The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

Yeah, that tiny Groove of Midnight clip that exists, that can't be all there is. They have to have recorded the whole thing, surely? Drives me mad with frustration, that one!

I'd love to know.
Matt Forger said they've recorded the song but weren't able to locate a tape with vocals while they're prepping material for Bad25.
Matt Forger said they've recorded the song but weren't able to locate a tape with vocals while they're prepping material for Bad25.
The problem might be Temperton and his estate not giving permission. Not saying Forger is lying, but they *could've* found the tape with vocals but would not be given permission. I just hope it didn't just disappear.
The problem might be Temperton and his estate not giving permission. Not saying Forger is lying, but they *could've* found the tape with vocals but would not be given permission. I just hope it didn't just disappear.
Precisely this. I recall hearing years ago that Temperton and the Estate were at odds because he wanted an egregious amount of money to license “Thriller” being used in This Is It. It’s not a surprise to me that none of his unreleased songs have yet been released, other than those that already had attained authorization.
Precisely this. I recall hearing years ago that Temperton and the Estate were at odds because he wanted an egregious amount of money to license “Thriller” being used in This Is It. It’s not a surprise to me that none of his unreleased songs have yet been released, other than those that already had attained authorization.
Yeah Temperton and Quincy were/are at odds with the Estate. Anything released with their name on it was pre approved prior to death.

Thats why I said in an earlier post that if the Estate didn’t burn their bridges, we’d have more than enough material
Going back to TYLA, someone said it's from 1986 but I don't see a registration from 1986, only 1988

Precisely this. I recall hearing years ago that Temperton and the Estate were at odds because he wanted an egregious amount of money to license “Thriller” being used in This Is It. It’s not a surprise to me that none of his unreleased songs have yet been released, other than those that already had attained authorization.
Yeah, would also explain why HotStreet never made Thriller 40 and whatever was recorded for Rolling The Dice.
Hot Street was considered for T25. Michael rejected the proposed tracklist though.
True, but record labels don’t obtain release agreements based on proposals. It’s similar to why some unreleased songs don’t get registered until shortly before their release (e.g., “Loving You,” “What a Lovely Way to Go”). Sony likely only started on paperwork once the track list was finalized.
According to Bobby Taylor MJ asked him to write an old fashioned song for him and liked the demo. It doesn't seem anything of it was recorded by MJ though, Taylor's final vocals were sung on the day MJ passed away

Pure gold 😍

This belongs here, but is there a thread or list of songs other people were working on for Michael around 2009?
Not necessarily songs he was set to record, but ones that were candidates.

This one always comes to mind, I Want You To Stay by Marsha Ambrosius (who co wrote Butterflies). Low quality vid but I love this whole tribute/performance
(especially with the crowd singing along to Butterflies🔥)
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Interesting to get a glimpse of the rivalries and contentions between MJs collaborators. Maybe that's part of the reason he liked swapping out more and more often.
One good piece of info and perspective Brad gave was that during dangerous, the constant arguing & rivalry between Loryen/Bottrell/Swedien and Teddy led to each one trying to out-do eachother.
So Get Up and Jam aren't the same song. Very interesting.
This list comes from Shana Mangatal, she guessed the names of the titles after listening. She thinks Get Up is Jam. She listened to this tracklist with people working at Sony. It was apparently a great experience.
There was a video that leaked from Brad's seminar during the late Dangerous sessions and MJ was singing Serious Effect. So that must have been a track that was close to making it on the album. Is there a more finished mix?

She Drives Me Wild, Can't Let Her Get Away, Why You Wanna Trip on Me, must have been late additions produced by Teddy that won out at the end. MJ must have wanted more uptempo New Jack songs on the album and Teddy came with the jelly. Joy not on this list, but again, probably a Teddy track that was a late recording that just didn't make the final cut.
There was a video that leaked from Brad's seminar during the late Dangerous sessions and MJ was singing Serious Effect. So that must have been a track that was close to making it on the album. Is there a more finished mix?

She Drives Me Wild, Can't Let Her Get Away, Why You Wanna Trip on Me, must have been late additions produced by Teddy that won out at the end. MJ must have wanted more uptempo New Jack songs on the album and Teddy came with the jelly. Joy not on this list, but again, probably a Teddy track that was a late recording that just didn't make the final cut.
I also noticed how Earth Song was called by its alternate title, "Planet Earth."

Was this list from March 1991? I know SDWM and CLHGA weren't even started on until sometime between late-July and early August (CLHGA had its instrumental track reviewed around August 3rd). Black Or White is also listed as having Heavy D yet Jam isn't, which implies that there's a version of BoW with a rap by Heavy D (and could most certainly date the last to before late-March 1991).

(or Shana may have misheard Bottrell's vocals as Heavy D's)
Planet Earth is a poem. Not the one from This Is It. There is a longer one.
Yes, but wasn’t this the initial concept of “Earth Song”? I remember reading it initially started out as simply a poem with instrumental accompaniment, then evolved into a fully fledged song during the Dangerous sessions.
Dreams is registered

Also remember Michael's commercial was titled Dreams. Could the song have been replaced by Who Is It in this clip?
It’s been long rumored that “Dreams” was intended for this Pepsi commercial but was replaced by WII, similar to what happened with POF. I assume it’s a fairly complete demo since it almost made the cut.
Alright. Well in that case, that's mostly not true. The song existed before Teddy got involved. It matured with his involvement though.
Are you talking about Joy or Someone Put Your Hand Out? Because for the latter, that's 100% true.