The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

Glad to finally hear it but I can see why it was tucked away. The verses sound like placeholder lyrics but the chorus is good and should've been reworked for the Just Say No drug campaign since it talks about throwing your life away
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It finally leaked
I'm so glad to hear this

I'm not sure how I feel about this 2010 version, I know Neff U's hands were tied with the stems missing, with that being said, this version doesn't seem as exciting and as full of life as the demo.
This version seems slower during the verses and bridge too

Thank you to those who shared it
TYLA is good but the quality is so bad I'm struggling to fully enjoy it.
If this is authentic, Neff-U did as good of a job as he probably could have. I still think the song is painfully average, but I love the small embellishments. It goes to show that Neff-U is one of the best producers to ever work on an unreleased MJ project—he just understood how to do it right in ways other producers didn’t.

That said, I still don’t believe that this is real. It sounds like a VERY high-quality seminar recording with overdubs. I can think of a single MJ rough mix that sounds this bad. The estate has released some bad quality mixes in their day, but if this is truly all they had to work with for this song, I’m not at all surprised that it hasn’t come out yet.
If they use the technology The Beatles used on Now and Then to extract the vocal, and recreate a mix that's similar to this one, then I think it would be great
imo there's no need for that. They should just release the existing 2 track mix.

Now and then was a different cup of tea. Täiirc they had no pro recording of that song.
Sounds like a pair of 10 dollar earbuds, love it, we are so back 🔥🔥🔥🔥

@Beano Wild Can you top it?
Ive had it for the last few days, I've been able to use the vocal for the 88' restoration, but i feel the rest is too far gone with compression to do anything with it.

and to think a certain someone paid real money for this and the copy of gywoom that leaked :ROFLMAO:
Ive had it for the last few days, I've been able to use the vocal for the 88' restoration, but i feel the rest is too far gone with compression to do anything with it.

and to think a certain someone paid real money for this and the copy of gywoom that leaked :ROFLMAO:
Will you release your restoration?
This remix isn’t real. This is a reworked version of the seminar which was also slowed down to disguise the difference when it is clearly noticeable. Even if the multitrack is missing the estate would have a copy of the song on DAT or cassette, which would be in much better quality than this. They wouldn’t use a seminar recording as the basis for a remix.
Neff U made the beginning and the entire mix underneath sound like it was recorded with a mobile phone on purpose even though he had a high quality version to use I guess.

Scared Of The Moon was actually revised from a cassette copy of the song because the master is lost. The transfer was so good that if you didn’t read the story behind it, you’d never know the difference.

The same would be said for Throwing Your Life Away if they had reworked the song from a cassette source. It’s clearly seminar.
This remix isn’t real. This is a reworked version of the seminar which was also slowed down to disguise the difference when it is clearly noticeable. Even if the multitrack is missing the estate would have a copy of the song on DAT or cassette, which would be in much better quality than this. They wouldn’t use a seminar recording as the basis for a remix.
Its real, its just they used several filters and such to try and pull the vocal out, to little success.
If this is authentic, Neff-U did as good of a job as he probably could have. I still think the song is painfully average, but I love the small embellishments. It goes to show that Neff-U is one of the best producers to ever work on an unreleased MJ project—he just understood how to do it right in ways other producers didn’t.

That said, I still don’t believe that this is real. It sounds like a VERY high-quality seminar recording with overdubs. I can think of a single MJ rough mix that sounds this bad. The estate has released some bad quality mixes in their day, but if this is truly all they had to work with for this song, I’m not at all surprised that it hasn’t come out yet.
I do see similarities between this mix and BTM on the Michael album. Some level of vocal distortion to hide the lower quality of the tape with heavy layering and overdubbing to modernize the track.

The beginning literally sounding like a seminar recording is quite something lol. No reason for that to be the case if this was a legit mix made using a hq mixdown of the song.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought Neff-U was only given a demo tape to work with, so a hq mixdown would have been very challenging given what he had to work with.