The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

You seem like a good man and I‘m sorry to have wasted your time.
Thanks, but don't worry, I was just having a laugh!
You guys want nothing more than unreleased music. For some this seems like a life mission. See the stolen notebook. It‘s insane.
Some are like this, yes. Speaking personally, I mostly just enjoy talking here about the unreleased music. And when something does get leaked, this is a nice place to talk about it. But it's quite frustrating when someone like yourself, who claims to have a lot of information, comes here to brag about what you have but can't reveal
I wish you all the best.
And you!
I understand people are mad at @firmware-god for being unable to convincingly prove his word. Aside from that, tbh I asked him for info on GOAL and he gave it. I am glad to know that song is more developed than the demo we know and even in a releasable state. I hope the Estate wakes the f* up soon and let us enjoy more of the greatness of Michael's work; it's not just fun but also important to fully understand his vision imo
I understand people are mad at @firmware-god for being unable to convincingly prove his word. Aside from that, tbh I asked him for info on GOAL and he gave it. I am glad to know that song is more developed than the demo we know and even in a releasable state. I hope the Estate wakes the f* up soon and let us enjoy more of the greatness of Michael's work; it's not just fun but also important to fully understand his vision imo
There is no proof that what's he saying is true at all.
Glad to finally hear it but I can see why it was tucked away. The verses sound like placeholder lyrics but the chorus is good and should've been reworked for the Just Say No drug campaign since it talks about throwing your life away
Could very well be, I believe he was also somewhat involved with this Flintstones special for the campaign and to me 'Say No' sounds like a better title for the song in general:
I understand people are mad at @firmware-god for being unable to convincingly prove his word. Aside from that, tbh I asked him for info on GOAL and he gave it. I am glad to know that song is more developed than the demo we know and even in a releasable state. I hope the Estate wakes the f* up soon and let us enjoy more of the greatness of Michael's work; it's not just fun but also important to fully understand his vision imo
Yeah but if you asked me about it, anyone could say the exact same thing. That’s why it’s unreliable.
So, turns out that the “Throwin’ Your Life Away” multitrack isn’t missing. Whoever told Damien that it was is either lying or misinformed.

The most recent Pro Tools session for is dated April 29, 2009. 68 tracks, most of which seem to have been sourced from the demo. Seems like Neff-U and Brad Buxer had their hands in it for quite a while before then—Some of the instruments (“Percussion B.B. New,” “Guitar Funk NeffU 7.4”) date to MJ’s stay in Bahrain. In terms of progression, I’d compare it to the leaked/released mixes of “Blue Gangsta”: the changes are incremental, and improve upon the song rather than make significant changes to it.

What’s interesting, though, is that MJ partially redid his vocals in July 2007. Only the first verse and chorus, but it seems as though he was auditioning whether or not he could still hit those high notes. It sounds damn good in my opinion, but if they ever release the song, the difference between the 1986 and 2007 vocals is too obvious to try and splice them together. Odds are we’ll get the original only.

I’m lying. Not a single word of this is true. (Don’t hate me!) But see how easy it is to come off as convincing if you have the time?
I'm lying. Not a single word of this is true. (Don’t hate me!) But see how easy it is to come off as convincing if you have the time?
Ha! It's exactly the reason I was trying to get something out of firmwaregod, who has ended up not proving anything and instead decided to delete his account
firmware-troll saying "I could even explain where very well known collectors get their stuff. You would be surprised."

no he couldn't.
his answer was: ".... you can try to contact known people on your own and see if they are willing to do business."

nice explanation dude.
(background story: i was ready to throw some money at unreleased stuff. )
MJ community people kicking someone out of the fandom cause the person has something they don't...
MJ community people kicking someone out of the fandom cause the person has something they don't...
Man your clowning like always.. Ms. Dramaqueen!
1. He didn't get kicked out. He tucked his tail & went out himself..
2. It's not out of the fAnDoM.. 🙄 He went out of the forum, there's a difference, don't you think?
Man, he has nothing. All he does is yapping nonsense. He was just a troll.

Man your clowning like always.. Ms. Dramaqueen!
1. He didn't get kicked out. He tucked his tail & went out himself..
2. It's not out of the fAnDoM.. 🙄 He went out of the forum, there's a difference, don't you think?
It's peculiar and weird how every time I make a statement, "MJJuniorSinceMW" feels the need to jump in with a counterpoint.

It seems there's a misunderstanding here: you're the one resorting to insults, so I'm not sure who the real "clown" is.

I’m not the one stirring up drama. My aim is to call out the unnecessary negativity directed at someone simply because they have something others might not. This individual doesn’t owe anyone proof or explanations. If they choose to discuss unreleased material, that's their prerogative. But they are under no obligation to justify themselves to anyone.

Unfortunately, many (especially younger) MJ fans don’t grasp this and instead play self-appointed "MJ-Police." It’s the same mindset you’re displaying by nitpicking my posts to label me as a "clown."
My aim is to call out the unnecessary negativity directed at someone simply because they have something others might not.
I don't know if you read my entire conversation with firmwaregod yesterday, but it was relatively civilised, and I certainly don't think I 'made' him delete his account by the end. He instead decided to share a link to an obviously fake snippet and then leave on his own accord.
This individual doesn’t owe anyone proof or explanations. If they choose to discuss unreleased material, that's their prerogative. But they are under no obligation to justify themselves to anyone.
You're right, he doesn't owe us proof, but it doesn't exactly aid the discussion surrounding a song like GOAL when a user spreads what could easily be misinformation, with nothing to back up what their saying.

@AlwaysThere proved the point well with their post about TYLA.
How can we be expected to believe that GOAL was developed both musically and vocally to a state of completion just because an anonymous user claimed so without any proof? It makes no sense.
Let‘s say this.

Many of the people that are shooting against me are young and don’t own anything of this value.

They don’t know how to handle this kind of stuff.
They will never pay with their own money.
They will never be in the same circle.
They are waiting on YouTube.

I’f always been truthful about the things I said.
I‘f never broken my own rule of not selling music.

When I was going to give away the USB drive(s), this was a legitimate gesture meant to be funny, which I still think it is.

I invited people who are decently credible to listen.
They declined, not me. I‘m still available to do so.

There are some really smart, friendly and respectful people on here.

Do you see anyone on here discussing unreleased music like I did in the last year? No? Me neither. I gave away insights of songs you have never heard.

And you are mad cause you can’t have it.

There is one user in particular, I shared nearly every info on any song I have with. Feel free to speak up. You know I wasn’t bullshitting you.

Yes, I am leaving this forum on my own.
But you drifted me away from this.

If you would have asked me 10 years ago ‚Will you ever stop listening to Michael’s music?‘, the answer would probably be ‚no‘. Ask me today and the answer will be ‚yes‘.

Why on earth isn’t this forum moderated in any form? Beano is deleting comments ‚when he feels like it‘, but this utter nonsense can be? We are drifting away from the title of this thread.

Oh, and I submitted another deletion note of my account. Is this ever going to be answered?

Who the fuck knows. It‘s only the law they are not respecting.
U keep saying u will delete your account but if I'm not mistaken.... its nothing holding you onto a website that YOU keep going to to check consistently on your name to see if it's been mentioned. How can u complain about someone deleting your account when all you have to do is NOT visit the site. This is weird & familiar... You sound like my ex girl "ima leave you alone, I hate you, you get on my nerves.....I miss you, come home, I'll rub your back & cook for you. I'm sorry, don't leave me...... I'll leave. Leave me alone, you just mad because this, u just mad because of that."
Hi there! I'm very new to this site. Michael knew about it but I've actually never visited this website until recently. I saw that the thread is about Bambi's unreleased work and wanted to make sure that I gave some information that Michael would've wanted The Moonwalkers to know. 💖

Michael Joe recorded and saved plenty of music that could last a long while; however, it was virtually impossible for him to make enough to last a lifetime in terms of new releases from The Estate now that he's gone. If anyone has notice what I'm about to say next, then you have a good eye. The Estate released that "Michael" album and then "Xscape" but haven't released anything new or better, although it's been over a decade.

Without Michael; John McClain and John Branca have very little reason to release anything new like they're supposed to because, and I'm sure they've realized this a long time ago, but without The King Of Music here then once they run out then that's it! I hope The Moonwalkers, as Michael's Soldiers Of Love, have noticed how The Estate is leading on the community and keeping everyone's hopes always high. Well, this is because they may be trying to continue gaining revenue as long as they possibly can off of the coat tails of Bambi's already released work until they can't anymore. I've been fearing that they will drag their feet on new projects as long as possible, especially his music, because it's finite.

For example: The Estate is making MILLIONS yearly and the funds have been flowing since Michael was k!lled, so releasing new projects or music would be one less stream of income released that they "could've saved" for a time when the money gets tight. On one hand, from the business perspective, I understand because Bambi left them with that heavy 20% they're obligated to donate to charity which is a HUGE percentage to automatically lose (Michael was a genius for that). Yet, it's annoying to me how they don't do anything to at least fill the empty space or show the fans some new things that are creative enough to give the world something interesting, while also holding back on running out of their "real Michael supply" of projects. Even if they only released a new album at the minimum of every 3-5 years as Michael usually planned to do, they still might not have enough to last them for the next 50-100 years and beyond. The idea is that Michael's Estate must live forever and carry on for eternity without him now. 🥀

This is honestly a bit of a predicament and this is also why it's so frustrating that Michael's gone because he would've told them to get their sh!t together by upping their creativity like I've mentioned before. I've sent suggestions to them with ideas and nothing, of course. I've suggested things like contests; having the fans write letters for Michael and the best ones win prizes or get shared on Michael's accounts; using AI to make high-quality "what ifs" where the fans vote on cool ideas like "What If Michael made 'Don't Stop Til You Get Enough' during the Bad Era"; making short clips of alternate versions of the short films; and just SOMETHING creatively new. They've also changed his profile pictures to the absolute lowest quality Bad Era photo known to humanity and, as a perfectionist, I was silently screaming in agony. Michael would be seething. LMFAO!

This was a bit of a "I Can't Stand Branca And McClain" moment but I couldn't help it lol. They pmo. 😒 Maybe if the fans come together to bombard them with requests for Creativity and Fun, then there can one day be some change. Michael deserves for his fans to have newness. ✨

Anyway, I love you and Michael would be so happy to see how much he's still cherished. Thank you for all your love, kindness, and support! 🌹

👑 Long Live The King Of Music 👑
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Let‘s say this.

Many of the people that are shooting against me are young and don’t own anything of this value.

They don’t know how to handle this kind of stuff.
They will never pay with their own money.
They will never be in the same circle.
They are waiting on YouTube.

I’f always been truthful about the things I said.
I‘f never broken my own rule of not selling music.

When I was going to give away the USB drive(s), this was a legitimate gesture meant to be funny, which I still think it is.

I invited people who are decently credible to listen.
They declined, not me. I‘m still available to do so.

There are some really smart, friendly and respectful people on here.

Do you see anyone on here discussing unreleased music like I did in the last year? No? Me neither. I gave away insights of songs you have never heard.

And you are mad cause you can’t have it.

There is one user in particular, I shared nearly every info on any song I have with. Feel free to speak up. You know I wasn’t bullshitting you.

Yes, I am leaving this forum on my own.
But you drifted me away from this.

If you would have asked me 10 years ago ‚Will you ever stop listening to Michael’s music?‘, the answer would probably be ‚no‘. Ask me today and the answer will be ‚yes‘.

Why on earth isn’t this forum moderated in any form? Beano is deleting comments ‚when he feels like it‘, but this utter nonsense can be? We are drifting away from the title of this thread.

Oh, and I submitted another deletion note of my account. Is this ever going to be answered?

Who the fuck knows. It‘s only the law they are not respecting.
Fine. I’ll play devil’s advocate here. Let’s say you’re authentic. Every word you’ve said, every piece of information you’ve shared, is true and accurate, yet nobody believes you. You need to understand that that’s your own fault.

When Damien Shields shares info, we take his word for it because he’s spent years establishing himself as a credible source. Same with Adez, Korgnex, and Alec. While I’ve had some incorrect dates and specificities over the years, I also feel I am semi-reliable, thanks to the generosity of the people who are kind enough to share info with me.

You don’t have that. Most of your posts and DMs are cryptic, noncommittal, and impossible to verify without speaking directly with an engineer/producer, all in the name of not wanting to “out” yourself and lose the trust of your sources. On the off-chance you share a snippet (which I’d argue is worse than just sharing titles or specificities), it’s unquestionably AI generated. Your offer to share a USB drive with unreleased material at a seminar (which, again, far worse than just naming songs or giving details) didn’t happen. You floated the idea of leaning a snippet of TYLA since the full thing is already out; to date, we’ve gotten nothing. You make extensive, detailed posts, then refuse to share a single piece of corroborating information to give us trust that you’re worth believing.

On the off chance you’re 100% authentic, I appreciate your efforts to share things with us. But you have been aggressively awful with establishing your credibility, and I can’t blame anyone here for pushing back. And if you are a fraud, then why even spend the time lying? Is that really how you’d prefer to spend your free time?
I too enjoy delusion 🙂

There's a complete version of Hollywood Tonight and secret videos of Unbreakable and Whatever Happens in the vaults too of course. Will I Am is ready to put out songs! And the 4K scans of Billie Jean will be found, and Bazouille is real too!
Yeah but no one cares about those, GOAL seems like a good song; from the time MJ still made good music :O