off:

And here is the proof that flights were cancelled on 25 June:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

When Michael's body came out of the hospital and was being taken to the helicopter, there was a black strap across his body, but it wasnt there when he came out:

Also the feet of Michael's body looks thinner after coming out of the helicopter. It's like theyve shrunk:

And in this picture, you can see BOTH bodies. The 1st one with the black strap is in the background and the one without the strap is in the foreground:

I think someone is trying to pull a David Copperfield trick here.

All of this makes me think again of the moving body bag in the helicopter:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Jackson Musical Creditor's Claim

Posted Nov 2nd 2009 1:10 PM by TMZ Staff
Old Man Creditor ...​
just keeps rollin' along.​
Yet another Michael Jackson creditor's claim ...​

This time 4 Video Digital Audio, Inc. wants $ 736,502.59 for rented sound recording and audio equipment "in connection with the making of a musical."

Michael is listed as the performer and the producer.​

Here's what's interesting: One of the bills lists the start date of 6 / 9 and the finish date of 6 / 25 ...
the day Jackson died.​

This Is It is a musical with Michael as a performer and producer. The rehearsals were also filmed within these dates!!
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

[size=+2]Here you go Calotte!!!![/size]

Was the funeral staged?

I remember here on the board that many members (non hoax believers) thought there was something odd about the funeral.

I then did a little looking and some people had found some interesting things.

On the set of This Is It is this prop used for green screens:

At the funeral this piece of equipment is scene:

In this aerial shot you can see there is nothing behind the stage area and you can the grassy area looks different:


AP Exclusive: Michael Jackson Wrapped Video In Culver City Before Death
2009 June 29
tags: AP, Culver City, Culver Studios, death, Dome Project, HW Design Inc, Michael Jackson, MJ, production, sets, The King Of Pop, Thriller, Video by HW Design Inc.

Culver Studios, Where Michael Jackson Filmed the “Dome Project,” Just Before His Death. Photo by JB Brookman © HW Design Inc.
The Associated Press has just reported that Michael Jackson wrapped up work on an elaborate video production, just two weeks before his death. Culver Studios, right down the street from the HW Design Inc. offices, was the sight where four different sets were constructed for the shoot. One set was said to be a cemetery, evoking memories of the “Thriller” video. Jackson was reportedly on set from June 1-9 and the project is expected to be completed on July 15.
The video is being called the “Dome Project.”
So, let’s have a peek behind the screen in Culver City…Some info:

Culver City is also where the Michael Jackson Burn Centre is.

A map of the south section:


See anything familiar?

Now to us the background doesn’t match Forrest Lawn. It would better match with Culver City, but we couldn’t find an exact match. No problem, because we should focus on the 4 sets Mike built, this was just a clue we were on the right track IMO. The funeral was staged inside, in Culver City with a greenscreen.
Forrest lawn from above:

The funeral clip, obviously more roads and more trees:


Also a tree near the 5 trash cans moves quite significantly:




The outfits the This Is It dancers wore at the funeral is the same outfit worn here by Marlon.

BTW wasnt the Victory Tour called 'The Final Curtain'?

From ETOnline:
The burial service to be held on Thursday, September 3 at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park. ET has learned that tonight at 7:30 there will be a full dress rehearsal of the funeral ceremony with four cameras and musical performances, including Aretha Franklin.

And it's weird too, because there were lots of articles about this at the time, but a lot of them have been removed since then. There was a Yahoo News article, it's gone. So is one from the AP that I remember seeing. Why? The only links I could still find are from celeb news sites like Contact Music and ET.

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Was the funeral staged?

I remember here on the board that many members (non hoax believers) thought there was something odd about the funeral.

I then did a little looking and some people had found some interesting things.

On the set of This Is It is this prop used for green screens:

At the funeral this piece of equipment is scene:

In this aerial shot you can see there is nothing behind the stage area and you can the grassy area looks different:


AP Exclusive: Michael Jackson Wrapped Video In Culver City Before Death
2009 June 29
tags: AP, Culver City, Culver Studios, death, Dome Project, HW Design Inc, Michael Jackson, MJ, production, sets, The King Of Pop, Thriller, Video by HW Design Inc.

Culver Studios, Where Michael Jackson Filmed the “Dome Project,” Just Before His Death. Photo by JB Brookman © HW Design Inc.
The Associated Press has just reported that Michael Jackson wrapped up work on an elaborate video production, just two weeks before his death. Culver Studios, right down the street from the HW Design Inc. offices, was the sight where four different sets were constructed for the shoot. One set was said to be a cemetery, evoking memories of the “Thriller” video. Jackson was reportedly on set from June 1-9 and the project is expected to be completed on July 15.
The video is being called the “Dome Project.”
So, let’s have a peek behind the screen in Culver City…Some info:

Culver City is also where the Michael Jackson Burn Centre is.

A map of the south section:


See anything familiar?

Now to us the background doesn’t match Forrest Lawn. It would better match with Culver City, but we couldn’t find an exact match. No problem, because we should focus on the 4 sets Mike built, this was just a clue we were on the right track IMO. The funeral was staged inside, in Culver City with a greenscreen.
Forrest lawn from above:

The funeral clip, obviously more roads and more trees:


Also a tree near the 5 trash cans moves quite significantly:




The outfits the This Is It dancers wore at the funeral is the same outfit worn here by Marlon.

BTW wasnt the Victory Tour called 'The Final Curtain'?

From ETOnline:
The burial service to be held on Thursday, September 3 at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park. ET has learned that tonight at 7:30 there will be a full dress rehearsal of the funeral ceremony with four cameras and musical performances, including Aretha Franklin.

And it's weird too, because there were lots of articles about this at the time, but a lot of them have been removed since then. There was a Yahoo News article, it's gone. So is one from the AP that I remember seeing. Why? The only links I could still find are from celeb news sites like Contact Music and ET.

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^^ I think all the inconsistencies could be explained by hilly relief and changing the angle of view :scratch:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^^ I think all the inconsistencies could be explained by hilly relief and changing the angle of view :scratch:

No not ALL the inconsistencies cant be explained by the hilly background. Did you actually read the post? There are more inconsistencies that are not related to the background.

There is even a tree that literally moves closer to the trash cans. I'll try and find the pic of that again.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Okay Ill start :p

1) Are you sure that the equipement they used for TII were for greens screen? They could have just brought some things here to help 'the product filming'

2) About the Building, its just the angle of view, you can see it clearly if you watch again with the satellite view.

3) I dont really understand to point with culver city... ?

4) The trees and road fits EXACLY with the satellite and ground footage, you just have to look closely with the form ect. Also, look with a good/same angle

5) For the trees thing that 'dissapered' on the sattelite view, its because the tree is not close to the garbage. When you watch the footage on the ground, you can see that when the camera move, the tree move but not that much, its because hes far from the garbage.

6) The lamp 'flotting in the air' is a inflatable lamp. The cable are on the ground.

7) And the thing with Marlon is weird, I agree lol But it has nothing to do with the funeral 'faking'

For me the funeral is real and it was at forest lawn. But the problem is, why it was filmed in HD definition, and why the only 2 pictures we had are from the clip liberian girl ? and a lot more of questions lol
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Thanks for showing the picture of Michael 2 bodies in the helico :O

And the thing with TMZ creditor claims is more than weird.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Okay Ill start :p

1) Are you sure that the equipement they used for TII were for greens screen? They could have just brought some things here to help 'the product filming'
Did you see that equipment on the green screen set of TII? Also it's noted as an "AEG Produced Event..."
2) About the Building, its just the angle of view, you can see it clearly if you watch again with the satellite view.
Ive seen in it several times on different angles. Some shots there is a building directly behind the stage. In other shots there is nothing at all but road with a building further away. You can tell when something is distant or not.
3) I dont really understand to point with culver city... ?
Culver City was where they filmed The Dome project for TII (SC, Thriller, ES, Drill) and where the green screens are. The hills at CC look similar to that @ FL also.
4) The trees and road fits EXACLY with the satellite and ground footage, you just have to look closely with the form ect. Also, look with a good/same angle
I disagree.
5) For the trees thing that 'dissapered' on the sattelite view, its because the tree is not close to the garbage. When you watch the footage on the ground, you can see that when the camera move, the tree move but not that much, its because hes far from the garbage.
No tree moves that much from angle. There is a clear distance between them:

6) The lamp 'flotting in the air' is a inflatable lamp. The cable are on the ground.
Yes also used on green screen sets:

7) And the thing with Marlon is weird, I agree lol But it has nothing to do with the funeral 'faking'
Being what Marlon said was on the funeral program it does.
For me the funeral is real and it was at forest lawn. But the problem is, why it was filmed in HD definition, and why the only 2 pictures we had are from the clip liberian girl ? and a lot more of questions lol

There are reports from other sources that the funeral was held @ Hollywood Hills, that Michael was kept @ HH and the Jackson brothers went to HH on Jackson Dynasty.

Normally at a funeral, the family introduces guests etc. Its the family that usually runs a funeral but here AEG (Ortega, Phillips, Payne) are directing the funeral.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Remember the whole Murray child custody hearing?

Well here is the lawyer for Murray's ex-girlfriend:


And here he is now at Michael's funeral!:


Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

LaToya is a known liar. If I were Michael I would use her too to confuse or lead people in the wrong direction. Who is going to question her? No one.

do I find Latoya credible? - not so much :smilerolleyes:

but according to documents latoya has at least seen the body twice - see death certificate where she id's the body and the last page of the autopsy report when she accompany the medical examiner to the FL with her significant other.

I didn't necessarily take her word for it, I just mentioned the written official records.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

do I find Latoya credible? - not so much :smilerolleyes:

but according to documents latoya has at least seen the body twice - see death certificate where she id's the body and the last page of the autopsy report when she accompany the medical examiner to the FL with her significant other.

I didn't necessarily take her word for it, I just mentioned the written official records.

But thats if you believe the Death Certificate which I do not. In fact I have an entire thread on that:

If MJ hoaxed his death, the DC would be fake.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Regarding Funeral: