The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I never paid any mind to BOW they never said anything we didn't already mentioned! I hope they don't come back!

Oh did u guys read the new Vibe mag talking about MJ new songs? Someone uploaded the articles on another thread it was a good read! But, Akon said something at the end of the article that left me like WHAT! :O lol The magazine mentions at the end what would MJ make of his return as the KOP with all the albums he sold and all that. Then they said...

Akon has his own theory: "Everything in mike's life was choreographed." he says. "So he's probably on some island right now just relaxing, waiting for the time to come back. I can deal with his death knowing that. One day I'm going to be somewhere going to the market and might see him with the same disguise that he had in Vegas. I would just say to him, Don't worry Michael, I won't tell nobody."

Well, isn't that interesting some are speculating that Akon might know something? But, who knows? Whatever the case, those were some interesting chose of words from Akon! :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I'm willing to bet Akon knows just as much as we do, he just basically said the same thing other fans feel, that they whether think Michael is alive somewhere, as a way to cope with him being gone. That's what it seemed like to me anyway.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

no way?! this cannot be the same Barry Shaw, or can it? - the same who claimed he 'played Michael' to the fans and it was even him at court in 2005 not Michael?......

I don't think it's the same Barry Shaw. Many people as u know have the same name, and the Barry Shaw for this MJ doc shows his face on a website! So u can see him, he is a white man! The other barry used another MJ impersonator pic to act like that was him and got removed from face book and myspace! It could even be a fake name he took too because if he can try and take MJs image and some other MJ impersonators pic and use it as he own then him doing the same with a name is like nothing to him! The Barry Shaw of this doc has a career making money doing docs like this and whatever else and I doubt he would risk such a thing like that whack job did on face book? But, it's all very strange!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I'm willing to bet Akon knows just as much as we do, he just basically said the same thing other fans feel, that they whether think Michael is alive somewhere, as a way to cope with him being gone. That's what it seemed like to me anyway.

Oh yea he could have meant that too but, the difference between Akon and fans is that he got to know MJ and also right at the end before the 25th and he is in the industry and knows how it can be! So his words are more important to me because of that! But, who wouldn't want to think of MJ happy somewhere, I know I do! Without forgetting of course that June 25th 2009 is most likely true!?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Anybody seen and heard this.

I don't know what to fink wow if it is michael

Its Peterpan PYT he sounds like MJ and he is saying he is not Michael
many fans keep saying is ... but he still trys to be mysterios to feed
into the hoax and garner attention _ he thinks its funny

He says he is NOT Michael
the discussion about Blanket is about a girl fan username blanket
that he speaks with ..

when they talk about PianoGames talking about him
they are discussing Pianogames talking about recordings
made by Peter ..

I use to talk with peterpanpyr long before Mj passed a way
he always denied being Michael .. but since Mjs death
he has been a player and Im disapointed
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Aaah cool. Gosh he sounds like him thou. Weird eh.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I thought Peterpanpyt was Donald. But, Peter say that ain't him either LOL! Funny that the dude he talking to don't trust Peter and trying hard to get him to say something and peter laughs at him! He ask about if he talks to Paris and blanket and he say yea they doing good. The guy say blanket is to young to talk about things online and wouldn't he be weirded out about his voice and he say u gotta ask her that even though the guy meant blanket MJ son a boy!

Peter does voice impersonation of all his brothers and Joe including Janet and la toya and say he haven't seen Joe in about a yr and talks about Jo Vonnie and the guy thinks peter talking about Joe daughter. But, he say no another Jo Vonnie. Whoever he is he was messing with this guys head, poor guy on the other end on the phone was so confused! lol But, it looks like they know who each other are for 3 yrs but, never met....?

Very Strange the whole thing!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Anybody seen and heard this.

I don't know what to fink wow if it is michael

I dont know? It sounds like MJ doing one of his voices at first and then it slackens a bit.

He talks how MJ talks in some of the phone converstations we've heard before.

This will cause a stir in the Hoax World for sure.

Unless someone can give me legit proof it aint MJ, I have reservations.

Thank you for sharing.:clapping:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

sounds like mj...mj is a very good voice actor
but then there's this...
Listen to the beat box, demo's, poem etc - i'm not sure what to make of it :scratch:
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Wasn't this guy discussed short while ago? It's not Michael. Look at the myspace, "All my love", lol.

This guy is just having fun trying to pretend being Michael. Playing around.

Also, isn't this the guy that put video on youtube with him recording something to a phone proving that he could sound like Michael?

Edit: Just listened to the whole conversation. Lol at the "look like a lizard on webcam" part.
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Peter has always denied being Michael, he was impersonating Michael before June 25th I believe. He does sound a lot like Michael, but he's always denied it, since the 25th he's been more quiet than usual, but thats not to say he was feeding in to the rumors and playing with our heads. He could have just been grieving like the rest of us.....It doesn't seem like he's even playing with the guy on the phones head, the guy keeps trying to feed him to say things like he's dave dave or Michael, and it seems Peter is trying to refrain from saying such things.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

But he is acting to be Michael, saying he met his father two or one year ago, etc? Then suddently he says he is not Michael. He is playing around.

But again, he is 100% not Michael. Look at his youtube profile, and myspace. He says that he is NOT Mj.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Doesnt the other guy talking to Peter sound like the guy from the 911 call?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This better be a joke or this man is seriously in denial! And what's up with Murray saying he new the family? He didn't know that family, they didn't even know who he was until they went to the hospital according to La Toya's account! So I don't believe this tabloid trash!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Sorry but, Which guy u think he sounded like? The 911 operator or MJ's security guy Alberto Alvarez?

The 911 operator.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

"Dr. Murray feels so sorry for Randy and the family. He knows the tremendous amount of stress that they've been under. He wishes them the best. Dr. Murray knew them before the death of Michael and he has nothing but great memories of them. He, too, is anxious to find out who is responsible for Michael's death."

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This whole Murray thing is anoying and making me angry beyond belief.
He has changed his story so many times, I have lost count. He is even getting sympathies from some MJ "fans".
This all mess is making a reasonable man to question his own mind. Is Murray guilty ?
Was it a negligance ? Did Sony kill him ? Who did it ? Why is investigation so sloppy ?
Why so many different stories ?
The only way I can survive all this is beliving that Mike is alive and safe somewhere.
Am I crazy for still beliving this....or at least trying to ?!
I would like to ask some of you....who TRULY believes that MJ is alive ?
I need comfort badly....:(
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This whole Murray thing is anoying and making me angry beyond belief.
He has changed his story so many times, I have lost count. He is even getting sympathies from some MJ "fans".
This all mess is making a reasonable man to question his own mind. Is Murray guilty ?
Was it a negligance ? Did Sony kill him ? Who did it ? Why is investigation so sloppy ?
Why so many different stories ?
The only way I can survive all this is beliving that Mike is alive and safe somewhere.
Am I crazy for still beliving this....or at least trying to ?!
I would like to ask some of you....who TRULY believes that MJ is alive ?
I need comfort badly....:(
hugs to you,i feel the same at this moment,with 1yr fast approaching i don,t know what to believe anymore,i do look at the way the case is being dealt with sometimes,and think to myself it has to be a hoax,because if someone really died they couldn,t be this incompetant,but then again this is the world we live in,
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

no..not doesn't sound like him at all to me...Michael pronounces words differently...and his laugh..sorry not the same.

lol Really because I think the exact opposite. It sounds exactly how MJ speaks, he laugh, the pronunciation etc. MJ has a very unique way of speaking (Its just a pluurg!) To me it sounds like MJ trying to be someone not being him if you get me.

MJ has done this sort of thing before. Remember when MJ was pranked on radio and pretended to be Akon? (I cant find it on youtube anymore)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This whole Murray thing is anoying and making me angry beyond belief.
He has changed his story so many times, I have lost count. He is even getting sympathies from some MJ "fans".
This all mess is making a reasonable man to question his own mind. Is Murray guilty ?
Was it a negligance ? Did Sony kill him ? Who did it ? Why is investigation so sloppy ?
Why so many different stories ?
The only way I can survive all this is beliving that Mike is alive and safe somewhere.
Am I crazy for still beliving this....or at least trying to ?!
I would like to ask some of you....who TRULY believes that MJ is alive ?
I need comfort badly....:(
hugs to you,i feel the same at this moment,with 1yr fast approaching i don,t know what to believe anymore,i do look at the way the case is being dealt with sometimes,and think to myself it has to be a hoax,because if someone really died they couldn,t be this incompetant,but then again this is the world we live in,


The whole story is a big mess and is full of lies. Well, there is no other way out: we must have very patience and continue to follow the facts. I'm sure the truth will come out, whatever it is.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Can you beLIEve that some Elivs fans have been able to KEEP THE FAITH for 30 years!!!!

From TIAI:
6-1 DNA and Other Scientific Evidence that Elvis Lives!

Less than a month ago (on May 20, 2010), probate attorney Andrew W. Mayoras published the statements quoted in the next paragraph below, about the DNA evidence {for the full report, click the link above}. For those who are entirely new to all this: Eliza is the lady who discovered DNA evidence that she is the half-sister of Elvis Presley—and to top it all off, the DNA also proves that Elvis is still alive! Elvis lives in hiding, and has been going by the name “Jesse”—named after his twin brother, who was stillborn.

“These [DNA] reports show that Eliza and the person now referred to by many as ‘Jesse’ are half-siblings, and Jesse in turn is biologically related to the known cousins on both sides of the family tree to Elvis Presley. Because Elvis never had any full siblings (other than a twin, Jessie, who was stillborn), no one else could match cousins on both sides but Elvis himself. ... Eliza also sent the results to another independent DNA company to verify the results. The lab owner, Dr. Donald Yates, said publicly that the DNA supported Eliza’s claim and that Jesse had to be Elvis. And yes, he said, this means that Elvis is alive. Here’s a Memphis newspaper article about it {]}. … if this was all a master scheme to defraud the public, through a court proceeding, why would they have done it knowing that it would be so easy for their plan to fall apart? Elvis Presley Enterprises simply has to march into court with the DNA of Lisa Marie, or either one of the two cousins tested for that matter, and they could prove in a snap that it’s not true — unless, of course, it IS true. … I’m sorry, but I just don’t buy how they could have pulled all this off if it was a giant scam. As hard as it was for me to believe, as an attorney, that Elvis may actually be alive, I find it much more believable that all this evidence is legitimate than Eliza and several others having engineered this entire scam years ago, knowing that it would involve testing of DNA.”

In addition to the DNA evidence, there are several other categories of evidence. The following video clip is a cross-fade from Elvis to Jesse, and the face remains the same {}. Section 6-4 (below) has this same picture, although it includes his whole body; and you can see Benjamin, the son of Lisa Marie Presley, sitting on Jesse’s lap.

Shirley Mason, a certified graphologist who worked for the Kansas City Bureau of Investigations for many years, analyzed letters from Elvis and from Jesse; her conclusion was that “she would testify in court, under oath, that Elvis ‘has to be ALIVE.’ She felt the handwriting was ‘UNMISTAKABLE’. The attorney general’s office cleared Dr. Hinton of all charges.” {;;}.

Dr. Hinton, just mentioned above, worked with Jesse for years. He also wrote a book, with the help of Jesse, titled: “The Truth About Elvis Aron Presley In His Own Words” {}. As a result of all this, Dr. Hinton was charged with fraud; but after investigation (including the graphologist, above), he was cleared of all charges. {;}. Furthermore, FOX news said Dr. Hinton passed a lie detector test {at 1:11,}.

The above four categories (DNA, photographic, graphologist, and lie detector) are very strong scientific evidence that Jesse is truly Elvis, and therefore he did fake his death. Actually, there is a great deal more evidence than this that Elvis faked his death {;;;;;;;;}

However, for the sake of keeping this fairly short, let’s stop here and notice some very clear reasons why Eliza’s story is not some elaborate fabrication.

If this was a big joke: it would be very easy for Graceland to disprove it (provide DNA); but they have not even tried. Also, Eliza did not set out to prove that Elvis is alive; instead, she set out to find her real father—and unexpectedly stumbled across amazing evidence that Vernon Presley was her real father (and therefore that Jesse/Elvis is her half brother). She is not asking for money, she only wants the public to know the truth; if she was trying to get tons of money, then that would probably raise questions about a possible motive for attempting a scam—but she is not.

Another interesting point is that Priscilla Presley knows the truth about Elvis, and did a movie in 1998 about Elvis being alive {;;}. It is quite interesting that 1998 is a very significant number in relation to Michael Jackson, and his fake death (see 6-8, below).

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6-2 Double-bam:

Here are some videos, with some very amazing Elvis and MJ parallels—both before and after the “deaths” {;;;}.

In Summary:
King of Rock / King of Pop
Graceland / Neverland
Lisa Marie Presley daughter / wife (no doubt MJ learned some hoax tips)
“Death” was claimed drug related, and heart related
“Died” at home
Taken to hospital in ambulance (even though already “dead”)
CPR on the way to hospital
Declared “dead” at hospital
Phony autopsy {}
Investigation into doctor
Different middle name (Aron vs. Aaron / Joe vs. Joseph)
This Is Elvis / This Is It (films about Elvis & MJ, released after the “deaths”)
“Death” dates equals their own concert intro, related to space (see 6-9, below)
Other numerology (see 6-8, below)
And the list goes on {;}.

Lisa Marie Presley reported that Michael told her: “I am afraid that I am going to end up like him [Elvis], the way he did.” {}. How did Elvis end up? With a fake death; so MJ must have known about it, and expected to do the same.

Yes, the “deaths” of Elvis and MJ are so similar—that if one faked his death, then so did the other. And now we can be certain that Elvis did fake his death, which means that we can also be certain that MJ faked his death! In fact, in the category of clues: we have far more clues from MJ than from Elvis.

There are a few big differences. One is the open casket for Elvis, versus closed casket for MJ. Everyone said that it did not look like Elvis in the casket (some said it looked like a wax dummy); so MJ learned from that, and had a closed casket. Another difference is that there were few if any clues from Elvis about a return/bam; but many such clues from MJ {}. Even now, Elvis/Jesse is not interested in the spotlight; he wants to remain in privacy. At least for Elvis, the concept of “bam” refers to the final court ruling on Eliza’s case, and/or the media reporting that he is still alive (rather than Elvis himself performing again, or even being seen by the public).

Whichever bam comes first (MJ or Elvis): everyone will then realize that the other one was most likely a fake death as well. In fact, we really don’t even need to wait until either bam to claim the victory; the evidence is so strong right now, that nobody can get away with ridiculing either Elvis or MJ hoax fans anymore!

In fact, all you need to do is ask people to go to; whether they are Elvis fans, or MJ fans, or anyone really—maybe we can even get the attention of the media! This is an easy domain name to remember, and it’s already pointed to this thread (and it will stay here, even if TIAI redirects elsewhere). Also, I will be watching this thread pretty closely; and if anyone posts ridicule or other non-evidence based objections, I will be here to call them on it (unless someone else does before I do).

For all those who have ridiculed MJ hoax fans, by saying that we are just like Elvis hoax fans: now we can heartily agree—and say yes, and in fact we now have the strongest proof that Elvis hoax fans were right all along!

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6-3 TMZ Series on Lisa Marie Presley

Of course Lisa Marie is one of the major links between Elvis and MJ. The sunflowers have already been discussed in great length; but this redirect was more to point out the timing of these six TMZ articles about LMP. Notice that the very first mention of Elvis from TIAI was on 5-10 {}; the redirect for 5-11 was merely announcing Update #5 coming soon. Then on 5-12, at 5:12 AM (Pacific Time), TIAI Update (#5) was posted; later that same day, TMZ started the LMP series.

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6-4 Picture of Jesse with Benjamin

This redirect was a picture of Jesse, with grandson Benjamin sitting on his lap. To see the picture: click the link above, or one of these links {;}. That last link is a thread with some real good discussions, as well as other Elvis pictures for comparison.

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6-5 “I spoke with Elvis/Jesse”

This webpage did not have an anchor at the right part of the page for a normal jump, so a “jumpless-pointer” was included in the URL. Of course there are many things on the page of interest; but the most significant was that Linda had talked with Jesse one day prior to May 13, 2010—which means that Elvis is still alive now. And we know that Linda is not a fake, because Eliza has a link to her page (see 6-7, below); and also because Linda was involved with Dr. Hinton, the one who was cleared of fraud charges {}.

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6-6 TIAI Update on 5-12, and the First Syllable of EL-VIS

As mentioned already, TMZ started their LMP series on 5-12 (see 6-3, above). On May 13, Linda said “I spoke with Elvis/Jesse yesterday” (see 6-5, above); this means that it would’ve been on 5-12, which again was the day of Update 5 being posted (and Update 5 had 12 sections). Notice also that the first syllable of EL-VIS is EL; E = 5 (fifth letter), and L = 12 (twelfth letter): 5-12 once again! Also, 5 + 1 + 2 = 8, which is the primary number in Elvis numerology (see 6-8, below).

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6-7 Eliza Presley’s Website, With Link to Linda’s Website

This redirect was both for the purpose of showing Eliza’s website, and also for showing that Eliza links to Linda’s website (mentioned in 6-5, above). And notice the timing of the following entries, in relation to the TIAI Elvis redirect on 5-10-2010; as well as the TIAI Update #5a to #5d on 5-12 to 5-19 {;}.

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6-8 Elvis & MJ Numerology

This redirect was on the 8th day of the month, because 8 is the primary number in the Elvis “death” numerology. Elvis “died” on 8-16-1977. The month and day add up to 24 (8 + 16= 24); and the year adds up to 24 (1 + 9 + 7 + 7 = 24). And 24 is 8 + 8 + 8 (888); similar to the MJ numerology 777 & 999 (see below). Elvis was also born on the 8th day of the month (1-8-1935). And Elvis/Jesse has confirmed that this numerology and exact “death” date was planned, and done intentionally {}.

Since MJ learned from Elvis: this proves that the MJ numerology was also planned, and is not some astronomical coincidence. Since it was planned, then this shows once again that the numerology does indeed explain some of the reasons for the MJ death hoax. Below is a brief overview of some of the MJ numerology. {For more details, see:;;;}.

MJ had “777” on his red shirt in “THIS IS IT” {also on the History album cover, etc;}.

MJ had 1998 on the cover of the Dangerous album, and also signed this number on many autographs. 1998 / 2 = 999; 1 + 998 = 999, 1 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 27, 2 + 7 = 9; etc. Also, “THIS IS IT” has three vowels, III = 999 (9th letter of the alphabet).

The “death” was 77 days from 9-9-09 (999), and the burial was 7 days from 9-9-09; this makes three sevens (777) linked directly with 9-9-09. {Note: you must use inclusive reckoning; see 4-10 in Update #4b,}. The burial was on a full moon (to the naked eye), and one day before the official full moon.

The memorial was on the 7th day of the 7th month, 7 years after the date on the will; again, three sevens (777). The memorial was also on a full moon (the official full moon, in this case).

And there are three sevens (777) in the timing of the 911 call (12:21) and the “death” (2:26). Also, the 911 call was placed at 12:21, because this number is divisible by 111—along with almost all of the MJ hoax numbers; in fact, “THIS IS IT” is 111 minutes long. Finally, the 12:21 call relates to the date 12-21-2012.

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6-9 Elvis & MJ “Death” Dates Equal Concert Intro

Add the day, month, and year together: 8 + 16 + 1977 = 2001. This is the name of a film about space, which was a favourite of Elvis—so much so, that he used the song from it to open his concerts {;}.

Did MJ learn about this as well, and incorporate the same numerology clue into his own fake death? Yes, indeed he did! 6 + 25 + 2009 = 2040. This is the year that MJ had clearly shown on the bottom of the space ship, in his concert intro! {See 0:15,;}

This again proves that MJ planned his “death” to the very day, many years ago (as I have said all along). And why would 6-25-2009 need to be the exact day? Not for the memorial on 7-7-09; the “death” could’ve been before or after 6-25, and still had the memorial on the full moon July 7. It’s because 6-25-09 is the only day that is 77 days from 9-9-09; and this locks in 999 with the MJ numerology, as well as 1998 and all the rest.

If there are still some who say that they don’t believe in the numbers: don’t let them off the hook that easily; be nice, but be firm! Ask why they don’t believe in the numbers; and ask them to calculate the odds that these numbers were all coincidence. If they are not mathematical, then find a math teacher! If they really want to know the truth, and they are truly investigating, then this is the way to find out the truth. But if they don’t want to bother with any of this, then it would show that the real problem is not in the numbers; the real problem is that they don’t want the truth.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories



The whole story is a big mess and is full of lies. Well, there is no other way out: we must have very patience and continue to follow the facts. I'm sure the truth will come out, whatever it is.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This whole Murray thing is anoying and making me angry beyond belief.
He has changed his story so many times, I have lost count. He is even getting sympathies from some MJ "fans".
This all mess is making a reasonable man to question his own mind. Is Murray guilty ?
Was it a negligance ? Did Sony kill him ? Who did it ? Why is investigation so sloppy ?
Why so many different stories ?
The only way I can survive all this is beliving that Mike is alive and safe somewhere.
Am I crazy for still beliving this....or at least trying to ?!
I would like to ask some of you....who TRULY believes that MJ is alive ?
I need comfort badly....:(

Awww....Hugs from me to u! :)

I know how u feel! I can't say I believe 100% but, I hope that it is a hoax because what a f*cking shame if MJ really went out like this! All these inconsistencies are the very reason why some fans think it's a hoax and continue to hope and believe he is still alive!