The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

It was MJ, Mo and Souza forum is bull**** sorry but I have to say it. They think Murray has a double cmon!!!

The forum forum is 10 times better. People are more realistic.

Are these the same people that claim Michael is "Dr. Murray" aswell?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

The evidence against him is overwhelming ? What evidences ? Nodoby really know what happened on June 25th. Theres almost 13 differents stories. How can you be sure that that's what happened ?

...Honey, please go and read the facts.

I'm out.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Are these the same people that claim Michael is "Dr. Murray" aswell?

Oh man.. :doh:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

The evidence against him is overwhelming ? What evidences ? Nodoby really know what happened on June 25th. Theres almost 13 differents stories. How can you be sure that that's what happened ?

Nobody knows what really happened on June 25 in the house and especially what was happening in the life of Michael.

Facts? Nothing is 100% true in all this. This story is full of lies and things that make no sense.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


Nobody knows what really happened on June 25 in the house and especially what was happening in the life of Michael.

Facts? Nothing is 100% true in all this. This story is full of lies and things that make no sense.

I agree with this post..the only two people who REALLY know what happened that night is Michael..and he is not here to tell..the other..Murray...and he will NEVER tell the truth about what happened.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I agree with this post..the only two people who REALLY know what happened that night is Michael..and he is not here to tell..the other..Murray...and he will NEVER tell the truth about what happened.

Exactly! Murray is the key to the mystery.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

TMZ Throws Out Photos, But We Recycle

Yesterday we posted about TMZ's Coca-Cola theme. One curious aspect of this is that they switched the original photo that was in the article. The first time they posted the article, it was the image you see to the left. Later, they switched the photo:

We couldn't find significance in this alone, but then the realization came that the original photo could have an interesting use and decided to "recycle" it in a sense.

It has been a while since we did a Dave Dave comparison, and the original photo seemed like it could fit the bill. So for fun here is a comparison.

First, Dave Dave and the original TMZ photo of MJ:

Next an overlay of each side of MJ's face over Dave Dave, with slight adjustments for angle:

Whether or not you believe that MJ portrayed Dave Dave on Larry King Live, these comparisons always turn out uncanny!
Not Something i Normally do.....

I have to admit that today i watched some of the death hoax videos and one caught my attention. Not only am i embarrassed that i have been spending 2 hours watching these videos but i am starting to think it could be possible.

If this is not aloud please forgive me.

I came across this video. All points in this video are true. However, i do not believe fully that Michael would do this but this video makes you think that there could be a possibility to it.

Like everyone else it is hard for me to believe that Michael is gone. There was another video that put thome under the gun. Saying to pay him Back for saving Neverland he made Michael do the TII tour. Also it said that while Michael was under the influence of drugs he (thome) made Michael sign documents. Michael even said he didn't remember signing a few of them.

I know alot of you will think im nuts or have gone off the deep end here. But if you sit back and think about it. Don't you think there could be a possibility that he IS alive? After all that he has been through, After all the pain he has had to endure. This would be a perfect way to start over...

I sound completely crazy!
Re: Not Something i Normally do.....

I have to admit that today i watched some of the death hoax videos and one caught my attention. Not only am i embarrassed that i have been spending 2 hours watching these videos but i am starting to think it could be possible.

If this is not aloud please forgive me.

I came across this video. All points in this video are true. However, i do not believe fully that Michael would do this but this video makes you think that there could be a possibility to it.

Like everyone else it is hard for me to believe that Michael is gone. There was another video that put thome under the gun. Saying to pay him Back for saving Neverland he made Michael do the TII tour. Also it said that while Michael was under the influence of drugs he (thome) made Michael sign documents. Michael even said he didn't remember signing a few of them.

I know alot of you will think im nuts or have gone off the deep end here. But if you sit back and think about it. Don't you think there could be a possibility that he IS alive? After all that he has been through, After all the pain he has had to endure. This would be a perfect way to start over...

I sound completely crazy!

NOBODY here thinks ur crazy!! this is exactly what we have been discussing in this forum since last year!! thats why we ask that everyone that enters this thread enters it with an open mind, because if u do try to look at things from our perspective you will see that this whole mess is really just a mess and nothing in it adds up at all!! you are not crazy and you are not alone, we are here with you haha!! but glad to see that you are opening your eyes ;)
Re: Not Something i Normally do.....

NOBODY here thinks ur crazy!! this is exactly what we have been discussing in this forum since last year!! thats why we ask that everyone that enters this thread enters it with an open mind, because if u do try to look at things from our perspective you will see that this whole mess is really just a mess and nothing in it adds up at all!! you are not crazy and you are not alone, we are here with you haha!! but glad to see that you are opening your eyes ;)

out of all the videos that one seems to make the most sence because of the background in first respenders and nursing i have. I mean its hard to believe but that video makes you think twice. and all the ones like that on on that persons channel.... I think im starting to lose it. I mean if this is true then where is he? And why isn't thome arrested for holding his life captive? IMO what thome did is a form of Kidnapping.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


what boggles my mind the most from this video, is how the hell can the jackson 5 (without michael because i dont think randy is involved) how can they hold a concert on june 8 and then come back to the US for the tria of their brothers "MURDER" a week later!! HOW???
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

if Michael "comes back" before june 8th then it will mess everything up. All he has worked for and besides i still wanna see this know-nothing doctor go to jail.
Re: Not Something i Normally do.....

out of all the videos that one seems to make the most sence because of the background in first respenders and nursing i have. I mean its hard to believe but that video makes you think twice. and all the ones like that on on that persons channel.... I think im starting to lose it. I mean if this is true then where is he? And why isn't thome arrested for holding his life captive? IMO what thome did is a form of Kidnapping.

Michael had the freedom to come and go as he pleased when Thome was his manager_ He was not being held captive _ I dont understand
what gave you that impression ? Thome was controlling MJ's finances not Michaels personal life of where MJ could or could not go or do.
if Michael "comes back" before june 8th then it will mess everything up. All he has worked for and besides i still wanna see this know-nothing doctor go to jail.
What has he worked for ?? I dont get it ? Sorry _your post confused me
If you believe Mj is alive why would you want Dr Murray to go to Jail for his murder???
Im sorry if Im musunderstanding your post _ but thats what it seem you are saying
Can you explain what you meant _Thanks
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

what boggles my mind the most from this video, is how the hell can the jackson 5 (without michael because i dont think randy is involved) how can they hold a concert on june 8 and then come back to the US for the tria of their brothers "MURDER" a week later!! HOW???

I guess the The same way Michael did in his life
he would have to go to court one day and testify when he was being sued
and then the next day he would have to perform . Its called scheduling.

why cant they perform and then go sit in the court room a week
later to support their Brother .. sounds do-able to me

Of course there is No source for claimimng they are doing a concert
So I dont believe they are _ it just rumor/BS

I dont know
These videos are getting more and more ridiculas
So now according to this person anyone who has a coke
or any company that coke sponsers is working for Michael Now
Lady ga Ga is working for Michael becuase she has coke cans in
her hair :LOL: This is so silly to me_ this video makes no sense

How do people really see any sense in all that ??
seems they are playing a game of thier own making now
and it has NOTHING to do with Michael _ I really dont think
MJ is playing this game- hopping down bunny trails and playing
games of clue _ turning this very serious thing into a game ..
when so many fans and people are hurting deeply _ I just
cant see Michael doing that- It is the DHF playing the game
and it is the DHFans that made up this game ..

Now if someone is seeking actual facts and evidence
without all the sillyness _ I can listen and respect that
but It getting way over the top and even seems disrespectful
to MJ some of the things they MAKE UP to support thier agenda.

Its getting laughable
I will respect those who are seeking truth NOT playing mind games
with fans for thier own entertainement at the expense of Michael legacy

I wish more that anything that he was alive _ Im in great pain
I just have seen NOTHING yet to show that _ certainly not this video
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Re: Not Something i Normally do.....

Michael had the freedom to come and go as he pleased when Thome was his manager_ He was not being held captive _ I dont understand
what gave you that impression ? Thome was controlling MJ's finances not Michaels personal life of where MJ could or could not go or do.

What has he worked for ?? I dont get it ? Sorry _your post confused me
If you believe Mj is alive why would you want Dr Murray to go to Jail for his murder???
Im sorry if Im musunderstanding your post _ but thats what it seem you are saying
Can you explain what you meant _Thanks

Again i was watching the death hoax videos and his spritial adviser taped a conversation with him.

here is the video
Re: Not Something i Normally do.....

Michael had the freedom to come and go as he pleased when Thome was his manager_ He was not being held captive _ I dont understand
what gave you that impression ? Thome was controlling MJ's finances not Michaels personal life of where MJ could or could not go or do.

What has he worked for ?? I dont get it ? Sorry _your post confused me
If you believe Mj is alive why would you want Dr Murray to go to Jail for his murder???
Im sorry if Im musunderstanding your post _ but thats what it seem you are saying
Can you explain what you meant _Thanks

to be really honest i have no idea what the hell im talking about this is all so confusing to me. Im drowning here in this topic because i never thought i would start to believe anything these people put out. But if Michael wanted to die he would have to have someone to take the fall or make it look real. I dont know if "coming back" before the trial is what he wanted but i dont think he will if this is indeed true.

if it is i need to alter my tattoo.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Welcome Ginny:)

Thanks lol i think...

I looked at the link in my first post here and the vid isn't working. Its this one here.... that got me in here...

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Thanks lol i think...

I looked at the link in my first post here and the vid isn't working. Its this one here.... that got me in here...


Yes ive watched that video with great interest
If the facts stated in that vid are the truth_ We dont know becuase so may untrue stories leak _ BUt this video shows Murray allowed MJ To die becuase he didnt use the proper procedures to revive him _ also it has already been stated he didnt have the proper resisitation equiptment to revieve MJ in case of an accident_ That is why Michael's FAMILY want the charges raised to 2nd degree murder instead of manslaughter _ I see no eveidence to show MJ is alive in this video _only evidence the Doctor needs to be prosecuted for causing Michael death

Also if the family thought he was alive why go through all this trouble to fight to bring heavier charges on the doctor_ MJ's father is even filing a wrongful civil death suit to sue Dr Murray after the court case _ why would the family do that beyond the criminal case already if they thought Michael was alive _ that would be way over the top .. and would not be necessary on thier part _ to me that proves MJ is dead _ I Believe his Family are grieving terribly over it. I see it in thier faces and their words and actions. I see it _

I just lost my Sister my Mom and Michael in the last 9 months _ I see their pain. I see them trying to hold back tears -I see them smile _ I see them cry tears _ I see them show no emotions _ Its all part of grieving. Some days I can funtion like nothing happened other days I am wallowing on the floor in tears_ Im glad people cant see to judge waether Im truly grieving for the loss based on how I feel or act on a particluar day_ Liike some DHFans do the Jackson Family.
Im not saying all fans judge them in that manner but many are _

I really enjoy discussing this topic.
we are not allowed to discuss it on most youtube
vids_ the DHFs wont discuss it - they delete our posts
if we question or show discepencies in what they say.

At t least here we can get all sides of the story and weigh the
evidence and facts presented I feel that has always been the
best way to find the TRUTH.

I think we all want the truth so we should be willing to
discuss it _ weight everything and use common sense to find it
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

the facts in this video are indeed true. Being the daughter of a nurse and a first responder. People who go into cardiac arrest are often clamy and sweaty. not warm and dry. This video also brings up the point of if you are a cardiologist and you are taking care of 1 patient why wouldn't you have a defibrillator? Why wouldn't you have something that could save a person in the home? I have one in my home. With all this medical equipment that should have been there Michael would no doubt be alive and well right now if he is indeed dead. Right now my brain is so f**king confused and filled with questions i dont know what to believe anymore.

Not to mention the fact that Murray says he has never performed CPR on someone. He doesn't know how to do CPR Period. In my way of thinking to become a doctor you need to know all the things that make up a doctor and thats knowing CP Fucking R
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I want to say something but i will not personally have no comment. Thanks for sharing these videos
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I want to say something but i will not personally have no comment. Thanks for sharing these videos

if you had no comment then why did you post in here at all?

I am new to this area of the forum and i am voicing my opinion whats stopping you from doing the same?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

if you had no comment then why did you post in here at all?

I am new to this area of the forum and i am voicing my opinion whats stopping you from doing the same?

Real talk all these videos is not going to change my mind on what i was told and what I know the industry is a very dark place no celebs should even waste their time with its a game that you play with your life, family, friends etc. Its like who ever hit the biggest lottery will be approach either you play the game or your life will be on the line until they have you right where you want too. Many artist sell there own relatives out for riches. I mean i not knocking you all from believing what you believe in because "they" love all the hoax theories they feed off celebs websites even they die they continue to spread false information to the outside media. But its the inside Media every body needs to pay attention too. I have friends who are in the industry one always cry out to me over the phone my cousin was and ex rapper but sadly he going back to rap cause they are calling him back in That's all i am going to say soon you all will know the real deal. My heart always go out to Michael for standing his ground and leaving the game when things got dangerous
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