The 'addict' picture the media is painting appears to be sticking

Umm so your saying only people with bad life dies? only people who are not well and great dies? haha okay.... and i said that when??
Yes I'm feisty because I have an opinion & I don't understand why It's being thrown in my face,

I never said people with bad lives die, I never ever said that,
:agree:Looking at the definition of "addict", I guess Michael would fit into that category but with special circumstances. We would have to look at the whol picture when it comes to Michael because he only used it under a certain cumstance for a specific amount of time. When he was rehearsing or performing, his adrenaline levels became so high, he would get chronic insomnia. If Dr. Murray had been around Michael long enough to recognize this, he should have been able to find alternate avenenues by which Michael could have calmed himself down enough to be able to either sleep under his own power or at least with minimal drugs. If he really wanted to help Michael, he would have recommend he check into a sleep clinic or tried other ways to calm him like a long hot bath in camomile or something and other techniques that would reduce the adrenaline in his system. Murray knew Propofol was not the answer so why did he make it the solution just because Michael "begged" for it? That was so irresponsible and now we all have had to pay for those stupid actions. :no:
I am not deciding what his life was like but it doesn't take a Genius to work out his life wasn't perfect. The guy is now dead and people are saying he wasn't addicted after he supposedly demanded Propofol and then he died at the hands of an incapable doctor.

Like I care if your sorry or not, it's not BS what I said if his life was good and he was well and great he wouldn't be dead would be!

maybe you need to read that over again ;)

idk maybe this is JUST me but i'm sure no matter what a good life you have and how well you are or great you are, you can die because you're human. and the fact that if people wanted you to be dead and act on it... anyone can die no matter how great they are. ha just saying gurl.
Yes I'm feisty because I have an opinion & I don't understand why It's being thrown in my face,

I never said people with bad lives die, I never ever said that,

HEY!! how about i'll give you some advice...

when you gave your opinions, don't force your opinion on people or say that their opinion are false and total BS.

and okay i am done. don't be misisng me too much fiesty one ;-*
I just wish for all this to come to an end.
In my eyes, I understand why Michael would not be able to sleep. Could anybody imagine the pressure Michael had throughout his whole life. At the moment, Ive got insomnia, Ive got quite abit of stress in my life. Im not touchin anythin as in meds to sort it just incase I become dependable.
Either way, if he was an addict, soo what! He had people after his money and his estate all the time. He'd been accused of being a paedophile twice with a decade. Im surprised he made it to 50.
I thank him for what he did for everyone. If there is a god, he came closest. I dont believe in god, but he was just amazing. As a person, as an artist n as a father.

He is the Greatest Of All Time and always will be. Let him rest.
I At the moment, Ive got insomnia, Ive got quite abit of stress in my life. Im not touchin anythin as in meds to sort it just incase I become dependable.
Either way, if he was an addict, soo what! He had people after his money and his estate all the time. He'd been accused of being a paedophile twice with a decade. Im surprised he made it to 50.
I thank him for what he did for everyone. If there is a god, he came closest. I dont believe in god, but he was just amazing. As a person, as an artist n as a father.

He is the Greatest Of All Time and always will be. Let him rest.

Exactly and I know what you mean as I'm suffering from insomnia too, I finally took sleeping tablets off my doc, took them twice but scared to take them anymore than that as addictive but feel like a zombie with no sleep. I have had some bad stuff happen in my life in the last few years like ill health and bankruptcy and can imagine how Michael might have come to taking those prescription drugs and feel saddened to read people judging him harshly for that as IMO he was strong to put up with what he did have to go through bless him.

I still think the media should focus more on Murray's mistakes and the fact he didn't seem too bothered to save Michael then reporting Murray's testament from that warrant as fact/the truth like they are! Argh!
MJ alone did not cause his death, there was a chain of events involved, and one link on that chain involved MJ being addicted to drugs. He was only human, he had his faults.

However, I don't think the media is doing a decent enough job of coming down on anyone who may have been fueling the addiction. It's not looking good for Murray or any other doctors involved.
But Michael was a drug addict, just because it wasn't cocaine or heroine they were drugs what he was on and he was obviously addicted. No point anyone telling me he wasn't because it's just not right.

Maybe it is obvious to you that Michael was an addict but......that is YOUR opinion. I AM telling you that he WASN'T. You must work for one of the tabloids magazines huh. Because no REAL Michael fan would EVER think Michael was an ADDICT. OBVIOUSLY you did know Michael as well as you thought you did.
My Father suffered from insomnia and I am not kidding when I say it literally drove him crazy. We did everything in our power to help him sleep we even had tried to give him medications to help him and nothing worked. He died two weeks before Michael and I remember thinking after he passed away at last now you will get to rest.

I think Michael was so desperate for sleep he did what he thought would work. We don't know if he tried other options to help him maybe he did or maybe he didn't we will never know. Perhaps yes he was a addict to some degree it is amazing what we will all do to help take the pain away and lets face it Michael had been bashed by the media for years and put through a farce of a trial to this day I do not know how he survived all that crap.

I feel ( my opinion only ) all these people especially doctors knew Michael had a problem and instead of helping him they saw dollar signs and closed there eyes. They had a duty of care to him as they would for any other patient be it you or me and they chose to ignore it and continue to supply him with these drugs.

My opnion of Michael will not change I adore him for his stength and courage and the media are just doing what they have always done BASH Michael.

As I said this is just my opinion sorry if it offends anyone.

My Father suffered from insomnia and I am not kidding when I say it literally drove him crazy. We did everything in our power to help him sleep we even had tried to give him medications to help him and nothing worked. He died two weeks before Michael and I remember thinking after he passed away at last now you will get to rest.

I think Michael was so desperate for sleep he did what he thought would work. We don't know if he tried other options to help him maybe he did or maybe he didn't we will never know. Perhaps yes he was a addict to some degree it is amazing what we will all do to help take the pain away and lets face it Michael had been bashed by the media for years and put through a farce of a trial to this day I do not know how he survived all that crap.

I feel ( my opinion only ) all these people especially doctors knew Michael had a problem and instead of helping him they saw dollar signs and closed there eyes. They had a duty of care to him as they would for any other patient be it you or me and they chose to ignore it and continue to supply him with these drugs.

My opnion of Michael will not change I adore him for his stength and courage and the media are just doing what they have always done BASH Michael.

As I said this is just my opinion sorry if it offends anyone.


Hi Julia :)

A well written post and my thoughts go out to you for losing your father *hug* I too hope now he is at peace. I suffer with insomnia, people think you mean a night here and there but for me its literally every night and whatever I try I'm awake so I can sympathise with how it would have driven Michael mad not being able to sleep especially while rehearsing and dancing lots.

This part you wrote is so true:
"I feel ( my opinion only ) all these people especially doctors knew Michael had a problem and instead of helping him they saw dollar signs and closed there eyes. They had a duty of care to him as they would for any other patient be it you or me and they chose to ignore it and continue to supply him with these drugs."

Michael said it all in his song 'Money' bless him.
I've been on a couple of other forum's over the past few days reading about people's views on Michael... it would appear that the 'addict' that the media are making him out to be is the picture most people are believing. :(
It was like MJ was painted as child molester and the world believed it. Still believe it. Media didn’t temp to correct that even MJ was found not guilty.
It was like MJ was painted as child molester and the world believed it. Still believe it. Media didn’t temp to correct that even MJ was found not guilty.

The media admit to being wrong... gee when they do in a newspaper the article is normally the size of a stamp and on page 40 or something
do people think of elvis as a druggie when they think of him? hell, his pics in vegas are of cute skinny elvis, not chunky doped up elvis.

mj is gone. does it matter what they're say ing right now? what this is showing is that his doctors manipulated his trust, didn't say no,and let a vulnerable man dictate his treatment.
I personally don't believe Michael had been suffered from Insomnia. I DON'T!
It's just the Fu**ing docotor that say Michael was. Why do I have to believe what the fu**er say? It's just an excuse! He wants to justify his own fault!!!
This media addict portrayal is really disgusting to me. I'm watching Cnn and ET at the same time at this moment and guess what both are reporting on. . .'Michael, the drug addict'.

I mean, is there anyone that was around when Elvis first died? Was this what it was like, did they paint him as victim or abuser? Did they blame him or the doctors that gave him these drugs?

I wish everyone would just leave Michael alone. He's gone already. He can't defend himself against people telling lies about him. I mean, are people really that interested in finding out if Michael was addicted to propofol because of his insomnia?

Also, the media says that he is an 'addict' but they don't say anything about the drugs that MJ could have been addicted to. They only talk about propofol and it seems that Michael only needed that for when he was on tour or in this case rehearsing for his tour.

This is just horrible and I HATE DIANE DIAMOND WITH A PASSION. I used to like Entertaiment Tonight, but now I cannot stand it because I always have to see her nasty face and hear her talk sh*t about Michael every night. Well, I stopped watching ET pretty much cuz of her.
"the way i look at it is that theres no proof he was an addict and we wont know officially until the investigation is completed whether all the stories of michael being an addict are true. my feeling is that there were likely multiple doctors and multiple drugs but thats just a theory based on different reports and in lieu of an official verdict and because the investigation is ongoing.

if people want to believe michael was an addict so be it. ive learnt that people can be really stubborn and will believe whatever they want.

the way i see it, if michael was addict does it really change anything? ultimately he was responsbile for his actions and life and over time maybe others will blame him for doing too many drugs like what happened with heath ledger. initially his family were very defensive but after some time passed his own father blamed his son for his death because he was “not being responsible” with the medication he was taking.

if michael was taking too much drugs im sure there was a good reason for it. to live with so much criticism levelled at you from so many people would be near impossible to live with i think. people can only take so much before they have a collapse of some sort and if michael turned to drugs to cope with the world he was living in, so be it. i dont judge him for that and will keep an open mind until the investigation is completed. "

totally agree with this.
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Ya know, I was just thinking about it and I really don't have a problem if Michael was taking perscription drugs for his illnesses or surgeries. Michael's had to deal with a lot of emotional turmoil this past decade as well. So I don't blame him for wanting to 'escape'.

I blame the doctors for being irresponsible and allowing Michael to be irresponsible, that is if some of these outrageous stories that the media is reporting are true.

But I guess what pisses me off the most is that the media is taking whatever tidbit they have and twisting it a thousand different ways and then running with it all over the place. The media is reporting really outrageous stories.

For example, i think the other night I heardon ET or AH or one of those type of shows that Michael would bang his head or limbs on tables and walls to convince doctors that he was in pain so that they would prescribe pain medication to him. They said that Michael would 'self-mutilate' himself. WTF?!
My Father suffered from insomnia and I am not kidding when I say it literally drove him crazy. We did everything in our power to help him sleep we even had tried to give him medications to help him and nothing worked. He died two weeks before Michael and I remember thinking after he passed away at last now you will get to rest.

I think Michael was so desperate for sleep he did what he thought would work. We don't know if he tried other options to help him maybe he did or maybe he didn't we will never know. Perhaps yes he was a addict to some degree it is amazing what we will all do to help take the pain away and lets face it Michael had been bashed by the media for years and put through a farce of a trial to this day I do not know how he survived all that crap.

I feel ( my opinion only ) all these people especially doctors knew Michael had a problem and instead of helping him they saw dollar signs and closed there eyes. They had a duty of care to him as they would for any other patient be it you or me and they chose to ignore it and continue to supply him with these drugs.

My opnion of Michael will not change I adore him for his stength and courage and the media are just doing what they have always done BASH Michael.

As I said this is just my opinion sorry if it offends anyone.


I hear what you say, and its great that you tell the story about your father. Lack of sleep can really drive people crazy, to the point where they do not have the ability to make sensible decisions. And that is the problem here; Michael was surrounded with so many people who did not seem to have his best interest at heart.
However, I think that the picture that the media is painting is that this is "just another drug overdose", and that he was known for "doctor shopping". That is belitteling Michael, and its underestimating the real problem of prescription drug abuse that goes on in so many "normal" peoples life. And the huge amount of money medical companies earn from pushing drugs that in the end do not help, but in fact end up killing people.

And there is another thing; by treating this as a drug overdose, and that Michael was a drug addict it a real possibility that this will not be taken seriously enough. Even if we know what killed Michael, we do not know the sircumstances. We do not know how this happened, and why this happened. And that is very important. Because in this case, there was a doctor present, there is a timeline that do not add up, there is a huge amount of money and power at stake.
This is far more complex then a "drug overdose".

I have been reluctant to give in to the conspiracy theories, as I am usually ready to accept that most thigs that happen is a result of a mix of planned actions and pure coincident. People are usually not able to pull off huge conspiracies, simply because human beings are not that easy to control, not disiplined enough, and too irrational. Its very difficult to predict what people will do, because they often do not shoose the most sensible option- they are instead governed by emotions that are later dressed up as rationality.

In this case however, I do think there are too many things that do not add up. Whatever the real truth about Michaels death is, I fear that we will never know. Simply because there is only two people that know the truth about what happened in the room at the time when Michael died: Michael and "doctor" (?) Murray.
And then the police needs to build their case on the testimonies of people that were not in the room, on the autopsy result, the result from searching the doctors properties, Kleins office, records showing what types of medicine were prescribed to Michael etc... and build a likely picture of events leading up to Michaels death.

However, what about the motive? Money and the fight for positions should be an element in the investigation.

I hope that the "drug overdose" picture do not make the police take the easy option. Because from what I can see with my rather innocent eyes, this case is about mutch more.
I was thinking about it last night - how can we redress Michael's image?

How about a website/blog, listing all the good and positive things about Michael? After all, there are plenty of 'death hoax' blogs out there. It has to be something general that people will find if they Google his name, not on MJJC?

Thanks Slim.... this is the sort of suggestion I was looking for. There already is one great site our there detailing the charitable Michael Jackson: but it's not well publicised.

I think any sort of website should be 'fact' based rather than speculative and should NOT appear to be written by fans (if you know what I mean).
the thing is this 'addict' theory is the easiest cop out for everyone involved except for Michael's family and his children. its alot easier to say Michael was a raving drug addict who overdosed and dies like whos who of hollywood. end of story. what a tragedy blah blah blah.

anything else would mean that you may just have to look at Michael as a victim of poor 'professionals', poeple who he had to 'trust' in partnership doing business etc. and that's just so hard to do to a man who was vilified all his life.

well, get on with these investigations because I want to hear all of it in all its g(l)ory.
the thing is this 'addict' theory is the easiest cop out for everyone involved except for Michael's family and his children. its alot easier to say Michael was a raving drug addict who overdosed and dies like whos who of hollywood. end of story. what a tragedy blah blah blah.

True... it is also the only way AEG will get their insurance payout because it (reportedly) only covered death by overdose. Please, let's not forget that.
Quoting someone from my initital post: "As far as Jackson not's obvious that after several years of taking various types of narcotics your sleep patterns are all messed up...if you are popping 10 or 20 xanex a day...that will mess up your sleep pattern without adding any other drug...

Does anyone know where this rumour has come from? I haven't seen any reports that he was taking Xanex?
Had to turn Sky news off last night as they had changed from in the morning of questioning Murrays behaviour to last night simpercising with him!
They even said Michael called profopol "his milk"
Sadly there are alot of people out there that are gonna believe all this :(
ofcourse I saw enough of people wimpering with Murray...oh poor poor man , how can we put so much pressure on this good doctor, he was only doing what Michael asked him to do. Really that sounds just ridiculous. Im waiting to see the twists and turns
yes poor Murray he's only a victim of this vicious media, let him be free while Michael is sitting in a grave

and they're trying to compare MJ's death with that of Elvis and Heath Ledger but it's NOT the same thing, with all due respect the other two stuffed themselves with pills until they died
Michael was injected by a doctor who was suppose to keep him in GOOD health for the tour Michael cared for his well-being it's a whole different situation adn we still don't know what that doctor did to him
the thing is this 'addict' theory is the easiest cop out for everyone involved except for Michael's family and his children. its alot easier to say Michael was a raving drug addict who overdosed and dies like whos who of hollywood. end of story. what a tragedy blah blah blah.

anything else would mean that you may just have to look at Michael as a victim of poor 'professionals', poeple who he had to 'trust' in partnership doing business etc. and that's just so hard to do to a man who was vilified all his life.

well, get on with these investigations because I want to hear all of it in all its g(l)ory.

i agree with you...but do you think the police and the public can understand that he wasn't just another overdose,that he wouldn't leave his children alone?i would like Michael to be reabilitated for his kids,but it's too hard for the media to do that...
True, I was talking about this with my mum. The death of Elvis and Heath aren't the same as Michael. Michael had a doctor right there with him! Murray was supposed to be looking after him, making sure he didn't die!

and they're trying to compare MJ's death with that of Elvis and Heath Ledger but it's NOT the same thing, with all due respect the other two stuffed themselves with pills until they died
Michael was injected by a doctor who was suppose to keep him in GOOD health for the tour Michael cared for his well-being it's a whole different situation adn we still don't know what that doctor did to him
I've been thinking of making a website/blog like this for ages. That outlines the good he has done etc. and that tells the truth about the accusations and trials, gives people information they wouldnt normally hear.
But even if we made one it would probably be hard for people to find...I'm not sure how you would get it to be placed high up in google search..? We'd have to spread it around.

I was thinking about it last night - how can we redress Michael's image?

How about a website/blog, listing all the good and positive things about Michael? After all, there are plenty of 'death hoax' blogs out there. It has to be something general that people will find if they Google his name, not on MJJC?