The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

Something about Water really shows the magic of MJ to me. It has that painfully dated, uninspired late 00s production that all the pop producers were doing back then, harsh pitch correction slapped on every single vocal and is only a chorus anyway. Everything about the song on a fundamental level tells me I should hate it… but underneath all of that, you have Michael delivering this stupidly catchy melody that sticks in your brain for hours on end even if you’ve only heard the thing once, and you can’t help but catching yourself humming along to it throughout the day.
It's basically Stranger in Moscow 2008. Which is an incredible idea really.
Yeah, I’ve never heard whispers of “Changes” being out there.

I’m really trying to figure out who Korg is or who he knows to have access to this stuff. At this point I’m convinced he’s somebody working for the estate lmao. Seminar recordings are one thing, but multiple unreleased songs is another.
He was collecting things from the Sony Servers Hack right?
Slighly OT: is it known what songs were played at MJmusicday last April where Chris Currell was a guest?
I didn't attend this time, but I can guarantee you that no unreleased songs were played at last MJMusicDay. The organizers no longer want to take any risks since the recording of "Chicago 1945" and "Dream Away".
Yes an employee of the estate leaking songs what a great idea
Engineers who worked with MJ have sold and given away songs and multitracks. It’s not unprecedented.
He also has the multitrack acapella to Get Your Weight Off Me- remember the “I’m like your dog on a chain” snippet with the record-scratch sound effect in it? Korg put that sound effect over the acapella. No idea how he has access to that.
I think that was just an effect added atop the existing song. If I’m not mistaken, there’s still audible music playing over that piece.
after hearing that snippet, it's even more devastating he couldn't finish his last songs. pretty sure MJ would have been dominating the charts once again in 2009-2011.

(Water is insanely catchy to me)
Well he actually did dominate the charts these years.. :/
Engineers who worked with MJ have sold and given away songs and multitracks. It’s not unprecedented.

I think that was just an effect added atop the existing song. If I’m not mistaken, there’s still audible music playing over that piece.
No the du scratch is not even on the song Korgnex edited that
Might be an unpopular opinion, but I see no point in folks taunting the fanbase with snippets. The tracks sound great, imo, but it's also sorta a slap in the face. No one owes anyone anything, but if there's no intention of letting everyone hear these - or at the bare minimum providing context - why not just keep them hidden ? Idk...
Might be an unpopular opinion, but I see no point in folks taunting the fanbase with snippets. The tracks sound great, imo, but it's also sorta a slap in the face. No one owes anyone anything, but if there's no intention of letting everyone hear these - or at the bare minimum providing context - why not just keep them hidden ? Idk...
I am very okay with it I don't like when they do this but I really want to build a collection but is very hard to get some trust
I am very okay with it I don't like when they do this but I really want to build a collection but is very hard to get some trust
Bro you have nothing and you share nothing, you are not a pokemon card collector. This is art, and you either share it or don't. Do you even want money or do you just want to be "cool"?
Are we sure that he's correct? It seems kinda weird that he'd be able to identify 2 seconds of a filtered and watermarked acapella to a song he heard once ten years ago lol. Unless he wrote down the lyrics or has an outstanding memory I suppose.
More lyrics from Changes:

"That's what they told me"

"Can’t cope with changes. What are you trying to do to me?”
Smh man... you're a disgrace...I can't even come up with words right now for you. Smmfh
Why I am a disgrace... Like I just said I am not someone that stole something form producer I prefer buy tracks and give it to the fans because the estate would do nothing about it
And the fans deserve every album to be released every 2 years with new unreleased songs will the estate will do anything about it nothing because they are only milking michael form the grave I lost respect form John Branca since 2010