The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

I've seen a person there selling Mark Ronson's remix of WALWTG for 10K lol. The post got deleted for some reason.
Yeah thats exactly what happened to me, wasnt an unreleased mj song it was from a different artist. There were just people trolling in the thread and then someone deleted it.
There is also the fact that they put in the Xscape album all the songs that had already leaked and that were potentially on the line for Michael.
Unofficially, yes. They never confirmed that obviously but that was their seeming impetus. They left off everything unique (Hot Fun) aside from a couple tracks.

No, at most it was some people asking about that song on the laptop leak thread, and even then you can't count an unreleased songs leaks forum, a lot of them will be familiar of what's considered by many to be the unreleased grail of one of the most well known singers. The casual listener isn't going to know or care about the song.
Well the casual listener won't care about any song from that point of view. Because they won't even know about it until they hear it. You think they were chomping at the bit for Hold my Hand or Love Never Felt So Good? The only demo that ever got hyped up that even a person completely out of the loop might've known was A Place With No Name, and that was cause of TMZ.

I'm sorry but he ruined Xscape with his remix lol, he's the last person who should be called for that. Get Timbaland if anything, he's the only one who made an outtake from Invincible get mainstream appeal. With Rodney the chances are he'll make the song worse.
How many times am I gonna have to disagree with you on this. I love what Rodney did with the song. It blasts out a speaker now, the horns are great, I love the power of the song now. It's also mastered way better than the Timbo stuff, you can hear every instrument in the song on good speakers and speakers.

The original was okay to me, but I never rated it higher than the other Darkchild takes. And I don't particularly like the spoken vignette parts. They're, corny to say the least.
Timbaland is 50/50 for me. I think he salvaged “Chicago” and “Slave to the Rhythm,” and his take on “Loving You” is masterful, but he butchered “Blue Gangsta” and didn't really impress with “Do You Know Where Your Children Are.” I would love to see him do some separate, non-album remixes, but I feel firmly that Neff-U and John McClain should be the first calls if the estate ever wants to make another album.
I mostly agree. They needed one other producer.

My friend loves Blue Gangsta and listens to MJ now, or at least now we talk about him more lol. So that's something. The music actually still makes people fans now. Even the new versions.
Well the casual listener won't care about any song from that point of view. Because they won't even know about it until they hear it. You think they were chomping at the bit for Hold my Hand or Love Never Felt So Good? The only demo that ever got hyped up that even a person completely out of the loop might've known was A Place With No Name, and that was cause of TMZ.
But even if fans aren't impressed by the song the more they hear it then what are the chances it'll be popular? APWNN used to be one of the most sought after MJ tracks at the time but that wasn't enough and the song even flopped as a single. Just because the song is hyped within the community it doesn't mean anything, it can still be a commercial flop.
How many times am I gonna have to disagree with you on this. I love what Rodney did with the song. It blasts out a speaker now, the horns are great, I love the power of the song now. It's also mastered way better than the Timbo stuff, you can hear every instrument in the song on good speakers and speakers.
First you tell me you like Girlfriend, I Have This Dream and now this? I question your mental sanity.
People say Dangerous is MJ's best album, Speed Demon is a filler and even that MJs concerts are not worth releasing. Do you really want to question his sanity only, my guy?
Yeah because saying it's better than the original version is a personal insult. All the hate is going towards him. 😤
Yeah because saying it's better than the original version is a personal insult. All the hate is going towards him. 😤
I said I like it more. When did I say it was better? I never said it was better. I rate them about the same, composition wise. They both are quality music pieces. But in truth. They're both Rodney beats anyway, MJ didn't primarily compose them like he did mostly his greatest hits. He might've dictated in the studio but still, that's after the fact.

Why are you making yourself mad over something I didn't even say lol. You wanna talk about mental stability?
Are you all saying I've spent the past almost 9 years thinking Timbaland did the Xscape remix and it was in fact Darkchild? I've been trippin this whole time then? Wow.
If he was the one who made that remix I would've understood the Timbaland hate from the beginning lol.
I was seething so much that I couldn't bring myself to read your message properly. But after everything you just said yes, you belong in an asylum.
You wanna see who's bad, Chance to Tears, Dance for Fears?? Come on, let's see who's bad? ? COME ON, LETS GO. YOU AIN'T BAD, YOU AIN'T NOTHIN!!
You have somebody here hating on concerts 24/7 and I should get banned? Bruh, you're having too many nuggets.
I love that you still won't let that go lol. That's gotta be top 5 biggest crimes on MJJCOMMUNITY

Lord Jackson has more fans
I would love to see how Brody Brown reworked Michael Jackson’s unreleased music; he said that he really wanted to be diligent and preserve the spirit of the original songs during a recent interview.
The interview in question; I’m pretty sure it’s been posted here before:

He says that the records he worked on will see the light of day at one point, so that’s good to hear.