The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

Korgnex does not know me. He does not have GOAL. He lives in his own bubble. He is not "the Michael Jackson god".
If you knew, how many collectors there are, reading this thread and asking me about the stems ;)
The thing I don’t understand is how you have the multitracks to GOAL when there has been no evidence of them ever being in circulation. We’ve seen two different mixes of the demo- one with an intro and the other without. I also think it’s fair to assume that the leaked version is the most current one, since it’s from Theron Feemster’s seminar. Doesn’t make sense for him to play a rougher, earlier version of a song he produced if there is a more polished version.
Recap of ITSWMJ day with Buxer + Prince:

They did something new for Brad’s seminars, we went through invincible track by track

They started by talking about how the sessions started right after the history tour. MP mentioned “Monster”, “Bio” & “Hanson”. I was really hoping they’d play Monster, but they did not.

Unbreakable - people bobbed along and after the majority of the track finished, Brad asked BB & MP what they thought; Buxer said “I didn’t work on that one”

Heartbreaker - this was pretty cool because when they played the track but once the chorus he solo’ed the background vocals, very cool!

invincible - just the album version from memory. By the end of the 3 tracks the crowd was clearly not impressed with the jerkins tracks. Buxer said “I’m not a fan of Rodney’s tracks but I love him” or something along those lines.

Break of Dawn - a breath of fresh air! One of my favourites. The crowd was clearly enjoying it. After Buxer & Prince talked about dr freeze and praised him. Buxer mentioned “remember when we got him to sing “jungle”? He sounds just like Michael. You know with the fake tracks, if they were going to try to get someone to sound like Michael they should have gone for him”

Heaven can wait - cool track, nothing special

Butterflies - cool story, they argued about the adlib vocal from the woman at the end when she really belts. Buxer said it was autotuned and Prince and Sundberg said no. They played the solo’ed vocals

Speechless - highlight right here, Buxer told the story of how it was born, then played the track, acapella, background vocals. Strings solo’ed (which sounded amazing). There was 2 choirs on it, Tom bahler’s choir and another I cannot recall. They played both by themselves. Buxer said the track is “candy ass”

The lost children - Buxer absolutely hates this song lol. He said it was a mistake and that he wished it never came out. He said “just be done with the kids stuff man”

Whatever happens - highlight. Amazing track, crowd was feeling this one. Someone requested to hear Santanas solo isolated. Cool.

That’s all the tracks from invincible we listened too.

Buxer and Prince said “let’s listen to some stuff that we really like”

Stranger in Moscow - Buxer told the story about conception. Played along on his keyboard while it played

Childhood - same thing

Will you be there - same thing

In the back (voicemail) - highlight. MJ calls Buxer and says “I got an idea” or something along those lines. He then beat boxes in the back while singing the lyrics. He released “like that you know” a lot. Very very cool moment.

In the back - played the released version just to show how it progressed

Beautiful girl - highlight. Played the released version. Then this was the cool part. MP did a live mix of the song, he started with the percussion adding in little by little, then the guitar, strings etc before adding in BGV and finally lead vocals. It was amazing to witness.

Hollywood tonight (2008 version) - highlight. It starts just like the leaked demo with drum machine. But the rhythm guitar played by David Williams was PHENOMENAL. It takes the track to a whole new level, super funky. Way better than the leaked demo and the released version. Apparently there was additional vocals in the bridge but I don’t recall. On the bridge there was no “keep the drums playing” I believe it was just a rhythm guitar solo. MP told us how MJ recorded the guitar and MJ gave some really good tips to them to get the plucky sound he was going for.

Hollywood tonight (released version) - boring, would have liked to listen to the 2008 version again lol

That’s the extent of the unreleased material they played. No TWYLM, IAAL, or DIG, it was clear that they would not play anything unreleased that wasn’t connected to an already released demo, unfortunately.

Day 2 and 3 with Brian Vibberts & Matt Forger didn’t have any unreleased or new music at all. I did ask Forger about “Buffalo Bill” on a break but the music was playing so loud i had to yell into his ear for him to hear me. He said “I worked on that very quickly”. I asked about the state of the vault, because he works with the estate, I asked him if he has copies of some of the demos. He said “the estate has everything”. A person asked about “Tunring me off” and asked if they have it and if they’d play it. They said they don’t have it, Sundberg said “I liked that one”
The only thing from Rodney i'm interested in is the making of Invincible footage he has.
You are correct. The songs we are talking about are mostly not registered. For good reason.

This is why revealing them might lead to speculation about me. Which again, I don’t want to risk. Maybe, but it‘s a hard maybe, I‘ll upload something in the next few weeks.

GOAL is vocally finished. Amazing track. The last time I talked about it, I got hardcore downvoted. I was planing on organising a fundraiser, as the song was for sale back then. That offer is gone by now, as I have bought the stems myself.
GOAl vocally finished? Meaning a version with actual verses and not mumbles? Something more updated than what leaked? If so, what's the lyrics like?
For starters, I might need to apologize.
I was talking about stems and not multitracks, when I should have.
Maybe my head got a bit confused cause of the 42 degrees we have here.

Let's clear something up; A couple of comments ago I was asked, what stems are.
No one has seemed to realise, that my answer to that was complete bullshit.
It's the other way aroud:

"Multitracks consist of all the individual elements of an audio production, each with their own dedicated track (i.e. kick, snare, hats, toms, shaker). Some may be mono, while others are stereo. They may have been recorded from microphones or direct inputs, programmed in a sequencer, or arranged in a sampler."

"Stems are stereo recordings sourced from mixes of multiple individual tracks, such as drums, vocals, and bass. For example, a drum stem will typically be a stereo audio file that sounds like all of the drum tracks mixed together."

Now that thats's out of the way, I will answer about GOAL one more time.
And after that, I will not respond to any more comments about those multitracks.

1. Yes, the song progressed in the recent years (while Michael was still with us)
2. No, the multitracks are not for sale - it was a coincidence for me to even get them
3. You can't know about them circulating, because they weren't
4. There are seven mixes, that MP did for MJ
5. My multitracks contain nine lead vocal takes - yes, they have dates, but I'm not sharing that information at the moment.
6. The song will probably never be released.
7. This it is.

If 1. through 5., then WHY 6. ???
Worded differently:
Why wouldn't they release the song someday in the future???

Are you assuming?
Were you told?
If you were told, from which party you were told this info?
What should be the reason for this foolishness?
If 1. through 5., then WHY 6. ???
Worded differently:
Why wouldn't they release the song someday in the future???

Are you assuming?
Were you told?
If you were told, from which party you were told this info?
What should be the reason for this foolishness?
I know this is a popular track, for good reason. I can't imagine he'll want to reveal who said what, though. Could lead back to him. As far as if material can/will be released or not, I think the first place to look is the Estate, and its track record.
I know this is a popular track, for good reason. I can't imagine he'll want to reveal who said what, though. Could lead back to him. As far as if material can/will be released or not, I think the first place to look is the Estate, and its track record.
Who's the author/composer of GOAL?
Curious... how do you pick which titles to bring up next ? Spin a wheel ? Flip a coin ?
oducer confirmed he "doesn't know if he [Michael] has completed his vocal parts", meaning he most likely didn't.

There's a song we made together, but I do not know if he has completed his vocal parts. It's called "Rise Above It All". It's a song I wrote and on which we worked. [...] It's an upbeat song. If you feel bad, if things are going wrong in the world, be positive and try to be as happy as possible, leaving aside all the negative things. Overcome negativity, go beyond the woes of the world, all wars, the starving children and all the bad things. Assemble yourselves, hold your hand, raise your hands to heaven and pass it all. It's a little theme song. I can not say whether he had recorded the song, but in any case, we worked on it. There are other songs on which they collaborated. Most of these songs are mid-tempo, but I can not say anything more.
The thing I don’t understand is how you have the multitracks to GOAL when there has been no evidence of them ever being in circulation. We’ve seen two different mixes of the demo- one with an intro and the other without. I also think it’s fair to assume that the leaked version is the most current one, since it’s from Theron Feemster’s seminar. Doesn’t make sense for him to play a rougher, earlier version of a song he produced if there is a more polished version.
Not saying whether or not firmware-god is legit, but to play devil’s advocate, collectors have resources many of us could only dream of. Who here expected Korgnex to have “Changes,” for example? Just because we don’t know something is in circulation doesn’t mean that some lucky few don’t have it.

Also, wasn’t the GOAL leak from a Kingvention seminar with Thom Russo? I’ve never heard of Neff-U doing one.
Not saying whether or not firmware-god is legit, but to play devil’s advocate, collectors have resources many of us could only dream of. Who here expected Korgnex to have “Changes,” for example? Just because we don’t know something is in circulation doesn’t mean that some lucky few don’t have it.

Also, wasn’t the GOAL leak from a Kingvention seminar with Thom Russo? I’ve never heard of Neff-U doing one.

This is actually recorded during the Kingvention seminar, with Tom Russo.
I know this is a popular track, for good reason. I can't imagine he'll want to reveal who said what, though. Could lead back to him. As far as if material can/will be released or not, I think the first place to look is the Estate, and its track record.
Yeah, it's a popular track, for good reason.
Let's NEVER release it !!!
Who utters those kind of ideas. And what would be the foolishness behind such an idea and speaking it out loud?
And why would this idea be presented to our friendly forum member?

I mean, if John Branca, thinks to himself "well, I'll f*ck this little MJ fans over by not releasing the good stuff, only the fake / bad quality stuff & things that they already have for a long time". That might be. But why would he tell it to our friendly forum member?

To me it seems clear what the "firmware-god" is trying to do (name also speaks for itself).
I won't deny that maybe he has something and he may also know a little something. (Though even that might be overestimating him..)

But he's defo trying to make more out of it than it really is.
Also the dramatization: He has the song... But we'll never hear it, because it will never get released!!

First he says he's not sharing anything. Then throwing some bread crumbs of knowledge, after he get's almost begged & preached to.
he enjoys making the forum giddy & wanting. I say: He's a little full of it.

Also he clearly is building up his knowledge just now or recently, case in point: The multitrack/stem confusion above.. plus asking forum members for song info via pm..
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It‘s very tough answering to your speculations.

I understand that you (and many more) are upset.

But ALL of you are asking the wrong question(s)!
Think about that.

I do not have any ties with the Estate.
My forum name was generated by a name generator many years ago.

Denying that a bit of fun is involved in this, would be a lie. But by no means does anyone need to beg. I simply gave a choice on what people wanted to hear about.

You are right about my knowledge in terms of music. This is a new world to me. Normally, I‘m only listening to recordings for myself and be happy about it. But the honest mistake of being confused about stems and multitracks may reside from the fact, that I am currently working in a very warm environment. And many answers I gave were written on my phone, while I was working. So please excuse me for mixing things up.

As I said before, asking for conversations in private isn’t wrong. It shows initiative. And in my culture it‘s the right thing to do.
Yeah, still, that person you asked to go on DMs was me -- and I never got a response.