The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

If all of you believe he is faking his death, then why the HELL are you all attempting to prove it?

Don't you think if he "faked" it then he did it because his life was/is in danger therefore he does not want a single soul to find out?

If you believe he is alive and hiding then stop trying to prove it and protect him! Jeez.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Posted on MJHD--- None are my words

Now I read the report for Virgo, for June 2010. This is not magazine horoscope, it's made by a british astrologer...


June kicks off with motivating forces around a secret, work you are doing behind the scenes, investigation, research, film, music, artistic outlet, hospital, or retreat. You will need to dive in and get things going while balancing work, health or pets in the picture.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th is bringing a big peak experience around a love affair, child or creative project. You will be celebrating something achieved or ending what has run its course.

Don't know about you, but I personally trust astrology (when an astrologer writes it) as countless times was accurate for me..

If all of you believe he is faking his death, then why the HELL are you all attempting to prove it?

Don't you think if he "faked" it then he did it because his life was/is in danger therefore he does not want a single soul to find out?

If you believe he is alive and hiding then stop trying to prove it and protect him! Jeez.

We dont all believe he faked his death. Read the thread title.. JEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ!!!!!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Okay today i received an email from a anonymous source asking me to post this email this source send to the british tabloid magazine The Sun… This is the real truth regarding Dave Dave.. I was asked to post the letter here..

So.. Dave Dave is an a-hole. Well, I'm not surprised if that's true, but it's very disturbing considering the way Michael helped him.
I feel more and more ashamed of being of the human race each day.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

If all of you believe he is faking his death, then why the HELL are you all attempting to prove it?

Don't you think if he "faked" it then he did it because his life was/is in danger therefore he does not want a single soul to find out?

If you believe he is alive and hiding then stop trying to prove it and protect him! Jeez.


If u knew anything about the hoax theories u would know that some are showing that he MIGHT be alive and THINK HE LEFT CLUES to show that! Most people won't believe it or shrug it off like...let me see...yourself! There for won't even bother to look into it! So he is safe because of that! The media ain't saying shit about it so don't even sweat it if a ain't your cup of tea! Don't act like we are evil up in here because we are searching for some kind of answer, thank u very much!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I think Dave Dave is cool, he isn't the hoax itself! It existed before him! He is just a part it that some people want to believe and others don't! I really don't pay no mind to him really! I think he was a friend of MJ that cares about him and MJ him and that's that!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories


If u knew anything about the hoax theories u would know that some are showing that he MIGHT be alive and THINK HE LEFT CLUES to show that! Most people won't believe it or shrug it off like...let me see...yourself! There for won't even bother to look into it! So he is safe because of that! The media ain't saying shit about it so don't even sweat it if a ain't your cup of tea! Don't act like we are evil up in here because we are searching for some kind of answer, thank u very much!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

So.. Dave Dave is an a-hole. Well, I'm not surprised if that's true, but it's very disturbing considering the way Michael helped him.
I feel more and more ashamed of being of the human race each day.

sorry but an anonymous source sends an email and it suddenly becomes a fact that Dave Dave is a bad person?
Perhaps they are lying / making up the story..

Okay today i received an email from a anonymous source asking me to post this email this source send to the british tabloid magazine The Sun…
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Want it or not, MJ alive or not, Im sure he would have wanted to have a mythical death like Elvis had.

He would have wanted people/fans to talk about if he faked his death. Trust me, im sure of that.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

All You Need To Know

Michael Jackson fans world wide and anyone who has had any dealings with Taaj Maik, please understand the reason it had to come to this. I’m not writing you expecting sympathy or need recognition. But what’s happening in the MJ fan community is an absolute outrage. A friend of mine, a person who truly loves Michael Jackson and the originator of the initial Michael Jackson Justice Aerial Banner has left face book and does not want to return due to Taaj Malik’s actions of hate ,lies, and deceit. Ida who is also the admin of this group and responsible for collecting all the Michael Jackson fans contributions towards the aeriall banner is also on her way of leaving face book.

Hence, we are not the only three who are having problems with this woman who has caused people so much pain beyond belief. [SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0]This is my first attempt at reaching out to you because I have simply had enough.

I know that from the outer picture looking in, everything may seem great and you might really believe Taaj is on face book, on radio shows, court, and Forest Lawn fighting to seek justice for Michael. But I can assure you that is simply not the case.

I will provide proof with screen caps so you can know this is the absolute truth. You may ask yourself why am I wasting my time trying to expose a woman when our main goal should be to seek justice for Michael Jackson. Those of you who know me , should know that is all I intend to do and wanted from the very beginning. Ever since Michael has left us in a physical sense, I have not been the same. The moment I heard the news about Michael’s untimely death ,I was in complete awe and knew right away something was not right. I tried to go on with life as normal but not a day passed by without me thinking about this man, and all I could say was “WHY’? “Why did he have to leave us so soon when he didn’t deserve to die”? I constantly updated my tweets on twitter, face book, and myspace accounts with a few sentences regarding the pain I was experiencing and didn’t understand why no one felt as strongly about myself as this matter. After a period of time, after Michael was gone ,the only place I found where other fans connected and felt the same way as myself was on Karen Faye’s face book page. Karen’s page was like therapy to us MJ fans, I immediately would feel a sense of relief after my time spent there. For a long time, I wanted the world to know the truth about Michael Jackson, the fact he was innocent in ’93 and ’03, and the fact he was murdered, including all his humanitarian efforts which were left ignored. I wanted to find a way to make the world listen. After the February court date, I realized I had enough of feeling this way and that something needs to be done quickly. Hence, I decided to take action and suggested we all work on letters to the District Attorney and the judge, in order to amend the charges to 2nd degree murder on Karen Faye’s page. Shortly there after I decided to create a group with Jarmila Bukovska and Wendy Jackson who shared the same thoughts as myself and we became the Barbie musketeers on face book. We worked effortlessly doing research on propofol, the involuntary manslaughter charges, the will, John Branca, Sony, Aeg, and Conrad Murray.

Even though we are not legal aspects , we began to slowly understand the concept of why the Los Angeles district attorney, Steve Cooley filed insufficient involuntary manslaughter charges and not 2nd degree murder. Due to the apparent injustice brought on by these public figures , we began to tirelessly work at amending the charges . Luckily, we were able to reach out to many Michael Jackson fans who took part in our group’s first global twitter event where #Justice4MJ became trending within first ten minutes. Brian Oxman ,Joe Jackson’s lawyer was so impressed by our efforts he agreed to be our initial guest speaker for our first ustream live justice4MJ event. Thus, we continued on with our efforts by doing three hour ustream live interviews until the wee hours of the morning. All in all , everything was going great. Even though we may have had some small obstacles along the way and although not every one of us who worked together agreed about everything, we all truly loved and respected one another.

Until, I met and got to know a very hateful individual by the name of Taaj Malik who poses as a Michael Jackson fan but clearly does not have any consideration for anyone in the community but herself. She somehow gets a sick twisted kick out of creating drama and inflicting pain on to others. I tried to ignore her and go on with my life for two months after I blocked her from face book along with my email accounts. Hence, I didn’t want to expose her initially, because I did not want to cause diversion or any drama in the MJ community. However she did not cease from contacting me and is now claiming to file a police report because the dedication book I thought about creating for Mrs. Katherine Jackson is not finished and she is claiming that fans want their contributions refunded. In a recent chain message ,one in which she jumped into a created by Yasmina Elomari whose only hope was for us to seek justice for Michael Jackson together, as Taaj made these absurd accusations by actually claiming I was running away and didn’t want to return to face book. I guess the fact I am facing personal issues which have prevented me from being on face book as much as I would like to be there was not an acceptable excuse for Taaj since she went as far as to say she is going to take legal action and contact the police saying I am a thief. The truth of the matter is, I do not owe her an explanation and have asked her on many occasions to refrain from contacting me. I even contacted Eddie Jones and asked him to make her stop or I will file a report for harassment. Yet all my requests have been ignored by her and she still continues to inflict pain and bring drama into my life. In this recent chain message intended to seek some type of justice for Michael, Taaj actually demanded Yasmina who created the chain to stop responding if she doesn’t like what she has to say, when Yasmina sled her kindly to leave me alone. Although we have all blocked Taaj from our face book accounts and lives ,yet she still persists on making our life a living hell. She is exactly the type of person Michael would want to get away from his whole life, a vulture/wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing L

When I started the face book group ,A Plan To Seek Justice For MJ, along with Jarmila Bukovska and Wendy Jackson, I had a vision to make a change and actively work on amending the charges to 2nd degree murder. I wanted to reach far and beyond the MJ fan community and inspire others to help seek justice by understanding that something was not right in the wrongful death/murder of Michael Jackson. I feel very connected to Michael spiritually as I live in the city of Encino and can feel his presence all around me.

The reason why I stopped dealing with Taaj and left all her groups all together, which she made me admin of, due to a message from face book claiming she was had a warning due to a copyright infringement violation is because I learned that Taaj Malik is a compete fraud. Once you get acquainted with Taaj you will know, she is best at copying and pasting everyone else’s ideas as her own and promoting their work as her own as well.

Recently, I spoke to someone who said Taaj is passing off the petition she wrote for fans to hire Mesereau as her own, not giving this poor girl any credit . She also told me how Taaj acts a certain way on face book towards Eddie Jones and Geraldine Hughes, yet gossips behind their back and talks about them like a dog. Taaj Malik even actually suggested for this person to create a youtube video called “dumb and dumber” ,claiming they don’t know anything about MJ justice. When she was confronted and asked why she doesn’t keep it real with how she really feels about the aforementioned, she claimed she needs them for their connections and they need her for her social media network, since she has so many followers.

In the beginning when I first met Taaj, I was fooled like most others, as we all thought she was the most sweetest person ever. Within due time, I learned who she really was and what she was all about. She is not too difficult to figure out, her actions speak louder than words. When Theronda came up with the idea to create an original aerial banner group and there was money left over from the contributions for the banner, Taaj suggested to buy a gift card with the left over money for Paris‘ birthday. Thus, I completely disagreed with gift card idea and suggested we buy Paris a gold necklace with a 14k heart locket from Tiffany’s ,along with a picture of her father on one side and a picture of herself on the other, along with 100 roses for Mrs. Jackson.I found out later Taaj was completely against my idea and didn’t need me to take over. She even referred to the locket for Paris as “damn locket” and that she “didn’t like it” in a email she sent me. During this time, fans were insisting we buy the boys something so they wont feel left out as well, so we decided to continue accepting donations in order to make everyone happy.

During the midst of all of this, Tmz did a press release about banner and locket, hence our time was short since Paris’ birthday was only about a week away and Taaj wanted to contact Tmz and tell them to print about her march at the staples center on June 26th.

Since I received the money in my paypal account from Ida a few days early , I suggested to complete tasks such as purchasing the locket and ordering the roses before Friday, which was the day I had arranged for us to drop off the gifts to the Encino compound. Thus, Taaj said she only could take Friday off and insisted I wait for her to get everything done. She came around 9 am in the morning, and we ended up going to the salon first since I needed a brow wax and she also wanted to get one as well. (I even have a pic of her getting her brows waxed on my phone) Afterwards we rushed to the mall and went to Tiffany’s where I had the locket placed on hold at the Topanga Mall. She took a look at the locket and immediately said “this is too small,we can’t give this to her. No one will even see the locket. ‘(At that point I didn’t understand what she meant about everyone but later it became quite clear she was referring to the fans since she was posting every pic of Paris with a necklace around her neck on Fb Mj fans of love page.)

She went on to say we need to look elsewhere and find a cheaper locket inside the mall, even though we were pressed for time. So we went wandering off into the mall for about an hour or so and after she realized that most lockets were either the same price or higher ,or much less quality than the one at Tiffany’s, she agreed to return to the store since I convinced her that all the fans who contributed their money were expecting to buy a locket from Tiffany’s. At this point she looked up at me (with a straight face) and said ,“ We can buy a box from Tiffany’s along with a cheaper locket from a second hand jeweler store and place the piece of jewelry in that box. No one will know the difference ! I said ,”No, we can not be dishonest and we will do no such thing”. At this point, I was disappointed in how she could suggest such a thing but I thought maybe the pressure may have gotten to her and let it go for the moment. After we went back to Tiffany’s , she wanted to look at larger lockets which were much more pricey and suggested we buy the golden chain from Daniel’s Jewelers around the corner from Tiffany’s which was cheaper and looked better according to her, since she said she was a jewelry expert.

At this point we were pressed for time and I didn’t want to cancel Paris’ birthday gift all together, so I agreed to buy the locket which was $650 from Tiffany’s (an additional $150 more than original locket I chose)and the chain from Daniels.(I explained we needed to buy cheaper chain from Daniels under the receipt pic on MJ fans of LOVE group). Next it was time to get the locket engraved, however the engraver wasn’t there and wouldn’t be back for another hour and a half. So we went to FedEx Kinko’s and I printed out my group letters and she printed out the donation list for people who contributed towards the gifts along with the pics of Michael and Paris, which I picked out. (On top of this all, she re-arranged the list by putting our names first ,including her children) I didn’t find this fact until much later when Theronda and Ida noticed the change when she posted on the MJ fans of Love group.

We spent more than an hour at Kinko’s, which turned out with her stealing the bottle of white out before we left the store. I asked her what she doing and she said, “ I may need this later, I already paid enough money to this place”. At this point I became uncomfortable and started getting apprehensive. She drove back to the mall and almost got us into an accident on the way back, saying we need to hurry, there’s no time.

When we got back to the mall, I started getting dizzy and nauseous, I began to feel faintish and my heat started beating uncontrollably fast. She looked at me and said,” are you okay”? I tried to control myself and make the feeling go away but by the time we got on the escalator, I felt a full blown panic attack come on and was about to pass out. I asked her if I could go sit in her car until I felt better. She sent me off with her daughter and gave us the keys to her car. During this time, I felt horrible as if I were dying. I called my mom and begged her to come get me but she said she was not around and told me to try and feel better.

After drinking two bottles of water, taking deep breaths, laying down, and putting vicks vapor rub all over, I didn’t feel as spacey and my heart stopped beating as fast. But I still felt sick to my stomach and dizzy. During this time, Taaj’s 11 year old daughter picked up a pen saying,” I wonder where my mom stole this pen from. I bet she stole it, I know I would”

An hour later, Taaj came with three cards, three pack of batteries, and the locket engraved,(which I refunded any money she spent as soon as we dropped off the gifts that day). At this time it was about 4pm,at which point she insisted we rush and get the roses. I was still feeling sick to my stomach and had to go to the bathroom, so I suggested we go to a flower shop by my house.

The roses at the flower shop by my house were exquisite and the flower shop guy informed us that the roses were imported from Argentina. He even gave us a deal of $220 ,and although it was a bit more than we had the budget for,I agreed to purchase them because I knew the quality of the roses was on point and we were pressed for time. After I came back from the store next door (in order to try and use their restroom since the flower shop’s was out of order), she told me to go outside ,even though the guy had begun cutting up the roses and getting them prepared. She went on to say, ” its too much and they don’t have enough colors available. We’re not getting those roses”.

At this point I ask my mom to search for a flower shop near by on the phone, and Taaj suggests we go to Ralph’s grocery store right across the street from the flower shop to see if they have any roses we could purchase for Mrs. Jackson. So we go in and after we took a look into flower section, we realized they have a lot of roses with many different colors, even though they are not in good quality. The only good thing about these roses are they are $10 for a dozen. So she puts together about 9 dozens of roses and asks to use one dozen of the roses to take to Forest Lawn,(which would already be closed by the time we would be finished). She additionally throws in 5 little stuffed animals, actually attaching the one that says “Happy Birthday” to the roses. At this point, I had went over and beyond what was contributed for these gestures, so I had to use $140 of my own money so we would be able to purchase everything that we planned and there was no more time left. (But I had to fix the “happy birthday” bear and take it off roses).

When I get back in the car, Taaj asks me to write in the cards, which I had thought her daughter had copied and pasted(in handwriting) the print out from some fans who had a special message for Paris and Mrs.Jackson because this is what Taaj had informed me while we were waiting for the flower lady to get the roses ready. She than stated, “no, my daughter is only writing to Paris in her own card to her for her birthday”. So she than hurriedly demands me to write some words for the Paris and Mrs. Jackson, even though it is almost five pm and I arranged to drop off the gifts between 2-3 pm.

By the time we get to the Encino home, which is only around the corner from where I live,the guard tells us he didn’t know we are coming and didn’t accept the gifts at first, at which I point I became sad and shocked. So, I called Mrs. Jackson’s assistant to whom I promised I wouldn’t reveal her name to anyone. While we were waiting in front of the gates outside the Encino home, Taaj hears my conversation and later refers to the assistant as “Janet” to others, who were not supposed to know, including herself. Later in a video where Taaj tagged many fans, she tells them that Mrs Jackson assistant says they all knew about the banner because they saw Tmz article and she (Taaj) actually was the one who spoke to assistant and made arrangements to drop off gifts. After the guard accept the gifts, Taaj parked around the corner for more than a hour waiting for a phone call from either Lorene or Majestic's assistant, stating they wanted to contact her and thinking they might let her in to the estate.

At this point I get depressed, I call my mom and ask her to come get me, at which point I am in tears because the guard made us feel as though we were not invited and the assistant told me that is because we were two hours later than the time I had originally arranged to come drop off the gifts. My mom sees that I am sad and asks me to call Mrs.Jackson's assistant and explain the situation to her. Even though I had receipts of every penny spent for the contributions, I wanted the fans to know the gifts were dropped off .How else would they ever believe us ? We spoke and she agreed to give us a thank you card from the kids and Mrs. Jackson so everyone would feel at ease. The assistant was actually very comforting and nice and asked me to them get through court first and the fans will receive the card. I had no problems respecting her wishes so I called about a week later after the court date and she stated she will call me and I can come pick up the card when its ready. However, sadly for some reason, that never occured. (after reading Taaj’s message stating she spoke to the assistant herself and I was begging her for a thank you card, I think I know why we never received it) .

My only goal was to show Michael’s children and Mrs Jackson some love from all of Michael Jackson’s fans who love them and let them know we are here for them unconditionally. I never wanted recognition, praise, or anything in return. I was happy to be a part of a project so beautiful and meaningful . However, dealing with Taaj made the experience not so enjoyable as it was done in distaste.

After I got out the car that day, I figured we weren’t going to post any open pics of the locket due to Tmz and other tabloids watching our group pages but than I saw Taaj posting all kinds of pics of locket, the model helicopters, and the roses for Mrs Jackson all over the new group she now created based on my gifts ideas and payal email account name on yahoo. She hyped up so many fans by continuing on about the locket as well as taking every pic the pap posted recently at that time of Paris all over her page. She would post pics with comments stating “this is it, this is the locket” and that really wasn’t the case. Many of the fans were upset, they felt this was a violation to Paris’ privacy. Hence, I agreed and tried to mediate the situation by sending out a group message that we don’t mean to interfere with Paris privacy and will post a copy of the thank u card once it is received so the fans could feel at ease. I also featured a video from a fan who thought Paris was wearing the necklace in that same group message because I wanted to end Taaj’s desperate attempts at exploiting Paris and wanted for her to cease from posting any more pics of her, which the pap had taken around the time of her birthday.

During this time Theronda and the other group admins were tired of Taaj’s unstable, attention craving personality and began to realize who she was an opportunist who could care less about Michael or the fans. They caught her in lies and didn’t like the fact she kept name dropping things that Majestic’s assistant or Michael Jackson’s friend Lorene would tell her. We felt if Paris and Mrs Jackson would want fans to know they would have notified us. It was really a violation of privacy to send out 6000 messages saying the roses were on the piano at the Encino home and Paris was wearing her locket at her birthday party and at Disneyland. Also, in private messages she told us it was Majestic’s assistant who gave her this information.

As a result, the original aerial banner group chose to remove her as admin because they didn’t want someone who wasnt really there for the love of MJ to be a part of their group.

When Taaj saw she removed from there, she became crazy with anger and rage. She said she was going to begin her own aerial banner group since she was responsible for bringing people to the group and for donating. I asked her not to do this, that it would cause controversy and it was Theronda’s group and idea, to let her have the group and continue on with the banner. I knew Theronda really loved Michael, and wanted to do what was best for him so I told Taaj to wait until I speak to Theronda before she made any drastic decisions. She waited a couple days and after I spoke to Theronda I understood exactly where she was coming from. In my heart I felt Taaj had no right to do this to Theronda ,the fans, or most importantly to Michael. If she was really here for him and cared about any one of us, she wouldn’t dare attempt to do this.

Yet Taaj didn’t care about my requests and left a voice mail message saying she will not wait for Theronda and she is going on with her own banner project. After this day, I began to avoid all her phone calls and didn’t want to speak with her. However due to the fact the event I had going with book project for Mrs. Jackson was still featured in her group “MJ fans of Love”, I didn’t want to leave because I didn’t want to disappoint the fans or cause any drama. Thus, I contacted Eddie Jones and Geraldine Hughes in order to ask them for help ,so Taaj can cancel the banner group and come to her senses. They spoke to Theronda and she got a chance to speak to Majestic, who said he will ask Taaj not to continue on with her banner group and will take care of everything. He asked Theronda who not to worry, and things would be okay.

Yet, nothing changed and Taaj still continued collecting money for the aerial banner and also used original pic of the aerial banner which flew up in the sky on April 5th court date on this new aerial banner group profile.(This pic belonged to Theronda’s group)

Since that day Taaj was informed that I had spoken with Eddie Jones and Geraldine Hughes about her, she has given me hell.

She than sent me a message on face book asking me to remove myself from the group I created based on my ideas and she also called me two faced by saying I was the reason she had a problem with Theronda and Maria. I allegedly said Theronda and Ida was a thief and that is why she had to create the “Fb MJ fans of Love” group. She twisted my words around and lied as usual, which she has no problem doing.

How could I call Theronda a thief when she transferred over $1200 to my paypal account and sent me the names of all the contributors? Taaj claims she created another group based on these horrible accusations yet still chose to stay as admin in the aerial banner group? Does that really make any sense or can you believe it to be true and accurate ?

Truth of the matter is Taaj was furious that she was removed as admin from the aerial banner group. She even asked me a couple times ,”What will I tell the fans at court, that I was removed as admin from the air banner. What will they all think of me “? Although Taaj was also informed two aerial banners flying on for every court date would be too costly for the fans, she still created another aerial banner group to feed her ego and attach herself to anything receiving press attention.

Taaj Malik’s main goal is to get noticed and strike it rich by working for the estate or the Jackson’s as their spokesperson. When we went to go drop off the gifts for the children and Mrs. Jackson, Taaj didn’t want to be referred to as a “Michael Jackson fan“. In fact she stated she couldn’t listen to his music and believed he was guilty in ‘93 and 2003. Apparently she had a change of heart after Michael passed awayL

She asked me to refer to herself as Geraldine Hughes spokesperson/personal assistant to Mrs.Jackson's assistant.

In fact when Theronda and I had first met her she claimed to be Eddie Jones assistant.

Recently, in the chain message she jumped into, she takes pride in all her accomplishments and everything she has done to seek justice for Michel. She says it doesn’t matter if I am going through personal issues, she knows people who still get on the net through Starbucks and who still find a way to get to all the events for Michael Jackson, even though they don’t drive or own a vehicle. She claims I have all my admins doing all the work for me in “MY Group”, even though there is no such thing as “my group”, I explained the fact that A Plan To Seek Justice For Michael Jackson is “the group of the admins and MJ fans and it belongs to us”. Yet Taaj claimed she runs her groups single handedly and doesn’t give her admin any credit in her most recent message.

She thinks this a job and thinks she can order people around as though she has type of power or authority over MJ fans. No one is obligated to be here all the time, in fact we do everything in our groups, face book,twitter,court house,etc. out of love and our admiration for Michael and his children. Our loyalty is to Michael and to one another. We respect and love each other and try to carry out Michael’s message the best way we know how. None of us are on a power trip or feel superior over one another. No matter what we agree to disagree about, none of us have hurt each other in a manner as Taaj has hurt us. She is solely here for drama and attention. Like I stated previously, she truly thinks she will gain a position in the estate or work for the Jackson family as their spokesperson.

The reason I know this is true because when Taaj Malik was not invited to meet Joe Jackson for the first time when she began going to Eddie Jones radio shows, she stated she was done with Eddie and Geraldine, that being here on the net wasn’t worth it if she wasn’t going to get any where with her tireless “work” for Michael Jackson. She than stated she has found a position which will pay her over $1000 a day working from home promoting eBay ads for different companies.

I felt a need to get this off my chest as so Ida put it in her most recent notes of her profile, stating she has had enough of Taaj Malik as well.

This woman has become absurd, if only one can understand the hell she put us through, she created fake profiles consistently after we block her from our profiles and continues to request us hoping we would accept.

In fact she blocked out all admins of our group page on A Plan To Seek Justice For MJ and leaves posts stating I am stealing the money for the book, I can not leave one group and take my project to another( all in cap letters and the info states she was from UK on her profile as well). She even changed one of her fake profile names to Katherine Jackson hoping she could gain sympathy from fans by complaining about me and filling their heads up with lies. How do I know for certain it is her? She has admitted this fact to me when she was blocked from MJFSC group on fb and did the same things to their admins. I even have a email where she took a screen cap of their group with photos attached of Michael’s resting place through one of her fake profiles. She has also admitted this fact to a couple other fans. Her recent chain message post stating she will take legal action if book is not completed by Monday or the money returned is absurd. Hence, she has no right to pressure me or make demands, since she does not have entitlements to a book which I chose to create.

When I left the group, I sent out a message stating the event was not cancelled but I am leaving due to strong convictions. Yet, she still cancelled the event and recently sent out a message to members saying “The admin has left, the book is not done. There is no pendant for Katherine Jackson.If you would like a refund ,please let me know”. She is also asking fans to donate that same money towards for the book towards her aerial banner fund and/or the sunflower projects. Some members are so confused, they sent me messages stating they donated twice to her paypal account thinking they donated to both aerial banner groups. I didn’t want to make this a huge issue and chose not to expose here and wanted to let God fight my battles for me but I have had enough ! I can not deal with a person who is so evil and full of hate, who is out to steal away my join along with other people whom I love very much and care deeply about.

This site is not intended to stir up any mess or cause or to make the fans choose sides but I feel all loyal MJ fans who come to face book, twitter, or court with an effort trying to make a change for a man who was wrongfully murdered, who wants to see justice prevail, deserves and has a right to know the truth. After reading this note, it is up to you to follow your heart and do what is right or wrong.

I struggled so hard to write this piece but in the end I feel relieved, like a huge burden has been take off my shoulders.

I try to think what Michael would have done in this situation, we all know that Michael Jackson was all about love and there is no room for anger or hate in his world. Thus, we also all remember the fact he exposed $ony and Tommy Mottolla to us,the fans who love him and to the rest of the world. He wanted us to know the truth so we can be enlightened. Some people chose to listen and some didn’t. Yet, I wish we had taken heed to his words back than, maybe we could have all prevented the inevitable from happening to a man we all cherish an love with all our hearts. I am not saying it is any one of our fault’s or blaming anyone , I just think we need to use caution and understand the fact not everything is as it appears to be.

As far as the drama and hate brought on by Taaj, I am sure Michael would not approve of anyone using his name for their own devious purposes or personal agenda. I pray for God to heal Taaj’s heart and to replace it with love.

Some of you may think this a waste of time and it may be wrong to expose Taaj Malik for he lies and deceit. But enough is enough, I can not continue on to allow her to hurt any one of us any longer.
These are all proofs of Taaj Malik's facebook and email messages to Theronda, Ida, and I. You can see her messages to me with her name featured on top of page, even though her pic is no longer there because I had blocked her from my facebook account. We are a group of ten people who are sick and tired of Taaj Malik's actions.She won't do anything out in the open because she wants to appear as an angel when she is the one who is creating all this pain,causing diversion and hate.She has been hurting so many of us for months now and we are here to tell the truth. ALL I WANNA SAY IS TAAJ MALIK DOES NOT CARE ABOUT US !!!!
So you mean to tell me Taaj had to open up another aerial banner group cause she got blocked?

The only reason Taaj created another aerial banner group and made the fans donate additional funds is to feed her own ego.If she cared about Michael or the fans she would have never done this !​
Taaj asks me if I know Lorene ,who is a good friend of Michael's

Taaj clearly states it was NOT Lorene's place to f*cking tell Joe about locket

Taaj is still selling her t-shirts with the MJ logo she stole !

My mistake of telling another fan about Taaj's shirts, I never knew she stole the logo and had told people she stopped selling them.​
Why does Taaj always feel a need to copy and paste others work on her notes?

Taaj states she lost two clients cause they saw her on tv

Is she saying she hates MJ or lost two clients who hate MJ ? She says her finances are screwed up but sent Theronda a message stating she is worth a million dollars in asset. Taaj needs to stay away from the cameras if she is losing clients. Stop trying to use Michael to get rich and famous, it won't happen Taaj !​
Taaj further more states she feels like blocking Lorene from all future events

Didn't she also make Lorene admin of her "MJ fans of LOVE" group?​
So Taaj wants to help Erin Jacobs? She is the one who wnats everyone to send complaints about MJFSC to Forest Lawn and is yet wanting to help her?

What lies is Taaj Malik telling another fan ?

WHat is Taaj referring to in this email ? Why is she claiming she will give Paris a 2500 bangle that none of us team members know about ?
More lies !

Why is Taaj telling another fan she can't know about the gift for her and she going to give Paris a bangle no one knows of? Yet, another lie !
Taaj Malik says I closed the MJ FB Fans Of LOVE group down ?

When I left that group,it was still open and I after I removed myself as admin it was still open. Jarmila wrote on the group page and it's still open. Another lie ! These are all Taaj's email's to me by the way !
Fan admits Taaj gave fans the impression I ran off the money for the book

This was also one of the people who Taaj says I wasn't cooperating with and they wanted their money back. How could Taaj be so cruel and deceptive at the same time ?​
Taaj makes it seem as though I stole her ideas to fans

As you can see Taaj is the only causing all these pain for so many people. The fan clearly states she does not want the money back because she will lose money and that Taaj is making it seem as though I stole her ideas.​
Taaj Malik is jealous because ebay removed the horrid book on MJ off their site

I'm not speaking to Taaj yet she continues to contact me stating a fan sent her this message,that I am misleading the fans and the book auction time would automatically remove the horrid book from ebing sold on their site. She clearly does not give MJ fans any credit for contacting ebay and still refers to one of her fake accounts on facebook as "Katherine" who wanted to commit suicide after I asked MJ fans to report her for causing destruction and stating I "owed" her money for the dedication book I wanted to create for Mrs. Jackson. She further more asks me not to send out group messages stating " I " when all her posts are began with "I". Is this woman looney or what? God help her please !​
Photos Taaj coped and sent to my email of MJ's resting place

Taaj Malik was able to screen grab pics of Michael's resting place through one of her fake accounts on facebook when she was blocked from MJFSC group. I also believe she is the one who submitted those photos to TMZ of his resting place for teh second time. She is not a true MJ fan and is clearly an opportunist !​
Taaj Malik says she hopes I fall flat on my face !

Taaj is using Reverent June Gatlin's advice for me to relax and slow down before I break down because she saw some health issues going on with me. So Taaj uses her advice against me and is also once again saying I'm a trouble maker,and hater when she is the one who is causing all these problems expecting us to remain silent and let her continue to inflict pain on to others.​
Taaj jumps in on this chain message that has nothing to do about money

Taaj claims she will take legal action. Taaj didn't want that book to be published from the very beginning, however she is acting very hostile.Perhaps she needs extra money to fly her aerial banner​
Taaj demanding money and more lies

How is her loyalty to Michael when she is the one causing all this pain ?​
Taaj's fake profiles who started off with Christine Parsons,changed her name to Katherine Jackson, and now Sylvia Mjeva.

Who else would make such false accusations under fake profiles? This is the exact thing Taaj is accusing me of. Her idea, huh ?​
Yasmina's message has been turned into a mess !

Taaj says I have until Monday, as if she has authority and I am on a time limit.​
Taaj'e erratic behavior

Of course Taaj doesn't want to name any more people.She is the one causing the problems. First, asking for a refund, than saying she will leave it alone, and than saying she is refunding fans, than saying she will not stop until I refund the money.​
Taaj claims she spoke to Mrs.Jackson's assistant who claimed I begged her for a thank you card.

The truth of the matter is Taaj was the one who was waiting outside the house for Paris. And I did get an appointment to drop the gifts off, I guess that wasn't good enough for Taaj who claims Mrs.Jackson's assistant said I was begging for a thank you card.​
Taaj is threatening an admin of our group for using MJ flags and won't stop !

Taaj threatens to contact the estate she has been "fighting" for all these months and starts mess in a thread started by a member who contacted us to seek justice for Michael.​
I told Taaj she had no right to create a aerial banner group !

Yet she tells me who am I to say anything, I had to first discuss the gifts for Paris and Mrs,Jackson with Taaj according to this email. Who is she and who gave her any type of authority ?​
Taaj Malik says who cares about my idea and refers to Paris' locket as the "damn locket"

Apparently I did nothing right by having the idea for a beautiful locket for Paris or 100 roses for Mrs.Jackson.By the way, I did not send the group letter until the next day, I took pictures of that too. Taaj is lies once again. But her true colors come out in this message.​
Why did Taaj already have the idea to buy the locket for Paris from Tustin Jewelry Exchange when we already collected enough money on March 29th ?

I know exactly why. Taaj wanted me to give her the money so she can purchase the locket from Tustin Jewelry Exchange since it is so close to her. This would have worked with her idea to put that locket in a box from Tiffany's had she done it all alone.​
Proof Taaj Malik wanted to buy a box from tiffany's and deceive the fans by putting a gift from a second hand jewelry store there !

To keep me happy, she wanted to get a box from there ? Of course she didn't do it because I wouldn't allow her to ! She keeps saying, I stepped in and took over by having the idea to buy the locket and 100 for Mrs. Jackson. SHe sounds jealous, doesn't she? SHe also says ,"who cares about the locket?" Apparently not her !​
Taaj is laughing at Maria's status stating it's due to rejection

If you look on upper left corner you will see how Taaj sent me a message laughing at an admin's status from the original justice aerial banner, stating it's due to Taaj's rejection of her become admin of the "MJ FB Fans of LOVE" group.I didn't understand what she was referring to at first .​
More evidence of what Taaj Malik does online

People all over the world are questioning Taaj Malik and her motives​
Taaj continuing to expose Paris for locket

Here she is asking me to send her the link from a fan who stated that pics with Paris weraing the locket is not from us.​
Another fan exposing Taaj to be a liar and a thief

A fan who recognized Taaj Malik is doing horrible things

I should have listened to her .....​
Why is Taaj Malik saying we payed $2500 for the gifts ?

I am so glad I was able to control all the finances with these gifts. I can just imagine what would have happened if she received the money ...​
An email Taaj Malik sent me asking me to lie to the fans saying we left with Mrs.Jackson's assistant.

More lies....I would never dare to lie and say we left with Mrs. Jackson's assistant to the fans. Who does she think I am ? On top of that in this message she states, she will be meeting with Joe Jackson and the brothers in this email. More lies !!​
Taaj says the roses for Mrs.Jackson is on the piano and Paris is wearing locket

If you read the message, its states do not ask her who gave her this info she sent out to 6000 members.And than she turned around and said it was Majestic's assistant who told her when Theronda didn't ask her a thing.​
One of the reasons the piece of jewelry was cancelled for Mrs Jackson

Taaj is upset I didn't discuss the pendant for Mrs.Jackson with her and clearly sates she didn't like last pendant for Paris, it was too small according to Taaj.​
Taaj stating Joe Jackson asked her to reveal this message to fans along with ...

Asking her to create a facebook account for the family which she was asked to run and to call Simon Sahouri who is President of the Jackson Family Foundation and make any changes she'd like.More lies...​
Taaj claiming she is worth a million dollars in assets and ..

Stating she rubbed shoulders with Kings and Princes (real ones) . Is she trying to say Michael was not a real King ? What happened to her having financial problems in the other messages ?More lies...​
Taaj never promoted the book idea for Mrs Jackson, so why is she so concerned now ?

Her warnings from facebook to shut her down

Taaj wants me to be admin of all her groups so she wont lose them

Part2 of the previous message from a fan named Kim. You see how she said she in panic because of a copyright infringement.That came from a fan who wrote a letter that Taaj stole and stuck it into her notes. Basic copy and paste... and she also changed the complete subject from posting pics invading Paris' privacy and jumped on a whole other subject to take attention what the complaint was against her... playing victim again
Taaj under her fake accounts

She desperately wants to know who will give the Jackson fam the video tape from the fans,a concern she addressed to me many times. Notice that my message is addressed to Jessica, because at the time, the profile belonged to Jessica Baxter, which changed to Brenda Jackson... SAME PERSON
Taaj under one of her fake profiles again threatening to contact family

Saying we can not take project and money from one group to another.It's funny that a real fan would feel a need to create new profiles and make these type of accusations ?Why would they be so angry about the project going to the original banner group? Taaj once again.This is also the same profile which she changed her name to Katherine Jackson and than defending her fake account on her real profile by stating this person was very upset and wanted to commit suicide and that she doesn't condone the fact I asked fans to report fake account, saying that was cruel.This account was originally under Christine Parsons, changed to Katherine Jackson, then Sylvia Mjeva and it is now currently Lisa lovemj-They've all requested to join the banner group each time the name changes and have been denied each time. SAME PERSON... changing the profile name, does not change the trail Taaj... if you send us a message from them and change the name it does not matter the message is still there, the name just changes...​
I never sent out the message she is referring to stating it was from Eddie Jones

I remember someone asked me if I had sent out a message saying we can not allow Murray supporters to be at court , a message I sent out but Eddie Jones had nothing do with my posts and I never mentioned him. Now I see where that was all coming from as well.​
More threats and harassment from Taaj

Taaj claims to sue Ida for reporting the pic she posted of original aerial banner group,linking the groups together as if we are associated. As you can see, Taaj goes crazy whenever you stand in her way and try to stop her from doing wrong. The only reason she created two banners is to feed her ego !
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Want it or not, MJ alive or not, Im sure he would have wanted to have a mythical death like Elvis had.

He would have wanted people/fans to talk about if he faked his death. Trust me, im sure of that.

:agree: I'm sure of it too...
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

June 14.... audience of Murray and is a big silence about it. Anybody know the horary of the audience?

Meanwhile, we are watching the mess of Joe.... :sigh:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Why do I find it odd that the Trust was constantly updated by MJ from 95 - 02, and then nothing for the remainder of his life even after the trial?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

TMZ were pretty clear on this one.......


There are 7 mentions of Joe there.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

di the link you gave,what am i looking for,sorry if i sound really thick,

sorry i know now,when i first clicked on your link,it took me to the hot topic homepage,
just clicked on it again,now i see the this is it thriller t shirt,
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Why do I find it odd that the Trust was constantly updated by MJ from 95 - 02, and then nothing for the remainder of his life even after the trial?
How dare you say that? :lol: Kidding! I agree with you. For me it is ridiculous to believe that Michael was 6 years and some months (2002-2009) without looking at that document. :doh: Surely, that was constantly modified by Michael thousands of times.

Today we have the audience that the Murray will be at 12:30 pm in Los Angeles:

Patients speak out for Jackson's doctor on eve of license hearing

By Ted Rowlands and Michael Cary, CNNcnnAuthor = "By Ted Rowlands and Michael Cary, CNN";

if(location.hostname.indexOf( 'edition.' ) > -1) {document.write('June 14, 2010 -- Updated 0305 GMT (1105 HKT)');} else {document.write('June 13, 2010 11:05 p.m. EDT');}June 13, 2010 11:05 p.m. EDTJune 13, 2010 11:05 p.m. EDTJune 13, 2010 11:05 p.m. EDTJune 13, 2010 11:05 p.m. EDTJune 14, 2010 -- Updated 0305 GMT (1105 HKT)

var clickExpire = "-1";

A judge on Monday will hear arguments about whether to suspend Dr. Conrad Murray's medical license in California.

Las Vegas, Nevada (CNN) -- A California judge is slated to hear arguments Monday on a motion to suspend Dr. Conrad Murray's medical license while he faces criminal charges in the death of Michael Jackson.

Meanwhile, patients at Murray's Houston, Texas, and Las Vegas, Nevada, clinics tell CNN that the cardiologist should keep his license because, they say, he saves lives.
"I had a heart attack 10 years ago and he saved my life," said Gerry Cause, who says he drives a 320-mile round trip for his appointments at Murray's Las Vegas clinic. "He's the most compassionate man. He loves his patients."
"Dr. Murray is a good doctor, a very good doctor," said Ransom Craddock, who says he was among the first of Murray's cardiology patients at his Houston clinic when it opened. "We stand together with him in this community."
They will be paying close attention to a hearing in the case on Monday when a Los Angeles judge will listen to arguments about pulling Murray's medical license in California. If that happens, Murray's attorneys say, Nevada and Texas are likely to follow suit.
"The questions the medical boards have is whether or not they have a doctor on their hands that's a threat to public safety, and he's just not," said Charles Peckham, Murray's civil attorney. "He's a good doctor. He's a benefit to his patients. He's a benefit to public health."
Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter in February for providing Jackson with propofol -- a sleeping agent typically used for sedation during surgeries. According to the Los Angeles Coroner's Office, Jackson died of "propofol intoxication."
A court brief filed on behalf of the California Medical Board states: "the Board has pointed out it is not just his 'prescribing' practices that are in question, but his fundamental judgment and skill as a physician."
But Dennis Hix, another heart surgery patient of Dr. Murray's, told CNN, "It's just a shame what's going on."
"Everybody's innocent until proven guilty. He should be allowed to practice. He's still helping me, and I don't want to see him go nowhere," Hix said.
A contingent of Murray's supporters plan a rally at a Houston church on Monday, and some patients from Las Vegas say they plan to drive to Los Angeles during the trial to counter the Michael Jackson fans who show up at hearings waving signs calling the doctor a killer.
"He's one of the most compassionate people I've ever met. I just can't see him being the person he's painted to be," said J.D. Nicholas, who's not only a patient of Murray's but also a member of the group The Commodores, and who knew Michael Jackson.
"I think he should continue to practice. He takes good care of me. I'm in great health thanks to Dr. Murray."


What will be the clownery of today? Surely the TMZ will stream live. :popcorn:

I'll keep saying: Nothing will happen with Murray. I think I've seen this movie somewhere:

Video > Elvis Presley: Dr. Nick George Nichopoulos - First Trial (1981)

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

whats going on with this hearing?we are only a couple of hours away from the hearing.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^do you have the link to the tmz live feed please,
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Anyone see what Akon had to say in the new Vibe Magazine? Ending part
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

^do you have the link to the tmz live feed please,

Very few fans there. Where are the same fans that were there in 2005 for Michael? :mello:

UPDATE 11:44 AM PT: There's lottery going on right now to see who gets to sit in during the hearing.
I'm trying to imagine the fans inside. :unsure:


And the clownery was:

UPDATE 1:10 PM PT: Dr. Murray's medical license is SAFE!! The judge just said he did not have jurisdiction to suspend it.
WHAT??????? The next audience is Aug. 23. :coffee:and..........

Eddie Jones of the Los Angeles Civil Rights Movement has joined with Justice4mj to help get Murray's license suspended eventually. The reasoning they gave during the press conference outside the courthouse was that this judge did not want to overrule the other, previous judge. They need a process with reasons why the license must be revoked. Even the medical board wants it revoked.

TMZ Live:

at the start of tmz live, harvey levin said Brown's move to suspend Murray's licence was just political and had no standing and it was stupid of him to try to suspend his medical licence when he was rejected before.

ps: he's attacking Joe Jackson now.

Someone is watching?

Janet twitter:

It's time the fans know the truth and ur one of the very few I trust n doing so. I got ur back all the way bro, whatever u need. I love u! 41 minutes ago via web
Hey @randyjackson8, I want to tell u that I saw ur piece on cnn and I thought u were great! 41 minutes ago via web

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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Again, to those who replied to my post, I repeat...

If he is alive, he clearly does not want you to know so why are you trying to prove it? And some of you clearly believe he is alive. Don't try to hide it.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Again, to those who replied to my post, I repeat...

If he is alive, he clearly does not want you to know so why are you trying to prove it? And some of you clearly believe he is alive. Don't try to hide it.

Its not hard to understand. If hes alive, he only wants his fans to know about it.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Again, to those who replied to my post, I repeat...

If he is alive, he clearly does not want you to know so why are you trying to prove it? And some of you clearly believe he is alive. Don't try to hide it.
Calm.... :hug:

Everyone is tired of this whole situation, because we want to know what happened with Michael. :( Please let's not be fighting over nonsense. In the end, want the same thing, know the truth.

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Again, to those who replied to my post, I repeat...

If he is alive, he clearly does not want you to know so why are you trying to prove it? And some of you clearly believe he is alive. Don't try to hide it.

And I repeat.... that some believe that he DID leave clues to show he is alive! So he can't clearly not want us to not know when some think the clues are obvious! How can u state that as fact like u know the truth and then get mad when someone says different?! That's just weird! Everyone has an opinion and are viewing things differently and we need to respect it and not fight over it!

So what if some do believe he is alive what's the problem? Some are not sure like my self....AND!?

No one is trying to offend anyone or hurt MJ we all love him here and are just trying to look for answers everywhere! If it's that uncomfortable to u and if all u gonna do is complain and not contribute to the thread then don't come in here, cause we ain't going no where so u might as well get use to it or simply ignore it!!
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Is LMP's letter to Sunflower guy really from MJ? Compare the handwriting!:
Although I do not believe it, I'll post here:

Full Written Report for Christina ******

Purpose of examination

I have been given 8 small samples of handwriting and was asked to examine them and determine if any of 1(thank you note), 2 & 3 matched 4,5,6,7 & 8.
At a glance I was able to determine that samples 4, 5 & 6 were actually written by the same hand. This was confirmed to me.
On close examination I could see the following characteristics in the samples that matched with sample 1.

Sample 4
• The letter “m” in “me” has almost 3 humps to it, like the “m” in “much” in sample 1(thank you note). The starting stroke looks like a continuation of the actual letter
• The letter “h” in “how” strongly resembles the “h” in “much “ (sample 1) but without the added loop

Sample 5
• The word “thank” is consistent to “Thank” in sample 1(thank you note)
• The letter “r” in “never” is consistent to the “r” in “Flowers” (sample 1)
• The connecting letter “o” in “childhood” resembles the same link of “o” in “flowers” (sample 1) the letter is linked together at the top as opposed to the middle or bottom

Sample 6
• The letter “F” in “Forever” and the last letter “r” is consistent to the “F” and “r” in “Flowers” (sample 1)
• The word “for” is consistent to the word “for” in sample 1
• The formation of the loop in the letter “y” in “you” is consistent to the loop in the letter “g” in “donating” (sample 1)

Sample 7
• The letter “h” in “they” is consistent to the letter “h” in “much” (sample 1) (thank you note)
• The letter “r” in “our” is consistent to the letter “r” in “Flowers” (sample 1)(thank you note)
• The letter “g” in “things” is consistent to the letter “g” in “donating” (sample 1)(thank you note)


I am confident in saying that samples 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 were written by the same person that wrote sample 1(than k you note). There are far too many consistent characteristics to deny this fact.
Unfortunately there wasn’t enough consistent evidence to include samples 2 & 3. The only observation I could be confident in making is that they were written by the same person.


(the 8th one was an extra one to make sure but i deleted it off my computer)

