The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

Possibly, yes.

In who's possession is this CD?
I hope the estate..
Anybody knows what "rvi. Prince" means?
If there's a "Mix 7" there's at least 6 other mixes..
In who's possession is this CD?
I hope the estate..
Anybody knows what "rvi. Prince" means?
If there's a "Mix 7" there's at least 6 other mixes..
Those CD's were stolen by LaToya's husband after Michael's death. The Estate has taken legal actions to get them back. "rvi" is actually "M" reffering to Michael Prince
Those CD's were stolen by LaToya's husband after Michael's death. The Estate has taken legal actions to get them back. "rvi" is actually "M" reffering to Michael Prince
If I remember correctly, this case was finished, they did get all the music back, or no?

Zzz LaToya.. Always damaging MJ's legacy in one way or another..
3. I can not provide any snippets. Even if I wanted to. This would burn a shit ton of bridges. And I know these people are reading here.
The problem everyone here has with you is that you have provided exactly nothing that backs up what you're saying in any way. You've been on here for a long time now, and all you do is add fuel to the fire, whilst simultaneously revealing nothing new.

Korgnex is (relatively) well respected because he doesn't need to brag about what he owns. Even if what he puts out is utter nonsense, like his Best of Joy "mix", at least it shows that he has something that everyone else wants to hear.

All you do is come up with crackpot schemes like "wear a shirt with the MJJC logo to a random European seminar and I'll give you a special CD with rare material!!" Or whatever else you go on about.

If all you can contribute to this thread is "I have lots of unreleased material, but I can't tell you anything about it", then what's the point in even doing what you do? Unless you're so sad that you'd make up everything just to wind us all up
You know what’s funny? I offered multiple individual who are well respected here to come and listen for themselves. They refused.

What would be sufficient proof?

And please include a reason on why I should.
What are my gains?
Buddy you've become a Lotfi level Meme in the forum. Congratulations 👏
In this very Forum there are people who legitimately have things you can't even imagine.
In their eyes you are a little clown who makes us giggle with your pathological lying.
You know what’s funny? I offered multiple individual who are well respected here to come and listen for themselves. They refused.
Listen to what exactly? A snippet? Full song? Are you referring to the GOAL mix that you claim to own?
What would be sufficient proof?
Sufficient proof would be either the first option I listed above: a snippet that confirms that you own unreleased material, sent to a trustworthy member of this forum - or, alternatively - written proof of some kind that confirms that you possess information that is not available anywhere else. This could be, for example, production notes.
nd please include a reason on why I should.
What are my gains?
You're only gain would be that everyone here would take what you're saying seriously. If you do indeed have unreleased material, I can understand your dilemma in that you have promised to never share anything. But like I said before, what's the point in trying to discuss the topic if all you're doing is reiterating information that's already well-known?
I offered multiple people to meet up and listen to full songs. Again, they refused.
Would this 'meet up' consist of travelling to another country, with no proof that what you have is legitimate? If so, I can fully understand their decision not to do so.
GOAL is not for discussion.
Understandable, but I don't think there's much point in you leading us on when you can't contribute anything new
From my point of view: If I send anything to anyone, it might leak. So that’s the risk I have to calculate in.
Of course that's always going to be the biggest risk. Is there something you own that you could be sent to a single user, that, even if leaked, would not compromise you personally? Possibly a <5 second snippet of a HQ song that's already leaked in LQ?
Got to agree with many here regarding Neff-U's mix of TYLA. I think it's boring and he somehow managed to take away the songs "mystical" vibes, and made it very generic. Huge no thanks. Strings on the bridge is a decent idea but poorly done.

I can't blame him too much as he didnt have access to the multis. But even then, I think one can do much better.

The original version is way better, which luckily did leak recently in better quality. Such a shame it never got released (like so much of Mikes stuff).

Now, please give me some waterrrrr, waterrrrr.
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TYLA I don't care about. Maybe the section from Rocker that already leaked. MIB is also a very cool song. But only makes sense to release it in full. I could probably give away the Ad-libs to MIB. Pretty sure no one has those really. Pick your poison.
TYLA would make sense simply due to what's been going on in the past week or so. But like I originally said, it's just something to show that you are in fact telling the truth.
Took a couple of minutes before people messaged me not to release TYLA.
Need to rescpect that. It's trading for a lot of money.

But I found something else that I'm willing to give up.
Sorry for the bad quality. Recorded from my portable speaker.
For the love of god, don't remix or recreate it. It's gonna turn out shitty.

Is that Don't Believe It ? Because it looks like a clown instead of MJ 😂
Beano is technically a mod, can't he just ban him? Since others apparently don't know how to manage a forum or they don't care to witness shitty users dirtying the threads.
Took a couple of minutes before people messaged me not to release TYLA.
Need to rescpect that. It's trading for a lot of money.

But I found something else that I'm willing to give up.
Sorry for the bad quality. Recorded from my portable speaker.
For the love of god, don't remix or recreate it. It's gonna turn out shitty.

Mickey Mouse - Don’t Believe It
Took a couple of minutes before people messaged me not to release TYLA.
Need to rescpect that. It's trading for a lot of money.

But I found something else that I'm willing to give up.
Sorry for the bad quality. Recorded from my portable speaker.
For the love of god, don't remix or recreate it. It's gonna turn out shitty.

I can't believe I've taken the time to talk to you today, despite your reputation, and the best you can muster for us is whatever this thing is lol