The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

It‘s very tough answering to your speculations.

I understand that you (and many more) are upset.

But ALL of you are asking the wrong question(s)!
Think about that.

I do not have any ties with the Estate.
My forum name was generated by a name generator many years ago.

Denying that a bit of fun is involved in this, would be a lie. But by no means does anyone need to beg. I simply gave a choice on what people wanted to hear about.

You are right about my knowledge in terms of music. This is a new world to me. Normally, I‘m only listening to recordings for myself and be happy about it. But the honest mistake of being confused about stems and multitracks may reside from the fact, that I am currently working in a very warm environment. And many answers I gave were written on my phone, while I was working. So please excuse me for mixing things up.

As I said before, asking for conversations in private isn’t wrong. It shows initiative. And in my culture it‘s the right thing to do.
It's because the Estate refuses Michael Prince songs that we will probably never listen to this song, right?
As I said before, asking for conversations in private isn’t wrong. It shows initiative. And in my culture it‘s the right thing to do.
I already asked for conversation in private, and you gave me the run around, having butt all booty cheeks to say or offer.
First he says he's not sharing anything …
It seems people didn't pay much attention to what firmware-god actually has said. Which is sad as it can alienate new people in this community protecting their anonymity who would want to share certain things. Remember that trust is a two-way process.

If people feel it shouldn't take up this particular thread (which already has lots of posts degrading people), that's a simple problem to solve
It seems people didn't pay much attention to what firmware-god actually has said. Which is sad as it can alienate new people in this community protecting their anonymity who would want to share certain things. Remember that trust is a two-way process.

If people feel it shouldn't take up this particular thread (which already has lots of posts degrading people), that's a simple problem to solve
Nah people are paying attention fine.
It seems people didn't pay much attention to what firmware-god actually has said. Which is sad as it can alienate new people in this community protecting their anonymity who would want to share certain things. Remember that trust is a two-way process.

If people feel it shouldn't take up this particular thread (which already has lots of posts degrading people), that's a simple problem to solve
You fell for the bait.
I like games. I really do. So, let's play one.

As we all can guess, there will be more Brad Sundberg seminars in Europe this year.
I don't know which ones he will offer. But I will attend at least one.

The first person I meet inside the "studio", wearing a mjjcommunity T-Shirt, will receive one USB stick with unreleased vocals.
Something that has never been published. Should the title I have in mind leak on YouTube beforehand, I will choose something equally.

To make it not as expensive and give everyone a fair chance: It will be a Saturday.

Sounds fun and fair, doesn't it?
What song
You demanded:

You didn't say I had to be polite.
The first person I meet inside the "studio", wearing a mjjcommunity T-Shirt, will receive one USB stick with unreleased vocals.
Something that has never been published.
> firmware-god proceeds to hand over a USB Killer or sum like that.
Veterans of this forum, so to speak, is this the longest a thread has been drawn out in your time here ?