The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

the facts in this video are indeed true. Being the daughter of a nurse and a first responder. People who go into cardiac arrest are often clamy and sweaty. not warm and dry. This video also brings up the point of if you are a cardiologist and you are taking care of 1 patient why wouldn't you have a defibrillator? Why wouldn't you have something that could save a person in the home? I have one in my home. With all this medical equipment that should have been there Michael would no doubt be alive and well right now if he is indeed dead. Right now my brain is so f**king confused and filled with questions i dont know what to believe anymore.

Not to mention the fact that Murray says he has never performed CPR on someone. He doesn't know how to do CPR Period. In my way of thinking to become a doctor you need to know all the things that make up a doctor and thats knowing CP Fucking R
Yes I agree with you that he should have took the proper procedures
and had the proper medical equiptment_ Im sure more will come
out when the trial begins of what he is actually is going to testify
that he did to try and revive MJ .. he will be grilled on that for sure.

I have never heard of Murray ever saying that he didnt know how to perform CPR at any time
but maybe I missed that story - do you have a source for him saying that _ where did you hear
that from ? It doesnt seem reasonable that a Doctor would say that _ especially under these
circumstances _ He would just be making himself seem more imcompentent. Thanks _
and ill go check it out.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Edit: I found it!!

(CBS/AP) Michael Jackson's doctor halted CPR on the dying pop star and delayed calling paramedics so he could collect drug vials at the scene, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press that shed new light on the singer's chaotic final moments.

The explosive allegation that Dr. Conrad Murray may have tried to hide evidence is likely to be a focus as prosecutors move ahead with their involuntary manslaughter case against him.

The account was given to investigators by Alberto Alvarez, Jackson's logistics director, who was summoned to the stricken star's side as he was dying on June 25. His statement and those from two other Jackson employees also obtained by the AP paint a grisly scene in Jackson's bedroom.

Complete Michael Jackson Coverage

Alvarez told investigators that he rushed to Jackson's room and saw the star lying in his bed, an IV attached to his leg. Jackson's mouth was agape, eyes open and there was no sign of life. Murray worked frantically, at one point performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while Alvarez took over CPR.

Two of the star's children, Prince and Paris, came in the room and cried as they saw Murray trying to save their father. A nanny was called to usher them away and they were taken to wait outside in a vehicle.

The documents also detail an odd encounter with Murray after Jackson was declared dead at a nearby hospital. Murray insisted he needed to return to the mansion to get cream that Jackson had "so the world wouldn't find out about it," according to the statements, which provide no elaboration.

Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, rejected the notion his client tried to hide drugs. He also noted Alvarez was interviewed twice by police and gave different accounts of what happened in Jackson's bedroom. During the first interview, Alvarez made no mention of being told to tidy away medicine vials.

"He didn't say any of those things, then two months later, all of a sudden, the doc is throwing bottles into the bag," Chernoff said. "Alvarez's statement is inconsistent with his previous statement. We will deal with that at trial."

Alvarez and the others who gave the statements, Jackson's personal assistant Michael Amir Williams and driver/bodyguard Faheem Muhammad, could be key witnesses should Murray go to trial. Except for the brief appearances by the nanny and the children, Alvarez and Muhammad were the only others in the room with Murray as he tried to save Jackson before paramedics arrived.

A call to Alvarez's attorney was not immediately returned.

Jackson, 50, hired Murray to be his personal physician as he prepared for a series of comeback performances in London. He was participating in strenuous rehearsals and Murray would routinely meet him at the star's home in the evening for treatments.

The Los Angeles coroner ruled Jackson's death a homicide caused by an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol and two other sedatives given to get the chronic insomniac to sleep. Propofol, a milky white liquid, is supposed to be administered only by anesthesia professionals in medical settings. Patients require constant monitoring because the drug depresses breathing and heart rate while lowering blood pressure, a potentially deadly combination.

Murray, 57, a cardiologist licensed in Nevada, California and Texas, has acknowledged briefly leaving Jackson's bedside the day he died but maintained from the outset that nothing he gave the singer should have killed him. It wasn't illegal for him to administer propofol, though whether he followed proper procedures while Jackson was under the influence is a key part of the case.

Alvarez, Muhammad and Williams are all represented by attorney Carl Douglas and gave their statements separately on Aug. 31 at the lawyer's Beverly Hills office. None of the three has spoken publicly about the events of June 25.

Alvarez told police he arrived at Jackson's home around 10:20 a.m. He was awaiting instructions for the day in a security trailer outside Jackson's rented mansion when, at 12:17 p.m., his phone rang. It was Williams.

Williams told Alvarez that Murray had just called to say Jackson was in trouble. Alvarez rushed into the mansion and up the stairs to Jackson's room, where he saw Murray standing at the pop star's bedside, performing CPR with one hand, according to the statements.

Alvarez asked the doctor what had happened.

"He had a reaction, he had a bad reaction," Murray replied, according to Alvarez's statement.

Murray then grabbed a few vials with rubber tops and told Alvarez to put them in a bag, Alvarez told investigators. Alvarez picked up a plastic bag from the floor and Murray put the bottles inside, then Murray told Alvarez to put that plastic bag inside a brown canvas bag, according to the account.

Alvarez said Murray then told him to remove an IV bag from a stand and put it in a blue canvas bag. He did, and noticed the bag had a connector with a milky white substance in it. Alvarez didn't say what happened to the bags, nor did he identify what was in the vials.

Two days after Jackson's death, under several hours of questioning by police, Murray eventually directed them to a closet in Jackson's bedroom. In it, they found propofol and other sedatives in a bag.

On the day Jackson died, Murray waited until the bags were filled before telling Alvarez to call 911, according to Alvarez's statement.

"I need an ambulance as soon as possible," Alvarez told a dispatcher. "We have a gentleman here that needs help and he's not breathing."

The dispatcher told Alvarez to put Jackson on the floor.

At that moment, Muhammad rushed into the room and began helping with chest compressions while Murray attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Murray told the men it was his first time performing CPR, Alvarez said, though Chernoff said Murray had administered CPR many times before.

Murray then placed a dark brown machine with wires onto Jackson's fingers, Alvarez said. Police later said they found a pulse oximeter at Jackson's home, a medical device that shows heart rate and the amount of oxygen in the blood.

By 12:27 p.m., paramedics arrived at the house. According to their report, Jackson was not breathing and had no pulse at 12:29 p.m. However, Murray stated he could feel a weak pulse in Jackson's upper thigh area, Alvarez and Muhammad said.

According to the paramedic report, emergency responders tried two rounds of resuscitation attempts and were ready to discontinue treatment, but Murray said he would take responsibility and insisted resuscitation be continued in the ambulance.

At 1:07 p.m., the singer was taken to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where doctors attempted a range of resuscitation techniques. Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m.

At the hospital, after the death had been called, Williams said he saw Murray crying.

Murray asked Williams if he or someone else could take him back to the mansion so he could pick up the cream, according to Williams' statement.

Williams said he didn't think it was a good idea for Murray to return to the house. He spoke to Muhammad and they agreed they wouldn't take Murray back. They concocted a story that police had taken all the keys to the vehicles as part of the investigation.

Murray said he would take a cab, and Williams said he saw him leave the hospital through a side door.
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Thank you
Sorry I though you said he stated he didnt know how to perform CPR
not that it was his first time_ I dont know if we can consider this persons
testimony as fact yest as it also says he changed his testimony several time
so we dont even know if that is true _ it so much BS by the media _

Ill be so glad when this gets to trial so we can
get first hand testimony from the witnesses ..
Im so sick of all this media BS - I agree with you
It is so confusing :(
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I guess the The same way Michael did in his life
he would have to go to court one day and testify when he was being sued
and then the next day he would have to perform . Its called scheduling.

why cant they perform and then go sit in the court room a week
later to support their Brother .. sounds do-able to me

Of course there is No source for claimimng they are doing a concert
So I dont believe they are _ it just rumor/BS

I dont know
These videos are getting more and more ridiculas
So now according to this person anyone who has a coke
or any company that coke sponsers is working for Michael Now
Lady ga Ga is working for Michael becuase she has coke cans in
her hair :LOL: This is so silly to me_ this video makes no sense

How do people really see any sense in all that ??
seems they are playing a game of thier own making now
and it has NOTHING to do with Michael _ I really dont think
MJ is playing this game- hopping down bunny trails and playing
games of clue _ turning this very serious thing into a game ..
when so many fans and people are hurting deeply _ I just
cant see Michael doing that- It is the DHF playing the game
and it is the DHFans that made up this game ..

Now if someone is seeking actual facts and evidence
without all the sillyness _ I can listen and respect that
but It getting way over the top and even seems disrespectful
to MJ some of the things they MAKE UP to support thier agenda.

Its getting laughable
I will respect those who are seeking truth NOT playing mind games
with fans for thier own entertainement at the expense of Michael legacy

I wish more that anything that he was alive _ Im in great pain
I just have seen NOTHING yet to show that _ certainly not this video
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

qbee he didn't move Michael to a hard surface,he used one hand to do chest compressions. I know CPR and the way i was taught is to Move the person to a hard surface if he isn't already,use BOTH hands for chest compressions and if you do mouth-to-mouth give 2 breaths after 30 compressions, and only stop when a medical professional takes over.

I do not know where "Doctor" Murray got his CPR training but he needs to go back and get re-certified.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

hi.. some people said Jacksons visited 'the wrong' cemetery. can anyone post here a link that shows what's that all about?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

qbee he didn't move Michael to a hard surface,he used one hand to do chest compressions. I know CPR and the way i was taught is to Move the person to a hard surface if he isn't already,use BOTH hands for chest compressions and if you do mouth-to-mouth give 2 breaths after 30 compressions, and only stop when a medical professional takes over.

I do not know where "Doctor" Murray got his CPR training but he needs to go back and get re-certified.

to me it seems totally silly that a doctor would do cpr on a bed.

1. to do the "pushing" on the persons chest is very tough. It requires a lot of strength and stamina, and you dont even have enough force if you dont sit on the floor, on your knees, bented over the person. You use ALL your strength PLUS the half of your body weight (somewhat) to do a CPR. You can't do that standing upright as murray would have done according to this public explanation. (not NEARLY as well as on the floor at least)

2. the chest is made of BONES. as we know - a VERY hard material that -logically- will not bend a tiny bit if the surface beneathe it is soft like - a bed. Imagine that you have a ball on your bed, and you wanted to push the air out of the ball. But when you lay your weight/strength on the ball all that happens is that the mattress bends down and the ball is pressured into it.

It's really logic for a groundschoolar. And I don't get how a doctor (ANY doctor) could'nt figure that out..
It's just not right.. just-not-right..

I must say though - if this is a hoax then I dont think michael will return..
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I have never dreamed so many strange things would be happening.I am honestly loosing my head and don"t know what to believe.I desperatly want to believe that Michael is ok. I would forgive him anything...the pain..sleeples nights, just to have him back. But I can not pretend that all those weird things are just coincidences. They are not. So many things are wrong....A doctor who doesn"t know how to do a CPR?! That 911 know it all. No pictures of his kids at family there...
I would rather believe that he is alive ( I don"t care if ppl call me crazy ).
Or someone is playing with our minds big time. All I have left is time and I guess time will tell.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I do not know where "Doctor" Murray got his CPR training but he needs to go back and get re-certified.
Murray must have studied medicine at Google >>> How to do CPR. :doh:


hi.. some people said Jacksons visited 'the wrong' cemetery. can anyone post here a link that shows what's that all about?
This was shown in an episode of "The Jacksons: Family Dynasty," the brothers going to the cemetery. I remember someone posted here in this thread, a video hoax about this, but for some time.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^^thanks ashtanga, i'll try to find it (that's gonna be hard, lol)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

"This Is It" Debuts on TMZ December 2008?
Could this be the start of the odd TMZ articles relating to "This Is It"? Below is a screen shot of an article that talks about how Pat Harrington, Jr. "resurfaced" at an event in Los Angeles. He had played Dwayne Schneider in the 70's sitcom "One Day At A Time".


It then goes on to show images of other people who haven't been seen in a long time, under the title "memba them" ("remember them").

Why would the article be entitled "This Is It"? The One Day At A Time theme song does begin with the line "This Is It", and perhaps gave them a reason to list that as the article's title, but still, does it make sense?

Fast forward to June 2, 2009. In this posting TMZ says that "Michael told us yesterday" that he was going to do a concert with the Jackson 5 in 2010.


So Michael Jackson was communicating directly with TMZ in June 2009 but was the extent of it just random quotes given to the TMZ Paps as he left the doctor's office or was there more to it? How far back did this all begin? Note the photograph of MJ hiding a smile is one of TMZ's own, and it's with a blue screen background. This is what makes it appear that there could be more to the story....

See also:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

TMZ have photoshopped a remote control on MJs HIStory album:
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

even Brian Oxman likes to wear his 2005 trial clothes.. u guys come on! who wears the same clothes on TV 5 years apart??? i sure as hell would not. esp if i was as wealthy as they are..


Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Uri Show Tomorrow 8h30 PM european time !

Estern time = 2h30 PM

LA Time = 11h30 AM
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

can we watch it here in the US?? and how long is the show?

We cant watch it in the US BUT! There will be a live chat on and we will have people that will watch it live telling us whats going on lol.

The show is about 2 hours.. and I bet Uri will wait for the end lol.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

That is strange that they all wear the exact same outfits, right down to their neckties.

Any theories on what the symbolism is, whether you're a believer or not?

Personally, I gather it's their own "Justice for MJ" campaign.

On to another hoax theory though--and I've been through the last few pages and I haven't seen anything mentioning--the fact that LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) was shut down for almost two hours after Michael's death. A girl posted this info on Facebook and I Googled it and found a site called that confirms several flights were delayed or cancelled on Jun 25 around that time. She also said that there was only one flight scheduled that left out to Mexico, but no record of it landing. Anyone know anything about that or have any theories?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

There was a good amount of info posted about the airport quite a while back. It won't be easy to find now though but I'll try dig it up for you, I think it was DI who posted it.

Almost 120 pages, I can't believe how big this thread is now. :giggle:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

There was a good amount of info posted about the airport quite a while back. It won't be easy to find now though but I'll try dig it up for you, I think it was DI who posted it.

Almost 120 pages, I can't believe how big this thread is now. :giggle:

what r u talking about? im on page 45! ur on 120? how?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

what r u talking about? im on page 45! ur on 120? how?

Oh, your settings must be different. I'm only viewing 15 posts per page, that's the default... I think. :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I know! This thread is way too large. lmfao I only scanned back about 50 pages. There's no way I can catch up.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Oh, your settings must be different. I'm only viewing 15 posts per page, that's the default... I think. :)

o haha! i see!! ya but still it is a lot of pages and lots of content!! when i joined this thread it was only at page 7 haha!!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

even Brian Oxman likes to wear his 2005 trial clothes.. u guys come on! who wears the same clothes on TV 5 years apart??? i sure as hell would not. esp if i was as wealthy as they are..


Yes! It is a fact that people with a lot of money never wear the same clothes. lol! :doh: Principally after 5 years.... After so long the clothes are old and worn. lol! It's just my opinion. :ph34r:

Pretty Young Thriller, I made a list of almost everything if you want to keep up :)

Its 7 parts, 1h15 long, but after that you will know everything

Thanks! :wild: I'll watch it later.