The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

@firmware-god since you're saying you own a complete version of GOAL why don't you share a short snippet of it and prove that you're being legit? You already said that you're willing to share the full song, sharing a snippet that's no longer than 5 seconds isn't going to make you lose anything. If you want us to think you're being legit at least send us just one proof.
@firmware-god since you're saying you own a complete version of GOAL why don't you share a short snippet of it and prove that you're being legit? You already said that you're willing to share the full song, sharing a snippet that's no longer than 5 seconds isn't going to make you lose anything. If you want us to think you're being legit at least send us just one proof.
Watch it be a semi-decent MIDI remake
You contradict yourself, asked about the topic of 25 finished songs in MP‘s possession, you say that „the someone“ talking about it was you.

Some posts of you later you say that you don’t know how many songs are finished..
so what is it?

All in all, you don’t need to wonder why users here are skeptical about you.
You come across as dishonest by the way you post & the contradictions in said posts.
screams „attention seeking“ to me.
The fact that he and MJFrenzy are on the same thread together is really alarming.
I'm not interested in sharing any of the song at the moment. It's also not a miracle to get to it. If you got money, you can buy things. If you have the right connections you might even be able to pull that deal of yourself. I am not gaining anything from anyones trust on this forum. I am sharing my knowledge for free and thats it.

What happens if I provide said snippet is predictable and I rather not have some "mix or extended version" floating around on YouTube.

Plus, you don't seem to be able to understand what I'm saying. I do not have the full song. I have the unmixed stems.
When u release snippet from GOAL
Unreleased vocal
It's a prove that you have unmixed
I don't need to prove anything at all to anyone. People "up the chain" know me well enough. That's everything I need. Take the free knowledge or leave it.
It's not me it's advice they want prove from you like korgnex did for changes
I'm not interested in sharing any of the song at the moment. It's also not a miracle to get to it. If you got money, you can buy things. If you have the right connections you might even be able to pull that deal of yourself. I am not gaining anything from anyones trust on this forum. I am sharing my knowledge for free and thats it.

What happens if I provide said snippet is predictable and I rather not have some "mix or extended version" floating around on YouTube.

Plus, you don't seem to be able to understand what I'm saying. I do not have the full song. I have the unmixed stems.
Can you explain the difference between the “full song” and unmixed stems? I’m kinda confused about that. Are there any post 2005 titles that you could share with us that are complete?
A "full song" should be clear. It's the version thats properly mixed and ready for release.

While mixing the song, you are arranging every bit and peace to where it belongs.
Otherwise vocals or instruments may end up at the wrong time stamp.
You may also add different audio effects.

Then you get something like this:
Listen how the BG and lead vocals don't fit the beat? It's out of tune and sounds horrible.

The unmixed stems have NO time stamp. They have NO place to be and NO audio effects.
They are pretty much useless unless you start arranging them properly and make a song out of it, that sounds good.

That's it for now on infos about completed music. Maybe, if I get around and motivated again, I'll let you know.
But for me I care more about Michael vocals .he released even changes snippets I mean the vocals are more important
Not sure if this interview was ever shared or discussed but Michael Prince himself said in 2022 that he has 40-45 songs ready for release!

I remember this from a while back. You can hear him say copyrighted songs, so maybe it's ones we already know, even though not all are complete. Or perhaps there's some material that has been registered in the interim but isn't available on the online catalog, for one reason or another. Anyone's guess, I suppose.
The someone was me. If I reveal to much information on the conversation itself, Michael Prince and other associates would know who I am. I am trying to prevent that.

Ask specific questions and I might answer them as in depth as I can.
Are you Brad Buxer?:D
For Invincible? Dangerous? Or after 2001?

You should hear the hidden gems in Whatever Happens. They are amazing.
You have information only from Invincible right? If you know about Dangerous too, why not!
It seems to me that there are no Teddy Riley songs post 2001, right?
Quincy on Prince going to Michaels house to hear Bad for a possible duet

"So we invited [Prince] over to Michael's house at Hayvenhurst. He came in and he had an overcoat on, and he had a big white box labeled camille. He called Michael 'Camille.' Prince, it seems, had brought a gift for his host. The box had all kinds of stuff—some cuff links with Tootsie Rolls on them. Michael was scared to death—he thought there was some voodoo in there. I wanted to take it, because I knew Michael was gonna throw it away. Well, we sat at a table that held 24 people, at his house, family table, I said, 'Michael…Smelly, you sit over there so he doesn't feel like we're ganging up on him.' It started off funny. Michael said, 'I never been to Minnenapolis.' [Prince] said—snapping angrily— 'It's Minneapolis!' Oh God…man, this is not going too well. Then Janet went by. [Prince] said, 'Relax your lips, girl.' And it was not going well, that's for sure. Then we went upstairs, and he saw the chimpanzee and the snake, he said, 'Now, that's interesting.' And then he says to me, 'He doesn't need me on this—it's going to be a hit anyway.' Which is true.
I'm more invested in the Dangerous and HIStory era than Invincible and after. ;)

Dangerous had 4 or 5.
Invincible 3.
Post 2001 - here it get's a bit complicated to talk about. But there are at least two that I know of.
Do you have the name of an unreleased Teddy Riley song in mind? Other than Joy of course.